LordMega ago

Yep. Haven't paid taxes in years, except the income taxes I can't avoid yet. I'll figure out how to get their jew hands off of my shekels.

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RevDrStrangelove ago

It's always been "to keep men with guns away". The IRS won't hesitate to kill the fuck out of you.

drstrangegov ago

I know that. its only recently that they dropped any pretense of being beneficial.

JopharVorin ago

Here, I'll explain taxes to you: Jews take money from white working class and then give a lot of it to their homeland. Then the jews pocket a lot of it. Then the jews hand it out free to non-whites.

drstrangegov ago

could be. but I saw a group of jews in London that protest daily the Zionist occupation of the west. those guys are on our side, aren't they?

JopharVorin ago

Never. Trust. A. Jew. If the bible is anything from cover-to-cover -it is a warning about jewish demons.

drstrangegov ago

Send me a message when you are at the kalispell, Montana town square right in front of the courthouse. What were we going to fight about, again? I'm down of course. Just can't remember what triggered you.

Doglegwarrior ago

It is worse then that. I pay property taxes. To a school i dont have kids in. I flip house in shitty neighorhoods. I get called out for gentrifying neighborhoods. The people in the neighborhoods fight me. The city helps them fight me with bullshit permits etc. So the city aka the mafia is fighting me to keep from fixing a house to increase their tax base (aka mafia extortion money or protection money) but i am activly trying to raise the amount they can extort by fixing up neighorhoods so all the properties. alues will go up, yet im fought at every step of the way by everybody who is benefiting!


I cant imagine me seeing someone buy a shitty house next to me fix it up sell it raise my propertiez value and make the neighborhood better then have the audacity to complain about it. But im supposed to be happy when a fucking mudslim family moves i doesnt fix shit and drops my property value!

drstrangegov ago

Leave them to it, man. Go build your own communities and keep them out.

Neinlife ago

Inflation began with the irs and federal reserve. Prince to that we did fine.

MymanFred ago

Even I pay taxes for my e-commerce and I am not saying I should not pay taxes but I pay way more than the multinationals (of course it is relative to the level our respective activities). Shouldn't people be more concerned about that?

vladtep ago

Amazon gets flat rate on shipping from USPS too, it's insane.

MymanFred ago

How fair you think it is for small online business owners?

GoyimNose ago

If we ALL stop paying taxes, hell if even we can convince 10% of nation to stop paying taxes they won't be able to do shit. They can't arrest us all, and it'll get the ball rolling for others. Once our demands are met then we can go back to being good tax paying goyim. First demand is expulsion of all JEWS even the good ones, ALL jews.

vladtep ago

Then they back each other up...

Sumeriansister ago

Oh, that will work.

GoyimNose ago

It really will, if everyone follows.

drstrangegov ago

I'll settle for people with other loyalties than humanity and America being removed. Like it or not we've opened our doors and some actually good people have gotten in. Judge people by the content of their character.

Neinlife ago

Under 30 or full retard. Which?

drstrangegov ago

Full retard

GoyimNose ago

WE didint open our doors, the kikes did. MOST americans were against mass immigration yet our ZOG puppets obeyed their masters like cowards. Never forget the betrayal of 1965

GoatyMcGoatface ago

I'll admit it: I've met some good solid people that have come here through LEGAL means. For what it's worth.

bagano1 ago

You're now learning how a government operates?

Dumbass, they are a gang like any other gang! Thing is, if the US government wasn't in charge, someone else would be, and they would be collecting taxes all the same.

It's what people on this site don't realize. You believe you can create some Shangri-La where no one has to pay taxes, but it doesn't work like that.

sfantu ago

The problem ain't the taxes. The problem is they are billing services that they aren't fulfilling.

bagano1 ago

I don't think you realize what the taxes are paying for. You probably should go to a third world country and experience reality to compare and contrast.

sfantu ago

maybe you could enlighten me.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago

Don't worry, our tax dollars are paying to bring the third world here.

bagano1 ago

You're right about that, sadly.

