Thissandwich ago

I predict one of two outcomes:

  1. The rocket blows up before leaving the earth's atmosphere and revered as heroes for no reason.

  2. At least one of those cunts will intentionally get jizzed in the night before so they can attempt to have a baby in space.

Runwithscissors ago

Houston we have a problem..... these bitches have ugly shoes on.

praump ago

This mission could be saved by a strong black woman with a very large clit.

Harbinger88 ago

Why not all men instead? We're usually better at fast and efficient problem solving and cooperation, especially in a stressful situation. Doesn't make sense.


You sonofabitch! I havent laughed like that in months just reading the fucking comments all the way down. Crap man I need some air

WhiteWolfSS ago

Do it faggots.

If it fails, we can go "we told you so" and hopefully take one step closer to getting rid of this bullshit.

If it succeeds... Well fuck. Well done.

But seriously, can't see it ever being successful when the crew is all female and the people on the ground are all diversity hires. Challenger was sad as hell, Columbia a bit too, but this... I think I'd just laugh this time.

albatrosv15 ago

Naah, cgi will fix everything. This time nothing would be real. Not even people.

meow_cow ago

Sex is impossible is low G situations, this is because there isn't enough blood flowing to the lower extremities. That post is stupid.

Mathurin1911 ago

False. The USSR did experiments of sex in space.

meow_cow ago

I just read a few articles. It seems to be possible but apparently it hasn't happened yet.

usethat ago

There is no way Men can be impregnated by space aliens.

Watchmoviesonline_90 ago


BurqaFart ago

Women are caddy and they'll eventually kill each other off in a closed container. I would like to see this.

Doglegwarrior ago

We just need some black female mathmaticians to figure it out and we will be there in 9 months no problem. Van allen belts you say? Na we will just ignore those no problem just like we did in 1969! Yeeeee haaaa!!!

Pipefag ago

I hear aliens are attracted to the menstruation. Now they're putting the whole earth in danger.

letsgoallthewhey ago

Wait. So who are they going to ask for directions?

paradoxical003 ago

However, there was a miscalculation that was soon to be discovered, the typical female astronaut is a horny, aggressively sexual, rug-munching dyke.

BumFightChamp ago

Because they really launch them into space, not like there's tons of nasa videos showing these assholes on strings.

Malagant ago

"to avoid having sex" and "all-female"

Yeah sure.

TauCeti ago


Try it in one of those Mars simulators first, where the women would have to live together 24/7 in restricted quarters and with limited means out in some remote, desolate area. We'll see what happens.

UncleArgyleSocks ago

I'd rather see space and weight limits used for research equipment and not menstrual supplies.

IDintDuNuthin2 ago

SOLUTION: All high performance male crew, kinda like a submarine crew for fucks sake.

Olbee ago

Navy. Gay for Pay

Butelczynski ago

I hope they send pre-op trany with them just for equalitys sake.

Smocaine ago

If it had any hormones it's sterile

recon_johnny ago

Make it men only and be DONE with this fucking nonsense

elitch2 ago

My sides!

qwsp0 ago

Does nasa think an all male team would impregnate each other or?

Olbee ago

Obviously they would try. They cannot help but Rape and Abuse sexually you see...

BraunF14 ago

SpaceX will eat NASA soon. Call me by name in a few years when it happens.

B----------D ago

Couldn't have it all male now could you?

JopharVorin ago


wintertriangles ago

Things that are possible - sending humans to another planet

Things that are apparently impossible - pulling out

Olbee ago

Things that are possible.

nmgoh2 ago

Fundamental rule of nature: If you lock two beings together in a room for long enough, they are definitely going to bang (or at least try).

Olbee ago that information from a ??? (Pervert)

Pipefag ago

Life finds a way

Olbee ago

Death is a certainty

Olbee ago

Meh. What are they wearing? This seasons shirt? From the same collection as 2014 ESA...or something new?

IGiveZeroFucks ago

Why not two men and two women, with everybody using birth control? Then everybody is happy.

speedisavirus ago

Pretty stupid. It would be far more likely to be all men if they were concerned about that.

bisteot ago

I read: lesbian sex in space.

Damnpasswords ago

Lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence

bisteot ago

I thought they only stoped talking to each other without saying why.

Damnpasswords ago

Nope, they beat the everloving fuck out of each other, and without a guy to arrest, they just keep at it

GuftaGess ago

Women are sluts especially when desperate; they will be scissoring by month 4, if the craft doesn't explode by that point

prairie ago

Avoided sex during the trip.

Unfortunately the endless selfies left the ship unattended.

NicoSch ago

what happens when they start being on the same "cycle" and the hormones rage? hopefully they all cut their nails so there is no cat-fight. There is only so much the walls can handle

Olbee ago

This is NASA. They invented Teflon! TEFLON! But accidents do happen and there was that incident where someone forgot to sort their nails and the walls failed spectacularly then KABOOM! All died. Very sad. All because #3nailfail

OriginalJoker ago

Actually it was a French engineer that invented Teflon by accident. He had taken some home from work and was trying to work out a way to use it to keep his fishing lines from getting snarled when his wife asked him why he didn't put it to a practical use instead, like coating cooking pans with it.

NicoSch ago

lesson learned: keep your nails sharp and bring teflon with you !

