QPilledLib ago

No. We are going to do this without violence. No good will come from taking up arms.

Jigsy17 ago

Do NOT nationalize elections. BAD IDEA!!! Do you think Hussein administration would have run a fair election?

aristotle07 ago

I wonder if all the people who voted for republicans stopped paying taxes and only the democrats paid taxes, how quickly our country would go bankrupt. Representation is everything but this country would not operate if every republican stopped paying their fair hare of taxes.

Maybe thats the only way to get proper representation to cut the democrats off of the tax funds they rely on.

WhiteRonin ago

Too difficult and too troublesome.

  1. Use drivers license to allow voting. An immigrant gets flagged to prevent the vote.

  2. You can vote anywhere but machines only show your precinct that is associated with your license. Didn’t update it? Too bad!

  3. No paper ballots. No mail ins. Tough titties.

Simple and will become more effective with each vote because we are now being tracked better. Don’t need the chip.

Taxation? Lol, just make the government keep its promise that it broke decades ago. The US was a no taxation country in the beginning.

SharkShack ago

This is simply stupid. Trust the plan. Yeah sure, see where that's gotten things.

IndigoEyes ago

Trump really should have addressed this over the past 2 years! Shame!

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

I do not want anyone to 'represent' me. I will speak for myself.

GodsAngell ago

Well then start your own Dictatorship somewhere....somewhere else.

TheRealIndianaJoe ago

Funny, John Locke wrote much about law. He preferred a monarchy for government. It took me a long time to realize why, you know who the SOB is.

Locknltx ago

Two things could reel election system back in to a secure status. End all absentee voting except for military and foreign embassy staff. 1) All absentee ballots must include a copy of a photo ID/military ID for validation. 2) In person voting biometric verification must be done through fingerprint/retinal scan. Initial scanning in of biometrics must be be validated by birth certificate or passport. NO EXCEPTIONS! Note: You must present a valid birth certificate in order to get a DL or passport. Don't overthink this!

GodsAngell ago


Good God man, haven't you seen enough voter fraud CONDONED BY STATE AND LOCAL COUNTY OFFICIALS???

And IF Absentee ballots are ONLY allowed for the MILITARY, how about Americans forced to live abroad on business??

Also, forcing everyone to come to the election polls, Ipso Facto EXCLUDES all Elderly, with very awake minds, but too ill to stand in long lines.

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago

I wonder ?

Suppose POTUS held a press conference and said that clearly there was huge outrage over voting irregularities, with many circumstantial abuses, and that, rather than allow court cases to drag on, whilst civil unrest grew, he proposed NULLIFYING ALL the elections, and resetting them for xxx months time. In order to avoid future unrest, he also proposed a more modern voting system, based on (name almost any other country) where all voters would be treated fairly, and using the same rules that everybody already accepts for driving cars, getting prescriptions, buying alcohol, getting food stamps etc, i.e. proper voter ID.

Could he and the current majority in the house and the senate issue an agreed policy, backed up by a civil unrest EO...?

Then, during the new campaigns, with Dem money potentially drying up, the _FISA declas could happen, swaying the vote even more right...

WhiteRonin ago

Lol. I said the same thing a few days ago. I said 3 months time though.

Copy Japan. Only citizens can vote and it’s fucking hard to become a citizen. No open borders. No birther law.

Recently some districts allow immigrants to vote in city level elections.

While we are at it, copy their social health care to shut up the Democrats and secretly wipe out big pharma.

Win win win!

GodsAngell ago

" he also proposed a more modern voting system, based on (name almost any other country) where all voters would be treated fairly,"


Next Suggestion?

UK_Bloke_Awoke ago


GodsAngell ago

YOU of all people ask for proof???

Look around you.

DID YOU vote to have all these 3rd world people to come into your country???

If not, WHO did???

No one. I rest my case.

PatrioticOkra ago

We want common sense voter control laws! Rester your voter in a national voter ID system now!

GodsAngell ago

"Register your voter in a national voter ID system now!"

Where is it?