XSS1337 ago

Lol brown shirts meets yellow vests ... meets blouses .... where is Prince and Rick James

Steelerfish ago

Macron is using a foreign army to squash his own countrymen fighting for the French identity. That says all that needs to be said. Coming soon to a country near you....

Bundyfly ago

They are not "Yellow Vests" they are French citizens. The media wants you to think it is some rogue group just stirring up trouble when in actuality it is a good percentage of the population. Do not be fooled by the twisted words of the MSM soothsayers!!.

kingdomhearts123 ago

that's equivalent to 10 honduran migrant caravans!

Mbailey63 ago

Shoot the globalist police they are hired mercenaries!

stealthninjataliban ago

Noticed that "hackers disrupted the newsprint business". That business is dominated by Rothschild family. Means the yellow vests are causing real problems for the Jew

showbobandvagene ago

I dont believe that number of 174,000, the MSM has been posting similar numbers since the riots began, it's probably exaggerated by at least 100,000. They do this because 174,000 police officers is an extremely intimidating number of police and they hope that some of the protesters will stay at home. Looking online ive found that the national police force employs 145,000 people, i bet not even half of these are actual police officers, the rest will be administration, maintenance, cooks, drivers, doctors, mechanics, purchasers and a whole host of other things a national police force will need. 174,000 is a bullshit figure and 30,000 more than the entire police force employs as a whole.

Chempergrill ago

The numbers are a little funny. Total strength of the Gendarmerie is 125,000: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Gendarmerie

Cat-hax ago

Now it's really gonna get interesting

HeavyBrain ago

Not bad, fucking up NYE for 180k cops is a good way to get things started.

freedomite ago

That's an army. That's a real nice stack of an army.

ChironTheWounded ago

Until they storm the bastille and start releasing the people that have been arrested, I won't care.

Honey_Pot ago

Vive La France ! Vive la révolution !

lemon11 ago

With vests out petitioning kings for mercy, who protects villages from muslims and UN barbarian forces?

birds_sing ago

The media tries to downplay the number of protesters. They don't want the average, know nothing, NPC to be aware of how many there are.

New Years is a great opportunity to show everyone how many protesters there are. This could turn a lot of NPCs who will then support the protest because it'll appear like everyone supports the protest.

The key to every revolution is who controls the NPCs.

Chempergrill ago

The key to every revolution is who controls the NPCs.

Sad but true.

Lynch_Tree ago

I'd love to see that smarmy little faggot, Macron guillotined.

Lundynne ago

No fuck that. He doesn't deserve a quick death. At the very least he should have his head sawed off with a blunt machete.

antistatist ago

blunt guillotine, everyone's happy

gazillions ago

"global" news chooses to report an imminent show of force against yellow vests, not the French people.

Global doesn't choose to report just how fed up with globalists the French people are.

Ooh are we all supposed to be on the side of the thugs cracking down like good little pack dogs?

Global news staff are oligarch's pricks and they can all die in violence.

WisDumb ago

I guess the Statue of Liberty is shit now, Since France gave it to America as a symbol of a Republic Inspiration.France is gone to the dogs, Just like South Africa.

Chempergrill ago

Gifting the Statue of Liberty was an atomic transaction. We have the liberty, now that they gave it away :)

IsaacJan ago

We do not.

Amphiprion ago

I'd rather see that statement than some janky pseudo news site.

Maroonsaint ago

I wonder if France knows how many supporters they have worldwide. God bless you french bastards

shawnfromnh69 ago

I wish Trump would just send a message to the UN. If you fuck with the French citizens I'll send troops to kill your troops and then arrest Macron and send him tied up the the protesters to have a little talk.

gazillions ago

wouldn't that be blessed and wonderful?

shawnfromnh69 ago

You mean Macron sitting their after pissing and shitting himself and knowing everyone knows from the smell, yes that is wonderful.

Maroonsaint ago

I want to dress the French President up in a wig and a dress then rape him. Jam it down his neck till he passes out slap him awake and continue till I cum and it’s pouring out of his nose

The_caterpillar ago

That's unnecessarily graphic. Now what am I going to do with that image in my mind? (You know what I'll do)

Maroonsaint ago

It’s the holidays I ain’t came in 1-2 weeks I’m very wound up

The_caterpillar ago

No Christmas gangbangs? That's just unameriggan!

