Coadycannon ago

I was a bernie guy until i watched an epusode of MDE.that changed everything. I didnt know why then but it was the start. God bless all you christians.

newoldwave ago

and Bernie is a left wing commie

Broc_Lia ago

Before the 2016 election he was in favour of closed borders, during the election he flipflopped the open borders and hired illegal staffers, more recently he went back to closed borders again, now he seems to think Israel is racist for wanting to keep the arabs out of their polling booths.

Sanders is schroedinger's politician.

allahead ago

Shape shifting as necessary for his audience.

Kirbyrambo ago

Jew = Sanders blasting Jew = Bebe????? Jews all over stirring the pot. Ever wonder why Levin(joo) on fox has been so out spoken regarding the Mueller report? It is all a show trying to convince the Goy that their are good joos. Don't be fooled!

The_Crusader ago

Disgusting display of anti-semitism. Bernie should be held to account. The media should be all over this.

First_Spear ago

Two vultures fighting over the remains of the dead Republic is all I see here

Adminstrater ago

Everything right of sanders is "right-wing", which is everyone.

feli00 ago

all they elite jew agents

Malagant ago

Is it possible that they are giving themselves enough gas to gas themselves?

ScientiaPotentia ago

Can Voat handle the concept that not all Jews are the same?

RebelJohnny ago

All Jews are Jewy. Look at it this way....

Left wing goyim care most about workers rights and well-being. Left wing Jews care most about trannies and faggots.

Right wing goyim care about industriousness and tradition. Right wing Jews care about wars for Israel and financial capitalism.

They have a left and right like we do, but it’s still a corrupt Jewy version of left and right.

IndigoElectric ago

Who's Jewing who here?

Fetalpig ago

Bernz will say anything to get the Goys shekels.

mattsixteen24 ago

The hypocrisy has reached new heights.

theHubrisOfMan ago

In 2015 Netanyahu admitted that Hitler never intended to exterminate the Jews, kiss expel them.

BarbaricHamSammy ago

Who cares what the Senator from Vermont (who cares about fucking Vermont) says? He's a fucking loser.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Jew fight jew fight!

lord_nougat ago

May the best man win!

Heathcliff ago

He's not wrong

Harbinger88 ago

Much of a muchness. Doesn't matter, Sanders won't become President imo.

lord_nougat ago

Precisely. And exactly the reason why we must "support" him!

trevmon ago

he's right

Blapta ago

From what I have heard, even the Ashkenazim in Israel are often as Berni is. The Mizrahi Jews are different and I think they would sympathize with the alt-right often.

J_Darnley ago

Oh come on! Use the F-word!

lord_nougat ago


NosebergShekelman ago

oh Bernie, you don't fuck with the president of The United States Of America haha Shaloms

TheStapler ago

So... open borders for Israel then?

edistojim ago

Bernie the jew is trying to out jew the head jew. Impossible.

WakandanWizard ago

It is all theater

edistojim ago


SumerBreeze ago

no such thing. you are the fool if you are falling for this farce, as trump is another faggot that would easily give up his children to either of them.

edistojim ago

My point is this is just some game, means nothing. Jews jewing with a jew lover.

Troll ago

Oy vey! That's anudda shoah! Gib 50 billion dollars to Israel so we forget this gigantic insult that killed 6 million in 1995!

Whiteflighter ago

You can talk the talk, but can you walk the walk?

anoncastillo ago

I know this kike is just trying to make me love Israel but damnit I like Netanyahiu a lot more than Bernie.

Ocelot ago

You have too little hatred in your heart, my man.

anoncastillo ago

I know, hate is a healthy and natural part of a balanced emotional diet.

bubby963 ago

Thats where they get you. Both subversive Jew cunts. Just which one aligns to you more.

carlip ago

Begun the Jew wars have. Globalist Jews vs nationalist Jews.

SumerBreeze ago

What do you think the holocaust was? It was zionist operated to cleanse Jews and blame Germany for it.

Tallest_Skil ago

They don’t fight each other. This is theater. We have 6,000 years of historic record to prove it.

carlip ago

Right. The globalists control Russia and Europe the nationalists control the US. Those goy will fight their was but make no mistake it's a war among the Jews.

SumerBreeze ago

wrong - the jew has killed and will kill his brother over table scraps, from Cain and Abel to zionistic puppets.

ForTheUltimate ago

What happens? They pretend? Show me the history.

Tallest_Skil ago

The commandments of the Torah historically reflected on jewish behavior. For example, the jewish holiday of Purim is about the story of Esther. It celebrates the triumph of Mordecai over Haman in the kingdom of Xerxes. Mordecai and Esther were cousins and jews. Haman, genetically, was also a jew. He was a survivor of a group of jews called Amalekites–named after Amalek, the grandson of Esau. Esau was the elder son of Isaac, one of the three jewish patriarchs–some of the most important figures in the religion.

Haman was an advisor to King Xerxes of Persia, whose wife had recently rebuked him and was therefore cast out. Being in need of a new wife, Xerxes chose Esther. Her guardian, Mordecai, offended Haman by disobeying Xerxes’ order to bow in homage to Haman’s promotion. Haman therefore told Xerxes to command the death of “all those in the nation who keep laws separate from the Persians.” Haman specifically meant the jews, but did not name them as this group. Note, again, that Haman was a jew. Mordecai discovered Haman’s plot and spoke to Queen Esther, begging her to appeal to Xerxes. She went before the king and exposed Haman’s plot, revealing that she and her people are the ones to be killed. Xerxes rose in rage and commanded Haman have his ears severed and be hanged. But this is not the end.

