AmbrosiaGalt ago

Love the two nogs in the background who just hang out and sit down like its just another day. They did nothing.

ChosenUndead ago

Kill all niggers

novictim ago

The biggest story here is that the guy was released to go back to the same apartments where his victims live. That is an amazing and horrifying red pill and it will go down sideways. So awesome! No one in that apartment complex will be unpersuaded that the system is racist and anti-white.

combatveteran ago

Having a black journalist report this will not stop many whites from deciding that it's probably not a good idea to have black neighbors.

shitstartercarter ago

Out the literally hundreds of houses in my neighborhood one black family moved in. Guess where the first stabbing in the neighborhood ever to my recollection occurred?

chris ago

Here's probably what ACTUALLY happened:

White retarded guy makes comment to black guy legally open carrying, they get in heated argument. Something happens, things get physical...either black guy starts it or white guy does (im guessing black guy), at that point dogs are now loose and probably going after black guy. Black guy either can get mauled or use his weapon to subdue the dogs, he does. Holds white guy at gunpoint until police can arrive.

I highly doubt this black guy just decided to randomly target this white guy....that's a story someone who has something to hide would come up with. Black guy seems like a fairly normal, non-ghetto dude....he's probably stupid and was the one that made things physical but he didn't just randomly murder someone's dogs for no reason.

Stormisbrewing ago

Blacks have killed people for accidentally stepping on their shoes, and this is what you're going with?

chris ago

reality is a bit more nuanced than your black and white, bias confirming interpretation of it would suggest, believe it or not.

I'm not saying I disagree that blacks are prone to violence, in fact if you read my post I actually support that hypothesis in this scenario.

novictim ago

There is a lot of patterned behavior that you seem to be unaware of.

chris ago

I'm aware, I just think you guys are trying to jam a square peg into a round hole here.

captainstrange ago

No it's definitely a round peg in a round hole.

novictim got it correct the first time.

Boax ago

This is why you don’t live in fucking boonland shit hole, infested Memphis Tennessee

kammmmak ago

"Man". There is nothing manly about POS

Judasrope ago

Bamboo and red hot poker night. Those are the best, dogs will enjoy it. It will be like a screening howling musical ahahahah auuuuu bow-wow. Haha do it.

Mbailey63 ago

Blacks are unstable.

darkb ago

always carry, take no shit

EdSnowden ago

It wouldn’t have mattered much in this situation. He was surprised by the gun / attack. He may have had an opportunity to counter attack but the initial attack still would’ve happened.

The best thing he could’ve done was 1. Not live in a city filled with niggers and 2. Avoid the groid

vladtep ago

go first then, fuck 'em.

  1. Not live in a city filled with niggers and 2. Avoid the groid

Good luck with any of that shit.

Run, white boy, run. lol

captainstrange ago

Not fucking running.

They can run.

HAESisalie ago

Well.... I love dogs and despise that this POS shot them, but.... Reading this story Story Here it sounds like he was legally carrying a firearm on his hip and the dog's owner decided to play David Hogg/ gun control officer.

"I know that Lee asked him to put the gun away because the guy just had a gun on his hip for no reason, and as Lee was walking away, he hit Lee in the back of the head, which that riled the dogs up, and then that's when he started shooting at the dogs," said Guttman's sister, Bryana Guttman.

Stormisbrewing ago

If that is reason to assault him, then I guess you think niggers have every right to attack someone for calling them niggers.

Hint: in a civilized society, if someone "insults" you that doesn't give you the right to attack them.

DavidHogg ago

You leave my name out of your dirty whore mouth.

Valensiakol ago

While Lee is a fucking tard for bitching to someone else about them legally open-carrying "for no reason", that still in no way whatsoever justifies this retard's reaction of attacking the guy from behind, shooting his dogs, and holding him and his wife at gunpoint. What the actual fuck did the dipshit think was going to happen next?

Boax ago

Open carry is a lot of responsibility. I think some sort of intelligence quotient might need be measured first... either that or give everyone one and let the problem sort itself out over a few disputes.

prairie ago

Holy shit, 90% of the related stories shown below this one were all of a certain melanous persuasion.

DavidHogg ago

I went looking for comments. No comments but wasn’t disappointed with the artlicles below.

edistojim ago

The whole page is nigger crime. Look below the article. Yes dear, we have a nigger problem.

MrDarkWater ago

Do why isn't the story, "nigger found dead in Memphis?"

NiklausTheNaked ago

I'm so confused about this, largely due to the video. He's very calmy holding a firearm, with what looks like trigger discipline, though we can't quite be sure due to the angle.

If this was senseless, then fucking hang him, but I'm guessing there is more to the story.

edistojim ago

So you pull your weapon because someone says something about your open carry? The you assault him and shoot his dogs? All because he said something. Then threaten his wife because she is checking to see what was going on? What more of the story do you need? This is nigger bullshit. Yeah, there is more to the story all right, nigger has no impulse control whatsoever and never a thought one minute ahead of a situation, thats pretty much the story.

edistojim ago

Its a revolving door for niggers. Its a good bet he'll be charged with something else before it gets to trial. Its also a good bet he has several prior felonies on his record, also a good bet the gun was illegal, or was stolen, I'm sure it will all come out later……..or maybe not.

novictim ago

No, this guy was pushing into the middle class. His issue was not that he is a career criminal. Most likely, he is just a ticking time bomb of rage at being "not good enough", not innately skilled.

edistojim ago

You may be correct. Is there a middle class in Nigger University (prison) ?

FreeBreivik ago

So this guy?

I wonder if he thought it was self defense. Weird.

novictim ago

He is probably a low IQ, hardcore racist. Mistakes his own envy and avarice for evidence that "duh white man" is cheating him. It is a common state of mind these days.

Rebel_Media_FTW ago

That's him.

V1LLA1N ago

So glad I moved out of that shithole. So much unchecked crime everywhere there.

ardvarcus ago

Anywhere there are large numbers of niggers is a shithole. Because of large numbers of niggers, and no other reason.

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Stormisbrewing ago

Bet this won't make national news. Oh, a white woman stopped a stranger from entering her apartment immediately after her? THAT'S RACIST! Better come up with an anti-white dog-whistle like Apartment Abby and make her a national name!