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16572794? ago

You have to work under the table

Permanent monk mode MGTOW here. I was reading up to this part. How exactly am I going to replace the $80k a year I make from my cushy office job with an under the table job? Is some anon going to suggest that I'm a faggot who just needs to start building houses with my bare hands for under the table work, no health insurance and still like half the pay?

16572800? ago

Or I could just stay in my cushy office job where I do practically nothing difficult, keep receiving my relatively high salary, and keep avoiding women and the system as if they were radioactive waste. I want to support what you guys want. I want to have a traditional family and raise kids in a stable home and teach them to stay away from libshit degeneracy. It's just too easy for me to keep doing what I'm doing, and too hard and risky for me to do anything else.

16572814? ago

Or I could

You obviously didn't read it.