shawnfromnh69 ago

If the government doesn't the state you're in will eventually or just take you in for trespassing if you don't own the land or if you do tax evasion for not paying property taxes. Hell unless you're in the wood living in a lean to and never shower or walk into a store you might get by for decades but they'll be boring and hard and possibly deadly since hospitals will want ID unless the police walk you in. It's to much work for saving a small percentage of cash and have so little and no entertainment either. No thanks I'll be a slave with benefits and a warm dry bed and clean clothes and a shower with hot water and toothpaste and friends that don't think I smell like underwear that's has been worn for 6 months.

drstrangegov ago

I dearly wish I could pay my taxes. I still need those services performed. But it's not getting done. History has shown communism to be a fraud. Royal families.....no thanks. I'd very much like my old service provider back. But they were bought out and the new management are a lot crazy. I forgave them when they dropped the ball on the border, the infrastructure, the currency.....but their inaction during this fiasco made me review their services. They've done nothing but harm for 30 years. No sweat. Let's just go our separate ways, right? I'm not a government citizen, I'm an American citizen. Everything here was paid for by MY fathers. Ohhhh....you mean i have to pay for the right to be a citizen? There IS no federal government. Instead there is a mechanism to enforce payment. What have they done to warrant my allegiance? They've done a whole hell of a lot to buy my enmity.

Rajadog20 ago

No one forces you to live in this country. But if you do, you have to agree to certain things like taxes. If you don't agree, you can either vote for someone who will change it or leave.

If no one pays taxes, there is no government. When there is no government, you get Somalia. Just as unreasonable as the communists wanting government to do everything.

Neinlife ago

Niggers created Somalia. 100 million caucasians in America would never, ever become Somalia.

drstrangegov ago

BULLSHIT. What I use was paid for by my father and grandfathers. You telling me my citizenship is contingent upon paying 1/3 of my income to people who who not only don't like me, but some of whom actually want me to die? Are you insane? Or just hopelessly whipped. You REALLY feel like you are being represented? If you say yes, you are a liar.

CuckieMonster ago

So if you're entitled to work performed by your ancestors, you must be appalled that blacks haven't received reparations for slavery. What do you think should be done to remedy that? You know, to give them what their "fathers and grandfathers" should have gotten.

drstrangegov ago

Their fathers and grandfathers bought their ticket into the greatest country in the history of the world. It bought them 150 years of "gosh, were sorry". It bought them affirmative action. It bought the the CHANCE to be leaders and productive members of our society. And they SHIT all over us. They blew it. Not our choice. None of MY fucking ancestors owned slaves. I checked. No, THOSE guys went on to breed the type of fuckers that run the media, this twisted government. Their ideological ancestors are the fucking Democrats. Don't you DARE try to bullshit me you fucking enemy.

Rajadog20 ago

No, obviously taxes are way too high and our leaders are corrupt but how do we solve it? No government isn't an option as you know.

We need to fix our country from within. The only way to do this is through education, once enough people realize who's in charge we might have a chance.

Just because you hate buying groceries doesn't mean you can live without food. You have to get food from somewhere.

drstrangegov ago

You telling me human beings are dependent upon government for survival? Your existence proves that to be false. I'm not talking about NO government. But a government that is mother's milk and god is just wrong. And that's where these guys have put us. Some will die. But most won't. Because the american people are giving, generous, and kind. History has proved that, too. These virtues were used against us. They even wrote down how they'd use them to break us. But for fucks sakes stop paying them.

bagano1 ago

Royalty is dumb; term limits are what actually works.

newfag322 ago

If they don't rig the vote and put in their puppet.

drstrangegov ago

That would be a bandaid when your guts are spilling out

SushiMasa ago

It's been a lie from day 1.

vladtep ago

Yeah, that bastard Hamilton was a crypto jew.

Talked Washington into a central bank and that was it.

drstrangegov ago

I don't believe it has. You believe differently. That's still okay here, right?

Pluviou5 ago

The contract was indeed broken when they allowed a private banking corporation to own them and enslave the people.

newfag322 ago

The FED, IRS and the illegal income tax

IheartSwimming ago

The question now is what are you gonna do?

bagano1 ago

Even if the federal government totally vanished tomorrow morning, someone would still come and demand tax money and start a government. The people on this site are incredibly uneducated and stupid.

vladtep ago

And they'd last about 5 seconds.

White men worship authority, it's the only reason the current government gets away with so much shit.

IheartSwimming ago

White men worship authority, they're natural betas.

It's the only reason the current government gets away with so much shit.

