boekanier ago

It's the same in the rest of europe. Most people don't know what comes to them.

outrider787 ago

That's because the ignorant French, unlike America, won't allow demographics to be published for any towns or cities, and that's because after WW II France citing Nazi Germany's racial laws, thought demographics would lead to fascism--French gov't is ignorant beyond belief---The first thing we did before moving to another town was check the Demographics, we only accepted 1% blacks or less, and we've been very happy here for 11 years now

Silencedmajor ago

25% is quite a lot. A revolution doesn't need that high a percentage. I wish even 5% of the people I knew in my life were aware of globalist machinations.

fuckmyreddit ago

Or maybe there needs to be a French language version of Voat. @PuttItOut got any canuck friends? Is there any way to make a frog version of Voat? You could use the same format as Voat but make it anonymous or have an anonymous option for Europeans and tell them to use VPM VRL whatever or tell them that anyone can be traced so word responses accordingly. You would probably need a small group of fluent frog-speakers to get it going. But I suppose the EU might block access. So... just something to think about. Europeans need a place with free speech too.

Landrictree ago

Mass media is serving it's purpose too well.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Herbavore herd mentality, gotta stay with the herd or I'll be an outcast.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Democracy is the god that failed.

Gargilius ago

By the way, when you have a chance, do check out Jared Diamond's book 'Collapse' -- amusingly, the author being a bit on the SJW end of the spectrum, he inadvertently makes interestingly red pilled points: in particular his analysis that one of the common characteristics of failing societies/civilizations -- and he reviews a few -- is an elite whose self interest no longer aligns with the interests of the people they are ruling. Sounds familiar?

jollux ago

(((Jared Diamond)))

shawnfromnh69 ago

Problem is that the French Government will soon realize that people will stop visiting France because they are finally realizing France that was a once great tourism for rich people that wanted to bath in the culture and beauty of France are just going to spend their money on a more stable and friendly location like Tokyo where the people are highly civil and their rich culture is still in place even though you'll have to go to a few different places they are all safe and clean. France is going to have to follow Italy if they want to save their country. Another location in a few years might be visiting Italy again but they'll have to remove the problem muslims first and possibly dump the EU membership. Now unlike the UK Italy will just say fuckoff we're not waiting and just tear up the treaty and block their borders and ignore the EU rants of you can't do that because if they wanted to the italian government could put the call out to the old Mafia families to lend a hand and I would not want to be an EU head waking up with a horses head next to me.

Atomized_Individual ago

Mafia was human trafficking migrants

Gargilius ago

...I am not sure there remains as much as 25% of the population who is still french, so that checks out.

Source : I was there last week.

TeddyJackson ago

To free the people from the control of such “elders” or anyone who might want to religiously enslave them.

What's it like being completely retarded? The priests are such elders and religiously enslaved all of Europe and then spread their cancer to the new world and Asia. They preach different rules for different classes of people, socialism, turning the other cheek, giving unto Caesar, don't be rich or you can't get into heaven, send money to Africa, let in the Africans, ignore what the Jews do, all while stealing pagan rites, hoarding money at the church, keeping secret libraries, and raping kids.

FunPolice ago

Combination of being aware and being courageous enough to admit their true feelings publicly despite the threat of incarceration.


Come on, do I have to put everything in brackets? Everyone should know by now that each and every alphabet agency is just a front for Israel.

Walk1 ago

The white race usually is ignorant of who it is and what its fate might be which means its chance of surviving is far slimmer than the other races. There needs to be something that drive us forward and gives some hope that the white race might be preserved.

fuckmyreddit ago

That's exactly why Christianity exists.

Do we really need a religion to tell us what to do? What if all religions were invented for the slaves to keep them from thinking for themselves? Too harsh. What if all religious books were corrected and tweaked to change their meaning? Christians as a group did not read Latin or any language back in the day.

You are freeing yourself from one elder and enslaving yourself with another elder. Probably too hard to explain in a few sentences.

