SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/politics submission by @GodsAngell.

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captainstrange ago

If we all paid are taxes in full save for a single dollar, it would,

  1. distribute the risk

  2. add up very quickly.

A million dollars isn't shit to the IRS, but to the average person on the street? Thats gonna get some airtime.

If they prosecute they look incredibly petty and lose politically.

If the don't prosecute, then the effort snowballs.

We don't have to stop paying our taxes completely. We just have to move the overton window in the public's perspective a single inch and associate not paying part of your taxes with "the right to protest".

If they take it to court anyway, we argue "money is freespeech".

If they turn it down we change venue make it an issue of "taxation without representation", demanding ballot boxes be seized and recounted.

It could work.

drstrangegov ago

Yes but they will take what I do give them and use it against us. Were funding THEIR war effort. For services NOT rendered.

captainstrange ago

Yep. And that is why Drstrangegov, it is important to set a precedent.

One dollar, or even five, is a small enough action that anyone can do it, would do it.

Like Normundy, you first have to establish a beachhead, a crack in the dam is what starts the flood.

Got to water that tree of liberty some how, might as well be in dollars instead of blood.

drstrangegov ago

My name is Tim. Part of our whole problem is anonymity. Shitheads whispering from the shadows. And I'm not doing this for anyone but me. Slavery is defined as forced labor. My money is my labor and I am entitled to the fruits of that labor, and to purchase with it what I choose. I'm having a real problem with one of my service providers lately. They keep charging me but refuse to provide the service they agreed to. They were supposed to maintain the infrastructure, defend the borders, secure the elections, etc. I'm receiving NOTHING from them except what my father and grandfather already paid for in full decades before. In fact, they are using what I give them to go against my interests. I've chosen to terminate the contract. Just a simple business decision. Except I find that I can't. They come around and say "it'd be a real shame if you ended up in jail, you sure you don't want to pay your bill?" To which I say "bill for what?". Forcing me to work for them is the very definition of slavery. No mental gymnastics, just a simple statement of fact. I'll continue using what my dad died for (thanks pop!) But I think this business arrangement is concluded. If they must shoot me, let the fucker that does it buy his own bullets.

captainstrange ago

This sounds like an excellent pitch Dr.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/GreatAwakening submission by @GodsAngell.

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suckysucky5dolla ago

I’m sick and tired of DC’s schemes and thinking about not paying income taxes either

GodsAngell ago

NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION! - Elections so Fraudulent Because Processes So FLAWED it Literally Means NO REPRESENTATION!!!


A) Everyone Take the Same Day Off from Work in Protest.

B) We ALL Stop Paying Our Taxes.....that will get D.C.'s Attention.

C) Man the Guns for a Bloody Civil War.

drstrangegov ago

Isn't that their MO on everything? Problem, reaction, solution?

drstrangegov ago

I'm being represented just enough to keep the hooks in. But it's dwindling fast. The roads and bridges are crumbling or ancient, the borders are porous, and they are the ones who switched from protecting rights to issuing privileges. The contract is broken.

gazillions ago

Well that's the Trump card. no relation to the present President intended.

It's called a solidarity strike. You don;t do anything except not show up for work on the same day. It's the ultimate end of the existence of fake power. It's much too soon yet. If 50 million people don't participate it is wasted effort.

drstrangegov ago

More "trust the plan"? The time for this is about 75 years too late.

gazillions ago

Like I said, if at least 50 million people do;t participate it's nothing more than a fucking pink pussy hat walk. You blow your wad too early and it's all gone. Don't even think you have th juice to get that many people to book off work.

drstrangegov ago

I'm going to fucking try. At least a precedent will be set.

gazillions ago

Yeah, you'll make a mockery of the entire thing.

drstrangegov ago

What thing? Is there a plan? Are there others doing this? Maybe they should stop being such cloak and dagger pussies about it and stand up for what's right.

crazy_eyes ago

show me a single politician in any elected position that represents my interests

DrPenguin ago

I like where this is going. Now this is how you get this party started...

Kleemin ago

I got some tea at home ill throw it in my pond.

Eualos ago


drstrangegov ago

Slaves no more!