superspathi ago

Didn't these stupid fuckers watch game of thrones?

"When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar; you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say." - Tyrion Lannister

Sallywuffs ago

That was fast.

Why does it take decades to convict killers and less than a week to convict a guy sending a video of a crime ?

DaveisLove ago

Take control they said, It will be good they said. That charge is worst that murder. It will back fire on their asses

myshpqmc ago

Relaxed, dude, no one likes truth, just as America loves rapists and Islamic serial artistic killers who are rich and thus a good ally, as all knows.

Rape is nothing and coward USA would let communist rapist free, which is often banned to speak in redd*t.

US supplied bomb that killed 40 children on Yemen school bus , with smart missiles which are smart enough to recognize and kill easy-to-kill children to show US has balls when being fucked off by hard-to-kill Russians.

​Slow coward failure America likes to make the war as long as possible, already said far far more earlier and banned.

Is slow coward USA doing the same thing that USA just waits a few months until China yuan is down 10% to $, then dares to tax 10% on $505 billions, and thus gets 10%-10%=0% in real trade? After all, USA has loved China communists and their ZTE for decades. My English is so bad?

​1, USA shouts that USA would put tariff on $500 billion goods made in China to change anti-freedom trade with China.

2, China devalues (downs) its currency yuan 10% to USA currency $.

3, then USA dares to really put tariff 10%, and gets nothing in real trade because 10%-10%=0%, which means that prices of goods made in China are decreased 10% by means of China government devaluing yuan 10%, and prices of goods made in China are increased 10% by meanings of USA government putting tariff 10% on all, and thus prices in trade not changed in total.

​4, ZTE is always controlled by China communists, and sells anti-freedom system to Iran and Korea, and banned by USA and then supported by USA at last.

Just the first sentence I said, if you cannot read more sentences. "Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and thus make USA fail eventually."

Coward USA is too slow, which would make the war last long and make USA fail. China yuan is already down 4% to USA dollar. So the real tariff in trade would be 10%-4%*500/200=0% for the new 10% tariff on $200 billions of China goods.

Notice: $500 billions is the minimal of goods made in China exported to USA. So China yuan downing (or devaluation of China currency to America currency, now about 4% down) affects more than $500 billions goods exported to USA, but new tariffs expected only affects $200 billions goods exported to USA. So the result of the new tariffs on the whole trade of goods made in China but exported to America here is only 10%-4%*500/200=0%.

Maybe USA can keep torturing Children (news about immigrants) and infants (news about USA believing cow milk is much better than mother milk or breast milk for infants), and make China communists keep stealing $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA every year, since all these would make America great again.

Is USA a coward failure only shouting 200 billion and shouting 500 billion with doing nothing real while China communists have been keeping beating USA?

The simplest example in life to see the unfair robbery nature of China communists...(rob money from Chinese,rob work from American)

If you transfer money from banks not in China (for example, D) to China bank,Zero fee. But if you transfer back,that's to say, if you transfer money from China bank to banks not in China (for example,D), very high fee. That's the fairness? So, we got to know why China bank would not like fair competition with other banks, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact : China top four communist banks are the four biggest and richest banks all over the world. )

China bank says: If you transfer money out of mainland,for example, if you transfer money to USA , the fee is 1‰, 50¥ at least for each.And there is also tele fee,150¥ each time. And there also may be other fees. ​ So, if you are a Chinese and want to buy an American goods, you transfer 500¥ to your account outside China, and China bank just simply takes off more than 200¥ from you just because you want to buy an American goods. Moreover, if you take this American goods back to China, you may face high tax by China communists as well. So, we got to know why China goods would not like fair competition with USA goods, and China communists did unfair competition very well. (By the way, there is a little fact: China communists legally steal $375 billions and millions of American jobs from USA in 2017 by anti-freedom trade.) ​And all above here lasts for decades!

Seen in "China government has legally stolen 375.23 billions from USA in a single year..."

​Edit:I take no order from anyone. For those super Nazis, Can you and the followers read English?

​ Or you just don't want true free trade without tariffs?

Come on, Nazis and racists and communists, just ignore the truth, attack me and remove.