Consumerism has a hand in that, it's made the west weak.

vladtep ago

I think also the first and second world wars, they cleaned out our gene pool real good.

bagano1 ago

Who in the fuck are you kidding? How exactly do you think this whole civilization thing works? You talk shit about "niggers" yet kind of act like one, which is hilarious.

vladtep ago

You think you'll win this war acting civilized...

You think anything approaching "civilization" is in your fucking future? lol

I grew up in Baltimore, I've seen and done what you're going to see and do and I'm telling you how it is.

Yeah, I'm a little bit like niggers in that I'm quick to violence. I don't think it came naturally though, I started fighting young because I was surrounded by hostile niggers and I learned that's how you deal with that.

I know first hand how effective violence is at settling disputes, it's the only thing that has ever worked in history.

That's why I look down on non-combatants and I'll tell you what. Most of you don't genetically have what it takes.

I learned but I was able to do it in the first place. I didn't get in a fetal position and beg for mercy like every other white boy.

I even tried to organize some of them to fight back and all they ever did was run leaving me to deal with the balance myself.

Learn or perish because that's what it's going to come to.

bagano1 ago

Violence also gets you decades in prison spending 23 hours a day in your cell, eating prison food.

vladtep ago

Only if you surrender.

drstrangegov ago

I've committed to a course that works for me. What are YOU going to do about it?

honeybdgr ago

Seconded. What course?

drstrangegov ago

I don't know about you. It I just can't bring myself to pay people who want me dead. I'm merely pointing out the reality of the situation. The only leverage we've got is our value. I intend to cut off their access to it. They'll have to print money to buy the bullet that kills me.

honeybdgr ago

Well, when Obama was in office we had that exact scenario. Enemy of the people in charge of this country. He used our tax money against us, using various government programs including communistic redistribution schemes.

Now Trump is in office, and he appears to be doing what he can to help the country. Problem is our military is very large and very expensive to run. Too bad we as a people cannot vote to stop all the frivolous spending.

drstrangegov ago

Well....we've just seen that we LITERALLY cannot vote to determine our own path. It's physically impossible. WE observe the rule of law, and they don't. It's that simple.

honeybdgr ago

True. We've been taken over by outside forces.

Honestly, Trump is the last hurrah. If he doesn't fix things we are royally screwed on all fronts. All those dreamers are going to be of voting age; next Presidential election will go to Dems unless Trump does something radical to curb illegal votes and or deports illegals. Demographic time bomb. I've voiced alarm since the 90's but no one wants to listen until it's too late. Our country is screwed unless we kick out all the illegals, but I don't see how that will happen. Look how they shamed Trump months ago with the illegal kids camp crap.

drstrangegov ago

I'm listening. That's a start. I think there are others. What do we do?

honeybdgr ago

Well, right now all we can all do is prep, prep, prep. We are on the precipice of a world war.

All Americans need to stockpile food, water, guns, ammo, etc. At least 2 years worth. Russia, China, N Korea, and others are about to strike the US. We have been continually blackmailed by these countries for a long time with the threat of crippling EMP and nuke attacks. We've played their game as much as is possible, but have run out of time.

I know you're asking about our government specifically, and the demographic time bomb. All we can do there is organize like we did for Trump, and push push push. But it's all tied together. Our enemies are ensuring we lose control of our government, to a "progressive" marxist style Obama government.

But yeah, we are very close to all out world war, many years around the world and I have seen it for myself. Get prepared, they will be attacking us militarily very soon.

HillBoulder ago

Make sure you take a few of them with you.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Mind giving me some pointers?

aGameCalledCountries ago

The only reason to pay them now is so they don't kill you. Extortion.

That has been the only reason to pay since I've been alive. Country is a euphemism for tax plantation.

clubberlang ago

You pay taxes. Ever since.we were swindled out of 700billion to bail out the banking institutions I called it good for a lifetime

ChiComs ago

700 billion initial authorized! Its trillions of printed money not 700 billion! The first month alone was half of the 700 billion.

The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 actually through toxic inner city black "liar loan" buybacks from around the world of us mortgages from black liars caused 29 trillion of destruction!

a pair of PhD students at the University of Missouri-Kansas City tried to assess the total size of the Fed’s commitments—not just loans made, but asset purchases as well. The bottom line: a Federal Reserve bailout commitment in excess of $29 trillion.