Olbee ago

There is such a thing as Sally Hansen Teflon nail polish! THIS. This is why you failed basic space flight training.

battleaxe253 ago

Don't expect me to act surprised when this goes the way the Challenger did in 1986.

Traveler ago

I mean what's wrong with banging, those chicks are gonna dyke out

totes_magotes ago

They’re just trying to save money because of that wage gap

jollux ago

Is there a reason why all of them have curly black hair and olive skin?

sinclair ago

This seems perfect for gay men.

Ban_Circumcision ago

I mean, of course it will be a "success" no one is actually going to go to Mars only good goy sheep believe that lol

ThrowawayFtmPacker ago

Nasha is fake and gay

ardvarcus ago

NASA can't seem to do much of anything these days except talk.

lord_nougat ago

No. They can totally also virtue signal!

Whitworth ago

Cat fighting sounds intensify

Shekelstein6M ago

astronauts can't have sex because nasa can't implement birth control

This is what leftists actually believe

nmgoh2 ago

Well, if you lock two people in a small room for 18mos they're 100% going to bang.

Birth Control/Vasectomies are a viable option, but still only 99% effective. It's not out of character for NASA to eliminate that 1%.

ChaoticNeutral ago

Hysterectomies are 100% effective. However, that doesn’t rule out an ectopic pregnancy which would be lethal to the astronaut. Maybe just send a team of men.

Olbee ago

Why? Is this the SSrapey mcRape ship? Why would any free thinking Educated Female be interested in humping like an animal constantly? Gives quite the insight into your default setting! Why would they be under constant threat of abuse and violence? Perhaps the Space programme should be cancelled altogether? Terrible accident rate anyway.

TXPatriot_73 ago

Why would any free thinking Educated Female be interested in humping like an animal constantly?

You obviously never met my ex-wife. Women like this exist.

ChaoticNeutral ago

I was referring to the 100% effectiveness portion. Also, repeated intercourse isn’t necessary for impregnation. A single instance is sufficient.

Olbee ago

You know nothing of Science. Only ever 99.99999 certainty anything else is ignorant and arrogant. A single instance is extremely statistically unlikely. Human Biology is not like those silly story books you were fed as a child.

ChaoticNeutral ago

Oddly enough I am a scientist. Also, married to an OB/Gyn. Wanna guess at how many ‘We only did once’ babies she’s delivered?

Olbee ago

I will guess. I love games especially the ones where someone dies. She has delivered 6gorillian babies—> But none were yours SNAP!

Edit: If i were to give you some abdominal surgery- to remove your reproductive organs I Guarantee you 99.9999% a Female could still get pregnant. Google it. Might even be a better alternative than the rape of your baby. Enjoy your oneness.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Flour ago

Right? Some of the world’s most highly trained professionals, and they can’t be trusted to either not have sex or not get someone pregnant. Smh

Olbee ago

Don’t forget the raping too. Bonus rape baby also gets special attention.

Shekelstein6M ago

Condom + birth control pills is more than 99% effective. It's closer to 99,99% effective (with proper use). At those odds you might as well start looking into virgin birth and alien impregnation. Besides, women have contact with men prior to the mission, meaning they're more likely to get pregnant 1 day before they launch that actually in outer space.

If you want to eliminate all chances of pregnancy you simply send up men and only men.

nmgoh2 ago

That's actually a sound point. If a astronette bangs her husband the night before a mission, she won't show up as pregnant on any tests.

I wonder if there's a NASA protocol for that. Missions can easily be 2-3mos long, definitely long enough to be more than a little.

Would they send a "rescue" mission to pull her out early? Or just play it out "for science"? There's no chance they'd have abortion drugs on hand or want to deal with any of that public and medical fallout even if they did.

Well, now I know what to ask at my kids astronaut camp next summer.

Olbee ago

Risky. Then no space exploration would be done because they would spend 247 raping each other. It is their nature you see. Look how many cannot manage a single day. Since they are very driven, hormonally speaking, it makes more sense to chemically suppress their bodies. This would give them, (the oppressed many), an equal opportunity to focus and conduct the Space Mission.

Glory_Beckons ago

Of course, none of these ladies would ever consider going for a carousel ride before a likely one way mission like that.

But hey, it's not like there's a gender that cannot ever get pregnant and was naturally selected for performance under pressure.

dontmindthemess ago

Yeah, how many times has a woman stood up and sacrificed herself to save a group? Men have a sense of “a good death is its own reward” and “a sacrifice of the few to save the many”. I don’t recall seeing many women in this fashion. I mean, a mother would shield her child, but I don’t see them taking a bullet for Becky. Because, fuck Becky.

pessimisticsteel ago

Why don't they make it all males then?

Lemongarb ago

Why not send two teams? One women, one men. Then see what happens.

OriginalJoker ago

I don't understand how, with current technology, it can be anything other than a one-way trip unless they actually send two teams, in two vehicles.

They build two spaceships in LEO. The spaceships are not the same, there is one lander and one return vehicle, same as the Apollo missions, only they are separate vehicles instead of a unit. Both go to Mars, one stays in orbit, one lands. Much or some of the lander returns to Mars orbit, the lander is abandoned, the orbiter returns to Earth orbit, crew transfers to Earth lander, and the return vehicle that went to Mars crash-lands on Detroit by "accident".

Orfion ago

Sounds like a lot of work just to save four women.

