16748642? ago

Create fake profiles of women for fake social proof instead of getting REAL social proof

Create fake profiles of Chads hitting on your wife to lower her self esteem instead of getting HER to mate guard YOU from all the hotties that want to jump your bones

Blackmailing your wife for racism instead of getting her to become genuinely racist

Daily reminder that all anons should take a visit to Chateau Heartiste, and imbibe the wisdom of the Dark Lords of the Pooniverse.

16748640? ago

Why are old posts from weeks ago about women suddenly being bumped to the top right when politically important events are occurring (primaries, AIPAC, Canadian SNC crisis)?

16747391? ago

Take it back to basics, lads. It's really not that difficult. Carrot and stick. Give her love freely in abundance when she is behaving properly. Punish her when she is misbehaving. As for the punishment, you'll have to pay attention to what she values and damage or remove that as your stick.

16706738? ago

Marriage is already destroyed. In some states, it's over 50% child out of wedlock births. Pics related. Marriage today is playing Russian roulette with three bullets loaded in the chamber.



16747394? ago

Marriage today is playing Russian roulette with three bullets loaded in the chamber.

No. It's more like having a full cylinder and 1 or 2 of the rounds MIGHT be squibs.

16706735? ago

Solutions and strategies ONLY

Here's one: Surrogates and nannies

If you only want to fuck, stay on tinder or hire an escort

If you need someone to do the chores; hire a (full-time) housekeeper that doubles as a nanny - it's cheaper than marriage

If you need friendship; live with a friend

But muh trad wife

Mostly don't exist. Almost no woman wants that even if being a single mom/wage slave is fucking miserable. And for less than the price of a wedding you can have a 9/10 eastern European blue-eyed blonde produce your heirs.

But I want to get married!

You're a fucking retard. Please suckle on a shotgun and save the rest of the world from your dysgenic genes.

16706744? ago

If you need someone to do the chores; hire a (full-time) housekeeper that doubles as a nanny - it's cheaper than marriage


"Oh, he touched my pussayyy!!!"

Child, house, money, job, career, future, gone.


Only let well-to-do females be nannies, especially from okay families. That way if they make an accusation, and you wait until the court date to surprise everyone with the evidence, AFTER she has perjured herself, then sue everyone she has ever been related to, met, known, talked to, or even seen a picture of for every cent they will ever see, or whatever you can get away with.

THEN write a book and make money off of that.

16711858? ago

you gotta do what everyone else does. get her pregnant and move across the country, change your name etc.

this whole single mom shit is naturally what women want so you need to go along with it.

the typical family is a thing of the past.

16706730? ago

women are children

whats with the influx of republicucks here

16706718? ago

Apply for disability. You have ptsd and depression now. Research how to do that

if you like firearms do not do this, remember king obongo trying to make it so vets hiring lawyers for finacial assistance would be deemed unfit for firearm ownership?

16648378? ago

Very cynical OP. You might say this counter perspective is actually more cynical.

Women are not the primary reason women are fucked up–it's the men. Women do not possess natural power–all the power they use today is enforced by men. Men allow women false allegations, childish violence, thievery and deception because the blue pilled male is voluntarily ignorant of female nature. The blue pill created the environment where insane, neurotic female behavior flourishes.

However, the "red pill" of course is never red pill enough. It is one thing to employ the methods of deception and manipulation against brainwashed women–but you become like a Jew that way.

The answer is always justice and virtue. You will not be rewarded immediately and you will not have a "guarantee" of fidelity. You will be laughed at and hated. But you will not be stopped and you will achieve something greater than the emptiness prescribed by the OP.

You might say, yeah that's great and all, but we need wives now! I promise you that you play into the hands of the overlords by practicing manipulation. You want to be so honorable that they have to make up outrageous lies to stop you out of envy.

The best sollution is the most arduous one. But it is not impossible and you will see it in your youth if you stay focused on the golden path. That arduous path is goodness. Don't be a cynic. Don't grow old. Don't loose sight of your dreams.

16647214? ago

How do you get a woman if you are a beta faggot and a fatty?

And how is it not possible in getting used goods?

16647216? ago

First question, money or get fit you tub of lard.

Second, work on your grammar that's incomprehensible. But I'm going to wager you asked; "How is it possible to not get used goods?"

The answer is, it's really fucking hard, the best you can try is Highschoolers 16-18 years in states where the AoC is 16+.

16648368? ago

I don't have money so that leaves getting fit. So what kind of exorcise should I focus on lifting or running?

My grammar is shit because of serious ADD which I don't take medication for. So it's only used goods for me then, so should I have like a standard in their age like 25 to 30?

16648370? ago



BTW white women in the US despite being whores, are still less whorish than nigger, or "hispanic" women.

16747392? ago

implying women tell the truth

As much as I'd like to believe that data, I'm going to have to hit with an X

16648369? ago

should I focus on lifting or running

Since you want to get fit for bitches, you can try 30 mins of cardio a day and if you're morbidly obese cut 500 cals from your diet to lose weight. Once you get to a skinnyness you're comfy with GO MAD and pick up starting strength from /fit/. Alternatively if you're too poor for the gym you could try calisthenics, so things like pull ups, chinups, planks, squats, and pistol squats.

So it's only used goods for me

Is it you moralfagging, or is your state one of those 18 years of age AOC? If the latter, DO NOT try to go out with women who are beyond 30 years of age. By the time a woman is beyond 30 years of age not only will she be used up as fuck, she will also have more, and more reproductive problems as she gets older. I had some infographic/citations for that one but unfortunately I can't find it because my organization skills for those are shit.

16648372? ago

Is it you moralfagging

No, I'm not a moralfag just that I've only been with prostitutes and have talked to them or talked to women via a phone.

The AOC is 16 in my country so I can pry outside of schools while I train but in the community I'm in, it's kinda and really looked down upon the hebephilia stuff. I know of a dude that got beaten really hardcore for that stuff, had to change name, move and everything.

16648374? ago

Jesus Christ people in your community must be complete chimps then. The only way I can see for you not to get thrown into the chipper as well, is to befriend a family with a girl you like and try to get close to both the girl and family. Aside from that, you're shit out of luck and will have to play the used goods lottery.

16648379? ago

they are not chimps but have a somewhat punish people who do wrong mentality, and I've got more paranoia than ever since I'm single and almost 30 and kinda rough looking, you know hooligan-like with scars from fist fighting and no hair,have had a drug problem with amphetamines and benzo's.

So people in my community know about me as either a ex-junkie or a dealer. So I'm fucked when it comes to befriend a girl and her family.

I've kinda thought about racemixing with someone from Turkey but would rather have a blond, if not a dark hair girl with silver eyes, if not blue.

16648382? ago

Wew lad, you really fucked the pooch in life, at least you no longer live the life of a nigger, so that's some progress. Yeah I honestly don't know what to tell you man, you have a shitty set of cards there. You sound slav or someone not from the West, let alone north of Europe. The best you can do is just try to reconnect with the community via some form of charity, not necessarily Church related. Obviously stay away from that Rapefugee shit, giving back and reforming your community should never come with such a steep price.

You'll get treated like garbage, but unless you get the skills, job, plus money to get out of your city/community you have no choice but to show your community you're no longer a knuckledragging nigger anymore. Wish you the best of luck, hopefully you don't relapse back into the nigger lifestyle.

16650147? ago

Found a study on fecundity

16706716? ago

Why do you think women become desperate around 30?

16706717? ago

I already said why in one of the posts above, and the previous post I did is more than enough proof as to why. A better question is why do cucks "pick them up" in the first place?

16706722? ago

Desperation and no noteworthy experience with the other gender? The guys who go for used goods are usually not the most desirable themselves, the women are fully aware of this. Sadly, most men only really learn about the nature of women AFTER they've been burned badly.

16648375? ago

No one has to do anything. Show some class and take nothing but the best of the women. Anything short is accepting the trash from the lash masters of this fallen society.

16648377? ago

no one has to do anything





So no, for him it's either do, or die a cuck constantly in fear of the horrible demon Ali Money.

16647213? ago

Nazi cuck losers calling women retarded kek

16647195? ago

OP this is probably one of the most psychotic things I have ever read. And I'm not sure what's more sad - the fact that men out there do genuinely need stuff like this in their corner or the fact that we let shit get so bad in the first place.

16645948? ago

this much mental energy into tricking myself that women being disloyal, dishonorable, sociopathic

Who cares about all that. You fuck them and they give you kids. That's good enough right there. Plus they bring you coffee or make your eggs how you like them. You can dress them up in all sorts of outfits. They hem your suits. Whatever you can think of really. Fuck how much more do you need?

Why would you throw a slice of pizza away because it doesn't fight crime? Just have fun.

16647208? ago

Who cares about all that. You fuck them and they give you kids.

I do. I have been raised with the idea that marriage is supposed to be that PLUS a means of human companionship, not sleeping with a den of vipers that attempts to go for your throat at any moment, just to make a fucking kid. Again, single parenthood seems preferable than being a single parent of your child and your maliciously stupid, schizoid wife.

That's good enough right there.

No, it isn't. If you're willing to settle for that, then that's a you problem. My standards really are not very high.

Why would you throw a slice of pizza away because it doesn't fight crime? Just have fun.

I would throw any human being away that doesn't want to act like a proper person. I can't waste my time bearing the weight of a girl's entire emotional and cognitive world on my shoulders, on top of raising kids, on top of a career, and on top of killing yids. There is only so much time in a day.

Fuck how much more do you need?

A human being, instead of a brainless, rabid, animal in the form of a human.


Maybe I just have extraordinary luck in women

Trust me, you do. Enjoy that while it lasts.

