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NeedleStack ago

From a police scanner: 46 year old male captured. White male with a beard. Suspect apparently said, "death to all the Jews" before firing on the police.

thelma ago

News reports do not claim AR and "multiple handguns" ... they'd be screaming this from the rooftops by now I think.

You should only be able to own one single shot .177 cal. air powered gun !!!!!!!!!!

Kill-Commies ago

as a circumcision was taking place.

ShineShooter ago

Give 'em hell for their bloody BRIS organ removal, bunch of savages.

blackzetsu ago

i wanna throw up reading what bris is

Waffle_ninja ago

AR-15 and multiple handguns? Only 8 dead?

Give it 24 hours before this one gets more holes in it than the victims.

Yogus ago

How come mass shootings lately seem to involve automatic weapons and a very small number of deaths?

slickleg64 ago

How do these "gun nuts" . Who probably shoot at ranges, suck so much at killing?

Fuck_SRS ago

What automatic weapon are you referring to? AR's aren't automatic.

DawnPendraig ago

Except to Worst Journalist of the year Don Lemon, worst journalist of the year

sn00tyfr00T ago

I think you mean fully semi-automatic weapons

notYOURfriend ago

White? As in Mexican white? Or arab white?

HeavyBrain ago

Asian don't you forget asian

  • UK

NeedleStack ago

Trump white obviously.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

The beard suggests he may be a moslem convert.

Guy_Justsome ago

Or another jew from a rival sect. If real, the reported remark could be deflection upon realizing he wasn't getting away.

Whitemail ago

A Jew goes to kill Jews to benefit Jews as a whole. Sounds very Jewish to me.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

True, I didn't think of that. FWIW,R/T_D is reporting that he's known to be anti Trump, not that it's likely to matter as if true, the lamestream media will bury it.

TBH, I hope it's a moslem, convert or imported. Imported would be best.