speedisavirus ago

He wasn't banned for naming jews. He was banned for inciting violence.

ChiComs ago

Not true at all. talking about hoping someone vandalizes holohoax memorials 27 days ago IS NOT A CRIME, and IS NOT VIOLENCE. property destruction under US law is NOT VIOLENCE.

Why do (((you))) spread such lies.

Also its a class of 68 targets across many states and therefore not even a crime and even more is SPECIFICALLY PROTECTED free speech because he did not select a subset of 68

quit spreading jew lies, and read the law

speedisavirus ago

Yes true all.

ChiComs ago

I figured out why you lie with pure facts in front of you... YOU ARE PART JEW. 100% certain of it.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Could have done without the first two minutes of it. Really there is editing software.

eyeswide0pen ago

Patrick has done more to name the jew than anyone else I've seen. The shilling against him is an amazing thing to see. I'm surprised at some of the people I've seen doing this, it's an excellent litmus test.

antiliberalsociety ago

You've never heard of George Lincoln Rockwell? Until Pat says the word Nigger or comes out as a Nazi his actions are just smoke, because it will take nothing less to make the difference.

Have a listen

speedisavirus ago

He is a nigger sympathizer. He ran on giving niggers reparations

eyeswide0pen ago

Yes, I know GLR but we're at a point where we need to unite everyone against the jew. We won't be able to do this alone and all racial groups have been victimized. We can all unite as separate groups to defeat a common enemy. I thought the same way as you but now I see there is no other way. We defeat the enemy and then we worry about our problems with the other races. Balkanization may be the answer.

ChiComs ago

Patrick has done more to name the jew than anyone else I've seen


The 15% of voat members that are Jewish are trying their VERY BEST to Divide and Conquer using smears as a tactic.

Watch that video... Patrick not only names the jews throughout it, he discusses the concept, the reasons to name jews, and some of Patrick Little's tactics on how to discover and reveal a Jew. Some tactics such as Duct Tape are fairly amusing and interesting!

That guy is a Hero, not just a Shit Lord.

The shills here are unfounded and relentless... all because now the jew shills claim he never says the word "Nigger" on any recorded news video. He avoids it, the same way David Duke nowadays does, because it closes the ears of those on the fence by becoming an unpalatable low-brow caricature. And its not Patrick's beef.

Patrick has few issues with Blacks, he is laser focused on Naming The Jews.

amazingly Gab just deplatformed Patrick for Naming The Jews and made up spurious unfounded claims of violence, and other stuff , offering up a lame 100% protected free speech LEGAL wish of Patrick's of vandalism to a CLASS of 68 targets across america as Gabs "violation". This is despite Patrick knowing cleverly what is legal or not to type , and Patrick using a non imminent time of 365 days or less, rather than 364 days or less to make it a legal protected speech claim under well worn well established SCOTUS rulings. Patrick is also a shit lord by picking a class of targets wider than the focus needed to make it an illegal statement by including all ojects in the class of targets : namely all 68 us holohoax memorials, rather than a named selection.

Its eeire. Its as if Patrick's la,e 25 day old post was the bait to take down Gab by making the Jews at gab lie and claim it was illegal speech despite any 1st year law student knowing CLEARLY that Gab is full of shit and in the wrong.

Famous SCOTUS Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)


SCOTUS Hess v. Indiana, 414 U.S. 105 (1973) [must be less than 12 months] :


Hurray For Patrick Little! The protector of FREE SPEECH!

ardvarcus ago

I think Little is a liberal agent provocateur.

facepaint ago

I am kind of pissed that he did not show us what post(s) he was banned for.

I want to know.

speedisavirus ago

He was inciting violence and starting a targeted harassment campaign including doxxing. You know, crimes. He was justly banned. Other people have posted them before.

facepaint ago

He was inciting violence and starting a targeted harassment campaign including doxxing.

Yup. That is what Gab has said.

Patrick Little rejects that he was justly banned.

I want to see what he was banned for so that I can make my own determination.

Other people have posted them before.

Where? I want to see for myself. So far neither Patrick nor Gab have coughed up the posts to my knowledge.

speedisavirus ago

You ever heard of this thing called a fucking search engine? Go find shit yourself you worthless faggot.


facepaint ago


facepaint ago

Kind of dull all things considered.