I've never experienced women cheating on me

I've not dealt with cheating in any of my relationships yet, but I grew up with a cheating mother (the kind who cheats on a military husband when he's on deployment. I have absolutely nothing but hatred towards this woman), have consoled many a friend heartbroken over cheaters, and have left not one, but three girls, who threatened, or nearly attempted, to cheat on me. I went out of my way to make their lives hell before letting them back into the wild. Frankly it's the least I could do to the dumb whores. Probably should have punched 'em a little.

All of my experiences with women, whether personal, or observed, have literally ONLY ever been negative. I have 0 faith in them whatsoever, and honestly being alone for the rest of my life sounds far better than putting up with them again. Women are fucking useless, and I PRAY for the day that the artificial womb comes to replace them.

16648380? ago

How many decent people do you really need in a relationship. The man can be decent and the woman can be a fuck monster baby maker. Treat them like they're good, plan for them to be insane and you don't have to make your own coffee. Top kek with this "human companionship." Just put a fake halo on one pretend it's a human and bang it. kek Or some sort of greek virtue motif? idk. You can hate fuck them too. It would probably make you feel better. Plus they like it and cook for you after. Do you not like pancakes or something?

16647210? ago

Harsh but correct.

16645950? ago

meant for



16645944? ago

Read pic related, might bring some insight.

16645945? ago

Hilarious how much advice these relationship-larpers have, very sad.

As Cloudman stated, incel cock addicts gets the woodchippers!

16645940? ago

Just make jokes about how you'll kill her if she does something wrong.

Also the fact that you are willing to commit violence is attractive. I mean if we're getting a girl these days she's not going to be perfect we are all products of modern society. Hopefully you get one with as little corruption as possible one that understands "If I fuck this up he'll really kill me and get out in 5 years or less."

It's funny when they parrot the things you say back to you though, really cute.

16645939? ago


  • Fagceltow slogan.

-"Listen to my totally legit relationship advice, Pol!"


/r9k/ <<

Reported! Go back, inceltow, go back now !!

Elliot Rodger and Randy Stair are in Hades now, being gang-raped in an AIDS-ridden ballpit for the centuries of the centuries. -)

16645935? ago

When you have to come up with strategies and wargames to keep your wife in line, I think it's safe to say the marriage is dead.

16645942? ago

It's not the woman or the man's fault that there are wargames. We are not coming up with wargames either, this started before us. It's not a total war scenarios, the conflict now between men and women is isolated to woman unable to stop trying to get power for themselves to everyone's detriment and us trying to prevent them. Up till now we have checked out of this conflict and it's time to engage and win.

16645934? ago

Punish women for being racist

That's awfully cruel and immoral. Women should be rewarded for demonstrating healthy mindsets.

Attempt to get your wife to cheat on you with yourself.

I take it you're single, anon?

16645929? ago

how to manage your retarded wife in clown world


16647211? ago

Nonwhite women are in no way better and you know that. They were simply raised to be less obnoxious but the feminist mindset of "You can always do better" and "You owe him nothing" still infect them at the slightest opportunity. Look at how many Muslim women suddenly become emboldened when they squat in a western country and start leaving their husbands.

16629945? ago

take women's rights away, idiot.

16630429? ago

I'm trying to. We need fathers with resources raising children. We need them to become the future judges and legislators to fix family court. I'm working on that long-term fix and trying to subvert the shorterm problem with wildass hacks like recording them denying the holocaust, driving a stick shift and poisoning the well with all the local attorneys. in the meantime. Also working on changing family court law but that's much harder.

We have to hit this thing at all fronts at once. Help us brainstorm. Come up with something crazy or novel. It's the hardest of hard modes.

How do you keep women from getting custody alimony and child support?

Think about it a lot. Even ludicrous ideas might get us closer to good solutions. Bring everything.

16630432? ago

legislators are elected and women make up 51% of the population. there isn't a democratic solution to taking 51% of the population's rights away, least of all when the majority of the remaining 49% have been raised by single mothers to revere and capitulate to women as a matter of course and conditioning.

take. women's. rights. away.

16630435? ago

True. I'm with you man. This is the best I have so far.


I know it's just a stopgap but we're still working on it. We can fix it.

16629939? ago

Why even marry?

16630433? ago

Don't give up. It's not unfixable. The family court is the bottleneck. It's identified. We can break it and get things back in order. Follow some of the hacks in the meantime. There's good shit on here that can give you some safety and mitigate the risks.

16629938? ago

Respect your wife.

Dont forget many women cheat due to neglect.

Please dont forget this gentlement.

Neglect is stated as 1# reason women cheat while married.

I know sluts would say “oh he always ignored me”

But there is a reason the sluts say this, they are saying it to OTHERS because they think it will give them sympathy, because to a woman bring IGNORED is very bad.

Seriously, i know you are ambitious my man, but do not neglect her, make her feel special every once in a while.

16648373? ago

"Neglect" to a woman means not giving her 100% attention 100% of the time. Came home from work tired and not in the mood for her irrelevant prattling? That's emotional neglect! Her friends will do their best to support her in this, too.

16629947? ago

Neglect is stated as 1# reason women cheat while married.

is stated

Because "I got bored" doesn't raise sympathy

16630431? ago

It's not like there's an end to it if you just do your best either. You can give her all your attention and that's still as much as five guys attention, ten guys attention. The entire internet's attention.

It's total mythology that there is some limiting principle in the female heart. If only you did better you could satisfy her. That's a recipe for demoralization. You have to put some rails on women. It's like kids. There's never enough candy. There's just someone willing to make them stop.

16629944? ago

Let's go female survival brain. Let's look into her mind.

<What's a better deal? You giving me attention and money. Or I take your money and your attention by going to court and I get another guy. Now I have your money and attention plus someone else's money and attention. So 2 money plus 2 attention.

You being better and better and better doesn't turn off the hypergamy. They ALL have this shit too. Don't fool yourself with the

<I'm not like other girls only the gold diggers and sluts do survival math. I would never work out the best deal for myself if it hurt you.

Everyone of them is practicing hypergamy and selling you the I'm not like the others I'm special narrative.

Make yourself the best deal. Don't allow her the option to betray you.

16629941? ago

Cherish, give attention to, be kind to, show compassion for, don't neglect. All good. You should do this all the time. Tell them you love them. Do your best to make them happy.

But respect? No that's not for women. I'm sorry the classical philosophers had it right. Women are not our peers. We have an obligation to manage them and protect them. Especially we should not allow them power and authority. They will not see our goodness and rise to the occasion. They don't. They begin to follow their whims and emotions once they have power. They will not behave in a selfless way or sacrifice for the greater good. Keep them from power. It's irresponsible to allow it.

16630439? ago

But respect? No that's not for women.

I get it that respect must be earned. But you are due her respect if she does her feminine duties as expected. If you treat your woman like a classical Greek homo, chances are she will treat you like the homo and leave to find a cismale.

What is a respect anyway?

a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

If yes, then why would one not admire her abilities to rear children, keep house in order and emotionally provide for her husband? Why should she strive to do so if it doesn't give her VALIDATION - the most important thing for a woman - from her own husband?

Men with no respect might end up broken and sell themselves to a highest bidder for cheap gibs. Women too, what a surprise, indeed both us and them are humans.


<What's a better deal? You giving me attention and money. Or I take your money and your attention by going to court

Except she doesn't, because a man would not allow himself being raped or enslaved and will fight to the death

<shit just got real, nope, nope, nope, ohhhh fuck me

You ever noticed how literal murderers have cult following from women yet nice provider men get divorce raped? Maybe because being nice is a negative trait in a world where a state enforced slavery can drop on you at any time.

16635514? ago

Fair enough. I agree with all of this. Admire her ability to raise children etc. We can call that "respect." I generally like to use words like "cherish" for things like that but it's just a symantic difference. It's worth pointing out there IS a difference in how men and women are "respected" and for what, but we're on the same page.

16629934? ago


16629933? ago

bumping this thread

fuck jannies btw

16629930? ago

Take the dark triad pill, lads.

The best way to instill loyalty in a woman is to convince her you're effectively omnipotent. You really don't need to try any of this shit or put in effort if you've convinced her you're a god or on your way to becoming one.

This sounds crazy as hell, but it's pretty easy and it will teach you how to amass a following which is way more important than getting one follower.

'use cult leader tactics is all i can really say on how to do it since everyone will use slightly different tactics in practice. vid related.

most bluepilled cult leaders just do it to get laid when they should be doing it to surround themselves with people willing to carry out their will.

t. wizard who ascended wizardry

16629935? ago

instill loyalty in a woman is to convince her you're effectively omnipotent

'use cult leader tactics

You want your wife, the mother of your children and keeper of the hearth, to live in a world of lies where her closest man alive is "using cult tactics" to manipulate her? The closest human being there is. Bullshitting, in her face.

Your family won't stand on bluff and lies. And the woman will resent her manipulative lying husband enough to divorce rape the shit out of him, ironically she will be in the right to do so.

Alphas don't manipulate. They are just "being themselves", so women flock to their sincere masculinity, and how could they not - it is scientifically proven men with high Testo don't lie. They just don't quite give a fuck about opinions of others to lie to them, and are self-confident, with is irresistible. A sniveling liar covering his insecurities with bluff is not. A men bluffing his masculinity is a woman painting a second face over her hideous mug, effectively bluffing her femininity. If men get shit fits seeing women in extreme makeup revealing her real meh face, you think women won't have shit fits seeing men in extreme macho bluff suddenly revealing their true colors?

Don't waste your time on cheap lies. Spend time on Testo rising activities, your wife will find you herself and be loyal to death.