Fagtardicus ago

someone has a dirty little secret and religion is somehow preventing/frustrating/inconveniencing him from doing it

Gorillion ago

Is there a version of Dunning-Kruger that maps to "Cultural" self regard I wonder?
Like, the less you really understand about human nature, the more you buy into multiculti bullshit.

Frenchies like to think of themselves as Cultured and Enlightened. More worldly and sophisticated than their white cousins elsewhere in the Western hemisphere. And yet they weren't fucking sharp enough to see this shit happening right under their noses? And apparently STILL aren't.

MassTooter ago

Only 25%? Thank God the number is that high or even higher! I think this is great. It can't take too much more time for this to spread.

drstrangegov ago

I'm glad you get it. Sometimes I think the world is full of idiots. Do you know what comes next? Blood.

TeddyJackson ago

Priests rape kids and never named the jew. Go fuck yourself you ignorant retard.

drstrangegov ago

It's not the Jews, you ((ignorant))) retard. It's the synagogue of Satan. Who are just as infiltrated in the Roman Catholic church as they are the Jews and israel. Stop being a naughty disinformationists. Or keep going, and reap the consequences. Your call! I'm just stating facts.

TeddyJackson ago

It's the synagogue of Satan.

Meaningless bullshit that's not even in the Bible.



! I'm just stating facts.

You haven't stated anything true so far. Keep trying like a monkey at a typewriter and you might get there on accident.

drstrangegov ago

you saying the synagogue of satan isn't in the bible? wrong-o. revelation.

fightknightHERO ago

25% is a quarter of the population, this will only progress to upwards of 50% and 70% once enough Muslims commit daily acts of terror

WTF_Voat ago

Someone secret bought Voat over a month ago. Why do none of you seem to care?

On Christmas day (you know, the day of the year when it would be the least likely for anyone to see the post), PuttItOut announced that someone had bought Voat, but the new owner is being kept secret.

Someone unknown literally OWNS everything on this site now. They own all the data related to you, data about every post you've ever made (possibly even ones you edited or deleted), data about everything you've voted on, all your private messages, everything.

PuttItOut is that person's employee now, he's not in control any more. And they won't tell us who it is.

Everyone is looking at all these grand conspiracies and missing the one that's happening to you. Why the fuck does nobody care about this?

PuttItOut ago

Maybe because nothing you say is correct. You have so many lies in your post that not one person should take you seriously. And you're such a great liar you need an alt to lie. Nice try.

Voat isn't that stupid as stupid as you.

You have no credibility.

I have 4.5+ years of credibility.

WTF_Voat ago

Yeah, remember when the site went down for 2 weeks and you didn't even notice, and Atko had to come back to fix it? You're so credible.

Who's the owner? Stop fucking around and answer the question. You can either be transparent or keep lying, what's your choice?

Atomized_Individual ago

People are at the point where they can come TRY to get us, or wait until we reach critical mass and way too many and dispersed to control.

gazillions ago

That fucking piece of shit Breitbart has been doing the slow shift.

"Hate the democrats and call the ethnic cleansing going on a conspiracy theory"

VicariousJambi ago


Seems like a fuck ton to me, considering you only need 3% of a population to revolt.

jesojr ago


Doglegwarrior ago

What do they think will happen to the economy when you have a 50 percent arab and african population?


The economy is already dead, killed by the jewish usury crime of debt, and hold in place until large scale violence happens everywhere, so that they can crash it and starve the fighting civilization into accepting their new world order slavery terms. As for future societies...they don't need to make money anymore, they already have everything, and are about to enslave mankind, which means no more resistance.

Marku1 ago

whomever thinks humans are interchangeable is dumb, because niggers in Africa do not have "civilizations" for the past 3000 years, so this fucked up experiment is guaranteed to collapse....shitlibs and the cunts who serve them will hang.

GimmeTheUsual ago

If I invented a technology that allowed "Gravity Lifting" and could open up the exploration of the universe, I would set up something that would only allow anglos to get off of this rock.