Boax ago

Aaaannnnd it’s gone

ChiComs ago

still plays for me on hooktube this hour, one minute ago.

(((they))) must really hate his video today, but he said he uploaded it today to 4 different servers according to hum main website :


it plays from his website too

Boax ago

Cool thanks

Durm ago

Lot better than I thought it would be. Never seen much of him outside the few quick videos for election time.

Very nice post thanks.

PsyOp ago

There is no political solution to our problems. Patrick Little's efforts are superfluous...what we need are highly trained killers who can quickly, and quietly, exterminate the people who are doing this to us.

falangismo_angelino ago

I'll have to make time to watch this. Such a shame what has happened to gab. I feel bad ever having to shilled for that.

DavidHogg ago

Maybe he is a shill for Jews and bouncing around to each “free speech” platform until each gets shut down. Hell I wouldn’t be surprised if his next move was voat.

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Hopefully, he's got them all backed up in a torrent file for his supporters to download and keep sharing with others.

JopharVorin ago

With a name like Gabbai only a idiot sheep would fall for this open jew trick.

ChiComs ago

that link fails this minute for me with blank screen in 2 browsers, from my location in USA.

(((they))) must really hate his video today, but he said he uploaded it today to 4 different servers according to hum main website :


it plays from his website

ScannerDarkly ago

Patrick Little is a jew. You faggots are falling for a crypto jew shill.

badruns ago

Jews don't serve in the military dumbfuck.

speedisavirus ago

Yes the do. I was in the military and there were jews.

badruns ago

Hyperbole. Comparatively, how many goys were there? Was it perhaps 500:1 ?

speedisavirus ago

Considering (((they))) are less than 2% of the population there aren't going to be many.

badruns ago

Like all things jewish, it's disproportional. They're 2% of the population, but less than 0.33% of the military is Jewish. They're basically nonexistent.

speedisavirus ago

Asians are under represented and niggers are over represented. whats you point. the race representation mirrors close to education attainment.

Omnidempotent ago

Why do you think he's a crypto jew?

fellowkikepeople ago

Ignore this JIDF fucker.

His link below is repeatedly posted and clearly JIDF disinfo. One of its sources is "The Jewish News of Northern California". lol.

ScannerDarkly ago


He never calls Israel out for its true crimes. He's just a shit stirrer.

You will never hear anythig about apartheid, or talpiot, or the trump israel connection from him. What he is doing does not help our cause.

ChiComs ago

In this video he lists many famous crimes of Israel against the USA, and countless jewish atrocities of the past.

Omnidempotent ago

He's called out Israel or for their role in 911 and for their genocide of Palestinians. He accused trump of being in the pocket of israel. He seems to be doing just fine to me.

antiliberalsociety ago

Has he ever used the word Nigger? Does he have supporters in his videos? Has he ever gone to jail for protesting Antifa/BLM while they destroy cities? What did he do for Ferguson, Baltimore, Milwaukee, and so on?

This is the shit George Lincoln Rockwell did. Patrick Little praises him, but does not emulate him. He's too scared to even dare.

Omnidempotent ago

Patrick Little holding signs saying the holocaust is a lie

You can find similar images through search. He has been physically assaulted in public. He encourages and stages his own IOTBW protests. Just because he doesn't support your pet causes or do exactly what you want him to do doesn't mean he is a crypto jew.

And saying nigger is fucking retarded when it comes to redpilling normies. There are few things that would be more counter productive.

antiliberalsociety ago

This is the retarded mentality Rockwell talks about. Have you EVER HEARD of fighting a war by your enemy's rules? That's what avoiding that word is doing. You don't fight by their rules you take the fight to them and put them on the defensive and you throw shit at them they don't expect, can't control, and by doing that you attract attention they can't suppress.

Prove to me Patrick Little has been assaulted while protesting, I've never seen it. These aren't pet causes these are the only things that are going to make a damn bit of difference. Who the fuck is going to war because of a youtube video? Why does he not get interviews? Rockwell did and the media was just as Jewish then as it is now. This is why Rockwell hated conservatives and became a Nazi, you achieve NOTHING by just talking.

