Jollyet ago

Note that this is part of a concerted effort on behalf of the Big Tech stacks to limit competition. The objective is partly ideological - to enforce a PC censorship regime, as we well know from the events of the last two years. But it also represents a collusion between the major actors to keep all competitors out of the space. This warrants antitrust investigations and serious measures being taken against the stacks once they are determined to be guilty, which is virtually assured given a thorough investigation (they've practically bragged about what they're doing in public, then look at the internal leaks like Google's 'good censor', they met before the election to discuss concerted censorship efforts, etc).

It should also be noted that the Big Tech stacks are not and have never been 'private companies' in the classic sense, they received seed money from the intelligence community (DARPA. CIA, etc) and ultimately are wards of the state, i.e. taxpayers. So their claims of absolute, private jurisdiction are specious. Not only this but they continue to be subsidized by US taxpayers to the tune of $billions each year (server farms cost a lot of money and these parasites try to get munis to pay for them, etc).

Zionistworshipsatan ago

U.K. free speech? America free speech? It goes in both hands. All of this is Intelligent gathering.......

pandtl_v ago

Hi. Apparently I need 10 CCP to PM you with a new account. Since I've already written the PM, what would be the easiest way to achieve the 10 CCP?

Potsieramirez ago

There is no free speech site left

BitChute ago

We're not out yet, keep the faith

Apply_Filters ago

Honest question,
What's your reaction to this?

BitChute ago

I already replied on that page. The content was removed under UK terrorism laws.

Apply_Filters ago

Good grief. What's this world coming to. I'll do some more checking. Thanks for reply.

ilikeskittles ago

Fuck Patreon.

idle_voating ago

Can channels that were demonetized on youtube still make money from bitchute? I'm wondering if I should watch their channels on bitchute instead.

Crawdadie17 ago

youtube is a private company if you don't like their rules you can go somewhere else. can we though? now mastercard is refusing to process payments for businesses they don't agree with. and now there are businesses in my area that want to stop taking cash as payment. things are getting progressively worse. the only way these things will be fixed is if they are fixed by force.

BitChute ago

"Bakers must bake the cake & Private companies can do what they like..."

The people who are out to shut us down have few principles, everything is opportunistic.

HenryCabotLodge ago

The REASON Crypto will never go away is shit like this. The world will continue to find a way around this world wide censorship.

NeoDankZer ago

Too much freedom for the goyim lets them question things!

matthew-- ago

This is stupid. Patreons real top earners make weird nsfw furry bestiality porn shit. Who cares about violence compared to that?

SteaksUSA ago

After banning a speech video, I can't say I'm too saddened by this.

BitChute ago

Oh come on, we can't host prescribed UK terrorist content because we are currently a UK company and would all end up in prison. We're looking at becoming a US C-Corp.

pandtl_v ago

There are various vehicles you can use to incorporate in the US. A C-Cop may be appropriate for tax purposes but is probably not the most ideal for others. If you are currently being advised on a corporate structure by a US attorney then I'm sure you have this handled - but if not I want to extend an offer to get you in touch with a few offices that are aligned with your particular problems.

Now I just need 10 CCP to send you a PM!

Broc_Lia ago

Ha! Just linked to that.

John_B_14 ago

Since BitChute is down to accepting cryptocurrencies, I'd like to make a suggestion about your donation page.

Underneath each cryptocurrency address, I'd suggest adding a link or button that says "QR Code for BTC/BCH/ETH". And when the user clicks the link or button, it shows the appropriate QR code (with text address underneath).

The reason I recommend this is because many people use smartphone cryptocurrency wallets. So the QR codes will allow them to use their smartphone to scan the QR code on their laptop / computer screen, and donate crypto that way.

BitChute ago

Thanks that's very useful.

HenryCabotLodge ago

The little social justice warriors do not know it, but they are the enemy of a free world and free expression. The subjection of free expression of conservative right (and left leaning) platforms, leaves us no better than those millions who died fighting Stalin and the repression of the USSR for 70 years. Free thought and free expression are the life blood of a free society. //// Two thousand years ago, the proudest boast was civis romanus sum ["I am a Roman citizen"]. Today, in the world of freedom, the proudest boast is "Ich bin ein Berliner!"... All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words "Ich bin ein Berliner!"

HenryCabotLodge ago

I am old, but know a little about crypto. The folks I deal with wouldn't know it if it bit them in the arse. That being said, it would help oldsters like me if there were a "sticky" near the donation page explaining how to donate via crypto ( I know - here is the wallet address ). However, now that mainstream coin purveyors like Coinbase track monitor and block some transfers - how the H can stuff be done in the ether? For example BTC is purchased but then needs to be put out into the solar system in some "wallet" not controlled by - say - coinbase. While it is out there uncontrolled, it can be then transfered relatively anon to Bitchute or others. That is a big leap - given that MC VISA PayPal Coinbase Stripe (and more than I can remember) have banned many end users (like GAB etc). ///// This IS the fight for First Amendment Freedom played out on a new digital stage.