The rest can have Earth, and they can go straight to hell with it.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

lol. that's a lie. olmecs on the coast of mexico, Ethiopia had incredible architecture. the lie will erode soon enough.

Marku1 ago


QuickMafs ago

Calling Ethiopia incredible is a huge stretch and they have european admixture

Rawrination ago

Ethiopia has also been Christian, and European cultured for longer than the USA has existed.

All of North Africa was part of European culture, and largely light skinned people. The Ethiopians are as far as I know, unique among dark skinned people in being civilized to some extent. Even then still less so than the Berbers and Greeks and others that lived in N Africa in the time before Islam / Jews took over.


Read the protocols. They want a jewish world only.

fuckmyreddit ago

They may want a Jewish world only, but the Chinese may not.


You mean the Chinese who enslaved their own citizens under jewish communism? The Chinese who signed their culture away to the jews to become the slave labor manufacturing industry for the entire west? You mean the Chinese who were forced by jewish money to viciously slaughter their own children in 1989? They are just next in line to get destroyed from within once the US falls.

fuckmyreddit ago

You may be right but whomever is running the dragon societies may have a different ending to the story. Once China got all the tech and infrastructure it wanted, they won't need to kowtow to the KM. Do you really think all the cabals will roll over and become slaves themselves. Do you really think the main goal of the Jesuits, the dragons, the masons, the bloodlines, etc are doing all this to end up someone's bitch. Use your brain man.


The jews are on their criminal crusade for like what? Eight thousand years? Everything fell for their lies. Look at what they did to the British Empire. The Windsors now have a divorced nigger in their bloodline. They told the world that there are more than two genders, and there is no backlash to it. Dude, they sold the world the moon landing. They made you pay a fee for accessing your bank account, full of money you don't own, money you already payed taxes for and you worked your ass off to to earn. China and Russia are already dead.

shifty_pete ago

The Jews would rather rule over a pile of ash than share a civilization with anyone else.

fuckmyreddit ago

You are correct. The problem is the Jews are in competition for that honor with the Jesuits, secret mason societies, Asian dragons, bloodline families, possibly some extra terrestrials all of whom would rather rule over a pile of ash than share a civilization with anyone else.

I just hope the human faction has a chance of winning. The Human Cabal needs to walk away from the traps and cages of their overlords before everything is a pile of ash. I thought the hippies had the answer to these fucksters, but it was easily subverted by inflation, making it difficult to afford to opt out.

oneinchterror ago

Gradually, I began to hate them

Joe_McCarthy ago

There are probably more that believe the non-kook version that demographic transition is incidental to other factors, policy and otherwise, that can have an undesired effect yet not be the result of some evil plan hatched in a cloak room somewhere. Might be hard for conspiratards to appreciate this though.


The UN already admitted that the ongoing invasion is a "Replacement" Migration.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Uh huh. It's all a plot by Congolese UN bureaucrats to replace Frenchies with Algerians. NO OTHER REASON.

Gopherurself ago

Well, they are fucked. We are gonna have a big enough fight here. In America. With our rifles.

shawnfromnh69 ago

I would love to see the California conservatives step up like that and just start bombing liberal strongholds like the Twitter building and shit like that. Have those billionaire tech leaders splattered on the wall and floor. Now that would be revolution. Hell take that Bezos fucker and castrate his ass then a quick coat hanger lobotomy and mission accomplished.

Gopherurself ago

You are the shit man.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Found the cop

Gopherurself ago


fuckmyreddit ago

I guess we are "Charlie" now. We can stand and say "I am Spartacus" or we can stand and say "I am Charlie."

If you dont know who Charlie is you should ask an old boomer.

Gopherurself ago

You are actually correct and it kinda scared me for a second when you said Charlie. Because yes, I am Charlie. CHARLES BERCHMANS MACKIN

TheRedHeadedStranger ago

When I turned 18 and could legally buy my own weapons...I started with the old Colt-AR. Bought new rails..stock and other parts to learn.