Has it ever occurred to people here that diminishing Testo for the last 40 years and grand increase in infidelity and divorce are related? Men despise ugly manly womyn. So do women despise weak womanly soyboys, except they can't live on their own without a man, so they get married to one they despise.

16629940? ago

It's not true that truth and wisdom and logic penetrate into the psyche of women. We can't reject that onto them in spite of all this evidence to the contrary and operate under that principle. They delude themselves easily. Test it. Go bring some hard truth onto a woman's facebook profile about things they are doing wrong. They will not thank you. kek

It's not bluffing or bullshitting it's just speaking a language they understand. If someone is jumping off a cliff because they think they can fly. You can't go "well you see the truth is that that is not aerodynamics don't work that way, a human being doesn't have the required lift to achieve flight. Let me show you a cross section of a wing to compare it to your arm." It's not going to work and you need to save this person's life. You say "bro, this is the easy section for people that can fly. You should come down with me to the expert section on the ground for the real pros. It's much harder to start from the bottom." This is different than bullshitting with a rational person which you should correctly be offended by.

16629942? ago

sorry typo

We can't PROject that onto them

16629937? ago

your wife will find you herself and be loyal to death

That's just not how they work. Woman conquered by a foreign enemy don't fight to the death. They simply switch to the stronger side. You're adherence to virtue, to truth, to being forthright is noble. Man to man we could behave like this to each other. But not with conniving enemies, not with Children and not with women. Unfortunately you have to stab enemies in the back without looking into their eyes, you have to tell children that Santa will bring them coal if they touch a hot stove and you have to have some extremely distasteful contingency plans for what to do if your wife tries to take your resources and custody of your children. I'm sorry to say that the only problem I see with the

post you are responding to is that there are superior strategies that follow the same sort of cynicism about female nature. Namely that resource control is better than creating respect and awe. This "be noble and virtuous women will follow you" isn't true brother. I've seen it as have many of us. Many men betrayed simply for being naive about female nature. It was not because the men were less than noble and masculine. If anything I've seen the reverse. The most noble of us and the bravest are actually MORE susceptible to being easy marks. Men better than you and better than me get eaten alive simply because they weren't shrewd. There is not a conflict between being a noble man and being ruthless. If you refrain from ruthlessness, then people more cunning than you will rule. You have to consider this.

and just to make it clear about this philosophical ethical problem. Let me say that I will torture my enemies if I get the chance. I won't like it. I'm not a phycho. I'm disgusted by people that revel in this sort of thing. It will make me sick to debase myself, but I AM going to torture them if I can because I've done the math and I realize I have to.

It is time for you and I to become fucking batman.

16630437? ago

Woman conquered by a foreign enemy don't fight to the death.

Because they are - surpruse! - women! Women don't fight! Men do. If their men failed at protecting them, well too bad for them, better men will take care of these women.

Imagine a barren woman, who can't give birth to children. A man is expected to leave her - he may pity her, he may resent the blind fate that made his wife infertile, he may curse the gods, whatever - but if he wants to have progeny, he will remarry to a fertile woman. So it is with a man who failed to protect his woman from other men. The woman may lament her fate, may long for her previous husband, to think of kids unborn from the defeated guy - but if she wants to live, she will remarry to her captor and bear him children.

Do not treat a woman like a man. To each his own.

A man who can't fight and protect is a woman who can't bear children and keep the hearth. The other sex just has zero tolerance for such things.

They simply switch to the stronger side

You think women don't get upset at Chad preferring 10/10 Stacy to 5/10 Jane? They lament and bitch just as weak men lament and bitch at Stacy preferring a 10/10 Chat to 5/10 Virginold. Such is our world. I didn't make it, but I learned to live in it.

This is why I have my 10/10 wife dead loyal to me, because I will leave manlets dead in my wake if they try as much to touch her, fuck the cops and the state, so far so good. Sure I might as well choose a wrong fight and bleed to death on the street by 35 or get imprisoned, but I'd rather take my risks than be a sniveling wormlet who lies to his own wife daily and has divorce rape nightmares. I suppose she values my honesty and dead commitment enough to forgive any down moments I had or might have.

Why don't you show commitment to your woman, instead of lamenting how women are not warring men with boobs.

But not with conniving enemies, not with Children and not with women.

They are your children! They are the best you and your wife leave to the world for fucks sake, why would you treat your own progeny as "conniving enemies". I don't understand. They are your children. They are you. Why treat yourself as a "conniving enemy". Unless you are one, well what can you expect for a future wife if you are your worst enemy. Women don't want an enemy in their house and their bed every day of the year, they have enough of them, be their rival women or rapacious niggers.

and you have to have some extremely distasteful contingency plans for what to do if your wife tries to take your resources and custody of your children.

A human tries to literally enslave you and rob you of your progeny. Will you back down and be a chattel slave robbed of his future and masculinity, of will you fight to the death?

The woman knows. She is not afraid of it, she respect it. She NEEDS a protector from precisely such foreign people taking HER children and future away. If you can protect yourself from that, you can protect her too = many children and a happy family live.

This "be noble and virtuous women will follow you" isn't true brother

With all due respect, I don't have brothers, I came from a weak household decimated by wars and poverty on a ruins of a dead slave-owning empire, so my family couldn't allow more than one child.

Yet nobility and virtue are true. If they would be not, then this existence wouldn't be worth the time.

Many men betrayed simply for being naive about female nature.

The female nature is to find a protector to bear him children and keep his house in order. If she switched sides to alien men enslaving her previous husband in exchange of her leasing her kids to die for Israel in 5-20 years, then she is either a fallen woman, a whore - then why did the man marry her in the first place? - or even that was preferable to her marriage.

Let me say that I will torture my enemies if I get the chance.

Torture doesn't provide reliable info, it is but a terror tactic, and terror is used by a weak side against a strong one who doesn't need to publicly bluff on how mean it is to get its way. This makes it sickening when you compare wives and children to enemies plotting against you. Would you torture a woman to submission?

I'm sorry, it seems this discussion is useless, we have opposite view on too many things.

16635512? ago

You're inferring a lot a I haven't implied here. You're actually agreeing with me. You treat men, women, children and enemies all differently. In terms of virtue: women children and enemies should not be treated like men. They don't fight and you don't think they should. We agree. So I'm going to lie to them about who got murdered today because it's upsetting to them. They don't need that info because it isn't their domain.

I suppose I could make a venn diagram or something to explain how I group these people differently kek but I only listed them together because women, children and enemies all don't receive total forthrightness.

Torture is special to my enemies. You lie to women and children but of course you don't torture them. If you think of it as a weakness and not a necessity to protect your homeland with torture you are right and we will never agree.

I'm glad I brought that up because it gets to the heart of what the actual situation we have to deal with is and how willing to get our hands dirty we should be.

I don't want you to "bleed on the streets by 35 in the wrong fight or get imprisoned" I do want you to lie to your wife daily but I want you to do it (and just on a few things that women shouldn't have to deal with; not as general policy) so that you DON'T have divorce nightmares.

I don't want you martyring yourself for a good cause. I don't like that you're willing to do that. We have way too many dead boyscouts on our side.

If you ever find your situation is bad and you are being abused by life rather than rewarded, please consider it was not because you weren't strong or noble enough. Come back to these ideas and consider lieing to women and children and putting evil men's heads on sticks.

16629931? ago


These sorts of ideas work. They can project alpha-ness and inspire loyalty, but it's not the BEST strategy. You're thinking like a man: Courage, bravery. These things inspire you to follow someone and as men you would even be willing to sacrifice yourself for someone unafraid, full of honor and totally deserving of being the alpha. But women have ONE higher primary motivator than being inspired: SURVIVAL. If you rely on them respecting you they can still switch it up if they haven't had enough chocolate that day, and go for the temptation to take your shit, control your children and go get another cock. That's why this


is better. Does that make sense?

<Wow I respect him

will only get you so far.

<Wow I need him for food and social standing or he has the power to take these things away always works.

You have to start thinking of them as children. They're not going to stop eating candy or walking into the street out of "respect" for Dad. That will get you a little, but when push comes to shove if it comes down to respect for you or something they want, the thing that they want will win every time. They're going to do the right thing because you will spank them if they do bad and take them to Disney Land if they do good. Start thinking in terms of "how do a set things up so I'm the resource and the punishment" instead of "how do I inspire her to respect me."

16629924? ago

be a manipulative psychopath or you’re weak, goy!

Looks like I’m weak.

16629927? ago

Are you going to let a monkey run around with a handgun? It's not moral to check out on the problem. Bribe it with a banana, hide in the bushes, shoot it with a tranquilizer dart, get a net. Be manipulative if you have to. But it has to be managed in some way. It has no fucking clue what it's doing and it's only going to hurt someone or itself very badly.

16629925? ago

They can't be trusted even to make themselves happy. They've been "empowered" for a generation and made themselves miserable and they're taken the whole world with them. It's not psychopathy to care about women and children and the health of your nation. You're looking at it the wrong way.

16629913? ago

Are the kikes putting out some radio frequency turning women into hypergamous degenerates all of the sudden? Some horrible shit happened to me recently.

16629915? ago

Are the kikes putting out some radio frequency turning women into hypergamous degenerates all of the sudden?

women have always been like that, jews just exploit them with social media

16629932? ago


It is the literal radio. (Amongst other things) Google the lyrics on the top songs on the girl channel sometime.

16579436? ago

Still a work in progress.

16629920? ago

The NUMBER ONE WAY TO DESTROY HER is to have her go off (preferably drunk) on a tantrum about how the parasitic evil kikes are the root of all evil in the universe. Carefully edit it so your voice is never heard, professionally dub background noise that you recorded on a different day into it for continuity.