Maroonsaint ago

I was up late with my 2nd cousin the other night up really late when you’re just looking to bust and she’s incredibly sexy and you know you’re supposed to ignore those things and she’s wearing yoga pants and she bends over right in front of me and I literally had to grab a pillow and say to myself “no, NO, NO, you fucking idiot don’t do anything stupid” god. I just want to jam my face in there. She’s a ten. Easy. I want to commit incest with her ass. I would do it. I would so fucking do it.

The_caterpillar ago

She's ten?

Maroonsaint ago

She’s a ten. Why don’t you send me a picture of your dick

The_caterpillar ago

Because it's embedded in your cousin at the moment.

Maroonsaint ago


The_caterpillar ago

You are a nasty man.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m a degenerate

The_caterpillar ago

Well I can see THAT. What kind of degeneracy you into? I think farm animals can be pretty hot.

MrBateman ago

pretty sure this is army number level forces

lets_get_hyyerr ago

It is and somehow, every leader worldwide hasn't said a fucking peep about this.

The (((president of France))) is sicking an army on his own people because they are mad about something HE has been doing! Seriously fuck that fucking piece of shit

HeavyBrain ago

Why would you talk about something you would do yourselfe in a heart beat?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

I wouldn't have ever done ANYTHING remotely close top what Macron did to put himself in that situation in the first place nigger.

Frankeh ago

147,000 security forces nationwide. not police but private security aka UNscum

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Not UN. EU. It’s not like a bunch of troops from Cameroon are going to be called in. It will be other Europeans.

captainstrange ago

Prediction: A false flag will happen during the NYT square new years celebration--specifically black powder explosives.

What I'm going on:

  • Multiple reports this year of attempts to use blackpowder and nail bombs to harm innocents during public gatherings. The deep state has been gunning for a ban on blackpowder, to go along with restriction on ammo, and this would be a perfect excuse for it.

  • It'll be blamed on independent protesters. They want to quash the yellow vest movement, among other things, and the dems, gaining office soon, need a reason to clamp down on conservatives and turn the anti-terror apparatus against ordinary people with "dangerous (conservative) ideas."

  • The shutdown was a mistake and the dems are suffering for it. Come foodstamp day there will likely be riots soon after if nothing happens. The dems are going into power, so they'll be blamed, and because they've already shot their load with the russia investigation all they have to fall back on is terrorism and calliing the conservatives cowardly for not funding 'the people who keep us safe' (spies, spies, and damned spies), and other organs of the deep state and politburo. In other words, they have to find a way to break the deadlock, terrorism would do that.

  • The NYPD claims "theres no credible threat at all at this time." (paraphrasing). Why is that something to worry about? Because the deep states default propaganda strategy at the low-level is reactionary toward the public. Claims of "we did everything we could", and "no one could have forseen this, if only we had the ability to put cameras up your anus we could have prevented terrorism like this."

They're already spending money they don't have on more security and tech than they need, it's security theatre. The government is 'shut down' at the moment. If anything happens the default position will be "trump allowed terrorism to happen because we just didn't have the money and manpower we needed to protect ordinary americans. Trump's racist policy killed soldiers, women, children, and law enforcement. Hes a murderer and a traitor to this country."

The funding issue then becomes radioactive and the RNC revolts, this time in unison, and much louder, against trump. Trump is forced to make concessions. Trump attempts to rightly, put the blame where it belongs, on the DNC, and is blamed for the finger pointing "unbecoming of a president that allowed terrorism to happen on his watch."

To respond, he makes a deal with the dems, and part of this deal is partial amnesty, and/or severe restrictions on blackpowder and ammo. Goodbye 2020 for both trump and the RNC.

For a DNC and deepstate psycho, theres every reason for them to commit terrorism, and very few reasons not to.

The guy in question will be (((white))), and likely an alt-righter who "learned about how to make the explosives through "unregulated social media sites.", though specific sites will not be named. Twitter and Facebook will volunteer to comply with any and all regulations, even before they are passed, and will be rewarded with artificial bumps in stock prices, and this compliance by two major social media platforms will become a talking point as the debate window shifts to whether "we need 'virtual borders' online to protect against terrorism? Whos using these tools? How are they using these tools."

