Maroonsaint ago

Accept me for who I am

maxoverdrive ago

This should teach those Shapiro-worshippers there's no such thing as a "good Jew", but watch: they'll come out of the wood-work to defend their 'based' pet.....

Trousersnake1488 ago

I know. So if all Jews are one people, does that mean they all hate white Christian eyropeans???

Yes, civ cuck, yes it does.

It's a hard pill to swallow but I think the middle class will gobble it down when their pensions are threatened

Ccrack ago

(((Ben shapiro))) even admits in his own post that the jews that got shot up the other day were gatherd to ritualistically mutilate a baby. thats a good thing in his mind so he cant comprehend why someone might take offence to that and do everything they can to save the innocent baby from getting jewed over

Nanoonanoo ago

fuck of shapiro you squeaky little yid cunt

keksupreme ago

why we cling to the shekels

cosMICjester ago

Presently in the US there's a large group SJW schl0m0 cultural marxists who are purveyors of anti white rhetoric in the lamestream media, higher learning & hollyweird. Along w/ all the major platforms censoring everyone that doesn't fall in line w/ fascist far left insanity. Plus add in warmongering Israel first zionist neo-cons like Benny boy here it was just a matter of time before some white whack job snapped & went postal.

Doglegwarrior ago

Im so fucking tired of this one major aspect of the jew question...

No one ever ever ask what are the fucking jews doing to be so hated! We here all know why they are hated there are multiple obvious reasons but every fucking thing i read is just a giant fucking victim story about jews being hated with there never being even an attempt at an explanation!

IndigoElectric ago

Yep I knew it. Called it two days ago

The article he wrote is deceivingly unifying. At first glance, someone might not understand the underlying issues this piece has.

Upon further review, it all confirms the greatest hypocrisy of Ben Shapiro and, unfortunately, many of his kinsmen.

Shapiro has somewhat acknowledged his double think on ethno-nationalism in regards to Israel on his podcasts. The way he always squared the circle though, was to say that Israel ISN'T an ethno-state. No, because being Jewish is an elective identity(religious) the state is only for the 'religion' of Judaism.

I have always been skeptical of this explanation, but all my doubt was removed when I read the following:

. . .history has treated the Jews as a closely-bound unit. Jewish identity wasn’t a choice. It was a reality. Modernity has obscured this basic truth for many Jews. The enlightenment allowed Jews to believe they could exit the Jewish lineage, to abandon the faith of their fathers; freedom of choice came with freedom to exit. But the world is not that malleable. Jews, for better or worse, remain Jews.

It is clear as day, he has a heritage of blood. A heritage of pride. A feeling that he states should be denied to everyone else.

I could go on but, the sheer arrogance in the below passage has to be mentioned. I was almost overwhemled

On Saturday, in a constantly-repeating story as old as the Jewish people, a Jew-hating murderer decided to slaughter as many Jews as possible. This murderer shouted the slogan of Jew-haters throughout time: “All Jews must die.” That slogan has served to justify slaughter in the name of nationalism, in the name of communism, in the name of Christianity, in the name of Islam. Indeed, Jew-hatred is unique because Jew-hatred is infinitely chameleonic.

PeacefulAssassin ago

This article is so smug and condescending to non-Jews. Because a connecting that transcends geography, time, and any other factor is something only Jews have and understand, not Christians or anyone else, but Jews alone.
This better than you attitude is why they have been kicked out and targeted by every country that hosts them.
Part of the covenant with God was that if Jews where not dicks and blessed those that helped them, then they too will be blessed, but also if they cursed other countries without a God approving, then God would punish them. I believe most of anti-semetism come from this covenant and is a punishment from God for the Jews actively trying to harm nations that help them.

Trousersnake1488 ago

at least the jews aren't pretending to be on our side now

Aprioned ago

Ben Jewpiro

dublin5 ago

"The Holocaust still exists in living memory" -- Ben Shaprio

1Sorry_SOB ago

Read all the comments. I love Voat.

Drakgan ago

Come for the news, stay for the salt.

ardvarcus ago

He uses the word "Jew" five times in his first two sentences. Jews almost always revert to type when they think the tribe is being threatened.

EnterTheUnKnown ago

If poeple were constatntly trying to kill me throughout my centuries on this rock, I might stop and ask myself, why are these people always trying to kill me? Then, If I didnt want them to keep trying to kill me, I might change my behavior.

Tubesbestnoob ago

"An attack on the Tree of Life is an attack on all of us"

This is an attitude white people need to adopt.

One white man getting beat down by a nigger should prompt an immediate violemt response against the nigger.

Instead, most whites will just video the beatdown or run away.


"There is no dual loyalty" Get it through your thick head. Whenever you see a jew you must see them as they are which is a parasite. They are invaders, they are wreckers of nations. The second they gain entrance they begin their scheming and conniving to undermine industries to attain power.

In Germany they were given asylum from Russian/Ukrainian regions from the pogroms in 1890 to 1910~. Which the Russians started after these jews had blackmailed the Royal Tsar and were most of the fertile lands. While jews lived in rural mansions, the Russians were starving.

