CrudOMatic ago


ardvarcus ago

He wouldn't be the first to do it.

Shishamo ago

My moonman.

TheStapler ago


zerozen77 ago

This dude is my favorite..'You Can Shoot Each Other': Duterte Offers Duel Between His Son and Opp Senator" . I know he is deadly serious too.

ProgNaziGator ago

I would happily donate for weapaons, training, and travel to our own squads of antimarx or antisub(versives.)

fluxusp ago

And free helicopter rides?

Lord_Mari ago

Pinoy state fascism when?

wt1984yb ago

Yet he allies with China

QXQ ago


The US isn't backing the Phils up, so he joined China.

Seventh_Jim ago

Who cares? He behaves as a sovereign and is acting in the best interests of his nation.

You think they're at higher risk of becoming a vassal state by allying with China than US? At least China is ok with keeping muslims from overrunning the culture.

Maximum50 ago

We had to do that in my native Peru. The Maoist terrorism problem was so bad the president had to use dead squads. The Maoists retreated to the jungle and gave up their political aspirations, now they just produce cocaine.

Unfortunately, the president was latter arrested and is now in jail because of his use of death squads (that and he stole a bunch of gold and fled to Japan to avoid corruption charges). They pretty much arrest all of the ex-presidents in Peru.

popsikle ago

i wonder if the 'war on drugs' over there is all local or the (((cia))) has something to do with it

Cleanhobo ago

Philippines is about to become one of the nicest places on earth. smart man would buy some land there.

Malagant ago

Not fucking around that one.

feli00 ago

As always. The globalist banker controls all sides through the debt and its IMF international banks etc and finances both sides to kill each other. As Q says both sides are wings of the same bird. the globalist banker and stop communism and stories

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

I hate the fake-out thumbnails.

BumFightChamp ago

Uh he has had his own death squads for 3+ years already, they've killed over 10,000....

QXQ ago

He also rode his motorcycle around and killed local criminals when he was mayor of Davao City.

BumFightChamp ago

He also gang raped the corpse of a nurse in a jail he was in and complained that he didn't get to go first.

sinclair ago


gazillions ago

He's got everything right.

He told his people they should dump the corrupt catholic church and use their own homes as their places of worship

RndM_FggT ago

Btw wasnt there something with isis in phillipines some time ago? Would like to know if they killed most which were in one city.


Yes it was in the south, they have a muzzie problem there. They freed the city, and killed those encircled ISIS fucks. There's some great combat footage and documentaries about it. Even one about a Philippines army squad getting their APC shot to hell with rpg's, some soldiers injured and how they hunkered down for days to fight off those ISIS shitheads, made a national hero out of a few of them.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

There comes a point where you have to fight fire with fire to stop the spread. Pacification only works for so long.

stradian ago

Promised made, promises actually kept. String them up Durterte.

Walop ago

Efficient and morally correct, the best combo.

kalgon ago

Some christians have to realize they aren't going to protect baby jesus by just being nice

pocketForceNapkin ago

Isn't that exactly was Jesus said, turn the other cheek?

Omnidempotent ago

Jesus' point was not to be a pushover, but to provoke your enemy into shaming themselves

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

What about "I did not come to bring peace, but a sword"?

pocketForceNapkin ago

"for all who draw the sword will die by the sword”

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

It's almost like you can find a Bible passages to support literally any idea you want.

pocketForceNapkin ago

Or the Torah or the Koran....interesting.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Or most large texts really, some just require more cultural Marxism than others in order to interpret the "right" way.

Except the Talmud, that is unredeamably evil and it's followers too.

Omnidempotent ago

He wasn't talking about a literal sword

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


What does a sword represent, dingus?

Omnidempotent ago

Google the quote and find out, lazy pants

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

No, what does it mean to you.

The sword represents division, and conflict between believers and non-believers.

TheTrigger ago

Pearls before swine, dude. Not worth the effort.

kalgon ago

That's typically the kind of intellectual shortucts/laziness I have against some christians, and yes I know you aren't one

He didn't say, "just that", to be clear

Wagner said "why blame the Jews?"