When court time comes, let the court know that as a strong supporter of the independence of the nation of Israel, you were so violently turned off by the possibly homicidal delusions of your wife that you started to fear for your own life.

No judge is ALLOWED to award a woman like that ANYTHING AT ALL.

You will end up with the children, and she will be forced to pay you 5,000 dollars per month in alimony and child support.

16579437? ago

Just so you don't miss this and think I'm just reposting the duluth model. Click this because its a parody format of most things discussed here.

16576181? ago


Don’t forget shaming race traitors

16572810? ago

Op is a genius and I wish to subscribe to his YouTube.

I myself went the Azngf meme. I do not recommend it. It worked for me, but there is a literal industry in these countries of chicks trying to trap gullible white weebs.

I got lucky. You probably won't.

This advice looks legit though. I gotta say. Plus it is hilarious.

16576172? ago

Get in on the big IVF industry in white countries. You should use a white ovum and implant it in your azn wife. You shouldn't give up on having white kids. You can even select for sons.

16572794? ago

You have to work under the table

Permanent monk mode MGTOW here. I was reading up to this part. How exactly am I going to replace the $80k a year I make from my cushy office job with an under the table job? Is some anon going to suggest that I'm a faggot who just needs to start building houses with my bare hands for under the table work, no health insurance and still like half the pay?

16572808? ago

If you're already divorced there's no amount of money that can give you an excess because ex-wives don't want your money for a practical reason. It's to make them feel not old. That's why Under the table is a net gain.

If you're in monk mode and you want kids follow some of the advice to insulate yourself. Secret savings. Bitcoins. Prenups. Have your home in your fathers name when you get married. Drive a stick shift. Put GPS on her phone. Go see all the divorce lawyers in a 200 mile radius so she can't find a lawyer b/c conflict of interest, and the recording of her saying nigger so she doesn't think about trying the divorce rape move.

Yes. It's that fucking dark. Sorry.

16579427? ago

Good creative ideas here.

Though it is illegal to hide money in a divorce, and if it is discovered at a later date that you were hiding assets the law will f you in the ass. So take care. Be especially careful with bitcoins, because they are traceable, and the record is permanent. Don't tell anyone you have them. Sell for cash or buy stuff direct.

16572812? ago

This shit actually makes sense. Have you ever thought about starting a jewtube channel and getting some of this info out there? I don't see it anywhere in MGTOW circles.

16572801? ago

Have a White mans time preference to start. You have to start whatever suits you and work it as a side business while you build it up. That's what I did and am still working on it. Although i'm a poorfag with less starting capital than you. Anyway. Nothing is going to instantaneously replace your income.

16572800? ago

Or I could just stay in my cushy office job where I do practically nothing difficult, keep receiving my relatively high salary, and keep avoiding women and the system as if they were radioactive waste. I want to support what you guys want. I want to have a traditional family and raise kids in a stable home and teach them to stay away from libshit degeneracy. It's just too easy for me to keep doing what I'm doing, and too hard and risky for me to do anything else.

16572814? ago

Or I could

You obviously didn't read it.

16572792? ago

Bumping righteous thread

Also, fucking read fucking Rational Male boys, jesus

16572787? ago

Feminist creates documentary on Mens' Rights

TL;DR - She did a DAM GOOD JOB showing mens side!!

And you'll never guess what happened next…

All her FEMINISTS "pals" & MSM turned on her, probably because their arguments come off very weak & callous.



After hearing some of the family court stories, i honestly wonder how these men dont murder some of these absolute cunts. Many kill themselves. Killing the wrong person IMO.

I heard about the author Cassie Jaye from HOAXED (which was a disappointment), but it caught my attention when she revealed how the media & feminists turned on her.

She's talks about this in this HOAXED trailer.



Learned Lots of good redpills & stats.

be VERY CAREFUL before you marry or impregnate a women!!!

Thankfully the doco does show not all women are men hating cunts.

16572788? ago

Don't hate them anon. They don't hate us. It's just hypergamy. They're programed to get the best deal and they're always doing it. Let the ideological virtuous female shit go and you won't feel so betrayed by the reality of what they are. Accept them for what they are like you would a lion. Don't be too upset that the fucking thing is not like Simba with a song and a quest for justice and all that horseshit. The real thing is actually beautiful and majestic, but you have to know if you fuck around it will totally kill you and not give a FUUCKK about doing it. It's not really a blackpill. We shouldn't be obsessed with women anyway. They're here to fuck and give us kids while we try to get to space.

16630438? ago

Not that guy, but I'd like you to explain, in your own words, why I SHOULDN'T hate women for being disloyal retards, when trust is the only thing in this world that I actually value on principle.

Don't get me wrong here, I think white men are great, but the more I realize the truth of the female nature, it seems as though we'd be far better off by simply going with the Saiyan birthing pod method of procreation, and only allowing men to be born. All that I can see women as, taking your statement to heart, is eye candy that I can goop inside, so that I have a 50% chance of having a child that I wouldn't despise (male).

Frankly, if all women are, are hypergamous adult children, then why should I even bother continuing the fucking species, if half of said species is a literal waste of oxygen and resources, who only act purely on preprogrammed self-interest? How could I possibly love a woman, if that's all that they are? Should I simply give up on the concept of love? I mean, I'm already about three steps away from ditching that sentiment anyway, but I'd like to hear it from you, since you've clearly had more time to think about it than I have.

16711856? ago

Love is a chemical in a male brain nothing more.

Women 'love' based on what utility u are to her, thats it. Unless your smoking hot a women will look at what you can provide for her and once thats done she moves on.

16711859? ago

Women 'love' based on what utility you are to her, that's it. Unless you're smoking hot, a woman will look at what you can provide for her and once that's done, she moves on.

Well, I corrected some of your spelling and grammar.

That's the problem with marrying women.

Marry girls. As in, virgins. ("She's been made a woman" used to be generally-used slang for "she's been busted." hence the term "womanizer" as in, a guy who takes girls and "makes women of them" aka a degenerate male slut.)

Find a young lady, and court her until she's old enough to marry. Make sure you'd marry her mother, based on looks, because that's her future. If she won't let you know what her mother looks like, then run away.

Russian women seem to age VERY badly, from what I've seen, and Eastern European women in general, maybe, also from what I've seen. Or maybe they were ugly when young?

But, anyway, #nocherrydontmarry


Also, don't have sex outside marriage yourself. You don't want The Gifts that Keep on Giving to hand off to your bride, or worse, the Gifts that Never Stop Taking, aka a preggers sluts and a brood of future whores and criminals to finance while mom passes them around to the Boyz in Tha Hood.

16711870? ago

Marrying a girl wont fix the problem. shell leave/cheat on you to 'find out more about what she is missing out on'

The chances quadruple when she learns that she can do that on your dime through divorce rape.

You end up paying to cuck yourself…

16645938? ago

I hate White women

all women are, are hypergamous adult children,

why should I even bother continuing the fucking species?

It's probably best that you don't.

I'm a bit curious, why are you here?

Not this thread but this board. Because while 8/pol/ is for all political dissidence, it is mostly a pro-White board. Most people here are "White nationalists" or whatever word we call being pro-White.

If you are also pro-White, why? If you hate White women and think it'd be better to allow your race to die if you can't find an unrealistic, 10/10, anime tire wifu who caters to your every fantasy without requiring anything in return, it stands to reason that you're not very concerned with White people. You just want to live in a fantasy land with a fantasy wife.

But if you do consider yourself pro-White, what exactly about White people do you like?

For me, I truly love my people because in our natural environment, free from jewish perversion and liberal self hatred, we create a truly beautiful and natural environment in perfect harmony with the natural world. Folk culture is a manifestation of the natural spirit of my race. In addition, I love history and want my race to continue taking part in this fantastic story.

That and my lust to avenge the injustices that the jew and the liberals have committed upon my race and the world.

16645947? ago

I'm a bit curious, why are you here?

Oh, it's this question. I was on 8/pol/ long before I realized the truth that women are worthless as people. If it's true that they know no higher concepts, such as trust, true love, loyalty, etc., then what makes them so fucking special, when an artifical womb can do their job just as well, and I wouldn't have to deal with any of their sociopathy?

But if you do consider yourself pro-White, what exactly about White people do you like?

I liked being raised in a high-trust society (that no longer exists). I like that we, at least at some point, valued strength. I like that I can have discussions like this one without putting up with a nigger chimping out because we don't agree. I enjoy our creativity, and the constant drive we have to create a better world, not just for us, but for everyone. I enjoy our culture, our music, art, and much of our outlook on life and existence. There's plenty to like about white people on the whole.

if you can't find an unrealistic, 10/10, anime tire wifu who caters to your every fantasy without requiring anything in return

An incorrect assumption. I don't want something so ridiculous. I was raised with the (apparently incorrect) notion that a marriage/relationship is a bond that requires constant maintenance on both sides. According to the guy I replied to, as well as OP, it seems to be that I'm the one who has to do all the fucking work. Aside from that, the only utility they have is the ability to look pretty and poop out children. It's incredibly hard not to be disillusioned by the fact that that IS all they're good for. If it's true that women are this way, then I could NEVER ask a woman for support of any kind, and it was my understanding that marriage was a bond of mutual support. If women are this fucking stupid, I could never talk to my hypothetical wife about my problems, or emotions, because all that does is telegraph weakness, and with that one mistake, she's off to fuck some other guy who puts on a better facade of being stone-cold. I'm not dealing with anything that flighty. It's quite literally not worth it in any respect, because there's nothing I get out of it.