$29 trillion


shawnfromnh69 ago

Well since the fed is privately owned why are we the ones that owe money is my question. If they make bad decisions as a private central bank should they also be held responsible like a normal bank.

ChiComs ago

The fed did NOT lose money and did not need a bail out!

The things that a country can do to prop up its country are two weapons

1 > reduce price to borrow US currency to main banks to near 0 % prime rate (japan did this too once)

2 > if already at 0 % , force banks to mandatory loan it out to high risk defaulters and not hoard it for proper businesses

3 > If economy needs a juice because EVE?RY ?BANK has toxic reverse value assets on books , transfer all the worthless crap at full value to the US gov and have the US gov eat trillions in bad debt from liar loans (black inner city loans and other loss assets).

Japan did that too famously (buy bad debt)

buying bad debt is the only trick left when your prime rate is 0% and no real businesses worth lending to at 0%+x%

but, the FED itself never loses money, it creates the whipsaws that make the usa scream and burn

the FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC bailouts of hundreds of billions of dollars of "liar loans" by black people mortgages was a federal gov bailout but those two units are legally not the FED.

The Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), commonly known as Fannie Mae, is a United States government-sponsored enterprise (GSE) but is a publicly traded company stock symbol "FNMA". It is NOT the Fed, but was taken back in sep 7 2008 and nationalized when it was bailed out.

The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC), known as Freddie Mac, is a public government-sponsored enterprise (GSE), Freddie Mac was a traded stock as well and WAS an independant company not part of the gov directly, but the negro liar loans sunk it and it too was taken back in sep 7 2008 and nationalized when it was bailed out.

The FED is privately owned for a large number of historic reasons. Yes jews (ROTHCHILDS) created all these nantional private banks, but the only countries that refuse to have a ROTHCHILDS private national bank out of 217 known countries are these few :

In the year of 2000 there were seven countries without a Rothschild owned Central Bank:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Iraq
  3. Sudan
  4. Libya
  5. Cuba
  6. North. Korea
  7. Iran

None had a good economy. The reason is that capital is not cooperatively traded with non jewish run national banks.

in 2003 the list is reduced to 5 banks without a jewish board created and controlled by Rothschild banking family :

  1. Sudan
  2. Libya
  3. Cuba
  4. North. Korea
  5. Iran

See a pattern?

Shit economy and "enemy of all earth"

The only countries left in 2011 without a Central Bank owned by the Rothschild Family are:

  1. Cuba
  2. North Korea
  3. Iran

Cuba, North Korea and Iran each have a central bank, bit not a Rothschild Family dominated bank.

Sixty central banks of Rothschild Family manipulation formed a mega organization called BIS:


TL/DR : No Rothschild Family dominated bank ever loses money, not even the USA Federal Reserve. Everyone ELSE loses money not the "Fed"

clubberlang ago

Yep like I said I called it good

TheWorstImaginable ago

How do you manage? If you make fuck all it's easy. I have a buddy who makes around $50k a year with his business and they still don't seem to be sniffing around. He doesn't have a set address, he just rents rooms in peoples homes. All his phone bills and stuff like that is 5 addresses behind him. I just don't understand how they don't see his bank account connected to his social insurance number.

ForgotMyName ago

It's really only possible if you own your own business and deal mostly in cash. Otherwise there's a paper trail. If you have a typical employer and don't get paid tips, they're reporting everything to the IRS automatically. The best bet for most people is maximizing deductions.

I'm not recommending any of these things, just pointing out how things work.

clubberlang ago

Game sold not told

drstrangegov ago

Admittedly, I'm one of the slow kids.

Tallest_Skil ago

Paying taxes at this point is only done to keep men with guns away.

You know what ACTUALLY keeps men with guns away?


GodsAngell ago

Just waiting for Republicans to do something about rampant voter fraud in every state...


Tallest_Skil ago

I’m… I don’t know what to feel here. A Q-LARPer actually said “man the guns.” I’ve seen similar responses from the_zionald cucks over on reddit. Are you people actually waking up? Like, legitimately this time?

My life has been too long a string of failure and disappointment to actually believe that.

vladtep ago

The average American has the same model weapon and can deck himself out just as well or better for less than 3 grand.

Not only that, it's like 100 to 1 in favor of the citizen, numerically speaking.