7e62ce85 ago

Please include Dash which is anonymous, then I can send some your way.

I_Always_Lie ago

Monero too.

Broc_Lia ago

Keep in mind, that they've hopped on the censorship bandwagon

7e62ce85 ago

Hmm sounds like their hands were forced. No existing free speech laws protect inciting violence (including our own).

BitChute ago

Yep, this particular content was taken down under terrorism laws, we're not planning to become fugitives. Thanks for the tip on Dash.

Ahrun ago

Another platform of free speech is being attacked? Why am I not surprised... Keep on fighting the good fight guys, drastic actions like this only further proves our argument.

Ahrun ago

Thanks for the link, I guess the devs came on here for some sympathy points. (Boo hoo we got fucked like gab please come back)

BitChute ago

Not really, we're regulars on here. We post the good with the bad. The content in the case above was taken down under terrorism laws. We're not planning to become fugitives.

Ahrun ago

That's fair enough, but what is the point in setting up a platform of free speech in a country that censors everything. The UK is living in the dystopian future Orwell described in 1984. Take a note from Voat's book, host your website in a country without those laws.

Trash_Panda ago

Of course it's all bullshit. They're targeting anybody and anything that could allow users an easy escape from the ideological prisons they're constructing.

Doglegwarrior ago

When ever i talk to real people in the real world they all would love voat the fucking naritive the tv and media on all fronts pushing is a lie its all lies and its always (((them)))

BitChute ago

Yeah we've been marked, I can't even say we've been in much controversy compared to say Gab but it's clear there's a lot of people who do want us GONE!

pandtl_v ago

I probably won't get the CCP needed to PM you. Is there an ideal e-mail address on the Bitchute site somewhere I can reference to reach you?

BitChute ago

Try ray@

Broc_Lia ago

You've been censoring political speech so you won't get much sympathy from me.

Zionistworshipsatan ago

And voat hasn’t?

Broc_Lia ago

Example of them doing so?

BitChute ago

Listed terrorist group, we can't legally host that content. We're planning a company move to the US for different reasons but until then if something is officially listed as a terrorist group in the UK we cannot host it or we will face jail time.

Rellik88 ago

But I thought the vids are torrented. How are you hosting the content? BTW Love the site but what @Broc_Lia brought up did piss me off.

BitChute ago

Doesn't matter. We're legally incorporated in the UK, no UK company can provide material support to listed UK terrorist organisations.

Rellik88 ago

Sorry for you UK guys. Your country is damn near lost. America is on its way.

Broc_Lia ago

If it's just a temporary measure that you plan to revoke in the future and do not support, you should say so very clearly in that statement.

Also, since you're moving to the US, what do you plan to do when you start getting national security letters.

BitChute ago

Wherever we are we plan to comply with the law as far as we are legally compelled to do so. We're currently sorting out new ways to take funds which are very robust and I expect we will get this in place soon, if the community supports us in this we'll fight on, if not we won't be able to. It's as simple as that.

Broc_Lia ago

If you'd like support, don't you think it's a good idea to make it clear what they'll be supporting? In that other post your wording makes you look like every other hosting company trying to become the next youtube.

BitChute ago

What would you do in our situation?

Broc_Lia ago

Like I said above, if you intend to make an anti-censorship hosting service, say so. Explain your current limitations and what you intend to do to get around them in future.

Also, if you do intend to ultimately place limits on free speech on your platform (like I assume no childporn or possibly no porn entirely) explain what those limits will be to the community from whom you're asking support.

Once you've done that people will be in a much better position to decide whether to support you or not. Just banning select political groups and saying nothing about it makes you look an awful lot like every other free speech content platform that turned PC the moment they got popular.

BitChute ago

Nice way to duck my question.

In our situation would you have removed the content or not? Knowing full well it is illegal and the penalty can be as much as 10 years in prison.

Broc_Lia ago

What would you do in our situation?

This was your question, I answered it.

In our situation would you have removed the content or not? Knowing full well it is illegal and the penalty can be as much as 10 years in prison.

Sure, then I'd have made it clear why I did so.

Look, do you want to score points or do you want to solve the problem? Because leaving your users in the dark about this has clearly caused a problem.

BitChute ago

How many other video services do you see on Voat answering questions? We did in our community guidelines.

Broc_Lia ago

How many other video services do you see on Voat answering questions?

You, now.

We did in our community guidelines.

You should explain the situation clearly on every page containing a banned video. Otherwise your message won't get across. Anyhow, you asked me a question and I answered it.

IsaacJan ago

You’re going to get railed on by a few dicks around here until you’re firmly a free speech platform. Being as you said, a UK company, you are not. I don’t know if you noticed, but opinion of the UK is extremely low here. You live in clown system currently.

Trash_Panda ago

You guys could stop being massive dicks for two seconds and understand that he already addressed this and mentioned moving operations to the US. I don't understand why "we are legally obligated to obey the law" is so damn controversial.

IsaacJan ago

You’re definitely not talking about me.

Dark_Shroud ago

They already got PewTube and they'll probably go after next.