When I subjected myself to the dating game, I gave women the world, until I realized that the world could not possibly be enough for them. There's no upper limit to female desire, and the moment you look away, they're off to find what they see as the next best thing. That's quite literally what this thread is about, and how to curtail that desire by treating them as though you married your own daughter. I have a career and life goals, I can't spend all of my free-time catering to some slut's every silly, schizoid, desire, just so she doesn't bounce, because she gets bored while I'm at work. I'd rather be a single father.


Because it's not really that bad.

I still fail to see how it's not that bad. When something is bad, it's bad. Just because it's in their nature to be terrible people, doesn't mean that I'm going to go, "oh that's beautiful because that's the way they are". If I thought that way about everything, I'd think that the general happiness of the world increased because some frothing nigger stole my bike today. Seeing women for what they are simply disgusts me, I find nothing beautiful in hypergamy/polygamy, nor am I one of those hippies that goes out of my way to see beauty in all things. If I have to focus this much mental energy into tricking myself that women being disloyal, dishonorable, sociopathic, children, is a good thing, then maybe, just maybe, it's NOT a fucking good thing.

There has been a generation of putting smiley faces on every plant, rock and animal since our childhood and it's painful to let go of that worldview

I was never really raised that way, but I sure as shit painted that smiley face on women, until my mother proved to be just as much of a brainless whore as any other female. Of course, I learned that she was this hypergamous adult baby in my teenage years, when she wandered off the reservation, abandoning both my father and I, but to date, I have yet to come across another woman in my life who could ever be an exception to the description of them given in this thread. They are ALL this way. What the fuck is so beautiful about that if I can't even love my mother anymore? I'm not going to separate her animalistic behavior from the woman who raised me just because that's a slightly prettier, albeit, delusional way of looking at her. My father gave her everything she could have ever asked for, and had more than the financial means to do so. It wasn't enough for her because he treated her as an equal.

I suppose a good TL;DR is that I have pets already, I don't want my eventual wife to be one, too.

16647199? ago

It's incredibly hard not to be disillusioned by the fact that that IS all they're good for

I find this to be untrue. I've never experienced women cheating on me because I never bothered pursuing sluts you pick up at bars. I don't intend to make assumptions about everyone else's relationships, but I get the feeling that almost all of the people who think all White women are sluts got their dating advice from those self help scams that "teach you how to pick up women in bars."

Because I have simply never experienced this. Maybe I just have extraordinary luck in women. I cannot know. But I do know that there are women out there who are not only intelligent, but absolutely trustworthy and yes, completely open to racial thinking.

16706726? ago

This reminds me of my acquaintance experience

Find his future wife on a perv hookup internet site

Hook up with his future wife and literally fuck her in the ass while his friend fucks her mouth

Couple month later he marries her ffs

He also gets 10x local average income, so she is most delighted

The guy loses his jobs, his income falls to local average level

SUDDENLY he discovers his waifu had been having buttsex with his other "friend" for couple months now


Gee, dude, I don't know even. Maybe the fact you found her on literal pervert dating site then gangbanged her while drunk and she didn't mind at all might be at fault here.

16647206? ago

. I don't intend to make assumptions about everyone else's relationships, but I get the feeling that almost all of the people who think all White women are sluts got their dating advice from those self help scams that "teach you how to pick up women in bars." Because I have simply never experienced this. Maybe I just have extraordinary luck in women.

You're lying and making up a false anecdotal reality. There are no values that are conducive to the nuclear family taught by society and popular media and unfortunately due to the atomic nature of modern society - most Women only engagement with the extended world and concepts of higher virtue arise through media. This is true of many many Men as well but it is exceedingly common in Women to the point where it's tropal - and has been recognized as tropal by the majority of Men for thousands of years. Even in surviving literature. Such as Plato's Assemblywoman.

But I do know that there are women out there who are not only intelligent, but absolutely trustworthy and yes, completely open to racial thinking.

This is 100% true and worth remembering just because it's good to remind yourself that there is good out there. But it's "EXCEPTIONAL" and your sole anecdote isn't a very heavy argument when weighed against the vast majority of Male anecdote tracing back literal THOUSANDS of years.

16706728? ago

You're lying

If you say so.

Have you been cheated on by women? Where did you meet them and how?

There are no values that are conducive to the nuclear family taught by society and popular media

And? Are you trying to imply that natural roles do not exist and that European people have no instincts at all other than mindlessly obeying the media?

If that is the case, explain why you and I are being so politically incorrect together.

Women are more influenced by peer pressure than men are. This much is true. Which leads to the conclusion that removing the jews from power and replacing them with nationalistic White men will resolve every female related issue.


Women who marry military men are generally sluts. They are picked up in bars and they're looking for free money so they can whore around with his "friends"

I've seen this happen many times so I know from experience that in general, military "wives" are low class whores.

In order to solve this, I believe that the US (and other) armies should have a "hooker corps"

This will allow all the lonely men who would otherwise pick up these lying sluts to have sex with professional prostitutes while on campaign. This has other important benefits.

  1. It will remove the threat of soldiers seeking entertainment from the women of the land that they are occupying. This is a huge problem as an enemy can use prostitutes to elicit information from soldiers. Loose lips really do sink ships, if you catch my drift.

  2. It will eliminate venereal diseases as a threat to soldiers.

In any case, you have my sympathies. I believe your story and I wish you had had better luck with women. Though, it's good that you restrained from physically hitting them as the law is (((designed))) to crucify you if you do. If you don't mind my asking, where and how did you meet the treacherous sluts who threatened to cheat on you?


Hook up with his future wife and literally fuck her in the ass while his friend fucks her mouth

Jesus Christ. That guy has watched way too much porn.

16706739? ago

FFL adopted this idea in Africa. It worked out fairly well except for occasional bouts of venereal diseases due to hookers banging side johns.

16635513? ago

why I SHOULDN'T hate women for being disloyal retards

Because it's not really that bad. There has been a generation of putting smiley faces on every plant, rock and animal since our childhood and it's painful to let go of that worldview, but women and animals and mountains are actually amazing and wonderful. Just not in the happy safe smiley way we were taught. You just begin to appreciate them in a different way.

Also you're in an artificial situation that's unnaturally difficult to overcome which makes it more demoralizing, because we're going from super-hyper easy mode right into rediculously difficult mode. Women plus the state is not how it is supposed to be. Any sensible man would certainly feel like throwing up his hands and going "fuck it, this is too dangerous and difficult," but there are ways to fix it. It isn't going to be this way eternally if we work on it.

We are allowed to hack this game now and use cheat codes.

16572793? ago

I understand and feel the same way, it's just that the lioness also has the state and every institution along with the media behind it while she's going for your throat, which makes the situation quite a bit worse

16572797? ago

That's right and in many ways we're outgunned. Now we have to play asymmetric warfare. We're fucking horrible at it let's be honest, but we need to catch up and be shrewd and ruthless. We're not going to fight an enemy that puts on a uniform and declares their true intentions. We have to dehumanize ourselves and face to bloodshed.

16566368? ago

They have a knight a rook and two castles there.

So, three rooks then? Or did you castle twice somehow?

16566366? ago

or find a good wife.

16566365? ago

secretly record your wife so you can use Semitic laws against her


16565142? ago

Instead of investing so much effort into fighting an individual female, why not fight your actual surrogate sexual competition, the state? Modern states are basically a way for kikes to own all your women. You need to undermine them in a smart way, any way possible, one cent at a time. Bleed the parasites dry, become the provider again, and you will get a loyal wife.

16571847? ago

Bleed the parasites dry

This is true. Let's say you're getting divorce raped…

You can't pay the alimony or child support because you have ptsd and depression and ocd. You've gone to a therapist for this. You can't work. She understands that you sell drugs and have a lot of money that she has access to if she behaves.

All this is horseshit of course. You're actually framing houses under the table or something.

But women are little kids and they need Santa Claus to behave. You have to bullshit them.

16565144? ago

Bleed the parasites dry, so you can have parasites too

16563950? ago

Damn, no wonder you guys can't find women to breed with if you actually think like this

16563951? ago

Women to breed with is a low bar man. You can do better than that. Try hard mode: Wife, kids and insulation from jewish subversion of your household. How do you do that?

16563952? ago





and insulation from jewish subversion of your household.


How do you do that?

Say "nigger" a lot and don't let my kids watch TV?

16563953? ago

Okay that's pretty good. Consider recording her reaction to you saying nigger a lot and you will have also stopped any ability for her to run to the courts and take all yours shit and raise your kids all weird. You might not need that, but it's low effort and better safe than sorry.

Lots of men thought they had it all in the bag and relied on their woman's virtue and loyalty and got totally fucking wrecked beyond belief when they got traded in for the state.

16565133? ago

Lots of men thought they had it all in the bag and relied on their woman's virtue and loyalty and got totally fucking wrecked beyond belief when they got traded in for the state.

You can't do that, though, because women don't have higher principles, nor do they understand higher concepts like honour and loyalty. They materially-focused creatures, an ever-changing being and therefore lack any stability and consistency over time. Thus, you are always at risk if the woman can sink the ship. There are exceptions, however, where the woman is more masculine than normal, which gives her the ability of higher understanding and realisation – but they are rare.

To protect ourselves and our children from the whims of women, we should be making them sign contracts stating that they can't take our stuff and our children if they decide to leave us. The proposition of such a contract would also act as a firewall: if they decline, chances are, they are basically admitting they'd like to use the state to rob you at some stage. If a woman did actually love you, and if she understood the importance of a husband and wife family for children, she would have no reason to not sign it.

16565134? ago

Juden Raus!

16565137? ago

Juden Raus!

Hitler personally called Otto "the one good Jew" and Evola himself said he was an exception. Though not white, he was a pretty good guy. He was even woke on the JQ and dropped many redpills on Jewish nature. Essentiaal reading for any rightwinger.

16565138? ago

A jew the equates white women as no better than jews. No thanks!