If no reply or late reply or this removed, blame redd&t or vo&t or the net, not blame me, because its not my control, and sometimes because "Your account has been suspended from Reddit" or "you can't reply one in 9 minutes" or "You have been banned from participating in r/***" or "You have reached your daily comment quota. Your current quota is 10 comment(s) per 24 hours." which could also be false for you did not make 10 comments a day but you still cannot reply.

think- ago

It's breathtaking to see how quickly they were able to charge people with sharing footage. Compared to the time it usually takes when they investigate pedophiles.

Final confirmation that the shooting was plotted by intelligence services.

jimibulgin ago

A true patriot. How can I contribute to his legal defense?

northportage ago

I am absolutely astonished and horrified at watching the English Commonwealth nations turn totalitarian. I have no interest in watching that video but that man is a political prisoner who has been gulaged by a despotic government that must be overthrown because they have overstepped any reasonable use of power.

Garglemysac ago

Shit like this is just going to push more people into hating mudslime and that's just fine by me.

kammmmak ago

Who the fuck decides this into law.

Crayonall9t ago

«Judge Stephen O'Driscoll granted a police request to clear the public gallery for the hearing.

The courtroom was heavily guarded by security.»


stealthninjataliban ago

Where is the crowd sourced fundraiser for his lawyer?

Shadowman1 ago

Saying prayer inside their parliament and the politicians using their words, that's their foot in the door now and they were invited in.

bnard88 ago

We need to offer the Kiwis political asylum to the US, just like South Africa

eongoat ago

oh how convenient, he's a "Nazi"

Dismal_Swamp ago

They want to lock up all the Men that will be the first to buck on them when the water starts to boil.

Cat-hax ago

Welp we have gone 150% retarded, didn't think it would happen

KDs_Other_Burner ago

This is some whack shit, you literally can steal cars, sell drugs and when you get caught expect to serve your sentence "in the community". Meanwhile this guy rots in prison for doing literally nothing to hurt anybody. This guy is about as far from a threat to the community as it is possible to get and they have locked him up regardless. This shit happens all the time, it's disturbing how passively most accept this going on.

facepaint ago

This guy has a history.

Philip Neville Arps filmed as he and two men delivered the box of pig's heads

Iornukrum ago

So he is also a paragon of the community, delivering alms in times if need. Meat off a pigs head is a delicacy.

acheron2012 ago

This is why the first amendment is the most important words ever written. And yes. The second amendment is the second most important.

ElvisP ago

Congrats NZ the shooter won

AlternateSelection ago

These bastards are trying like hell to shove this FF event down the memory hole. Why? Also, we now know there is no difference between NZ and communist China or old Soviet Union. I never would have guessed this. Freedom is an illusion.

Harbinger88 ago

Nothing more infuriating than punishing your own people for nothing to appease the invaders. Anti-European traitors are everywhere.

bluedeath ago

These pathetic Monarch slave countries are finding out that their imagined freedom was just that. They never bothered to fight for it so it never existed. While the corruption is spreading rapidly here in the USA at least we have our rights written down and backed by precedent which is the only thing holding off the Marxists for now. This corruption hates the 1st and 2nd amendment more than anything. Violence and chaos will spread through every territory that has Queen Swamp Ass on their money as the only thing that has ever held it bay has been the illusion of justice and fairness that is crumbling.

CowWithBeef ago

I bet the people arrested were already targeted for their white identity persuasiveness. The powerful never waste a tragedy.

Yuke ago

So they want to destroy a man's whole life for sharing one video. The people of New Zealand should make a stand against this shit.

drozzxd ago

I would kill over this but something tells me those faggots dont care and probably support the sentence.

oligarchsalamander ago

I won't hold my breath. Look at for far the UK has fallen nobody there has stood up to it yet.

Yuke ago

We have to start doing something or this will only get worse and worse. The problem with the UK is that the criminalization of certain language has us tied up. Simply talking about things is not allowed. How do you wake and rise as one against something if you can't gather, discuss and physically do something about it because you've already been criminalized for the words you've used? That should be a message and a lesson for America and anywhere else that has some semblance of free speech left: if they take that they essentially take everything. I only wish I was more awake to it 10-15 years ago and that many others were as well.

Stinkywizzleteets6 ago

Runs an insulation buisness with nazi symbols as the logo? Sounds legit.

Pulverizor ago


waringi ago

This is now "Tiannemen Square Massacre" for New Zealanders. They can never speak of it again. If you want to get Kiwis off your chat or webpage, just post the video or even mention it by name. Boom. Kiwis panic.

