Memphis, Tenn: black assaults his white neighbor, then shoots his two dogs. Then holds him at gunpoint. They were simply trying to walk past him in an apartment hallway. (
submitted 6.1 years ago by Stormisbrewing
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V1LLA1N 6.1 years ago
So glad I moved out of that shithole. So much unchecked crime everywhere there.
ardvarcus 6.1 years ago
Anywhere there are large numbers of niggers is a shithole. Because of large numbers of niggers, and no other reason.
SearchVoatBot 6.1 years ago
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V1LLA1N ago
So glad I moved out of that shithole. So much unchecked crime everywhere there.
ardvarcus ago
Anywhere there are large numbers of niggers is a shithole. Because of large numbers of niggers, and no other reason.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/NiggersAnonymous comment by @15898526.
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