Where's the riots and protestors at Little's speeches? Where's the agitators? He's a fucking shill and you drink that koolaid like the Q faggot that you are. Keep sitting and doing nothing, Pat's got your back! Even fucking Snopes confirms his position instead of suppressing/dismissing/downplaying it like they would a viable threat.

DavidHogg ago

I’m with you. He’s being used as an excuse for these platforms to be censored.

ScannerDarkly ago

Yes exactly, thank you. There are so many terrible things Israel does, but all we hear about is how many jews are in Yale and other faggoty topics

Neinlife ago

Fucking 90 seconds in and he cant get the god damn camera set up, im not listening to anything this fucking idiot has to say

ArcAngel ago

pogroms.. we need pogroms i wonder why....

Heathcliff ago

I gave up at 1:15 when was still trying to get his camera to stand up. Just because it's wrong to censor him doesn't mean he isn't retarded.

PygmyGoat ago

He just needs to learn how to edit video. He could have cut that beginning because yeah, it was annoying. Other option would be don’t start to record until you’re set up. He wants to be POTUS? He’s gonna have to step up his game.

antiliberalsociety ago

tokes ecig

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

try snus it's less faggy

ChiComs ago

its worth watching. I could have used a youtube link like he does with an offset 2 minutes in , skipping the setup, but I wanted to use HookTube to cache my (the OP) news link in case youtube shoahed his video today

speedisavirus ago

Hook tube does not do anything like that. It's just a website with an iframe direct to YouTube. It never cached the video.

Heathcliff ago

I might eventually watch to see what the fuss is about, but that opening really puts me off. Jar Jar Binks is not that uncoordinated.

ChiComs ago

I should have just used a youtube link in my OP post and set the start offset 2 minutes inward, but I wanted to bias the link to HookTube which caches deleted videos or dying stuttering seizing videos, that I am sure you saw in 2018

HulkInformation ago

First minute and a half of this video is hilarious. Why wouldn't you set your camera up and then start recording

AR47 ago

Of course gab is of the jew.

Let me tell you all as someone else told me about the ways of the jew.

It all starts with the exile of the sub from reddit. This is always step one, and the reason is because this is how they gather all the same wrong think people. Always with reddit because it is the most social platform and you can reach a great deal more people.

Once they are thrown out they usually come to voat in mass numbers. Well the defense methods of voat will turn a great many away as it always does and this I feel isn’t wrong or right it just is because voat is precious and needs to be protected.

As of yet and I have been here a long fucking time (older account) I have only seen one time admin cast out someone for being a problem. Even then they just took their mod ability from them with one sub. I feel it was warranted as well.

After the people get here the mods have already made the sub so they control it off the bat. Shortly after the sub creator makes the welcome post about 4 other mods are added and it is NEVER democratic or identify is verified.

Now this is met with controlled opposition because other similar named subs will he started and more users are divided and pitted against one another while Mods are held as the leaders of the resistance. One always wins out and the division is complete.

Then slowly more mods are added without polling or consulting the subscribers.

It is always held as needed for the traffic flow and shills.

Then they add new rules that discourage memes, reposts, and off topic discussion as determined by mods and not votes.

Then they say they will delete anything missing flair and so called racism.

The subscriber base is discouraged from posting because it is already posted and 9 out of 10 times it gets deleted for the above reasons. Then the mods alt accounts are all that is posted because they now control the narrative.

This is the steps and if we have another migration just watch and you will see it as well.

ChiComs ago

you are describing REDDIT, name one voat.co subverse that does half of those actions you mention? Plus ... remember... on voat all admin deletions can be read by anyone anytime in far bottom right corner.

Voat is 100% open and honest system with no hidden sneaky deletions.

lucabrasi ago

Q sub was the most recent

speedisavirus ago

Q sub is for faggots

AR47 ago

Pizzagate did it

Great awakening is in the stages of it now

They tried it with niggers twice

ChiComs ago

I saw that you are correct regarding one of the three Q sub-verses, specifically the mod at v/GreatAwakening 4 days ago trying to define what she "srayzie" would start deletion of COMMENTS and POSTS over. She relented and backed off, then demoted both thread discussions that were momentarily stickied.