But he didn't say, "just that"

petevoat ago

Love this guy.

If you haven't been to the Phillipines it a seriously corrupt place. It's full of very poor and desperate people they're forced to drugs and dealing in it. Even the families were so desperate they sold their own children to pedos that travelled there. It was foul.

So when Duterte got elected and went in hard and shooting dealers and pushers it certainly cleaned up the streets by a factor of thousands.

As for the death squads, not sure what the situation is on that front but I do know there terrorism is rife in the southern side.

fysi003 ago

Hey hey, you are over exaggerate the situation here in the Philippines. I think it only occur to 3 - 8 percent of Filipinos. Yes the government here is corrupt, but the Philippines is not full of poor and desperate people. Death squads here in my opinion is real, drug lords who is given a second chance but still operate to sell drugs are being killed. One example is a mayor in Iloilo City. Source: Myself as a Filipino.

GimmeTheUsual ago

So has Duterte helped or not?

I'm honestly curious for a local's opinion on that.

Lord_Mari ago

Filipino? I thought I was the only one here.

ProgNaziGator ago

Tag a log!

Did I spell that right?

Lord_Mari ago

I guess, lol.

WhitePaladin ago

He even said he would eat them to scare them, its sad he needs that propaganda, but that country is stuck in time and needs a massacre to rebuild from bottom.

Reddit_Account ago

North has CPP-NPA, early in Duterte's precidency, He wants to talk to them because "you can't kill ideals". But IIRC one time they are having peace talks, a group if Filipino soldier were ambushed by NPAs and that pissed off Duterte.

NPA on their early days(70's) they are "legit" group who are fighting for ideals, Today, they are nothing more than terrorist that burns down local business that don't pay for "revolutionary tax" and behead farmers.

gazillions ago

Yes and those asshole leftists have absolutely zero sympathy for anyone but the drug dealers and fuck ups. the people they fuck up are garbage to them. for 50 years their pseudo psychology has been "fixing" all the troubled people and all they've done is increase their own job opportunities by increasing the fuck ups.

Opportunist bitches of death.

ProgNaziGator ago

Evil gon evil

Simonsaysgoat ago

I could never even fathom being so desperate that I would sell my children for anything. Go in the woods and build a mud hut and live off the land. Dumpster dive for materials to build a shelter but fir fucks sake dont,let people fuck your kids so you can have a few dollars that will quickly run out and put you right bavk at square one. What the fuck. I feel like I need to quit my job and start a modern christian crusade to cleanse the earth of these degenerate scum. I ran acriss that drag queen kid on Good,Morning Anerica this,morning and nearly lost it fo good. My wife had to chill me out before I could come to work. I seriously dont,know what peoole are doing anymore. I feel like the crazy person for wanting normal life again.

ProgNaziGator ago

Don't think I would either.

In 3rd world Sex starts before double digit age and no birth control makes babys arrive early and often. Then drugs are an escape and life is pointless but numerous then life becomes very very cheap.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Yeah. Its just insane how much life is wasted. Truly a good vs evil battle around the globe right now

Maximum50 ago

You don't understand, those people have like 15 children and there is not enough space to go to the woods and build a hut, every inch of land has been claimed. Even the dumpsters have been claimed, there are people that actually go though garbage to find food, they sell it to street food vendors that in turn "re-cook" it and sale it to people. Overpopulation is a huge problem over there (because they are devout Catholics that believe using contraception is a sin).

Simonsaysgoat ago


Charilko ago

Catholics don’t believe that you have to have sixteen kids, though. That’s the thing. You have the right (and responsibility) to not get pregnant if you can’t afford the kids. And yes, NFP isn’t foolproof but a woman also isn’t fucking fertile every day of her life.

ProgNaziGator ago

We have a lot more options for dopamine hits besides sex. They dont.

Maximum50 ago

They have their own brand of catholic over there.

Ocelot ago

Filipinos are Asians, and a relatively lower form at that. Their selling of their children is not incredibly unusual.

drstrangegov ago

oh man......I feel you on that one. I shudder to think what id be without my wife.

