Wiserman ago

Another hate crime staged. I wonder how many more of these can be proved to be staged.

TraditionalCode0 ago

All those store fronts defaced during Kristalnacht...........good thing insurance paid the overdue mortgages.

NosebergShekelman ago

oy vey it could've happened, so we had to educate the goytards on the dangers of anti-semitism. It was just a drill, goys!! So calm down. ✡️

LettItBurn ago

It doesn't matter.

The SPLC and ADL will not remove this tick from their tally of (boo-hoo) Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes on the Rise in the Trump Era.

I wouldn't be surprised if they pay these kikes for these fake hate crimes just for that very reason.

sane ago

I just realized that you are probably totally right about no retraction. This will forevermore be a tally count of racist white nazis attacking poor innocent jews.

Orjuan_SC ago

Now let's see how long it takes for the police department investigators to be called Nazis

blackguard19 ago

It’s kind of odd to me that people on this forum and similarly right-wing people will all recognize and call out the classic “hate hoax” like this one, but fail to recognize that the same people who control our media, foreign policy, legal system and many government agencies would and could also fake something like a Muslim terror attack, or other kind of terror attack.

Every time this place spirals into anti-Muslim circlejerking there’s a HUGE chance it’s over a faked incident.

San Bernardino, Nice, Bataclan.... why are these taller about as real events and not correctly discussed as HOAXES? It’s okay to call a hoax a hoax.

Some people have finally realized that Muslims had nothing to do with 9/11. Well even though you can acknowledge this fact, if you still begin circlejerking about Muslims every time something blows up (or a famous cathedral burns down) then it doesn’t matter because the 9/11 psychological brainwashing effect has worked on you.

DontEatSmurffs ago

the issue at hand is who you trust, I tend to blame muslins because wherever they are things go bad rampantly, rape, murder, violence in general, you dont need to be a genious of some sorts to compare EU before and after muslins, you can believe what you want you are free, but making a blind eye for siri lanka and the violence on europe saying "not all the muslins" is really funny for me its even more funny when we have mulsim cults calling for more violence, but as I said before, you are welcome to believe in what you want

blackguard19 ago

For all we know Sri Lanka is just another hoax, the steady combination over the years having led you to the belief that rape, murder, and violence accompany Muslims wherever they go.

I haven’t gotten a chance to study Sri Lanka yet but also haven’t seen any reason whatsoever to think a real attack took place.

Let me be clear I’m not a Muslim apologist. Back in 2015 I wrote my Congressman (as if that did anything) voicing opposition to Muslim immigration.

But if I’m being honest, I have not been affected by Muslim terror or violence and do not know anyone who has. In fact, despite what people may claim with no evidence, I bet no one here even knows anyone who knows anyone who has been affected by Muslim violence.

No one has to like these people or want to live with them. But to fear or hate them, is a Jewish trick.

DontEatSmurffs ago

Being honest is all that matters, Its the only thing that I care is honesty its quite rare these days, Im really sick of people trying to hide their opinions, said that I just cant, muslins in my country at least are a issue more even than jews Imo and im was one of the first in my country to be banned about connecting liberal MSM with jews in 2017-2018 ( when I was finally banned from everything )

sane ago

Facts like that are called "hate thoughts" and can get you fired from many companies. Lots and lots of hard fact irregularities and oddities of 9/11 abound, and yes..... Israel is intertwined with 5 to 7 of the interesting loose threads of the event.

But you better not try to redpill even a trusted work buddy, especially at work.

chunnulingus ago


official_disclaimer ago

The perpetrators should be imprisoned for the hate crime.

sane ago

But society can't now, because the Jews just played their Victim Card , and invoked "Muh Holocaust!" defense.
Its sickening.

smokratez ago

Is there anything more disgusting than a jew?

retto ago

Fakehatecrimes... sounds like a banned subreddit

sane ago

Its DEFINITELY a bannable domain on Jewgle owned sites.
Jewgle goes out of its way to shoah http://FakeHateCrimes.org

vastrightwing ago

"My grandmother's family, they died in the Hall of cost. Just her and her little brother survived, the whole family. We don't joke about that, they were all used as lampshades" she said, through tears.

theoldones ago

they literally got evicted by the landlord for this.

keep the punishment increasing with each incident

shadow332 ago

@sane, you just posted this so I GUARANTEE you this kike will show up in your comments section. @theoldones, you're here a lot, keep an eye out for him.

sane ago

Hmmm,,, I think you found an interesting brazen israel defender ...

"Israeli law does NOT PERMIT marriages between members of different religions within its borders"



and concurs with other web citations.... yet the jew defender Men13 wrote deceptively :


HE TRIED TO CLAIM OTHERWISE USING THE "RACE" card when jews call being a jew a RACE, yet making jew a religion or a race, makes him a liar.

That is honestly a single randomly selected post of his, I read one and only one comment, and looked up its veracity.

I read zero (NONE) of any other posts by Men13

You can disbelieve me or not, I read ONE randomly selected post from 6 days ago, and that was the post, and he is a jew liar.

I have no overly strong negative feelings of most jews, but I despise leftist jews, crypto jews, liar jews, anti-trump jews, and criminal jews.


Thats a 100% proven lie rate. 100% liar. Though an "N count" of only one sample point.

WHAT A LIAR he is.

shadow332 ago

I was telling theoldones, I normally don't comment on libtarded users or Qboomers but something struck me as REALLY off about this account. I've seen tons of accounts but this guy is a JIDF style shill.

sane ago

He either does not care, or will use alternate accounts to lie and deceive from now on, since you are nipping at his heels, outing him using his own recorded written provable jew lies.

shadow332 ago

What bothers me is how old this account is. I guess he's stooped being subtle (I don't think it's a bot).

sane ago

If he were not a fact twister and merely a shit poster, I would not care at all. But this sort of damage ruins voat in a subtle way by smearing the usefulness and credibility of the entire site and making smarter people less likely to hang around voat with "divide and conquer" Israeli defenders spewing deceptions all over.

How Zionists Divide and Conquer https://youtu.be/FJjSzXkm55o

Once again, I am not as upset as you are, but you are correct in the 10 second sample post survey I did. Men13 is a peculiar jew lie spewing account with an unclear agenda.

shadow332 ago

Great points, if you don't mind, I'm going to quote you.

theoldones ago

hmm, this is an interesting one.

shadow332 ago

I normally don't post when there's a butthurt libshit, but this one set off bells for me. If you look at his comment history, I think he might be posting from Israel. He knows way too much about it. He's a 4chan style holohoax poster - smug, name-calling, sarcastic, almost scripted.

sane ago

I love how the guilty jew in interviews starts talking about "The Holocaust" as their defense for the hate hoax!

Its just like them to think that phrase has any more traction left.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Something that never happen 75 years ago.

Oy vey, muh 6 gorillion.

Muh-Shugana ago

What was that one tweet I read recently?

"Hey America, Pay attention when we make holocaust comparisons because WE DON'T DO THAT LIGHTLY"

Yeah, that was the one!

theoldones ago

hippity hoppity

you got evicted off your property

Adminstrater ago

hippity hoppity

jews and holocaustity

nothing but mendacity

sane ago

hippity hoppity

lampshades stopped our progeny

nazi ovens in our bakery

Goys catch us with our Fakery