This thread for example announcing more mod deletions than normal coming : https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2855659

With my top post +18 : https://voat.co/v/GreatAwakening/2855659/15060671

I rarely went to PizzaGate after I contributed actual rare real new vital relevant info years ago and was downvoted for sharing critical news that did not fit the PizzaGate rumor narrative of the week. I could imagine how it could be a mess in PizzaGate as you describe.

AR47 ago

Seen it 5 times since whoaverse was a thing.

It will keep happening too because these groups that exit reddit are looking for a leader and they see mods as just that when all they do is steer the narrative.

After @cancel-cat-facts got /v/niggers everything became the way as it should. He doesn’t interfere with anything save the sticky changing. Before him we always had a subversive element and /v/coontown was no different as was /r/coontown

ChiComs ago

is a fight over "Niggers" how voat also got alternates such as :




they are more focus limited than https://voat.co/v/niggers/

AR47 ago

Yes it is and rather than being the main for all, they confuse the subscriber base with so many different ones and it just all becomes static.

Iheartcatfood ago

When does he stop fumbling with his camera?

Iheartcatfood ago

1:26 seconds I figured that out in my own

Iheartcatfood ago

No I didn't, it's 2:06 before finishes the sound check

RedHawk ago

Its over for (((Gab))), just stop using it. Its just gonna be another anti-Muslim website, but you cant say anything about jews or Israel.

WagonBurner ago

I have never read one anti-Muslim comment on gab; but anyone who is not anti-Muslim is a full blown retarded idiot. HELLO, if you don't join up and agree with their religious faith, HELLO, HELLO, they cut your fucking head off. HELLO, anyone home?

Meme_Factory_1776 ago

Archive this shit.

moarzor ago

I downloaded in MP3 form to listen on my drives. This is better than the news.

Podge512 ago

Already deleted my Gab account. Two faced bastards!

carlip ago

Has he stopped saying "know what's crazy"? That verbal filler really puts his information off IMO

ChiComs ago

He seemed kind of smooth and polished and a smooth enough orator in this video. I will start listening for that filler phrase from now one though.

carlip ago

He says it a lot when he is doing his livestreams on the street. I know most people will think some of the info is crazy or really out there but prefacing it himself might dissuade them from taking it in.

Shadowlight ago

Why would they fear mere words so much?

speedisavirus ago

They don't. He was inciting violence, doxxing, and trying to start a targeted harassment campaign. All things not protected under free speech and are actual crimes

Shadowlight ago

Sort of like CNN doxxing, or Maxine Waters inciting people to attack GOP?

Or Eric Holder saying to kick them?

Or Hillary to say we cannot be civil?

Leftist redicals seem immune to such laws and rules.....

speedisavirus ago

Of course they are.

Shadowlight ago

But not really.

RedHawk ago

The only thing keeping Israel on the map and jewish bankers is that fact that you cant say anything about them in the West. Israel wont last a day without Western backing.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

they have nukes

Octoclops ago

Muslims aren't afraid to die.

Saufsoldat ago

The only thing keeping Israel on the map and jewish bankers is that fact that you cant say anything about them in the West.

Lol, hating on Israel is insanely popular with leftist NPCs.

Israel wont last a day without Western backing.

So how did they last for decades without western backing...?

MinorLeakage ago

Decades without Western backing...? When was that exactly? I'm pretty sure the entire country was created by the West, and has been propped up ever since. It certainly wasn't all the Jewish terrorists commiting bombings on the local civilians. Most people today don't even remember that the Jews used to be the terrorists, and the Palestinians the terrorized.

speedisavirus ago

Palestinians are terrorists

MinorLeakage ago

Sure, they're both terrorists, and they're both the same Semitic people. Let's just agree that Semitic people are fond of blowing up innocent people for the glory of their God.

lord_nougat ago

Used to be?! They quite certainly still are the terrorists!

MinorLeakage ago

I should have been more clear. The public was aware in the 50s that the Jews were the aggressors and the terrorists in Palestine, and the media openly reported on the atrocities they were commiting against the locals.

