Gringojones ago

The more effective approach would be to go after those who not only allowed, but created the flow of invaders.

superspathi ago

This is the greatest thing I've ever seen.

6h057 ago

This is not how you react to "invaders". Fuck every one of you that's praising this lunatic, his actions are going to make it even harder for everyone else to get guns. And now guess what happens after we can't get guns anymore? The government has all the guns and can tell us to bend over wherever and whenever they want.

onezeno ago

Agreed, we should be preparing for the collapse. The left are going to lose their fucking minds. Brace for gun control and seizure of our websites.

Hand_of_Node ago

This is one way, among others.

superspathi ago

How come they don't already have guns?

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

his actions are going to make it even harder for everyone else to get guns. And now guess what happens after we can't get guns anymore? The government has all the guns and can tell us to bend over wherever and whenever they want.

When you bend over and let the Government do whatever they want out of fear of losing your guns then your guns are pointless. A weapon that'll never be used is no different than no weapon at all.

a100167 ago

Godspeed crusader.

Goathole ago

oh yeah. spraying the roaches.

Seventh_Jim ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Also see this post:

Tallest_Skil ago

This is New Zealand's Port Arthur Shooting. Expect all guns to be banned tomorrow.

WatchRyder ago

Yeah unfortunately this might be the blowback. Semi-Auto Rifles are pretty much shall issue over there, similar to how Oz was prior to Port Arthur Shooting.

Hand_of_Node ago

Hopefully not, but people might have to become more creative.

Food_Stamp ago


thelma ago

To say the least.

Pooh_on_a_Jew ago

Aaannddd suspiciously reads like insane rambling. Yet another plot by the Left to convince everybody that people with guns must be unhinged.

This shit reads like a book. To take the fight to the Invaders themselves.

He's not on our side. He's obviously working for the enemy

Hand_of_Node ago

We don't know if he was working for anybody or not, but we all know it's going to come to a massive civil war eventually. Might be better if it happens while we still have some numbers.