After going to a gun range for awhile and learning from an actual gunsmith to make my own 80% lowers, I never bought another registered gun. I did however build 4 nice rigs and grease packed them for long term storage,along with ammo/food/water.I buried them all in different states.Only myself and my wife know of them...and she don't know them all. Now when SHTF..I got my bug out to sites+my bug-out bag in my closet...I think I'll survive long enough to figure it out

GimmeTheUsual ago

Being mobile is definitely key.

I don't agree with the dig-in-and-weather it strategy. It just presents a big pile of something that someone will try very hard to take from you.

Just my opinion on the SHTF scenario.

TheRedHeadedStranger ago

Ya I kinda agree,but only when your close to cities..suburban areas...once you get out into the deep woods back country..

I clear a large killing field then build from there...steal a few shipping containers..weld them with a bit of steel plates and let them try to get my shit

GimmeTheUsual ago

I hear ya, just don't know how long I could keep up a 24 hour watch like that. Weathering a siege isn't an easy thing. Large cleared field would help, of course. Or just be hidden in the first place.

If I built a place, it would be underground or buried in a hill. Nothing but a field of grass for the marauders to see.

gazillions ago

The United Nations is on that list.

The_Crusader ago

25% of the goyim know.

gazillions ago

Another piece of shit statistic anyway. 70% according to another poll want Macron and his elitist crap face. They aren't just pissed about their finances. They know their country is not a safe place anymore because of the ethnic fucking cleansing.

Control the polls and statistics and the elections and what the hell do they think? People will sallow that until the niggers have killed them all? The immigrants walk in and take the pensions. The same pensions they told the idiot baby boomers they were bringing blacks in to pay it for them.They can see their pensions going out the door to Africa right now

watts2db ago

are willing to openly state tge rest don't want to be called waycisst

Tallest_Skil ago

And people balk when I say n one will ever fight back.

Boycott_Israel ago

And people balk when I say no one will ever fight back.

I for one, intend to kick my jailer on the way to my cell.

Tallest_Skil ago

They'll put a bullet in your head in the middle of the night. Why would they want whites alive?

Boycott_Israel ago

Did you see that botched no-knock raid in Houston last week? It's harder than it sounds.

Big doggos are best doggos.

fuckmyreddit ago

Most of us will balk and never fight back. Until we do.

IsaacJan ago

YOU will never fight back, GAYEST_SHILL, and you want others to be like you so you don’t feel like such a worthless pathetic piece of shit.

vladtep ago

I bet you anything he's trying to light a fire under your asses.

IsaacJan ago

I bet you anything he’s a faggot fucking shill. He repeats it enough times and sheep start listening to him. Because you’re sheep.

vladtep ago

They should listen to him.

Because we're terrified that this is all there is and so many are not on a path to victory.

The truth is, you will not fight back, you will not be able to because you lack any organization.

One man can't do jack shit.

IsaacJan ago

Bahh, fucking bahh bahh.

Weak faggotry.

vladtep ago

Weak faggotry is what is coming from you.

That's right, blah blah blah, keep that donkey shit dripping out of your mouth.

IsaacJan ago

“Uh oh, someone called out my desperate weak flailing faggotry, use violent threats!”

Go back to Reddit faggot.

vladtep ago

Please, at least 80% of you are not even real racists.

This shit is pathetic, you go back to reddit, normie.

IsaacJan ago

Bleat on, sheep.

vladtep ago

Keep dropping those "red pills".

We can't have niggerz guyz, they have low IQs, otherwise I'd let them fuck my sister. lol

Tallest_Skil ago

You prove me right every single day.

shawnfromnh69 ago

All his downvotes from others prove you right also I believe.

IsaacJan ago

You say that meaninglessly. Faggots don’t have convictions, only a retarded enjoyment from trying to bring others down to their pathetic level.

Tallest_Skil ago

You say that meaninglessly. Faggots don’t have convictions

Oh, I see. You're a faggot and have no conviction, so it's meaningless to tell you that whites will never fight back because you–personally–were NEVER going to fight back anyway. I get it now.