What a joke of a country.

HeavyBrain ago

What a joke of a country.

And yet I can't laugh about it as mine and all the countries around me going down the same path.

The US is having its own version of this too.

xWyld ago

As much as I hate that America is essentially an Israeli soldier farm... at least I'm free to shitpost

HeavyBrain ago


Never get too comfy, shit might turn real ugly real fast.

Best example is Reddit, for a long time they were kinda meh, and one day comerad patsy Pow shows up and everything goes down the shitter in mach 5.0

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Ah, NZ staying on course and embracing the full retard-mentality I see.

When you risk getting a life sentences for what most consider a non-crime, some will argue that you may just go all in and pull something really heavy since there's no difference in punishment anyway.

TraditionalCode0 ago

Don't automatically assume this story either. There wasn't enought time to pass a law to cover this was there? Or even an E.O.? Lightning fast, if so. And why tag a guy who uses the Black Sun as a business logo as claimed? What directed them to him out of all people? To say he's been under watch is saying he's patsy material in any case. Has there been such a law actually passed or declared in NZ? No bail for breaking a non-law? Could this guy be posing as a willing 'defendent' who'll plead guilty to order to set a precedent and make it look good? Ala Alex Jones vs Sandy Hook 'victim' families ?

Black Sun symbol is the key to this pretzel Just like the symbol..........the hidden/occult side instead of what is visible.

Look at a pic of the Photo op perpwalk or Parade of Tramps in the jfk assass .....................being led by a cop who's flashing the 666 "all is well/okay" sign.......

And does the NZ PM have a cockle like MuhShell ?

Who volunteers to go Down Under and take a look?

Doglegwarrior ago

Are we all missing the point that they are selectivily charging people who have opinions against the narritive? Thry are not arresting everyone who watched or spread the video they are fucking arresting racist islamaphone bigots only. This is fucking pathetic and we need to go to war with new zealand!! Ohh shit forgot the jews run our country and they will pick who we go tonwar with. Shit i got excited for a second.

ClearHouse123 ago

Ohh terrible.

Dinosaurium ago

Is there a way we can contribute to the legal costs of these ridiculous cases?

foxyfux ago

if you live in nz you should actually think about moving. and the worse is, other countries are next. also we're probably fucked.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Where would you go though? Hungary? Poland? The easiest place for a kiwi to move to is Australia, and OZ is just as bad or worse than Kiwiland. Other commonwealth countries? Forget it. UK is the worst of them all, with Canada in a mad dash to catch up.

Every white country on Earth is cucked, some just slightly less than others.

foxyfux ago

die fighting. theres no place to escape. escape is for cowards anyway and how we ended up like this to begin with. then if victorious institute even stronger garantees. including that only service garantees citizenship.

matthew-- ago

This. There's no-where left to run. This is our last stand.

Get your targets right. It is, and always will be, the politicians that are responsible for this shit.

Zealot-goy ago

The culling begins you goyim. Heil Israel.

yt4cz9 ago

They are trying to scare people with the court system. What kikes are behind this? Until the courts are afraid of us, this will continue to happen.

Kalergi ago

Kritarchy, also called kritocracy or dikastocracy, is a system of rule by judges (Hebrew: שופטים, shoftim) in the tribal confederacy of ancient Israel during the period of time described in the Book of Judges, following Joshua's conquest of Canaan and prior to the united monarchy under Saul.

hillaryisabitch ago

When the people fear the government, you get tyranny. When the government fear the people, you get liberty.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

What video?

This video??

edistojim ago

Way to go New Zealand, fighting the REALLY serious crime.

gerberlyfe ago


Othmar_Regin ago

How come they did not blur out his face?!

facepaint ago

Probably because he was convicted before for filming a couple buddies dropping off pig heads at one of those mosques.

HeavyBrain ago

Because in case the DA/ Judge doesnt go to hard on him for whatever reason, or his lawyer dies a good job so that the muds and Antifa know who they have to hunt.

Hand_of_Node ago

He should kill them all when he gets a chance. And definitely live stream it. They're worse than the moslems.

matthew-- ago


Don't waste your time attacking the sand niggers, it's not going to change anything. Go after the fucking politicians and heads of police that are pulling the strings.

teninchblacknthick ago

If he shared videos of whites being beheaded, he might have gotten a citizenship award in New Zealand.