Simonsaysgoat ago

Lol id be dead or in jail and then dead

Dailytacs ago

Yes. I can't read some news because I lose vision. Saw an article on that segment of GMA. My God what an evil abyss, where will we bottom out?

GimmeTheUsual ago

Yep. Every fucking line that gets crossed makes the bar sink lower and lower.

I honestly am not depraved enough to think of what comes next. Seriously, its that fucked up now.

Cleanhobo ago

There is no bottom. No matter how bad it is it can always get worse.

Simonsaysgoat ago

I used to be such an open person as far as acceptance of others. These days the empathetic part of me is almost gone for anyone outside of whites

downton-stabby ago

Everything out there is being twisted for evil. It's getting hard to refute God at this point as so many things are turning to satanism. It doesn't mean blood sacrifices and pointy tailed demons. Turning from all things God and nature and giving people over to inhuman depravities. These people in turn corrupt others and future generations.

I believe Soddom and Gomorrah were destroyed not because of a bunch of gay sex, but because they were so depraved they pretty much raped everyone. The citizens demanded that Lot let out the Angels that came to visit them so that they could rape them. God then destroyed them for it.

That's how you get people to turn against their own children. They are so perversed with their surroundings from their own childhood that they are no longer proper humans. That's what they are bringing to the rest of the world.

Simonsaysgoat ago

America is right behind

Merchant_Menace ago

FINALLY. It's about damn time we started seeing some Right Wing Death Squads.

We can learn from this man.

fhaqyu ago

He's demonized because he's been pushing out all the drugs. He's quite entertaining to listen to in interviews as well. Home boy calls it like he sees it

TheTrigger ago



Merchant_Menace ago

Duterte is within his rights to pick his own sides. Similarly I want a leader who doesn't feel the need to ally themselves with ZOG

anamericantale ago


I love commie propaganda when it involves killing drug dealers, fucking up muslims, and taking a hard line on pieces of shit that wreck society.

Merchant_Menace ago

Yeah, fair enough. I hate communism when it means infinity welfare for infinity niggers. But if the meaning changes to the above then... a rose by any other name, right?

togCirt ago

Frankly, I believe Trump might issue a call to patriots to form a National Guard. Well, that name is taken, so call it any other name, but you get the idea. The official Presidential Citizens' Militia. To protect the Constitution. Give them some special right and powers.

Merchant_Menace ago

Up voted for change from might to should.

Merchant_Menace ago

I wish... but I don't believe.

GimmeTheUsual ago

MAGA Minutemen?

Wouldn't that be something.

togCirt ago

Why not? Just call them Minutemen. When Left wing thugs roam the streets, you need someone to protect the country. In Germany of old it used to be Freikorps - mostly the veterans of WWI. Kicking ass of the Communists. Ironically, many of those Communists left Germany and went to USA, to create the very problem the USA is facing today. Just like a deadly infection creeps from one limb to another, so the International Communism creeps from one society to another - shape-shifting, hiding, subverting, and striking when the time is right.

ardvarcus ago

I really believe Trump should authorize ordinary citizens to protect the southern border from invasion, by any means necessary. He could form some kind of federal organization, and volunteers could be trained in six weeks or less. They would use their own weapons and their own vehicles, and organize themselves into local squads to patrol the border. I guarantee you, illegal border crossings would drop to almost zero overnight. But, of course, the Big Jews and the Deep State boys and Silicon Valley and the farmers and the factory owners and construction companies don't want their cheap no-rights labor pool emptied, do they?

GimmeTheUsual ago

If you have a weapon legally and got the training to use it - just step up and start identifying targets. How about deduction from your taxes for every day you patrol or some such metric. Those fuckers wouldn't dare come within a mile of the border after that.

Omnidempotent ago

He would have to stop giving money to Israel to fund it

togCirt ago

Or quite the opposite - Israel is facing a huge problem with its own extreme Left who, believe it or not are seriously advocating open borders for Israel, just as some so often jokingly propose it here. So the conservative circles of Israel know the problem and their security forces know how to deal with extremists. Import a bunch of them to the USA and drop them onto the yet another Leftist riot, and see what happens.