The even will be compared to a "virtual 9/11", even though any false flag that the deep state performs will be in real life. The terrorists in question will have been "radicalized online by iranians masquerading as white alt-righters. There were certainly elements of white supremacism involved in the planning, teaching, and radicalization, but funding, and hosting of these platforms for violent terrorist hatespeech is suspected to have been laundered and provided directly and indirectly by iran itself. Agencies are now investigation any further connections to the terrorism surrounding this tragic event."

BordelonLoop ago

his turkish boyfriend's buddies.

shitstartercarter ago

This is what happens when you're part of something like the UN or EU. When there's national upheaval they can send "assistance" troops for the government. If I was French this I'd be ripshit about this and if they remove Macron first thing I'd do is remove the country from those globalist shitstain NWO international governments.

Durm ago

Yeah where else would you 147k people? From the people who are already mad at you?

lets_get_hyyerr ago

Imagine being a modern day president and having to source people from outside your country to get a grip on the chaos happening in your country caused by you. And not a few people but 147k people.

Macron is a huge pussy

Durm ago

Oddly like that time the Pope asked the French to come to beat up all the other Italians who were getting sick of his shit.

dudelol ago

Macron is a spooky individual. He is #3 candidate for Antichrist on my list right now.

whatdoesthereeesay ago

whos numba 1?

dudelol ago


kingdomhearts123 ago

lol who is #1 and #2?

dudelol ago

1 francis

2 an alien

3 macron


Chempergrill ago

Yeah probably Gendarme. The article doesn't specify.

VapidGopher ago

Makes sense, I was about to ask about the reports that French police supposedly joined the protestors.

7e62ce85 ago

I don't believe they joined yet, they threatened to strike, but have not done so yet. (to my knowledge)

Deplorablepoetry ago

While the pigs are out stomping citizens, kill their children, kill their wives and burn their houses to the ground.

Do you hear that sound?

It’s the silence of gorilla warfare coming to your town.

Let them dress up in their military gear

We know precisely how to offer them fear

Black_Phillip ago

Or just take women's rights away and all will be well

7e62ce85 ago

Are you already a subscriber? Otherwise you need to visit our political movement and subverse: /v/emergencynation/2130938

We are organized and our rules will take away women's rights to vote, alimony and child support. We have other nice rules as well.

Black_Phillip ago

Haven’t seen it, I’ll check it out thanks

sbt2160p ago

Which rights, and why?

Black_Phillip ago

Women have more rights then men. When I say 'take women's rights away' it's because of this. Do you think convincing them or incentivize is going to change female nature? NO. This is a simple facts, look at family courts where men are accused, convicted and destroyed with no constitutional rights, title 9 kangaroo courts, the Duluth model, paternity fraud, laws such as 'yes means yes' . And why is it so fucked up? Because women are the majority voters. Until this is fixed nothing else matters. I'm still shocked (but not surprised) after Kavanuagh and the entire metoo movement men have not woken up. Unless this happens in the next decade or so, we are already fucked.

Look, the fertility rate is a large issue for our current society but until then balance of power is restored to men who are intimately held responsible - the west will fall. Convincing or incentivizing women to "do the right thing" is not only a waste of time because it won't happen but we are ultimately out of time.

The_caterpillar ago

Oh this makes me so angry! Women belong in the kitchen making sandwiches and popping out my babies.

Black_Phillip ago

Better than being useless in the workplace and fucking up companies.

gazillions ago

Pretty much all of them at this point. They've gotten too many people killed with their immature displays of overweening control dressed up as compassion for the enemy. The wealthy 1% fund all their non profits and use their own stupidity against them.

That's why.

Smokybubbles ago

It's true, women have irrational compassion, a victim mentality, and they complain loudly, all of which contributes to the degrading of society by forced implementation of the policies they support. They have unbalanced the world and need to have their influence diminished for society to balance fairly.

matthew-- ago

This always fucking happens.

Someone says what needs to be said, and then they do something stupid like spell "you're" wrong or say gorilla warfare instead of guerilla, and out themselves as an idiot.

PLEB_GATE_2012 ago

I get what you're saying, but gorilla vs guerilla? Also the picture is funny.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Why are you so angry?

My_2018_account ago

Because the real resistance is illiterate.

Timmy2 ago

Nice catch there.

ArchmageMordenkainen ago

Judging by those casings that gorilla is asking for a kaboom.