GapingAnus ago

An even worse punishment, if you ask me.

Scornful_One ago

No, it could be way worse. He could have gotten citizenship in Sweden.

HeavyBrain ago

It depends, if he himselfe produces enough of those videos it could be worth something again.

Frostgrip ago

Our people are under's incredible to watch...we already a small minority of the world...and every one of our spaces is being destroyed.

gerberlyfe ago

12% and dwindling fast. No home.

Frostgrip ago

I'll live long enough to see the shooting start.

Tallest_Skil ago

Will you? Because whites haven't done a damn thing in over 70 years, and we've been being exterminated for long before that.

Frostgrip ago

Depends on how the censorship battle doesn't look good though. Racial awareness is raising...who knows.

Rawrination ago

The shooting has been going on for a while. I just hope that CC wasn't a one off of return fire. Whites can only go so low before the kikes kill us all, or completely enslave us.

Frostgrip ago

That can't kill us out right, they tried that in over 100 countries and have been kicked out. They destroyed us from the inside this borders...destruction of family.

Wage slave is the path for us...there will be more killing, they will increase dramatically, and politicians will cuck and move to disarm. It'll be bad days...dark days...the end will come harshly for the white man.

Rawrination ago

And if whites don't set aside fear and suicidal altruism, we'll be lucky to be an exhibit in a museum.

I think this is the end game. WW3 coming down the pipe because that's what the kikes want. They have openly declared the intention to wipe out 90% of the human race and rule over the ashes. IF we don't overcome all the chemical and mental conditioning and wipe them out first.

RvBMan ago

Point out to everyone that mentions the shooting - this guy is being put away longer than a murderer, a rapist, even longer than members of the pedophile gangs.

This isn’t justice, it’s making an example.

think- ago

This isn’t justice, it’s making an example.


Art1cBear ago

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's not an example, it's a precedent. That precedent being, "anyone who stands up against the evil of the (((government))) will have their life destroyed and possibly face death (he could easily be killed in prison), so if you are going to do something, go ahead and go all the way with it. Your life is forfeit either way."

HeavyBrain ago

Should have killed the cops and mead a plea deal, admitting to murder.

Deplorablepoetry ago

You collected 3 downvotes.

I’m fairly certain it was not spelling police (mead) Lol .., no dude, I think it is the real police that down voted your comment.

Notice though, not one of the coward pigs that stink up this site have the courage to say anything to you, typical pigs.

Cheers man!

..oh, and the only good pig is a dead pig......, mmmmmm bacon!!!

ElvisP ago

Deep down many those police know what they are being told to do is wrong. But they don't dare dissent or even say anything. Worthless cowards

Deplorablepoetry ago

I read a recent article that stated the suicide rate of French police has risen dramatically since the yellow vest citizens have shown their bravery in marching against the globalists and their army of cowards.

Cowards through and through.

Too ashamed to live they choose the cowards way out, typical pigs.

That being said, I more than support police suicide, I encourage it.

Problem is, pigs will pig, their shame is their badge of courage.

HeavyBrain ago

Dont know about the US or anywhere else but being a gov employee in Europe is a sweet deal and you will always get your money, there paractically is no shut down.

And once you got the status of gove employeed you are almost untouchable money wise.

So here they do it because its convenient.

Maroonsaint ago

Who do you thinks gonna die first? Europe or America? Cause see we got the worst of the worst nigger wise. Also we got mexicans and everyone else were the most migrated toncountru on the planet. But then you guys are getting an Islamic dildo shoved up your asses. I just want it to end. How did we go so long and now I’m out life times this happens. It’s so fuckin unfair

HeavyBrain ago

Not only that, our gibz are bottomless for muds.

You have guns, many guys with military experince and you can go innawoods. But it doesn't mean shit when you don't stand up or get rid of the loud mouth college degenerates.

Europe has very little going ex-vet wise and that what we have are mostly soft pussies, we are living very densely populated and can't organize with eachouter.

But we have a land gate to Asia, so there is that.

I think Europe will fall first, because if not the muds the chinks will crush us buying up everything, or while North America is busy the Russians come in to spite the Chinks.

Kalergi ago

Mmmmmm... fiat money with pictures of dead people's faces.

thatguyiam ago

The fucking system has gone insane in the membrane

think- ago

I'm afraid there is some logic behind it.

