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Frostgrip ago

Our people are under's incredible to watch...we already a small minority of the world...and every one of our spaces is being destroyed.

gerberlyfe ago

12% and dwindling fast. No home.

Frostgrip ago

I'll live long enough to see the shooting start.

Tallest_Skil ago

Will you? Because whites haven't done a damn thing in over 70 years, and we've been being exterminated for long before that.

Frostgrip ago

Depends on how the censorship battle doesn't look good though. Racial awareness is raising...who knows.

Rawrination ago

The shooting has been going on for a while. I just hope that CC wasn't a one off of return fire. Whites can only go so low before the kikes kill us all, or completely enslave us.

Frostgrip ago

That can't kill us out right, they tried that in over 100 countries and have been kicked out. They destroyed us from the inside this borders...destruction of family.

Wage slave is the path for us...there will be more killing, they will increase dramatically, and politicians will cuck and move to disarm. It'll be bad days...dark days...the end will come harshly for the white man.

Rawrination ago

And if whites don't set aside fear and suicidal altruism, we'll be lucky to be an exhibit in a museum.

I think this is the end game. WW3 coming down the pipe because that's what the kikes want. They have openly declared the intention to wipe out 90% of the human race and rule over the ashes. IF we don't overcome all the chemical and mental conditioning and wipe them out first.