Drakgan ago

Hollywood would be better.

cryptex ago

Because its all noise anyway to make you think they actually go anywhere instead of just shooting an unmanned rocket into the ocean.


satisfyinghump ago

I love this response. Wish more people understood your truth.

elitch2 ago

My favorite is how they lost everything to do with the Apollo missions. Telemetry, voice, video, blueprints, prototypes, training materials, etc.

There is zero physical proof that the missions were anything but theatre.

Check out the movie Capricorn One. They are compelled to broadcast their secrets, for some reason.

chrimony ago

My favorite is how they lost everything to do with the Apollo missions. Telemetry, voice, video, blueprints, prototypes, training materials, etc.

Tons of that stuff still exists. You're full of shit.

elitch2 ago

*citation needed

elitch2 ago

The earliest data set in the links provided is from 1971.

Maybe vet your sources better.

chrimony ago

The earliest data set in the links provided is from 1971.

First off, you claimed, " they lost everything to do with the Apollo missions". There were six manned moon landings, from 1969 to 1972. So that it's from 1971 doesn't matter -- your point is proved wrong.

Second, my first link, "Apollo science data", shows data from 1969. Other links: the Apollo 11 audio is from... Apollo 11, the first manned landing in 1969. Same goes for transcripts, videos, the CSM training manual, and blueprints.

Maybe vet your sources better.

Maybe shut the fuck up when you're retarded and don't know what you are talking about.

elitch2 ago

Too bad for nasa fanboy (freemason) here, we have the internet.

chrimony ago

Too bad for nasa fanboy (freemason) here, we have the internet.

Congratulations, you finally figured out how to search the Internet. Too bad your original claim is still wrong, and your generic search does nothing to counter the data I provided -- data that you claimed didn't exist. All the hype is over a missing tape that's just a higher quality version of the footage displayed on live television. And we still have the live television version, along with higher quality tapes of astronauts driving on the moon, orbiting, and other events.

elitch2 ago

I get it. You're a fanboi.

Care to explain how they dealt with the Van Allen Belts?

Have you ever sped up "moon" footage 2X? Looks just like dudes walking normally, on wires.

The live television? You mean where they had tv cameras pointed at a low res screen? There is no direct live footage of anything. Just like the "composite images" of the Earth, it's all made up.

Sorry buddy, Kubrick shot the "Moon landings" on a sound stage.

I suppose you believe the ISS is real too.

chrimony ago

I get it. You're a fanboi.

I get it. You're retarded. You made a bullshit statement because you got snowed by a single story about one video that was lost. Too lazy and willing to look pig ignorant to search the web, you asked for a citation. I gave you links to all the stuff you said didn't exist. Still too pig ignorant to recognize your mistake, you make another bullshit claim about the links I gave, which I was easily able to shoot down. Having failed that, you revert to a generic search.

Having shot that down, you resort to moving the goal posts and parroting standard moon hoaxer talking points. I suppose you believe the Earth is flat, too.

elitch2 ago

nasa is fake news, you are a fanboi.

Fine, they lost significant amounts of irreplaceable data.

Also, every "Moon rock" tested has been a fake. The Nederlands were gifted a piece of petrified wood, told it was a Moon rock.

It's all theatre, and you buy it hook, line, and sinker.

chrimony ago

nasa is fake news, you are a fanboi.

You've proven yourself to be a retarded monkey.

Fine, they lost significant amounts of irreplaceable data.

So we've gone from, "lost everything", to losing a higher resolution video of one that was broadcast around the world live as it happened, while tons of existing data still exists. ERR MERR GAHD, NAWSAH IS A HOAXX!!11

Also, every "Moon rock" tested has been a fake. The Nederlands were gifted a piece of petrified wood, told it was a Moon rock.

Also, you never learn from your mistakes. You take one story and expand it to encompass everything. The goodwill moon rocks given to the Netherlands that are still there and not fakes. The one obvious fake was from the estate of the deceased prime minister. There are other samples in other countries. Some have been lost and found.

The rocks also underwent numerous tests by research scientists. They still conduct tests on these rocks.

elitch2 ago

Sure thing, buddy.

We went to the Moon in the 60's, but haven't managed beyond LEO since.

chrimony ago

We went to the Moon in the 60's, but haven't managed beyond LEO since.

Having been made a fool of again, you fall back to another moon hoaxer talking point. We stopped going to the moon because it was incredibly expensive, pointless, and the public lost interest. We only went there in the first place to one-up the Soviets in the space race. In the meantime, we've sent probes to all the planets, sent rovers on Mars, and launched space telescopes and satellites. All at a fraction of the cost of manned missions while yielding more data.

If you weren't a drooling idiot knee-deep in shit hoaxer theories, you could have figured this out for yourself.

elitch2 ago

I'm the one with wacky theories? You're the one who believes in nasa.

Anyhow, you have fun with all your (totally not fake) knowledge of how the universe works, and all.

Me, I'm still wondering why the curvature doesn't kick in after 3.14 miles.

chrimony ago

Me, I'm still wondering why the curvature doesn't kick in after 3.14 miles.

Lulz, so you are a flattard! Nailed it.

elitch2 ago

I'm agnostic. Prove to me the Earth is pear shaped, without using "muh nasa, & muh gravity".

Should be very simple to prove, no?

chrimony ago

Should be very simple to prove, no?

Try proving math to a retarded monkey.

elitch2 ago

Nice proof. Good one!