Now they're the "state", and thus "legitimate", not terrorists. As far as the public is generally concerned. It just seems at odds with their victimhood.

lord_nougat ago

Well, everything went to shit in the mid 60s and is still continuing to do so at an ever increasing rate. Of course, all things must eventually die, so this too shall pass... I just hope it's soon and doesn't have to get too much worse, although I'm probably wrong about that.

Saufsoldat ago

Roughly from their founding until the JFK administration.

I'm pretty sure the entire country was created by the West

Being "pretty sure" doesn't make you right. They literally fought the British to be able to create Israel.

speedisavirus ago

The British did it of their own free will. There was no fighting

Saufsoldat ago

So the King David hotel bombing just didn't happen? Why are you protecting zionist terrorists?

MinorLeakage ago

It's a figure of speech. I am unequivocally sure that Israel got started in earnest with the Balfour declaration, and has always been a literal extension of Western power over the region.

You mean they literally blew up the Brittish, their protectors and benefactors, as thanks for all their charity?

Saufsoldat ago

A declaration is nothing, nor was the Balfour declaration ever realized.

You mean they literally blew up the Brittish, their protectors and benefactors, as thanks for all their charity?

Pray tell what makes the British the "protectors and benefectors" of Israel.

MinorLeakage ago

The money and literal establishment of the nation?

Saufsoldat ago

Israel was pronounced by a bunch of jews after literally fighting the British for it.

Are you saying Britain gave them money to bomb British targets? How do you people know so little about history, yet have such big opinions?

MinorLeakage ago

So your theory is that the Jews defied the English, defeated them in honorable battle, and proceeded to independently create Isreal all on their lonesome, against the wishes and power of the West? And it's everyone else who needs to learn history? Curious position.

Saufsoldat ago

So your theory is that the Jews defied the English

No, that is a fact. The British even put jewish immigration quotas on the mandate of palestine.

defeated them in honorable battle

There is nothing honorable about blowing up civilians, you sick fuck.

and proceeded to independently create Isreal all on their lonesome

Pretty much. I mean they had some WWII gear and some czech tanks, but nothing that the Arabs didn't have.

against the wishes and power of the West?

Pretty much. Look at who recognized Israel initially. Not sure what "against the power" means. Just because you don't approve of something doesn't mean you'll actively take measures against it.

And it's everyone else who needs to learn history?

Not everyone else, just NPCs like you.

speedisavirus ago

You seem to be extraordinary in the level of dumb you possess

Saufsoldat ago

Which of my statements was factually incorrect, kike?

MinorLeakage ago

A well-sourced and intelligently written reply. I think we've just about wrapped this baby up. Have a nice evening sir.

ChiComs ago

Hitler bought Israel ...

... and paid to set it up for the Jews starting in 25 August 1933. Its well documented. Lots of treaties and agreements are on the internet.


Saufsoldat ago

Hitler bought Israel ...

That is a lie.

He offered financial incentives for Jews to leave Germany and go to Israel instead. The problem was that not nearly enough Jews accepted the option. For some reason, most people don't want to become unrooted from their homes and leave their friends and family behind.

ChiComs ago

also... a 167 page book called " Hitler Founder Of Isreal" :


Saufsoldat ago

Here's a 2882 page book called "War and Peace":


Not sure what that has to do with anything, but since we're posting links to random books, I figured I'd join in.

ChiComs ago

You are a Jew shill claiming Hitler did not found Israel, I offered a detailed text and prior to that links to photographs of the treaty agreements, and you just keep clutching onto your false beliefs and jewish lies.

Saufsoldat ago

Israel was founded in 1948, three years after Hitler's death.

Go back to reddit, kike.

Feral_Human ago

Because the truth is NOT on their side & if they allow it to be spoken, their evil plans will fall apart without our side firing a shot.

Shadowlight ago

The entire anti-west push utilizes Alinsky tactics.

Enshrine security to destroy freedom. Enshrine women to destroy men. Enshrine minorities to destroy whites. Enshrine globalism to destroy self-setermination.