These jews who now invaded Western Europe, they repaid Germanic hospitality by calling for a revolution in less then a decade in 1918; which was backed by US (((Bankers))), In Southern Germany they created the Bavaria Soviet Republic and tried to overthrow Berlin, which cost the lives of 2.5~ million German people in their civil war. These problems back home were brewing and were a large factor for Germany to lose WWI as well as the King who fled to Holland signing defeat. Real Politik investigation by journalists confirmed that 9 out of 10 leaders of the failed German Soviet Revolution were found to be jews.

Needless to say, the intent was clear; what was going to happen in Russia was described as 'the land of social experiments'. in the early 1880s they planned for the overthrow of the Tsar. In 1917 the Balfour declaration was signed with the intent to create an israeli State in Palastina, the same year the US (((Banker))) funded Bolshevik Revolution overthrew the Tsar, and months after in 1918 the same Bolshevik revolt in Germany which ultimately failed. Gee, i wonder why the Germans began to hate them.

Why did you think during the rise of Hitler after 1932 that these hooknosed kikes left towards America and most of these countries refused to accept their ships, other then allowing them to refuel and re-stock supplies? Because people were aware of what they were and what they did and were going to do. America would rather accept ships of Irish who did bring with them some increase of crime but at least hey were workers and their off-spring integrated easily.

In Spain they larped as Christians until they had attained positions of power through their nepotism and then sabotaged Spain to allow the sandnigger muslim hordes to come and pillage Spain, the jews were rewarded for their betrayal with even more grandiose positions of power and wealth, such as mayor or judges. It took 700~ years to reclaim Spain and the descendants of them whom were all rich, affluent, powerful jews were not punished at all, apart from a feigned conversion to Christianity or expulsion, instead the majority went to Holland, where from there they went to America; where they began their slave trade.

What history has taught us, is that keeping them out is paramount, but history proves that is impossible, therefor utter extermination is required before they have a stranglehold on your Nation, it is the only way of dealing with them, and if they were to ever achieve their fabeled world governance, set forth by (((israel Zangwill))), so help us God.

Hitler warned the US, he would pay 1000 mark for every jew the US would take, because only then would the US understand the European problem of the jewish question. This was when the German Mark was worth the top 3 of the World Economy. JFK knew the truth, his journal entries proved it.

Drakgan ago


mattsixteen24 ago

Everytime that jew speaks he does that. This is nothing new.

Ulfghar ago

He's a neocon. I see him I think of the fraud John McCain

Tzitzimitl ago

a minute of silence for the patriotic braincancer that sent him to hell

gazillions ago

I didn't see a comment space. Guess that was a lecture.

Fuck off Ben Shapiro. You're a jewish supremacist that doesn't give a shit about anyone but Jews and what you can get from the non Jews.

Move to Israel. It's the only place that isn't anti semitic

kneo24 ago

Indeed, Jew-hatred is unique because Jew-hatred is infinitely chameleonic.

The Jews, however, are not.

I couldn't get any further as I have uncontrollable laughter.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah,. A chameleon is known as a creature who changes his skin color so as to hide from its predators by blending in. Tell me, jew Shapiro, is Judaism a religion, race, ethnicity or heck, skin color?

Ps, maybe Jews are reptilians, check out the forked tongue tasting the air in this clip.

ratsmack ago

The Holocaust still exists in living memory...

And he repeats the biggest lie the world has ever known.

dublin5 ago

I saw that too..

jthun2 ago

"That slogan has served to justify slaughter in the name of nationalism, in the name of communism"

WTF is he talking about? Communism WAS Jewish.

The Bolsheviks made anti-semitism a crime.

ZardoZ2017 ago

Don't care about the midget. I just want to motorboat his sister.

Yuke ago

He's on record as saying precisely that: that he considers himself Jewish first and American second.

And they all do. It's an allegiance to a tribe not a country and ndever will be.

Trousersnake1488 ago

Yeah,I just found this

FreeinTX ago

Shapiro is such a fag. It was a bris for two homos' adopted child. An LGBT child cutting at a synagogue of satan. No mention of that, though. No other class of people are victimized, in their own minds.

the_hidden_metric ago

It was a brit milah, where the mohel was sucking on the child's freshly cut penis to stop the bleeding, a practice that has caused the death of countless babies due to herpes and other communicable diseases transferred from mohels.

When you're busy mutilating the genitals of and then sexually abusing the adopted child of two men who masturbate into each others anuses in order to please your 5000 year old volcano god and someone comes in to kill you for absolutely no reason at all!"


RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Lying will only damage your cause.

kalgon ago

On Saturday, in a constantly-repeating story as old as the Jewish people, a Jew-hating murderer decided to slaughter as many Jews as possible. This murderer shouted the slogan of Jew-haters throughout time: “All Jews must die.”

That slogan has served to justify slaughter in the name of nationalism, in the name of communism, in the name of Christianity, in the name of Islam. Indeed, Jew-hatred is unique because Jew-hatred is infinitely chameleonic.