Seriously. If it's so very obvious and true, prove it.

chrimony ago

Seriously. If it's so very obvious and true, prove it.

There are many ways to prove it, even when you deny pictures from space as some giant NASA conspiracy. I will do so, and like the retarded monkey that you are, you will deny it, despite the blatant obviousness that you can't bullshit your way out of.

Do you remember the US solar eclipse from 2017? Millions of people saw it. How did they know when and where to go to see it? They used predictions from a model based on a spherical Earth. Why was it so accurate that millions of people could rely on it? Where's the flattard model that makes such a prediction?

And before you parrot the standard flattard talking point that ancients used to make solar eclipse predictions, they were based on local history and repeated patterns, were not reliable with any accuracy, and made no predictions about other locations where observances hadn't been made. If you want modern reliability and accuracy across the Earth, you need an accurate model based on realistic geometry, not fevered flattard dreams.

elitch2 ago

Eclipses can be explained perfectly well by other models.

Want to have a stab at explaining why engineers don't take curvature into account when building anything? Rail road tracks, roads, canals, etc, no curvature taken into account.

Could you point me in the direction of any experiment that demonstrates water clinging to the outside of a spinning sphere?

Care to postulate a reasoning behind spreading the myth of coriolis effect causing water to spin different directions per hemisphere? Because coriolis effect is fake as fuck news, buddy.

chrimony ago

Eclipses can be explained perfectly well by other models.

Then show me. You won't, because you nor anybody else has one. It should be dead easy, too, because the data is in the past. Where's the model that predicts the time and path of the 2017 eclipse?

Want to have a stab at explaining why engineers don't take curvature into account when building anything? Rail road tracks, roads, canals, etc, no curvature taken into account.

See, this is where you do the standard hoaxtard/flattard thing, where you keep on piling bullshit upon bullshit for me to respond to, while you never provide anything of substance. I told you, you can't teach a retarded monkey math.

elitch2 ago one explanation, I don't subscribe to this as fact, but it's a workable model.

I am not trying to prove anything, I'm agnostic. I don't have enough information to decide the shape of my world.

I don't trust anything, not sure how you can, but whatever gets you through the day.

You can insult me as much as you want, I don't care about internet tough guys, but you haven't proven your position.

Enjoy those intellectual blinders.

TheWorstImaginable ago

this guy replied to a comment I made about the suez canal ( I was watching a video about flat earth and that was one of the main things that stood out to me.) and I swear he must have said 'flattard' like 12 times. Right, I'm going to believe the vitriolic loser on voat that calls me kindergarten level insults vs someone who actually tries to explain things in a calm rational manner. I feel the same way you do, I don't know enough to believe either way, but if long bridges are entirely level or I guess straight in this instance since if the world curves then so does 'level', then something is definitely up.

elitch2 ago

Exactly. How the fuck does water cling to the outside of a spinning ball? How do you find "level" on a curved surface?

There are real questions to be answered here. But all I ever get is ad hominem attacks, and nasa "pictures".

nasa is 100% horseshit. Look at the video of the "moon landings"? So many questions.

Blast crater? Wonky shadows? "Sun" reflected in visor shows a wide angle stage light. Paper thin aluminium capsule passes through VA belts, and the astronauts live to a ripe old age, instead of dieing almost immediately form hideous cancers.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Just my take on it without doing any experiments or taking any sides.. Flat Earthers seem to take some offence from talking about Gravity, but assuming gravity is real and interacting with individual water molecules instead of thinking of an ocean as one solid chunk of water could explain why it doesn't fly everywhere. I'd be interested in seeing a study with a 10 mile pool being constructed so it's completely straight/flat. (not level, I'll get to that in a minute) a 10km long distance should have a 'drop' of around 66 feet, and if gravity is responsible for keeping water planted on the earth there should be a 30 foot bow in the center of the 10 miles of water to coincide with the curvature of the earth and its gravitational field.

On to the subject of 'level', and the argument about train tracks and shit like that. This is one of the weak points where I can't convince myself the earth is flat. I like to play devils advocate with myself and explore both sides of arguments, especially with things like this where I have no experience or training. Assuming there's gravity, and we aren't just operating in a system of buoyancy and density like flat earthers believe, the gravity and the bubble in a bubble level will give you a reading for your 'local level'. Almost anywhere you go gravity can be assumed to be 'pulling' directly downwards. I'd like to see a test where someone climbs a mountain with a huge amount of mass, and takes a super precise level. Is gravity from the mountain going to skew the measurement a little making level be a little diagonal, or is 'level' still going to be 90degrees from the earths core or directly 'down' in the case of a flat earth? The thing about train tracks is you can build train tracks up and down a mountain, you can build a castle on a mountain. You don't need to take into account the curvature of the mountain, you do landscaping and make the area flat or slanted at an acceptable grade. It's the same thing as a round earth. You don't need to account for 66 feet across 10 miles because trains have no problem traversing grades like that.

10 miles is something like 53000 feet. That equals about 1 foot of curvature per 800 feet, or 66.6 feet with 1 inch of curvature. For most construction this wouldn't even be an issue, but for huge structures that span whole city blocks or are really high you'd end up having to do some extremely precise levelling. For a 666 foot long square structure you would have to account for the center of the structure being about 5 inches 'higher' than the corners, but that's really minor landscaping in the grand scheme of things. It's not that hard to imagine that a city can curve because they build right over hills in some cities, and a tower built 10 miles from another tower would still be 'level' even though it's jutting off the planet at an entirely different angle than the first tower..

