thebearfromstartrack ago

I'm autistic. I might not know (inside) if I'm a real man, but I do know I'm not a woman (mostly). I am sensitive moreso than most men, but I'm not all delusional and fru-fru like most women. I think not fitting in like that is part of being autistic. Your own world. Nobody would (or care to) understand, and it's too complicated to explain fully.

un1ty ago

I'll make it real simple:

Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina

Act like it.

thebearfromstartrack ago

I agree with that. I TRY to be manly as DICTATED by pop culture. I find it disatisfying. But who cares. ALL things being equal, my life is orders of MAGNITUDE better than royalty 100 years ago. WORTH the sacrifice (bridge) I think.

o0shad0o ago

Soooo, it's actually eugenics? Gotcha.

WhiteWolfSS ago

Fucking hell.

17 kids wanting to be trannies. MOST ARE AUTISTIC.

That means this school has probably over a dozen autistic kids in it. WTF? That's worrying enough as it is. The fuck is causing all these kids to have autism? And don't say vaccines.

PeopleAreReading ago

Fluoride in the water

captainmurphy1 ago


TurnerDiaries ago

Imagine subverting someone else's children to cut their genitals off and confuse their sexuality

Aksarben1 ago

Taking advantage of the disabled is reprehensible. The Education Mafia in this country operates without a conscience.

dundundunnnnn ago - GENDER IDENTITY PUSH - Children With Autism Given Puberty Blockers - UK - Despite Not Suffering Gender Dysphoria - Tavistock Clinic

Trash_Panda ago

"Hey I have an idea, let's make all the boys girls and make all the girls boys"



midnightblue1335 ago

The other day, that little boy "drag queen" was on that morning talk show- someone posted the clip here. He said "I like root beer, gay stuff, and trains."

Who really, really likes trains? What kind of condition is common among train enthusiasts? It starts with an "a" and ends with a fucking "TISM". Trannyfaggots are autistic confirmed.

memememema ago

I would hazard a guess not all of these people are willing. Reality can bite you deeply when you realize saying no will have consequences.

Sheeitpost ago

The teachers need to be sent to prison.

Gozer_the_Gozerian ago

Nothing wrong with sterilizing the mentally weak and defective

Bluetoothache ago

All trannies are autistic.

qotile ago

Trannies are sad, but these people are the real monsters

Taiaha ago

Trannies are monsters. Those enabling them are demons.

qotile ago

"Enabling" is kind of a mild word for it. It's one thing to use "preferred pronouns" and go along with that kind of nonsense, but quite another to actively encourage children to permanently disfigure themselves to prove some dumb ideology right. It's sick horror movie stuff, almost unbelievable.

Goat-Master-5000 ago

Transgender people aren't monsters. Most of them just have an untreated mental disorder, but the so-called "experts" are politically pressured, intimidated, and threatened to not tell the truth about this.

And so now we have bullshit Marxist concepts, like "transphobia" and "transmisogyny".

P.S. For the record, I'll bet everyone here that most of today's so-called "transgender" people are actually "TRANS-TRENDERS"......who only think that they're "trans", because of their susceptibility to neo-Marxist brainwashing, propaganda, and social engineering.....from school, from the Internet, and from their peers.

If we unplugged most of these so-called "trans" people from the Internet for 6 to 12 months, most of them would return to normal.

My-Name-is-Mud ago

I was walking down the street once and a person in a skirt was walking towards me. About 30 yards away. Now my eyesight ain't what it use to be but I could tell something was wrong. Sure enough it was some faggot in a skirt and blouse.

Taiaha ago

That hot five o'clock shadow tho...


hey babes... gender change is completely bogus... it’s a 100% medical fraud progrom combined with mossad psyop social destruction media progromming... functioning reproductive organs are not realized making the change not real... thanks shitsrael!