He was a good jew because he killed himself, no other reason.

16563954? ago

I'm in a fairly good situation financially since a large portion of the child care in my family is paid for and done by my parents. No paper trail for alimony purposes, and it makes the wife knowingly beholden to my extended family.

The only downsides right now are that she's gotten chunky after shitting out four kids (working on it, but it's slow going) and we live in an Urban Hellhole.

Trying to find a way to transition to a more rural lifestyle and buy some acreage somewhere, but I think that will be a lot harder than getting my wife to lose some weight and quit the electric Jew.

16565132? ago

Getting fat is so hard to deal with it probably deserves another thread. That's an entirely different problem really. I'll work on it, brainstorm and run it by the team. Maybe we can work something out in the next few weeks.

16565131? ago

This is excellent and it goes on the bullet list because it's very solid.

Don't give your sons (assuming you have sons) a house. They can live in it and raise a family in it and It stays in your name until you are very very old. I knew a woman who told me she would leave her husband (and humiliate him and his children by fucking some young mooch, but she didn't care about that of course) to "be free." She wouldn't/couldn't pull that card because she'd been with him for so long and felt she deserved half of his house, yet it was in his parents (very old and refusing to die kek) name.

16563938? ago

women are silly and should be treated as such, getting upset over their dumb decisions is like beating the shit outta your dog for pissing on the floor, she doesn't know any better BUT with a little bit of training she will learn to follow you so as long as you can keep her entertained and satisfied in the bed, the moment ya dun goof she'll be looking for your potential replacement, they're wired like this biologically, kiddo

16563934? ago

another shitpost thread inspired from the one I made earlier!

16563932? ago



"Women are children goy, fucking a woman is like fucking a child."

And of course OP is a kike, look at how obsessive he is about his narrative. He even uses meme lingo like an effeminate faggot trying to fit in.




Anyway, if you're so concerned about your wife being retarded (like you'll ever get a quality wife if you actually constantly fall for these threads), then the solution is simple: don't date retarded women. Seek out the intellectual ones. Retarded women produce retarded offspring, why the hell do you want to reproduce with them?

16579430? ago

uh no retard, there's a difference between women being children in an emotional/logical sense and a literal child. fuck off with your semantics bullshit, you subversive kike.

16579435? ago

uh no retard, there's a difference between women being children in an emotional/logical sense and a literal child. fuck off with your semantics bullshit, you subversive kike.

women are silly

we live in a clown world

being autistic enough to have a serious discussion on 8chan

16563935? ago

Seek out the intellectual ones

found the submissive cuck whos dominatrix mommy gf beats him on a regular basis

16563936? ago

Sorry, i'm not jewish, I'm not into BDSM, scat, piss, and foot fetishes like your race is.

16563941? ago

Sorry, i'm not jewish,

could of fooled me lmfao

16563939? ago

Sorry, i'm not jewish, I'm not into BDSM, scat, piss, and foot fetishes like your race is.

nice try shlomo but most dominatrixes are unironically buxom germanics ripe for breeding and where did I imply all those other things you brought up ya sicko?

16563929? ago

Women are children who want to have kids. Never forget this, /pol/.

16563927? ago

itt tradcucks try to conjure up ways of controlling women without taking on and becoming the State themselves

some are literally advocating for wife beating, mental/physical abuse, talmudic social engineering and even going to fucking jail just to get some puss and some white kids

those white kids will be raised by jews in the media and their retarded single mother

If you niggers are going to commit felonies in an attempt to make some white kids, could you at least make yourselves useful and off some influential kikes or leftists before you go to prison?

16706740? ago

Fucking this.


The kikes are winning, dude. Might as well become like kikes ourselves, but in a reverse way.

16562646? ago

I've never had a girl who didn't want me to strangle, tie up and simulate rape with her, and i've dated alot of different girls in this jewish clown world. My plan is to make my next girlfriend put on my pitbulls high power shock collar until she has been trained to be my submissive house slave. It sucks but alot of women are perverts, and as a man you must control your women one way or another. If you don't dominate her, she will hate you and do her best to humiliate and destroy you.

Learn to tie them up, tease them and dominate them. Zap the fucking shit out of them if they get mouthy. If they threaten to use zog bots on you, zap them until they piss themselves.

16647202? ago

Why would you try to give other people advice when your parents, the school and the doctors told you you were learning disabled your entire life? Did you ever think that this was the one time the state was telling the truth? I do.

16563925? ago

This shit doesn't work. All these kind of freaks want to steal your car and cry rape. The s and M ones only give you power in the bedroom and then they ruin your life. You can beat them with a stick and shock them and set them on fire and they're still going to take the kids and raise them as human garbage to humiliate you. and actually these ones are MORE likely to do that.

16565141? ago

All these kind of freaks want to steal your car

Jokes' on you, I drive a manual. Women can't into clutches anymore.

16571846? ago

I drive a manual.

This is actually really really good advice. Keeping this


You can do both. In fact raising your own children does just that and is the best strategy to accomplish a takeover.


This is only offensive if you consider a woman a comrade in arms who would never betray you and is loyal. That's not how they work. They go with the strongest. Once you make it impossible for them to switch teams, that becomes you. Also you'd never have to use this on a trad because they don't trade over to strong independent women when they can just leave you, get your resources and double up with another dude. Right? They don't do that?


find a good wife

It's not their job to be good. It's there job to collect resources and survive at all costs. It's your job to be good.


They. cheat. You are under no obligation to follow the queensbury rules or the Geneva convention. Start hiding your money, recording her saying nigger, and making sock puppets.

16576177? ago

This is actually really really good advice. Keeping this

It's legit. My mom is the only woman I know that could drive it. Also real nice to have as an excuse for me to drive, because women are mostly shit drivers; I can't stand being in a car with a woman driving.

16562629? ago

women are children

its so simple, yet took so long for me to grasp this. its very true and the world makes so much more sense when you notice it.

Every argument you hear for women can be said for children too, yet we dont allow children to join the military, vote, own property, etc. You dont hate children, just like you dont hate women, and you also wouldnt want either of them to do these things for their own good.

women are just as smart as men!

there are children than do calculus, algebra, play instruments like a master, and in many ways seem much smarter than average adults. The reason they shouldnt vote is because children lack good judgement, dont understand what is actually valuable, arent devensive about things that matter, dont take responsibility, you know, like women.

how could she betray me like that?? shes a horrible bitch!

children also behave like this, when they see an easy way out, something better and no real consequenses, they will do it. They dont understand things like honor or duty, or at the very least, only have a warped understanding of these things. Women arent horrible people even when they betray your trust, they are just behaving like children because thats what they are.

You also cant be straight forward with them about how you feel, they demand you play mind games with them, and want a husband that is like a father figure to them. It makes so much sense, its scary. How they say one thing and so another, that reverse psychology you have to use on them just like kids. Its so true you might have pretty good luck picking up chicks by bringing a stack of pokemon cards to a wine tasting.

16562635? ago

this is the truth and it's apparent to anyone who deals with women regular once you start looking for it

16562634? ago

Women arent horrible people even when they betray your trust

Yeah they are, that's pretty much the definition of "horrible people" imo

16562632? ago

I know. It's kind of a downer though if you thought you were dealing with a peer. But fuck it. I was born and molded in the darkness. I can make it work.

16562631? ago

children dont understand things like honor or duty

I figured those things out by age 10 tbh. Maybe you're talking about nigger children, who don't even recognize their own reflection til age 6?

16562624? ago

haha it's the women Goyim, just trust me, I'm not a Jew trying to discourage a decrease in White birth rates

Drown yourself in foreskin Isiah and tell your boss Goldberg to choke on semen.

16562621? ago

okay let me edit it down a little bit. What do you keep change or add and why.


import from myanmar(?)

No marraige liscense

Prenup (what specifically)

social media isolation (or gaslighting ? what's better)

Hide assets

racism blackmail

damage control

Sock puppets of fake chads for her

sock puppets of fake stacies for you

withhold child support by working under the table (but not to the degree you go to jail)

Disability or ptsd to isolate yourself from confiscation by force.

16562620? ago

implying the incels here will ever be in a relationship

16561891? ago

If you give me back my authority I will give you money.

But anon, she already get my money through welfare, alimony and child support…

16562623? ago

Also you have MORE money. (You really don't though. )

I know this sucks btw. You're basically bribing a person to be honorable and treat you with respect. But fuck it. You have to it seems.

16562622? ago

Not if you have ptsd, or you work under the table.

16561874? ago

Fuck women without a condom, make babies and pay child support. As many as ypu can. Thats it. They are just wombs to us, not the goddesses to worship or keep in your house, because muh dick.

16561886? ago

this for real, it will also bleed the welfare state

16561876? ago

I know but they start making your sons into Luna and desmondIsAmazing and your daughters into rachael maddow and all that if you leave them alone to raise your kids. They can't do it.

16562636? ago

They will try to do that through media/other kids even if you have an aryan wife. Blood is not water, sooner or later they will attach to their group, no matter the brainwashing.

16561873? ago

OP's ideal

16561872? ago

don't need 10

makes 11

16561868? ago

man up boys, this white woman needs you to step in and save her

16561889? ago


Take a closer look at her face.

16561869? ago

no she doesnt , she has the state

16561881? ago


and if not, she will, seeing as how she has met the condition of not having nigger kids the lebensborn will assist her in return for them being educated and trained by SS run institutions, hail victory, frau!

16561883? ago

Hmm. Check the nose on her though….

16561892? ago


it may just be the angle of the picture, also even so, we can refer to pic related

of course the (one drop rule) is always at play,but as it stands currently we need to separate the what from the chaff right now, finer refinement can come later.