Still scared of 15 men in an urban assault vehicle. lol

Phantom42 ago

Training though.... Training is essential.

vladtep ago

It is, to a point.

But in reality, they bust some unprepared poor saps door down at 5 AM with a 15 to 1 advantage.

Shooting is done at point blank, if they get a boo boo, the finest medical care is waiting.

They are never in any actual danger unless someone is waiting for them with a scattergun and pops one of them coming through the door, then they retreat and there's a standoff.

It's not a difficult job.

I should add that it's impossible to fight off a trained team with air support breaking down your door with any level of training.

The training is more in the stacking of the deck before hand.

xobodox ago

You are being forced to pay taxes that go towards undermining your way of life and killing you . . .

Tallest_Skil ago

Yep, so the solution is what?

FatBruceWillis ago

Post wanted ads targetting illegals; forward their info to ICE.

voatusernamevoat ago

Reducing your contribution is something that can be done. Grow your own food as much as possible, make and repair things, buy used, be a frugal consumer, do your own utilities with solar, water collection, own waste system, free cellphone service with freedompop, drop your property taxes, most of it is the house and other structures, categorized as structures on the land, replace with rv(s,) which are considered vehicles, but rather than living in a shitty rv, take an rv frame and build using regular home building on top it, so instead of losing $5k/yr to jews and non Whites, it's down to $100. Gasoline is 50% tax, get an electric or hybrid with a long enough battery range to cover local driving like a chevy volt so that the only time you use fuel is on trips, bike for short distances, 1-4 miles, the grocery store, bank, etc. if possible, to reduce wear on your car, reduce risk of accident by not using it when you don't have to, do medical tourism, local medical is only needed for emergencies, for a single individual you can fit up to ~72k a year income into the first two lowest tax brackets by maximizing contribution to IRA(18k) and HSA(health savings account, 3.4k.) If you manage to accumulate a little over 500k and pull a 7.6% return yield like the dow jones 30, would produce 38.7k, the first tax bracket of long term capital gains, which is zero tax, invest in hard assets, use non jew alternative currencies. If you built a three wheeled hyrbrid it be categorized as a motorcycle which would drop your insurance from $500-600 to $100. Eat healthy, exercise, skip reckless activities to avoid and delay medical costs. Note, bicycle and motorcycle for transportation, and living in a regular rv would cut those costs right away without having to build, building them is to make them nice/not shitty, and less dangerous(motorcycle.) Did I miss anything? My aim being to cut while maintaining normal level civilization amenities. Any rate, these are the above board ways I've thought of when it comes to cutting the tax theft. Perhaps could cut more in above board fashion with more fancy tax avoidance measures, after that what's left is under the table measures.

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Delacourt ago

This is a great post, fukken saved. Ignore the glownigger shill below you trashing this and advocating "killing them all".

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Tallest_Skil ago

Did I miss anything?

Actually fighting back against this in any capacity, yeah. Nothing you’ve said stops my children from being raped to death by niggers.

This isn’t about coexistence. This isn’t about running away. It’s about killing them all.

Splooge ago

We've entered a timeline where your children being raped to death by niggers is no longer just the stuff of fantasy, so unlikely and uncommon that people that think this can happen reference just that one incident from 20 years ago because someone knew the victim's mother before she got a job at the cannery across town.

Tallest_Skil ago

And not just africans, but hispanics, too (and if you're European, the obvious third group).

Splooge ago

(and if you're European, the obvious third group)

Asians, right? You're talking about those gangs of violent asians that go around gang raping women and stuff right?

I hate the britfag media so much. They use "asian" to describe goat fuckers the same way the US MSM uses "teen" or "youth" to describe niggers.

voatusernamevoat ago

What I've gone over isn't about coexistence or running away, it's about keeping the jews from stealing your wealth to use against you, keeping your wealth to setup to be more independent, having wealth to utilize for fighting back. jews are attacking in many ways, financial is one of them, a big one. Taking such financial measures doesn't preclude doing other things, it assists them.

Chimaira92 ago

Go to church, pray to Jesus for all your traitors and enemies to see the error in their ways, god will guide them towards Jesus or "make them worship at thy feet" insert quote of revelations bla bla bla.

