shawnfromnh69 ago

and the feminists won't say one fucking word.

shawnfromnh69 ago

Color me not surprised.

BumFightChamp ago

Seven Syrians and one "German Citizen"

trumpettown ago

Even the most left leaning publications call ANTIFA terrorists


Maybe they do... now. They weren't doing that until recently and most still describe them as "counter-protesters" to fascists.

wt1984yb ago

This all just feels like a part of (((the plan))).

As long as they control the money supply, nothing will change. The real revolution will be a financial one. Ditch central bank notes. Use gold and decentralized crypto.

SchlongKeyhote ago

theyre doing the violent rapes whites wont do, and if it results in fewer sluts in da clubz I say GOOD.


If you knew anything about children who have been sexually abused, you'd know that molestation results in more sluts not less.

SchlongKeyhote ago

if it bleeds it breeds, that's on god

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mediterranean ago

Antifa now officially in favor of immigrant gang rapists.

Bit over the top, don't you think?

gramman74 ago

Looks pretty straightforward to me.

edistojim ago

Its accurate. You seeing something different?

bubblin ago

If right wing groups really wants to scare MSM, politicians and alt-left, they should convert to Islam and spew hard core islamic sharia fascism. They'd be untouchable. -t.ebil genius

trumpettown ago

basically every MSM outlet in the world has condemned ISIS. The last 12 or so articles the NYT has written about sharia law were negative. Now go home and think about what you have said.

bubblin ago

Shut up you fuckin rasiss, not all muslims are ISIS!

Here in Europe we luckily are a little more open minded and understand not all muslims are ISIS. We love islam and the culture it brings.

Join the Islamic AdF 'All women should cover up!' march!

BlowjaySimpson ago

White Sharia, here we come.

uncmftbl ago

Sadly the German Antifa is more militaristic and better organized than the American couterpart that mostly fights online wars.

PapShamir ago

There's a stereotype here. You rasis!

Troll ago

Antifa ARE immigrant gang rapists.

HeavyBrain ago

They always were.

goodbyehorses ago

Sad part with all these "nationalist"-parties on the rise in Europe is that they're only controlled opposition, so AFA are just fighting against themselves really. Both being loved by (((them)))

gazillions ago

Germans are pro rape. 500 AFD versus 2000 pro rape communist antifa that will do anything at all or money including kill Germans. Wait for it.

They've been inundated with a version of sex education in the schools that isn't far of from the free love bullshit in the 1960's. Fucking for fucking's sake and nothing else. They get more from taking a dump in those weird toilets with a shelf so they can examine their waste before they flush it. As if they'd know what they were looking for, but they all think it's good health to eyeball their shit real close. Spiritually dead and over clinical.


Antifa are enemies of the state, they literally side with rapist insurgents over their own native populations.......Remember that before you embark on a gender bender studies degree...

Silencedmajor ago

If you're going to spend 10s of thousands on a gender bender studies degree, not only are you paying to become everyone else's enemy, but your own.


paying to f** yourself and your grandchildren over... hey thanks grandad!

ratamahattayou ago

Only two genders, fuckable and unfuckable.


antifa = unfuckable blue hair fat twats.

Jaegerjaques ago

Antifa are agents of the corrupt state

dayofthehope ago

Antifa is funded by the state. That's how they got them there to counter-protest. They get bussed in with their fares paid.

doubleanalbypass ago

doesn't that make the antifa the most fascist thing since the SS?

dayofthehope ago

you can't compare the SS to antifa. the SS did nothing wrong.

spoony_bard99 ago

and yet it's the proudboys who get arrested

goodbyehorses ago

Same here in Sweden, AFA can go on a rampage, hurl rocks at the police and beat them up -- nothing happens. But if our natsoc party Nordic Resistance Movement just peacefully hands out flyers, they will be arrested or shipped a couple of miles outside the city.

PapShamir ago

Nordic Offensive Movement seems missing then. Policing types tend to go for low hanging fruit. Maybe the belligerent shit lobbers have some worthy strategy by being too hot to handle? None of this makes actual sense though. It's a pity.