MrDarkWater ago

Are you tired of him holding up a mirror to your face?

IsaacJan ago

Shills backing up other shills? Color me surprised.

Faggots get no sympathy from me.

MrDarkWater ago

You've no idea what a shill is

Nice deflection

IsaacJan ago

You’re a fucking shill, faggot. Blackpilling paid FAGGOTS who come in and repeat the same faggoty bullshit because they can’t handle real work and are fucking FAGGOTS like you.

MrDarkWater ago

I'm working on infrastructure projects in Texas. You don't know what real work is.

IsaacJan ago

You’re a fucking faggot is what you are. You deserve each other. Faggot.

MrDarkWater ago

A bit triggered, are ya?

IsaacJan ago

Nope, calling faggots faggots comes naturally. I know them when they stick their heads out to shill.


MrDarkWater ago

Keep going, champ

IsaacJan ago

Keep shilling faggot.

MrDarkWater ago

I can't. Lunch is over

IsaacJan ago

Back to McDonald’s grill eh

MrDarkWater ago

Connecting America's power grid

IsaacJan ago

Is that some bullshit you tell people while you’re mopping floors?

MrDarkWater ago

What do you do, homeslice?

IsaacJan ago

Not McDonald’s like you faggot.

MrDarkWater ago

Stay in school folks

Hand_of_Node ago

School isn't going to help that one. From its projection skills, maybe a heavily supervised job in a movie theater could be a way for it to feel like it can contribute to society.

MrDarkWater ago

Dude probably couldn't handle buttering the popcorn

jollux ago

Who did they poll?

shawnfromnh69 ago

Their imaginations.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Hostile aristocracy.

This is why we had churches. Not because Christ is coming back, but because civilization requires adult education from trustworthy elders.

jollux ago

The churches are importing migrants.

GimmeTheUsual ago

This is relevant -

Once islam takes over more than 10% of the population, they're fucked. Have they reached that tipping point already? Seems like it.

ardvarcus ago

but because civilization requires adult education from trustworthy elders.

You are correct. And this is why the Jews specifically attacked and undermined Christianity -- so that whites would have no guidance, no direction, no leadership when Jews began to take control and impliment their white genocide policies.

Boycott_Israel ago

Turnabout is fair play

AnarchicAlpaca ago

a shit load of german churches were specifically targeted for this reason during ww2.

Rawrination ago

Not only that, but the architecture of the churches itself was a testament that they are lying about our history.

brandnewset ago

That's cause they were out of Russian and Ukrainian churches to loot and destroy by 1939.

drstrangegov ago

What happens when the trustworthy elders sign on with ancient, evil gods? And start eating babies and shit?

DopamineDumpster ago

Unfortunately, the churches have all been converged into the globalist agenda. Go to the head of your church, and see what he thinks of the word globalism. If he doesn't say Lucifer walk out, and gather people to you under the power of the gospel.

drstrangegov ago

I don't have a church because I've gone through this.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

What happens when a king is usurped?

Pwning4Ever ago

That's exactly what we need right now, the fucking pope telling people what they should do.

oneinchterror ago

Idk if you're joking, but yes, if the pope was actually on the side of ethnically European people that would be incredible.

shawnfromnh69 ago

He doesn't like the european people. He's a latino and blames them for his people deaths hundreds of years ago. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah I know Francis is a subversive; my comment was about a hypothetical based pope. Funnily enough I actually saw an interview with a black cardinal (I think he was a cardinal) recently where he said that Europe is for Europeans and that migrants need to go home.

Pwning4Ever ago

If, but he's not. He was demanding the Italians open up their ports to migrants.

oneinchterror ago

Yeah, that's why I said "if". I'm aware that Francis is a destructive subversive.

fuckmyreddit ago

That's probably the least Satanic thing this Pope demanded. Anyway, people who think that titular (dont get excited about that word) leaders have any say in what policy they promote are batshit and blind. Once upon a time, there may have been somewhat autonomous popes but there's zero chance we've seen one in our lifetime.