Or were you asking what a productive solution would be?

somebody112 ago

When most people ask a question they probably want the most useless answer first....

of course he wants the fucking production solution. Which is what?

Chimaira92 ago

Join a gun club, homeschool your children and form and alliance with other like minded individuals.

Smokybubbles ago

Never give yours up. Support castle doctrine and stand your ground laws.

Halstan ago

Go to Alaska and disappear then. Homestead laws still in affect and jobs that'll pay you in cash

TheWorstImaginable ago

I've been thinking about this. I think I'm gonna have one last go, buy a trailer out west and try to settle in somewhat. I imagine I'll still feel murderous and restless, and will go up north to rage out and kill myself eventually.

Halstan ago

Find a way to stay busy or you'll snap quick.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm going to give society a good last go, I think it might last 3 years. But realistically I'm ready now, I don't like anything about this life and I'm ready to be done with it.

Halstan ago

When worse becomes worse, try to become super religious. That's helped lots of people if nothing else helps.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I don't know. All my training sort of revolves around a one last stand type event. I don't see myself getting old. I'm 28 and worn the fuck out physically. I've done more work than a lot of 'hard workers' do in their entire life.

Halstan ago

With out children there s no reason to just end it. Only cowards do that. Need to have kids man. That's what all this shit is for.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Cowards die in shootouts? I don't see that. Kids aren't for me.

Rajadog20 ago

How would you end up in a shootout? Shooting someone else? You need help, you're only 28

TheWorstImaginable ago

Yes. Killing niggers.

BlowjaySimpson ago

What a stupid fucking idea. Don't shoot people, but moreover, don't kill the pawns. Attack the king.

TheWorstImaginable ago

People? Lol I didn't say I was going to shoot people. Either way, if I was to shoot the people causing problems that I've seen in the last few hours, it would all be white people. So I'm conflicted.

Broc_Lia ago

If you build anything successful they will eventually come for you.

CuckieMonster ago

So you shouldn't do anything because of what MIGHT happen?

Damnpasswords ago

No, just be ready

Broc_Lia ago

No, I'm saying that running away into obscurity won't save you.

Halstan ago

Stan Lee died today. He made something good and then got to watch it be destroyed.

Ban_Circumcision ago

he sold out you dummy lol

vladtep ago

You think they gave him a choice?

Ban_Circumcision ago

Yeah! lol he's jewish you know?

vladtep ago

Then he didn't sell out and he never had a choice. lol

Ban_Circumcision ago

No, he did sell out. He LITERALLY sold his IP to companies for profit. He didnt have to sell his company. Plenty of jews don't sell out to other jews, for teh right price sure of course.

Youre such a pathetic fanboy, have fun with your (((comics)))

vladtep ago

I was never into comics, I'm vaguely aware of what spiderman is. lol

Neinlife ago

Losers always call success selling out.

Ban_Circumcision ago

Well I am not making any judgements. I am simply stating a fact... He sold his IP to another company for billions so they could exploit it. Thats selling out. I would sell out too are you crazy? lol

Neinlife ago

That is called capitalism. Selling out is changing your brand to suit some companies or the masses wishes rather than your own art.

Yall dont know what selling out actually means.

Ban_Circumcision ago

Yes..I do.... you sell out, you take lots of money and let someone exploit your material or you parrot their material.... In an art sense. You can "sell out" in business to making a bunch of money on a deal screws your fellow man, trampling on your found ideals and mission.

Diggernicks ago

Cease whining about and just stop paying them if you feel so strongly you virtue signalling queer.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Lots of people haven't even considered not paying tax. It's foreign to their reality. This post may wake up a person or two.

drstrangegov ago

Oh fuck you. All I'm saying is stop paying a corporation for services you aren't recieving. Well....YOU might be. Which explains your hostility.

CuckieMonster ago

So you're telling US to risk our lives for what YOU believe. Got it

vladtep ago

The more people that do it, the safer it is.

Damnpasswords ago


drstrangegov ago

I'm telling you the facts. I don't give a flying fuck what you do. Pay for your own slavery. Only reinforces my suspicion that you are a fucking COWARD

Diggernicks ago

You sure are tough behind your keyboard. Post your address and we can conversate face to face. You dont have to lift a finger, I'll drive to you.

midnightblue1335 ago


Stop being a faggot. You can do better than that, Digger.

ForgotMyName ago