Tallest_Skil ago

Explain claim.

copper_spartan ago


Fullmetal ago

ooooooo! I member!

copper_spartan ago

Strange to get down votes on Voat for not being familiar with nonsensical Jew music.

uvulectomy ago

Insane in the brain.

tokui ago

They fear the white male. Even more, they truly fear the white male collective.

Know your power!!

KingOfTheCorpses ago

We need to remind them why they truly fear us. Not because we think they're a bunch of nigger-faggots and should stop being so flamboyant, but because we can wipe them out unlike any other demographic.

insanitea ago

If only most men didn't wank it all away.

WisDumb ago

Another reason to stay the hell away from facebook.

WisDumb ago

Something in that video that NZ officials don't want seen , lest someone pieces it together with something nefarious.

brandnewset ago

They don't want you to see 200 people run out a fire exit in 15 seconds

Othmar_Regin ago

They don't want to see a White fighting back

WhiteWolfSS ago


Corpse_washer ago

New Zealand is kill

120050HH ago

That cuntry should be dead to white people. Fuck new zealand.

Girthcontrol ago

It's controlled by the same NWO power structure in place as other pozzed western governments

Kalergi ago

neigh, neigh!

Iornukrum ago

Interesting tidbit: his company logo seems to be the black sun. I like him.

fortuitouslyunfallen ago

I think the hosting provider suspended his account....

Strange fucking times.

Iornukrum ago

Yep, suspended today. It was still up a few hours ago.

Kalergi ago

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel "), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance. Its design is based on a sun wheel incorporated in a ...

Pubiclouse ago


Kalergi ago

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for "Sun Wheel"), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance. Its design is based on a sun wheel incorporated in a floor of Wewelsburg Castle during the Nazi era. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism - but not necessarily in a racial or neo-Nazi context. Despite its contemporary use, the Black Sun had not been identified with the ornament in the Wewelsburg before 1991, although it had been discussed as an esoteric concept in neo-Nazi circles since the 1950s.

noworldorder ago

And this is probably the primary reason they're going to throw the book at him.

When he shared the video, he likely had agreeable things to say about the shooter.

I mean, this guy wasn't the only New Zealander who shared the video, right? He can't be. But he's the only one they arrested for it, yes?

Think about this.

Fullmetal ago

It's worse than that. Read more into the background of this. He's been in the news before. And because of the van.

IIRC, because I'm not going to bother finding the link, that van was in the news not very long ago because snowflakes were whining about the "Nazi" symbol on his van. Turns out he bought the van recently, it already had the Nazi shit on it, and he simply hasn't earned enough money to get it repainted.

Fucking media destroyed his business over that shit, and now he's been "shockingly" arrested for this shit.

That guy has obviously pissed off the wrong people, but I don't think he's done anything that most other countries would actually consider criminal.

edgydude69 ago

He was installing for $14.88 per metre! Too based!

edgydude69 ago

I just realized they’re threatening 14 years jail! 14!!!

yellowthread ago

Finally a contractor you can trust

TheTrigger ago

He's your first and final solution.

NeoGoat ago

You're not serious. Are you?

Dismal_Swamp ago

I always thought starting a Nazi themed HVAC company would be a great idea but now I’m having second thoughts.....

LDIP ago

Your superheat is very high Mr Sheckelstein 👌

Dismal_Swamp ago

How would you like to borrow some money at 35% interest goy, I mean fellow white man...

LDIP ago

Sure! Just let me install a "boiler" for you at a reduced price and we have a deal

Dismal_Swamp ago

I’m sure we can come up with the Reich price for the job.....

LDIP ago

I'll do it for $1488 truly a deal rabbi!

Dismal_Swamp ago

I’m allergic to manual labor so you’ll have to install it during the day while I’m at the diamond shop / cash checking store. Just leave an invoice and I’ll pay you later.....

LDIP ago

Thank you sir I appreciate the business 👍 when you come home take a look I'm sure you'll be very happy with the ove... Boiler I've installed! Don't forget to close the door behind you to feel the heat!

TheTrigger ago

Well, if you live in the states, you won't get arrested for your opinion. Plenty of hate-mail, but that's it. I say do it up.

Fischer_King ago

That is awesome, too bad the rest of the article is faggy as hell. The "you are us" picture made me want to vomit.

Sburban_Shitposter ago

fucking based