I refuse to respond sincerely to that shit talker replying to you and I because when it comes to something like this where I'm actually trying to have a conversation about something (as opposed to talking shit to someone who literally believes the bible) I don't really care to read an insult every second word. He has some good points though, like the stars in the sky rotating instead of moving off into the distance. Stuff like that is too blatant for me to even want to believe in the flat earth, but it does intrigue me something furious nonetheless.

elitch2 ago suez canal is perfectly level. 7.5 mile frozen lake laser experiment.

There's a lot more.

Those are interesting numbers that pop up when you work the curvature math, eh?

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm going to have to do some experiments of my own because I have severe trust issues. I don't believe 'science' because I feel that a lot of things have been infiltrated and corrupted, I don't trust truthers or conspiracy theorists or hippies because they're such hardliners they'll bend the truth or straight up lie to win arguments.

I always put my walls up and thought the flat earth theory was completely ridiculous. 30 minutes into a youtube video and I have this feeling in my gut like... fuck, are you serious? How do you explain some of this stuff?

But just like NASA and their photos of earth, I have to trust NASA or some guy on YouTube in the case of Flat Earth theories. They could just be lying, and I don't trust it unless I see it myself. In the case of that suez canal video, it's posted by someone who calls themselves stationary plane and doesn't actually show any evidence of the canal being flat for 120 miles. I'd have to go to a point in the canal myself and use a laser level and get someone to go whatever amount of distance away and measure if the laser is significantly higher than water level there. If it's not, something is up.

I actually live near Rock Lake. I should go check it out. In that experiment, assuming everything was as it seemed and worked out properly, at 7.5 miles the beam should have been around face level, 6 feet. But with the camera only being a foot above the ice I'm not sure how the beam made it to the other side, must have been some pretty flat ice. Usually it cracks and juts up around here. They also changed the angle of the beam after the experiment started because the beam was getting too high. Unfortunately that invalidates the experiment for me, and they'd have to use a level on the laser first, make sure it's level and then leave it alone.

I don't know what to make of the 666 stuff. I'm not on board with creationism or any kind of religious faith. Is this suggesting that it's some kind of satanism that (((they))) are pushing by creating this lie?

What do you say about that asshole who was replying to you? He had a good point about the stars movement in the sky. Since I don't have any chips in the game and don't really care either way because I haven't done any experiments yet, I don't feel like I need to try to believe absurdities to prove I'm right or wrong, so I can look at this sincerely from either side. I feel like if the world was flat it could still be orbiting or flying around, but the fact that things seem to orbit or spin and the sun is always shining somewhere on earth throws a wrench in the flat earth theory. I can't find a way to explain that, other than the sky is fake lol and like I said I'm not ready to believe that.

elitch2 ago

It should be very easy to prove a ball Earth, is what I always thought. I am not a "flat-Earther", I honestly have no idea. The stars rotating on an axis is one of my problems with the heliocentric model. Am I to believe that after at tens of thousands of years of this the north star, and all the rest of them, are in exactly the same place as when the Pyramids were constructed. Keep in mind this

Here check this one out. Tell me if you ever see a flight across a southern ocean.,134.53/2

The Suez has no locks, meaning there is no inclination or declination. By definition, level. I don't know what the lights in the sky are, but the heliocentric model seems improbable given my own two eyes.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yea that's weird and something I've never thought of. Why would the stars be in the same general area even?

Who do you think built the pyramids and why?

By across the ocean you mean like from Madagascar to Australia? Or over antarctica?

elitch2 ago

Any southern ocean. Damned odd, that.

No idea about the Pyramids, but it certainly wasn't the Egyptians. You can clearly see two differing construction methods. Same is true of Machu Pichu, where you have very old, near-seamless stonework, and then much rougher on top.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I saw a bunch flying over them yesterday. One appears to be going to Argentina via Australia right now. And from Africa to South America. But then again this is just a website and I can't actually determine anything is real or not. One also appears to be flying for capetown on a northern course. Looks like it came up from Antarctica but I couldn't imagine why.

elitch2 ago

The odd flight does seem to cross the southern oceans, but it's always a "assumed course", with the dotted lines. Not real time tracking.

There's certainly not a constant stream of traffic. I also mean across a southern ocean, not just dipping into the northern tip of one.

TheWorstImaginable ago

zoom in. lots of the flights don't appear til you zoom in. and realistically how many people are flying from south america to africa? They probably have main lines that connect to major airports and then smaller flights that fly much less frequently to link the shitholes together. Anyways, by stating this are you assuming that the map is inaccurate and shaped differently than it's portrayed?

I was doing a little reading and found this example of North Wales and the Isle of Man. It's the second image in this 'article'. Either I don't know how to do math, don't understand how the curvature math is supposed to be done, or maybe Eric Dubay doesn't. The claim is that 60 miles of ocean will have 1944 feet of 'bulge' in the middle or over 30 feet of curvature per mile. My math suggests something like 40 feet TOTAL over 60 miles, but I'm not sure how the squared math works. (8 inches per mile SQUARED) 8 squared is 64. Doesn't add up, I'm not at all sure about how that works though. Then Eric or whoever wrote that says with a 100 foot tall vantage point you can clearly see the other shoreline. With my math of 40 feet of rise in the ocean, a 100 foot vantage point will easily allow you to see over that. So that example is debunked as far as I'm concerned, but I'd be interested to see what others had to say. I commented about this on that article, we'll see if someone gets back to me about it. Seems like a MASSIVE miscalculation, but it could very well be me who's miscalculating.

elitch2 ago

My point about the tracking still applies. The flights you do see are marked by dotted lines (click on flight). That's not real time tracking, it's "assumed path".