Yeah let's talk about hanukkah now

Commemoration of Jewish Crime

It starts on the 25th of the Jewish month of Kislev, which coincides with late November-late December on the secular calendar [1].

Hanukkah is a commemoration the genocide of the ancient Greeks for their "terrible crime" of allowing Jews to participate in their culture, attend their schools and intermarry with them. (Jews often oppose miscegenation of Jew and non-jews.) Jews not only murdered thousands of Greeks, the Jewish terrorists also slaughtered thousands of Jews for intermarrying with Greeks or simply dressing like them.

Sounds far fetched and antisemitic right?

Here's a jew confirming it

And he goes even further

It's not only a story of jews genociding greeks, but also the story of jews genociding hellenized jews (greek jews if you prefer)

Take Jewish history. Lots of people used to talk about the Hasmonean Wars. That was pretty much the only time that Jews wielded weapons. Think about what the Hasmoneans did to the Hellenized Jews who assimilated Greek culture. It made them extinct. It destroyed them. A small genocide.

I remind people of this frequently whenever Hanukkah rolls around. But they didn’t stop there, those Jews. They embarked on a campaign of looting and conquest. At the beginning, during their first 20 years, wherever they arrived, they would destroy the local temples. It was prohibited for a place that was under Jewish rule to have a pagan temple. That’s what we’re talking about—the full implementation of Jewish law.

The Jews forced the Edomites to convert to Judaism on pain of death. It was a forced conversion. It was exactly what the Spanish Inquisition later on did to the Jews. So the Jews took these foreign people and told them: “Either convert to Judaism or you’re dead!”

Things only got worse after that.

"look at those goyz, they need to dig antiquity stuff to find dirt on us!"

Next Week: Why Hitler Hated Jews

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neogag ago

There's also Purim, a celebration of their sneaky takeover of Persia.



Until there's an actual recording, you can safely assume that the shooter did NOT say “All Jews must die.”

The jews claim that because that because then he can be charged with a hate crime on top of homicides.

The shooter committed the crime because the synagogue was a base of operation for a PAC.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Until there's an actual recording, you can safely assume that the shooter did NOT say “All Jews must die.”

Good point. That hasn't occurred to me.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

What if shooter says as much?

worcestershire ago

It doesn't make sense. If someone who really hated the Jews wanted to kill all Jews it wouldn't be one pathetic attack. There would be more than 11 dead.

Drakgan ago

Agreed. All you have to do is convince a suicide bomber to take a walk.

benjitsu ago

How much are you putting your movement ahead smoking a handful of pensioners :)

ChosenUndead ago

Shapiro should be gassed

Maroonsaint ago

Good take off your pants

Maroonsaint ago

If one person is mean to you they might be a dick but if everyone is mean to you you’re a cunt

Food_Stamp ago

Im just sad that his little kike ass wasnt shot.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

This guy is 100% controlled opposition. I hope this wakes even more of his fans up. He wanted the old GOP, and would convince his viewers that a neocon beats a nationalist any day.

GoyimNose ago

He's not controlled opposition he's a kike dumbass

Food_Stamp ago

Same difference dumbass

GoyimNose ago

A jew cannot be controlled opposition

Food_Stamp ago

Apparently they can because thats exactly what he is.

GoyimNose ago

I suppose if you aren't woke to the JQ. Anyone that knows anything about Jews knows not to trust them. Only a very few are an exception to this rule.

Food_Stamp ago

I read your response to that other guy and get what you're saying now.

MrDarkWater ago

Controlled by Satan

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Dumbass for sure. And a Kike to boot. But he tries to pass off as on the conservative side while being a fucking neocon just like the Clintons and all of the other globalist shitfucks.

GoyimNose ago

There's Jews, cryptos, and controlled opposition.

Jew can never be controlled opposition as they will always be opposition to you.

Cryptos can appear controlled opposition because you are unaware of their jewness. For instance Lauren Southern.

Controlled Opposition is a goyim traitor who pretends to be on your side but is actually working for the Jews. For instance William Cooper, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan.

Apply_Filters ago

William Cooper, too??

GoyimNose ago

"it's not the Jews it's the freemasons!!!"

Apply_Filters ago

Ah. He says that?
Okay. I haven't read any of his stuff yet...

GoyimNose ago

His whole 30+ hour "mystery school" broadcast program is all about how it's NOT the Jews.

SukkhaMadiqqa ago

Guess I learned something today. I never applied a rule on controlled opposition relating strictly to the JQ.

GoyimNose ago

"Never Trust a Fox in His Green Meadow and Never Trust the Oath of a Jew."

Trousersnake1488 ago

Whites have no identity so have no right to not be institutionally discriminated against, yet all Jews stick together. That's so jewish

zyklon_b ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

Oy vey, goyim. Why wont you just die already?

jpjourno ago


Trousersnake1488 ago

It reads like it comes from something William luther pierce would write

GoyimNose ago

Don't you dare compare the two faggot

Trousersnake1488 ago

I'm sorry, I wasnt clear, ... it reads like something pierce would would write highlighting Jewish nepotism.. like when the like freaks out as the newscaster in the Turner diaries