Of course there will be psychological, emotional, and fitness testing to ensure that semetic traits are bred out and no longer an issue.

But as I said, wheat from chaff. the Reich failed because they put perfection before priority, we can not make that same mistake, the world is getting browner every day and we need every "white" person on board, purity spiraling comes later.

16561864? ago

this is way too much work, then any chick is worth, unless your doing this to some pristine 17 year old virgin (lol). Is spending this much time on some fucked out roastie a good use of your time? The simplest way to keep women in check is to date multiple women at the same time and play them against each other, they will do the work for you. Of course you need to be attractive and or wealthy, not a retard socially. Marriage is dead, women killed it, don't try and breathe life into that corpse. If you want kids that badly the only non-insane route is the nigger route of bailing once she starts acting like an entitled whore and go get with another chick, but you're still on the hook for child support for a kid you won't be raising.

Going to prison for a woman anon? Really? No woman is worth that.

16565139? ago

Unironically, aiming to marry a girl who is still young is probably a good idea, if one plans on marrying.


Implying that liking traits in younger women is a bad thing.

16565693? ago

Unironically, aiming to marry a girl who is still young is probably a good idea, if one plans on marrying.

if you can find it, I agree

16561870? ago

Well they've put a FUCK load of work into messing it up for us. kek. The upside is once we have a working model it becomes a prototype.

16561863? ago

Your mission is to offer her an even better deal. Present to her: If you give me back my authority I will give you money. If not you will be destroyed. No matter what she doesn't get money by force. Be late. Be willing to go to jail.

well here I thought you were a smart guy. you are a retard.

You go to jail , she gets money , she gets kids … you get fucked. She fucks black dudes. Enjoy your life.

You cant make a deal with a woman, they are too dumb, they take the bad side of the deal just to fuck you.

16561867? ago

fair. Let's stick a pin in that and call it "sketchy" or "too high risk."

16561857? ago

Even better is to not get maried but have legal documents of equal parent rights and power of lawyer or whatever. Even even better is to make her sign contract that givs over kids to party that didn't betray family; you.

16561875? ago

What is the specific name of this document. Is this just "prenup" ?

16561848? ago

Anecdotal evidence from a divorce attorney in a liberal US state: in 70% of divorces the woman plays ball and is cooperative. The man will exit the marriage with most (not all) of the assets he started with. You can salvage it and move on with your life.

The remaining 30%, the woman goes scorched earth and destroys the man's life for a decade or two.

16561855? ago

Step moms, step dads, single moms blended families, rainbow families.

This is not acceptable even if you get the house. Try to damage control if you get to this but preventing it is much better.

16561847? ago

mgtow are black pilled gay fags

mgtow are also 100% right but now we pretend they didn't teach us all this

16579431? ago

If you mean men that are withholding bargaining chips until society's expectations change and the law is once again in men's favor, perhaps. If you mean never having sex with womenfolk because they carry problems with them, then no. Women are necessary to birth the future generations, so the goal is to subjugate them to that natural law so they don't cause our extinction or political impotence. How you do that I don't care, but the solution is not to ignore that women are needed for childrearing.

16561852? ago

mgtow are not wrong about the problem. But that doesn't mean there are not new solutions that can be explored and work.

16561030? ago

how to manage your retarded wife in clown world

divorce her ass

16561027? ago

As an alternative to your gaslighting approach, consider the following. Bring in a girl from a culture without feminism. Then, use IVF and white ova. You have white sons and a tradwife. The only challenge is keeping her away from other women in white countries. You're going to need to be in charge of groceries and transportation.

That said, I respect the men who "follow the simple 841 steps to sleep safely with a grenade under your pillow" approach to modern women. Good luck whatever your approach.

16711872? ago

Someone willing to go halfway around the world to marry someone of a different ethnicity and carry someone else's children will never be trad

16711871? ago

I did exactly this. I did an IVF with a nigerian woman. And my children all 7 of them look like ubermensch aryans. I'm now broke though because IVF is expensive AF.

16637495? ago

your not going to be able to do that, keep her in her own culture to make sure the corruption does not take root in her. But yes, that is a fantastic idea.

16561851? ago

keeping her away from other women

You can't keep her off social media and the resources for her to take all your shit and fool herself into thinking she's a good person for doing it are to prevalent. The social blackmail is the best we've tried. It's sneaky I hate it. But it works. All day long our enemies try to make women damaged goods for our side with "blacked" and all that. It works. They slut up and they belong to them forever. Get her to say some racist shit on tape and she can never defect and she will know it. That's the parallel move to their shit. I get it. It's fucking dirty. I want to look my foes in their eyes and fight an honorable fight. But we have to get over that and be more shrewd.

16561858? ago

you can't kep her off social media

Yes you can. You have to be libre software house and family and have security protocol like company she works at has. Arguments sway the European woman, as she is smart. Emotions sway the others, as they are not.

16561853? ago

Just keep the internet and guests out of your home. Your white sons can socialize with other white families while your wife from Myanmar knits and gestates the white ova and your sperm.

It's much preferable to creating a false reality within a false reality.

16645936? ago

You should not only import ugly shitskins into Europe and America, but you should marry them and have them raise your children

Fuck off you disgusting kike.

16562626? ago

Just keep the internet and guests out of your home

You can literally go to jail for DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

I DO NOT endorse pic related, but your local police department and family court DOES. It is called the Duluth Model, look it up. If you live in America, it will most likely apply to you.

A DV conviction can ruin your life. Almost happened to me.

16562638? ago

Oh no, the jews are against that? W-we better dont do it, y-you might go to jail for that, w-we better listen to what jews say.

Get fucked. Women literally want you to compete and win even with that shit. If you beat her and state can't do you nothing because you were smart about it - she will see you as winner and be even more attached. Hipergamy rules, always.

16629912? ago

clearly never been in a relationship with a woman

LARP as internet tough guy

ok thanks for the input leftypol

16629917? ago

Actually, about one in three women will love you more if you hit them. Maybe one in ten won't love you at all if you don't. Ten out of ten want to think they could get you to the point that you might hit them if they tried hard enough.

t.40-year-old man who's been to jail for knocking a woman out cold in front of a cop.

16629922? ago

Actually, about one in three women will love you more if you hit them. Maybe one in ten won't love you at all if you don't. Ten out of ten want to think they could get you to the point that you might hit them if they tried hard enough.

t.40-year-old man who's been to jail for knocking a woman out cold in front of a cop.

This. Glad to see an uncucked poster here for once, bet you don't run to your gf seeking her permission for everything either, most the cucks you're arguing with have mommy issues and are terrified of doing something their gf/wife disapproves of.

16629921? ago

t.40-year-old man who's been to jail for knocking a woman out cold in front of a cop.

Let me guess, she came crawling back to you, mouth open.

Women want men who fear NOTHING.

What they HAVE is men who are afraid of EVERYTHING.

16629929? ago

Just out-alpha the 800,000 police officers in the US. Hold frame in court and the judge will let you off with a suspended sentence. I have some pheromone soap for you to buy to help you hold frame bro.

16629923? ago

What they HAVE is men who are afraid of EVERYTHING.


16563923? ago

W-we better dont do it

w-we better listen to what jews say

When did I say that? Personally, I hope you do "abuse" your wife, so I can fuck her and your kids while you rot in prison

16562647? ago

Let me tell you too. You go into court and you say you took her phone away you could do time just for that. It's an entire other tier of domestic violence. If you say "I grabbed her wrist because she was walking away and I took her phone to see who she was texting." You can do YEARS. Family court will fucking DESTROY you if you say some shit like that out loud. Don't fuck around with that move.

16563926? ago

be a loser even before you start playing

Oh no, YEARS? I'm going to do exactly that, i'll just turn myself in, right away.

And then she will visit me in jail because all the scared soyboys will not tingle her clitteress, ever, after that.

Not everyone is a cucked by matriarchy jew pathetic loser.

16563931? ago

Also it makes you fail a shit test. She thinks fuck this guy will beat me up, that makes me horny, but I can put him in jail so I'm smarter so I'm actually dominate over him. Then they start dividing the alphas and the betas into roles they need and keep both, but both men are still basically pets. A fuck pet, A money pet. but she doesn't listen to any damn body. It really is a HUGE project to get mastery over them.

16563942? ago

Shit tests are there to check if you're stronger. You don't dominate her even with violence when she escalates to it, THEN you failed. You pass physical domination shittest - she will not go to the police in the first place to report it, why, you're valuable and she would lose you.

16563947? ago

Honestly it's sort of a lose lose. She thinks "if he doesn't beat my ass he's a bitch, if he's willing to beat my ass that means I can invoke that anytime, push his button call the police and put him in jail so he's still my bitch because I'm controlling him." You have to avoid this setup completely. There's no good answer. That's why giving the appearance that you are able to leave for a girl that won't do shit like that at anytime is a good hack. If she thinks there's a woman waiting for her to fuck up with that move it triggers her hypergamy. Having secret money that she might be able to get if she behaves also triggers it. She will then behave to get the better guy. But that better guy is just a you who is willing to give her more shit when you are pleased. You have to have that phantom better deal always on the table and a sock puppet stacy willing to make her jealous which is total humiliation for a woman.

Fake money=carrot. Fake stacy=stick. (Or real money and stacy if you can swing it.)

16563944? ago

You pass physical domination shittest - she will not go to the police in the first place to report it, why, you're valuable and she would lose you.

she won't go to the cops

There are many men sitting in prison on DV charges and ag assault charges. Do you want to place your life and freedom in the hands of a cunt who can have you locked up for a decade or more if you fail just one of her shit tests?

The issue here is that you AREN'T the toughest guy on the block. You and her both know this, which is why we are in this situation to begin with.