You are indeed incorrect in your math. By your calculations, you should have 1600' of curvature. You're being a bit imprecise though, so 1944 is probably the correct sum.

TheWorstImaginable ago

That equals 26' per mile, how do you end up with that amount from the numbers given? (60 miles distance, 8 inches curvature per mile squared)

Maybe I'm missing the point, I have a headache today and feel a little thick. Why would flights want to cross a southern ocean? They're so wide and the high traffic destinations are in other directions. And what's the significance of the tracking? Check out flight QFA28, seems way off course, but going through a southern ocean. There's another, TAM8058 from sao paulo to johannesburg. I just can't imagine there are anywhere near as many flights going direct from shithole to shithole.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm watching that first video now. I like that they used an example I posted in my last comment, sao paulo to johannesburg. that TAM8058 flight appears to be going direct, over the south atlantic right now. It makes more sense to go to london, probably because more people want to go to london than johannesburg, and they can unload and get new paying passengers on the same flight down to johannesburg.

chrimony ago one explanation, I don't subscribe to this as fact, but it's a workable model.

If it's a "workable model" then work it. Predict the path of the 2017 eclipse using that model. But you can't, because you're a retarded monkey that can only point at things and screech without understanding. If you had actually attempted to read it and understand what it was saying, you'd realize it says to do exactly what I said the ancients already did, which does not yield anything remotely resembling a modern prediction. There's no coherent model, no worldwide prediction. Just a reliance on local observation and repeated patterns. Most of the paper has nothing to do with solar eclipses. It's just a wacky argument that lunar eclipses are not caused by the Earth's shadow.

I am not trying to prove anything, I'm agnostic.

You're a retarded monkey that denies grade-school science.

You can insult me as much as you want, I don't care about internet tough guys, but you haven't proven your position.

Except I have. I've given blatantly obvious facts about the world, predictions of the 2017 solar eclipse, relied upon and verified by millions of people, that result from a spherical Earth. You've given exactly what I said you would -- nothing but pointing to ancient observations.

Enjoy those intellectual blinders.

I'd say the same for you, but you actually need intelligence to have "intellectual blinders".

elitch2 ago

SUre thing, buddy.

You offered zero proof of your position.

Must suck having a double digit IQ.

chrimony ago

You offered zero proof of your position.

You're a liar. I gave you an event witnessed by millions of people, carving a path across the country, at times and places predicted by a spherical model of the Earth. In return, you offered exactly what I said you would -- shitty ancient models based on local observations that cannot predict the path of the 2017 eclipse. You are a retarded monkey. As I said, I cannot teach a retarded monkey math.

Must suck having a double digit IQ.

Must suck being dumber than a grade-schooler.

elitch2 ago

A bunch of people saw an eclipse. That's your "proof the Earth is pear-shaped".

My job here is done.

chrimony ago

A bunch of people saw an eclipse. That's your "proof the Earth is pear-shaped".

Millions of people saw the eclipse because they knew when and where it was going to be across America, down to the mile and minute, predicted months in advance, based on a spherical model of the Earth. Ordinary people are grateful that people smarter than them have figured this stuff out, and take the fruits offered to them. Retarded monkeys like you screech and throw shit.

My job here is done.

Yes, it is. You've made a fool of yourself over and over, beyond all doubt. You did exactly what I said you would do:

"There are many ways to prove it, even when you deny pictures from space as some giant NASA conspiracy. I will do so, and like the retarded monkey that you are, you will deny it, despite the blatant obviousness that you can't bullshit your way out of."

As I said, you cannot prove math to a retarded monkey.

elitch2 ago

You have offered zero scientific evidence for your position.

You clearly do not know how science works.

chrimony ago

You have offered zero scientific evidence for your position.

Oh, look, the retarded monkey is trying to teach me about science. Science is all about predictions and models. If your basic model is correct, it can predict true facts about the world. If your basic model is flawed, like flattard Earth, it cannot.

You clearly do not know how science works.

And you clearly are a retarded monkey. It was amusing playing with the retarded monkey for a while, but you've exhausted your predictable and easily refuted lame responses, and have lapsed into just straight denialism of the most basic truths. In other words, you're a bore.

Buh bye, retarded monkey! And remember: look both ways before crossing the street!

TheWorstImaginable ago

Who is going to listen to a person like you? You're a cretin. Go drink some bleach.

elitch2 ago

Are you a jew?

cryptex ago

I think its a form of mockery.

They know people are so psychologically abused to the point where they can get away with it.

Lord_Odious_the_Foul ago

Words cannot express my love for this comment.

TrueAmerican ago

LOL found the Flat Earther guys! Who wants to do a GoFundMe for the poor soul so we can get him an airplane ticket so he can witness the curvature of the Earth with his own eyeballs? Oh wait, nevermind, he will just claim that all airplane windows are made of "fish-eye" glass and that the curvature isn't real... LOLOL faggot, kill yourself please, or at the very least, don't breed.

satisfyinghump ago

Ever notice how the majority of responses to someone speaking flat earth truth are as violent as yours? Ever wonder why?