Mordecai was granted Haman’s position, and Xerxes commanded the plot to kill jews be undone before it is acted upon. He decreed that Mordecai may write a letter in his name and distribute it through the kingdom to do so, saying whatever he wishes. Mordecai wrote that the jews are allowed to kill anyone–man, woman, or child–who would assault them, and allowed to take anything they owned. And as it was written, the jews of the kingdom of Persia slaughtered 75,000 Persians, because a jew, Esther, convinced Xerxes to let jews kill his own people. The festival of Purim was established thereafter, celebrating this time. Today, jews cook and eat dumplings to symbolize Haman’s severed ears. They also celebrate the hanging of Haman–and all the non-jews–by hanging effigies around their homes.

The story of Hanukkah is similar. Most know it as a celebration of oil lamps that burned longer than they should have during a military siege. That military conflict was somewhere near Syria, and was, again, between two jewish groups. One wanted to accept the new Greek/Hellenic mandatory language laws in the area. The other group didn’t want to integrate, but they did speak enough of the local language to convince half of the locals into civil war. The surviving group of jews–that which did not integrate–turned it into a story about “overcoming oppression.”

The last example of this in history was Weimar Germany, between the world wars of the 20th century. In Weimar lived both marxist jews and zionist jews. The marxists wanted to stay in Germany and ride the debased nation into their predicted economic utopia. The zionists demanded that every jew devote their lives to moving to Palestine to establish a homeland. Weimar Germany had a rule that any citizen could emigrate, but they had to leave all material wealth behind to prop up the economy. The zionists were stuck until Adolf Hitler came to power. In 1933, the jews of Germany made a deal with the national socialist government called the Haavara Agreement. It stated that as long as jews used their money to buy German supplies, they could take their possessions with them and leave for Palestine. Take a moment. Think about your education. Certain things you’ve just read don’t sound like what you have been told about jews, Germany, and national socialism. But this is historical fact. The zionist jews “betrayed” the marxist jews. In response, the marxists fled Germany anyway. They still wanted to establish more communist states elsewhere. Instead of going to Palestine, the jews of the Frankfurt School moved into the nations of the West and went to work for the OSS.

Is a trend appearing? In short, when one group of jews gets tired of another, they each declare the other to be “akum”–another of their words for pagans. They consider each other vermin, by jewish rabbinical law. They then demand that the local non-jews take sides. Each side has to save the “real jews” from the “akum.” When the dust settles and the goyim have killed each other, both jewish groups record that they had “been oppressed” by the non-jews and simply “overcame their oppressors.”

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mleczko ago

Quality post mate

Kregan ago

Very well written Tallest. Those are the posts I enjoy from you.

RockmanRaiden ago

This is correct. No matter how much of the Old Testament has been subverted, the themes remain consistent.

The Jew takes pride in the perception of oppression, and sees it everywhere. Saul Alinsky's work merely taught the goyum to see the world this way, and act upon it.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Sure. Don’t wars make bodies?

What’s the casualty count in this “jew war”?

SumerBreeze ago

Every jew killed in Europe was decided beforehand by zionists and blamed on Germany.

kingdomhearts123 ago

Sounds like you’re talking about the 20th century. The post I was responding to used “have begun” like it was a recent thing.

godamn ago

Who is Jesus?

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

A Jew

Tallest_Skil ago

An antisemite.

dawnbandit1 ago

Yep, Jesus would 100% be labeled an anti-Semite if he came down today.

carlip ago

A fairy tale

Aprioned ago

Why is a Jew shitting on a Jew? Is this peak theatrics?

headfire ago

I believe he doesn’t mean it. It is theatre for his own pres. campaign (which will be an entertaining failure no matter what he does).

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Sanders is a globalist like Soros. Netanyahu is a Zionist Jew. Globalist support Democrats. Zionist support Republicans.

RebelJohnny ago

It’s more about diaspora Jews vs. Israeli Jews. When Jews live in white countries, they push diversity and anti-racism, when they live in Israel they push zionism and Jewish supremacy.

Yuke ago

But ultimately what the globalist Jews do will be to the benefit of the Zionist jews, so...

They're on the same fucking side and always will be.

Triumph_of_Will ago

This is the answer. Jews have heated debates in the same way two vultures fight over a carcass.

The reason this is so effective is because when people see how shitty Netty is they vote for Bernie, and when they disagree with Bernie they vote for a Shabbos goy like Trump. Either way, right or left, it's two legs of the same golem walking towards the cliff.

Murdoch Murdoch had a great episode on this. It's long but at the end there's a scene that explains how you need to have a 3rd position outside of left-right.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

That was art up there with Wagner.

spaceman84 ago

(((Abraham Lincoln))) vs the CSA and their merchant friends is my favorite.

Remember goys, war is good for (((the economy))).

SumerBreeze ago

You should research rabbi Ovadia Yosef - zionists will easily kill a jew if the jew doesn't follow the Zionist plan.

PMmeforStalagEdition ago

capitalising jew

They are kikes. And this neanderkike isnt wrong, having bloodtests for citizenship would be defined as rightwing. It should also be regarded as normal and mandatory.

Aprioned ago

That's autocorrect doing it's thing

Conspirologist ago

For 2000 years "divide & conquer" tactic was successeful. Why stop now?

Turkeypotato ago

Oh vey goyim I'm not like the bad jew I'm the gud juw fellow goyim. Elect me and kikistan will receive less shekles

Son_Of_Hate ago

FEWER shekles. We're Nazis about everything here.