16563946? ago

If violence is just for winning a shit test she herself created, she wont report you. You dont start dominance with violence, you use milder stuff. In jail you end up for things not related to this.

16563943? ago

no, you should hold your gf's purse when you're helping her try out new shoes! or drive her scumbag parents around to run errands on your day off! :^)

16563933? ago

it really is a huge project to get mastery over them

Not really. The goal is actually very simple: take over the justice process by overthrowing the old one.

b-but that's too hard

Ofc, but it is the most permanent solution. Much better than sticking your wife/concubine in a closet or basement with a shock collar and hoping she doesn't tell the cops. Seriously, what the fuck is that shit? Holy fuck this place has gone downhill.

The enemy is jewish controlled State, nothing else. Until that is dealt with, all other problems will be impossible to solve. I will also remind everyone itt that we don't have a white birthrate problem, we have a shitskin importation and birthrate problem. See Japan vs the West as an example. The main problem is kikes and leftists in the government.

16563949? ago

We might as well try to do both though. There's nothing about trying to get around family court, the duluth model and destroying the female/jewish alliance that precludes us from taking over the government too. Fuck it man. Let's multi-task.

16563928? ago

There's no need to do something high risk low effect and easily provable like stealing her phone, when you can simply have secret money that's more persuasive, low risk and difficult to prove. It's also not a charge because it's not a crime. Of the two that's better.

16562641? ago

This is true. It's foolish to let your enemy make rules. It makes sense however to compare risk/reward and difficulty of these various strategies. Control with money is one of the most difficult to prove and effective. That's why I put emphasis on that one in my original and amended lists. Giving her a black eye will fuck your whole world up however. Revenge porn will too and that not socially effective like the 50s. That's why I went with always be recording until you get a racist quote.

16563930? ago

True, like with everything you need to be smart, no crimes of passion.

16562630? ago

yeah they're hip to that shit. All the don't let them drive and you can only use my phone stuff they've adapted to.

How about if you record your woman dressed up with you in blackface though. She sure as shit isn't going to run to judge Rebecca with that one.

That alone takes them completely out of the entire muh feminism power structure.

Just be racist as shit and she'll give you that card organically.

16562628? ago

Just kill yourself if you can't be a man faggot

16561860? ago


It's going to have to be some combination preemptive legal strategy, isolation, gaslighting and making them unacceptable to the other side.

I'm adding "do not get legally married" and "prenup" to the list.

16561856? ago

This sounds harder even though my shit is pretty extreme and fucked up. Give me the bullet points of how to pull it off. Sell me on this. Maybe it will work for someone else or it can be tweaked. Maybe we can combine best practices for a good field manual.

16561859? ago

  1. marry girl in country without feminism

  2. get her ivf with white ova, choose to have sons only

  3. don't buy an isp

  4. don't promote her getting a driver's license

  5. she is allowed to call her parents on your phone, as she doesn't need one

This plan does have its limitations. You can't live in a big city with crowded living. You also need to learn her language and be somewhat clingy to be the center of her life. It may or may not be a better method than multilayered gaslighting.

16572805? ago

Single most retarded shit ive read around here in a long time

You are

-basement dwelling LARPer

-HuffPo etc "journalist " looking for meaty quotes from deranged incels

-truly this stupid and inexperienced

Which is it

16636625? ago

being a PR cuck

trying to tie down an anon to this dying shithole of a country

16645931? ago

I wish we'd do this with nigger babies.

16647196? ago

If only my dude, sadly nigbulls is the best we can do at the moment.

16572815? ago

Let's hear your plan.

16576178? ago

The judge in family court will just laugh and award her 50+% of your trust. Inb4 "no they won't".

16576180? ago

It is indeed your inb4, no.

16561866? ago

4 and 5 are harder. let me get something to eat and brainstorm on the logistics of that for a minute. brb

16561020? ago

Jesus christ just find good people even if theyre fat or ugly instead of resorting to this talmudic bullshit. This is nothing of what a relationship is supposed to be like.

16629914? ago

This is nothing of what a relationship is supposed to be like.

Want to see "nothing of what a relationship is supposed to be like?" Watch a divorce court where the mother tears shrieking, crying children away from their father, much to the delight of the (((judge))) to have an endless parade of brown dicks find their way down the children's throats while she sends the father the bill, to the tune of ten grand per month, to pay for it all.

Insurance is always unnecessary until it's necessary.

16561026? ago

Don't toy with my emotions the way I do with men


16561025? ago

This is a fair critique. I don't like doing shit like this, but we can't use less ruthless means than our enemies and relying on the virtues of women is naive. Banging ugly girls is good, but they really have the same outsized ego as all the rest; women don't settle just because they have little to offer. They only become more and more deluded.

16561016? ago

<how to manage your retarded wife in clown world

How about you manage one of these? Either use it to kill some vermin and kick off the happening or put the barrel in your mouth in squeeze the trigger. Either choice will do.

16565692? ago




Not either or.

First one then the other. Clean the decks then make your exit before they can damage your AC joints deliberately when they handcuff you like real assholesl.

16561023? ago

Learn to code lady. We're putting women back under control. Fed poster please go and stay go.

16711855? ago

Fed poster please go and stay go.

From Hawaii?

16561878? ago


they trusted the plan

16561013? ago

sorry about the shit formatting too. The ideas are organized as best as I could with what I've seen work with my friends but I can do better. Help me flesh this out better and I'll make an info-graphic. All critiques of substance welcome.

16561011? ago

Your mission is to kill more women (of the shitskin and other subhuman types) while also organize massive killings of all non-whites.

There is no circumvention around a conditioned society. Killing all who antagonize us is the only solution.

Any law will be ignored in favor of the women and the shitskins.

16561022? ago

This is off topic as well. Make another "how to retake the world with violence" thread or something. Also this smells very fucking fbi (this is a board of peace) Or a citation for a huffington post article.

16561015? ago

Reread inb4. This is "nothing works freak out" It's high risk and it doesn't make white kids.

16561009? ago

dumbshit, you can't inb4 on OP. Otherwise, the solution is basically one thing: be dominant. Don't let a woman gain the upper hand in the relationship. Stay relaxed about mental unbalance they have that compels them to run shittests.

16562639? ago

Stay relaxed about mental unbalance they have that compels them to run shittests.

on the relaxed front, I have to suggest again the easily angered should look into Andre Moritz's Liver and Kidney cleanse. Getting stones out of my liver/kidney/gallstone region is really starting to make a difference. I'll have as many more purges as it takes, 2 done already, doing them every two weeks, 3rd gets done end of this week. My liver must be mending itself with just a couple of hundred stones removed already because I'm having more decent bowel movements per day than usual as, I expect, toxins in my body that have built up for years are starting to get flushed out.

drunkards…I couldn't really drink at all last year, too painful after falling hard onto my back, a couple of beers and I was in some discomfort so I gave it away. After 2 liver flushes I scarfed down 5 large cans of beer with no ill effects bar a minor twinge which was just my organs calling me a hasty cunt. Until they are all gone I'm one week teetotal (just water and apple juice, maybe the odd coffee), and the next week gleefully drinking 2 or 3 cans of beer a day because democrats.

tldr; youngsters ignore this post entirely, you need to live clean. As a Gen Xer I'll be fucked if the boomers get to have all the fun.

16565135? ago

Andre Moritz's Liver and Kidney

Are you fucking retarded? Perhaps Jewish? I could maybe forgive ignorance, but this is a lot of it - seriously…

The name Moritz:

"German, Dutch, Danish and Jewish (Ashkenazic): from the personal name Moritz, a variant of Mauritz (see Morris). Among Jews it was sometimes assumed as a surname by bearers of the personal name Moses, as the two names have some phonetic similarity."

16561008? ago

I do not know how socially excluded men do not already know this. The blueprint for destroying a human's spirit was laid out; it happened to them. Return the favor. After you improve yourself and are better than most men, become more vicious. I have done this to every daddy's little whorecess that comes around begging for an out. This kind of punishment needs to be carried out on a societal level. With several computers set up, I can do this for thirty minutes four times a week and absolutely destroy roastie self-esteem. Make them feel hated and thrown away, it is what they fear most and is why it is their primary method of attack.

Good VPN and opsec are good, but likely unnecessary because women are idiots. You have nothing to lose and salt to gain.

16561001? ago

And what do you do if the man is in the wrong?

16629936? ago

D&C shill or you're lost.

16562642? ago

if man bad then divorce rape.

16562645? ago

divorce = rape

get paid to get raped

women: wtf, I love marriage now

16561010? ago

30% cuckold rate, most domestic violence, child abuse, and divorce initiations. You kill your own children.

Meanwhile you are more likely to be killed slipping on a banana peel than raped.

This is the future you chose.

16561006? ago

tits or get the fuck out. You have an entire universe of a power structure to help you if your husband cheats on you lady. Please go to reddit or make another thread.

16561000? ago

This is shit that some of you are VERY good at due to propaganda from the elections. Sockpuppets etc. You understand social proof, you understand pathos and ethos, and how to hack logic-free emotional NPCs Now do it for women. Let's workshop this and come up with some sort of guideline to subvert the court system and get women back on track and ensure a future for our people. Here's my outline now give me marketing specialists, lawfags etc. Thank you.

16560998? ago

Move here.

16563924? ago

I had to just move away. Its so fucking bad even in Forsyth which used to be 100% white 20 years ago.

16561879? ago

I did that, Im thinking of moving to Africa, there might be less niggers there.

16561003? ago

Reread inb4 list We've already done "move to x." Let us stipulate that this is a good pre-emptive strategy but not always possible for everyone. Also It's better to take ground with better moves than to retreat.