TrueAmerican ago

How is what I suggested violent? I am literally suggesting a way for this person to come out of their ignorance and see the curvature of the Earth from ~40,000 feet above sea level. How can you refute evidence that stares you in the face? If you truly believe Earth is flat, how can you reconcile this belief with hard evidence that the Earth has a verifiable and measurable curvature that is apparent to anyone that rides in an airplane?

cryptex ago

Deep deep conditioning.

Good to see someone on here whom can also read the matrix. Cheers bud!

TrueAmerican ago

I'm willing to bet your highest level of education is high school... how do YOU explain the curvature of the Earth that is visible from any airplane window at or above ~40,000 feet above sea level?

cryptex ago

Go back to reddit Jew.

TrueAmerican ago

Cant even answer a simple point that refutes all of Flat Earth theory... LOL

cryptex ago

Go back to reddit with the rest of the sheep faggot.

Obergruppenmemester ago

What a condescending comment.

On a completely irrelevant note, the above poster is pro-Israel.

fuckingmockies ago

I heard someone suggest a reality TV show where flat earthers search for the edge of the world - I think that'd be awesome lol

MrPim ago

Lol, I made that comment a week or two ago.

fuckingmockies ago

I've been laughing about it for days now haha

Olbee ago

Where you hear that? I think RTV where they get ‘global’ earthers to film the end of the world be SUPER awesome.

pessimisticsteel ago

Yea Yea, possibly...

bagano1 ago

How could you expect anyone to suppress their sexual desires for three years? They would still end up fucking each other if they were all female, maybe even male.

Olbee ago

...and that was written by a ???

lord_nougat ago


Food_Stamp ago


Olbee ago


Food_Stamp ago

Go be a faggot somewhere else, kike.

Olbee ago

Stoooopid Murican

6gorillion ago

And that was written by a nigger.

AdamLanza ago

The freemasons at nasa lied again. Allow me to express how shocked I am.

Landwhaleonline ago

Op seems to understand some of the subversion, but nasa lying? No way......... KEK

Guardbuddy ago

Why not just send a team of men, like how we used to fucking do?

Oh right, I forgot, it's $CURRENTYEAR.

SurfinMindWaves ago

Men can't be impregnated by space aliens.

dontmindthemess ago

Facehugger anyone?

SurfinMindWaves ago


MrPim ago

No thanks man. I'm not into face rape.

Olbee ago

It’s Rape. It’s more exciting when you’re not into it. It’s about dominance and control silly. Next it comes ripping out of your abdomen...just like in the movies. Isn’t it a shame you cannot get pregnant like me. Then there would be even more Rapeees available. Good Luck with your travel to another planet. Humankind will miss you.

IamNottaTroll ago

Apparently wimen use less calories, so they could save a few kilos of food weight.

StanTheTRex ago

Which would be offset by tampons, makeup, and chocolate.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Pemmican is the ultimate space food, but they continue to send potatoes and lettuce. NASA is not that smart.

Guardbuddy ago

NASA used to be smart, back when it was mostly Nazis.

ShinyVoater ago

It's a morale issue. NASA's even looking into 3D-printing food for yet more variety in an easy to launch package.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Fine, cheese and chocolate then. Still don't need to sent water vegetables.

fhaqyu ago

that's probably because the mission to mars is all bullshit. just more shekels for a privately owned corporation who takes the 3rd most of the american budget.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

After Medicare and Social Security, or just the non-military discretionary spending?

fhaqyu ago

medicare and social security are mandatory spending, which in essence is a different bucket, thanks for pointing that out.

here is the 2002 budget requests which i believe they were funded over this amount.

Food_Stamp ago

But they're absolutely useless for doing any kind of work so what's the point?

Soyboy69 ago

Well what work would they need to do? really all they have to do is just exist.

Chadsden ago

yeah but we are talking about the women on the spaceship now

Soyboy69 ago

Yes and? everything would be handled by computers and men on the ground, all they have to do is exist.

Smocaine ago

You know, that's fuckin great until something goes wrong on board and requires quick thinking and technical repairs.

Chadsden ago

its a joke guy.

HeavyBrain ago

But they also lift less. so building shit takes longer aka needs more/ just as much food before they start growing their own.

Nanoonanoo ago

just wondering if they could get past the first month...

IamNottaTroll ago

The first month could work, but wait until their periods sync up.

GoatyMcGoatface ago

In space, no one can hear you bleed



Olbee ago

Proof or gtfo

Karbuster ago

They can if you bitch nonstop

Nanoonanoo ago

dykes in spaaaaaaccceeeeeee

Landrictree ago

Zero Gravity Lesbo Porn.

Excellent band name.

Soyboy69 ago

With vacuum asphyxiation?

knightwarrior41 ago

holy shit lol

birds_sing ago

If NASA was smart they'd invent a force field. Maybe one made out of a lightweight rubber like latex that could be used to protect the astronauts from such a cataclysmic event.

theoldones ago


this is your space program on women.

Olbee ago

Meh. What are they wearing? This seasons shirt? From the same collection as 2014 ESA...or something new?

throwaway888 ago

Lisa Nowak

fuckingmockies ago

I sincerely believe an all female crew would still bring make up to space.