To win, we have to find a solid way to combat this.

kalgon ago

Asymmetry, the art of being free where they are not

ChiComs ago

Little predicts his Bitchute videos will be taken down by powerful Jews in this 90 minute video!!!

I wonder if in the coming months his prophesy becomes true. Its as if he is rattling the hornets nest.

Until 24 hours ago , few people thought Gab would go all in on political censorship, maybe bitchute is next as Little claims?

dudelol ago

Jews are the Babylonians(see Romans) scapegoat. Rev 2

antiliberalsociety ago

Until he does what George Lincoln Rockwell does, by disrupting ANTIFA marches and picketing the Jew problem, I am forced to take him with a grain of salt as he could very well be controlled opposition. Until I see sacrafice comparable to Rockwell's, this is where I stand.

ChiComs ago

Little in videos bravely goes out in public with provocative signs, risking getting a savage beating. But I have no idea how many covert hidden armed guards he has on standby. Rockwell was a battle hardened military veteran though I seem to recall.

antiliberalsociety ago

His videos portray him as picketing, but he has never met the enemy head on, nor called out the real race issue, nor attacked communism being backed by Jews. He hasn't been to jail for his beliefs nor does he have any supporters in his videos. It looks like fluff to me.

usernameisnotthis ago

who is this rockwell guy? is he still alive? this guy, just from these pics alone, is a legend. that pipe makes him such a baddass for some reason lol

antiliberalsociety ago

V/GeorgeLincolnRockwel if you're interested in a proper introduction. He was assassinated in 1968 but not before creating a serious wave against the jews and laying out the battle plan to win elections. We CAN WIN using his tactic but Patrick isn't doing it. It takes BALLS to risk all but it can turn the tides.

usernameisnotthis ago

thank you for this.

CowWithBeef ago

Ok this is a hilarious strategy. They either prove him right by taking it down or leave it up and prove the implied evidence of powerful jews protects it from powerful jews wanting to remain in the shadows. Everyone making controversial content should open by saying powerful jews will take this down so they can't take it down without proving their existence.

ChiComs ago

He actually reveals chess like tactics in the 90 minute video such as taping your own mouth shut with duct tape when protesting in public, to ensnare and bait more Jews who thrive on "attempting debate". Hilarious.

RedHawk ago

It was obvious Gab was going 100% kosher when they got back. Honestly, id rather they would have called it quits instead of this new (((Gab))). I guess no domain is safe if theyre based in the US.

ChiComs ago

It has nothing to do with domains "based" in the USA.

US DOJ only siezes domains for actual intellectual property oriented crimes and directly illegal acts.

You mean REGISTRARS in the USA, and you are correct that Gab violated a key warning to use a free speech registrar in Hong Kong for USA .com domains owned by USA citizens.

The same registrar used by all the extremist web sites.

Gab used an idiotic censoring Seattle registrar who then made demands on Gab.

the safest domain on earth is a US citizen owning a .com on usa soil, using it for free speech and politics, and using a hong kong registrar to process the records.

mad_saxon ago

GoDaddy, Namecheap, and Enom are all bad ideas? Namecheap talks about free speach, but who knows? And what is the registrar in Hong Kong called? I wonder if you could transfer a preexisting domain there? Thanks for the info.

lord_nougat ago

Namecheap is absolutely HORRIBLE to deal with, and on top of that, they have some of the WORST prices for domains despite the name.

ChiComs ago

All those have cancelled "NAZI!!!" domains.

Eranet International Limited out of Hong Kong is most friendly to USA free speech web sites. It just processes the usa domain records.


12 bucks to register

For example, the whois of this free speech site shows it uses Eranet International Limited, as many extremist free speech sites do :


of course you can transfer to them

mad_saxon ago

Thanks, goat!

ChiComs ago

and yet you only downvoted it

mad_saxon ago

Huh? No. I did not "vote" on anything. What makes you think that? I can upvote you now I guess.

PygmyGoat ago

GoDaddy is owned by Micro$oft. I avoid it like the plague. Because it is.

kalgon ago

We'll see, I don't think bc will, mostly because they have an account here, and as you know here... Naming the jew is a thing, not the only thing but one can hardly miss it

theoldones ago

i had this feeling gab might be too jewish.