Maroonsaint ago

Honestly I’m just offended that there’s no niggers.

fuckingmockies ago

Meh, we've already sent monkies to space.

tendiesonfloor ago

They don't wear it of the guys, it's a display of dominance against other females.

Amelia_Earnhardt_Jr ago

Catholic school girls don't wear make-up at school. They are lazy around other girls just like men are around other men.

They sure get made up and slutty on the weekends though when they see dudes.

RAnon ago

I will never ever understand women

elitch2 ago

Just think of them as very large 6 year old children.

It helps.

Supershorty ago

Sounds like Dwarf Fortress in space, only not cool because this would set back real progress, as opposed to watching a hilarious tantrum spiral destroy your work.

daskapitalist ago

Boatmurder, in space!

Supershorty ago

Oh God, Space Elephants! Quick, activate project Fuck The World!

acheron2012 ago

I was going to respond about how simple birth control is -- also stopping a woman's mensural cycle would be ALL KINDS OF DESIRABLE during space flight.

But that only addresses the superficial problem of pregnancy. It is much more fun to consider a group, ANY GROUP, of females locked inside a camper for 3 years.

Have you ever read any of those books about the inter-stellar generational ships where there is a mutiny and everyone forgets they're on a space ship? And they all form tribes and conduct inter-tribe prehistoric wars by using computer keyboards as clubs?

Yeah. That. But they would probably be spacing the odd chick out before they left earth orbit. It would be a ghost ship that arrived at Mars.

enginedriver13 ago

All female companies famously go down in flames every fucking time (plenty of accounts by disillusioned former feminists attesting to this reality), and they just have to be around each other for 8-10 hours a day. Being locked in an inescapable enclosure 24/7? Put some cameras in there and stream it on Jew-O-Vision.

Itsdone63 ago

What's the name of one of those books friendo

theoldones ago

its an entire genre

look up the tag "colony ship" and you'll get too many to list here

Itsdone63 ago

Nice, had no idea. Now I have an entire genre of books to buy and neglect.

acheron2012 ago

I acutally just read Starship by Brian Aldiss. Apparently it was the first one, from the late 1950s. It certainly isn't the best. But it does have a unique twist I hadn't seen before. I can't remember the name of the first one I ever read. It may have been Forever Watch

Some searches should help you find them. Here is one example: (which btw says Heinlein's is older. Figures. He was first about everything)

tendiesonfloor ago

ForTheUltimate ago


6gorillion ago

What in the fuck is wrong with voat. When did we start upvoating fucking lol's. Is this reddit? nope, weird.

olltre ago

fuck off princess, since when is there a voat hivemind, i thought this was breaking free from reddit but apparently we all have to upvoat only posts you approve of your royal highness. FAG

peanut-head ago

It was humorous. Funny pictures like that is why I browse voat. It's good, family friendly fun.

6gorillion ago

How in the fuck did you get upvoats for that comment you fucking faggots trying to get around the system....

olltre ago

dont get your panties in a bunch princess

6gorillion ago

Bunch your panties up all you want, sodomite.

6gorillion ago

[–] peanut-head 0 points (+0|-0) 38 seconds ago

It was humorous. Funny pictures like that is why I browse voat. It's good, family friendly fun.

link parent reply   ...   

Are you really trying to argue that this guy saying lol is good family fun? Perhaps you need to re-read my comment and then re-read yours. Maybe you will get it.

peanut-head ago

Sorry, you're right. I misunderstood. I just think that saying lol was appropriate given the picture in the link. It gave me a chuckle, at least, but I understand that kind of humor can come off a bit harsh if taken in the wrong context. I don't think it was meant to offend, at least.

6gorillion ago

Okay but you still have it wrong. Saying lol is not even fucking remotely "harsh" even if in the wrong context. It's a retarded comment that serves 0 fucking purpose because I don't need to know that guy lol'd. And then to say he just naturally got 15 ish upvoats for a fucking lol? It's laughable. My uncle with down syndrome even knows that you don't comment "lol" unless you are a reddit tier retard, which is far lower iq than my uncles retardation.

peanut-head ago

I don't think the lol comment was meant in a negative way, and I'm saying that because you seem to be taking it in a way that I think was not intended. The reason it could be seen as warranted is to let the person who posted the picture know that it gave someone a good laugh. Even a small thing like that can be appreciated. I guess it's one those "it's the thought that counts" kind of things.

6gorillion ago

What I am saying is it doesn't matter how it was intended. There is literally 0 good reason to comment with nothing more than an lol at any given time.

itsFine ago


peanut-head ago

You're right, but I guess I just think there's at least a small (yes, insignificant) reason for it. It gives feedback and encouragement to the person who posted the picture. That can lead to more good, humorous links and laughs in the future.

6gorillion ago

There is a system in place for that, it's called upvoats. The picture in question has more upvoats than any single one of my comments or submissions. The lol still doesn't add anything.

ForTheUltimate ago

Some people who wouldn't have opened the jpg will now do. In theory.

Mittermeyer ago

Looks like upvoat farming again

knightwarrior41 ago

really funny

Maroonsaint ago

Women like to break you down and get to know everything about you. They do that so they can use it against you

Hall_of_Cost ago

Yeah that's a good one. Sharing this one :D