01174993 ago

A bullet is always faster and more effective than an oven.

SearchVoatBot ago

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SnapAwake ago

Lol. Most babies I want slaughtered?

The only women I’ve met who think like you are very troubled people.

ronson12 ago

Let me guess,jacob Astor,Benjamin Guggenheim and Isa Strauss were in there trying to find a life boat?

Err my bad,wrong false flag event,i forgot the titanic wasn't on land,silly goyim

shitpridebeaner ago

Did the Jews at the synagogue shooting, did they somehow betray the Harvey Weinstein team, cause since the Kavanaugh hearing, seems like the Democrats are doing everything they can to protect Weinstein, some of which have worked to a degree, quite scary the lengths Democrats and Obama with his latest tweet to action, will go to protect Hollywood’s pedo ring. If Weinstein falls Obama knows he’s next.

GimmeTheUsual ago

Yet another (((((((( fagggot )))))))) that doesn't see the big picture.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Batten down the hatches, we're in for quite a storm.

SnapAwake ago

Oh you're a true religionist, a real bible beater, a one of a kind defender of the weak. Girls must looooove you. So strong. So opinionated. And yet with so little information about how things really work. You're my favorite kind of misogynist.

nomadriders ago


SubspaceDistortion ago

I'm sure I'll hear about this from a non-redpilled loved one.

Guess I'd better come up with a response.

MDE_Refugee ago

Lmao this is how I feel about this shit, everyone has the need to have an "opinion" on this and if yours doesn't fall in line you get ostracized. I love my family but they definitely teeter in the edge of basically being NPCs.

SnapAwake ago

Stay on topic.

Most abortions suck out a grape.

I support a woman’s right to choose and always will.

But again. Not the point. The point is that the VAST MAJORITY of abortions are of a grape.

Oksweaty ago

You got the wrong guy in the Facebook link dude.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Well timed FF the Deep State. Bravo on timing. May you rot in H for the dead you have causes. However, I forget you are FROM Hell and you are Satan's children.

BreederBasher ago

Enjoy retaliatory genocide, cracker breeder goyim. You won't fucking exist 10 years from now. One more attack like this and that will be the call to destroy every last one of you.

NeedleStack ago

Yeah sure, whatevs.

sunshine702 ago

And now Matt Bracken is live blaming Gab.ai for this by "not policing it's Nazis better."

You know I felt bad when InfoWars got deplatformed and demonitized. Not anymore. Free Speech friends like these.


talmoridor-x ago

Nigger, there were no planes nor muslims involved, only jews. Osama Bin Laden was a CIA actor whose pictures were aging in reverse.

captainstrange ago

If Tallest_Skil stops posting and never comes back then we know who it was.

talmoridor-x ago

inb4 shooter is jewish

inb4 voat: "wtf i love trump and qanon again"

bagano1 ago

Just based on personal interactions with Jewish people I've known, and I've gained pretty good Jewdar from college, I find it hard to give a shit.

It's easy to defend them when you're in high school in the Midwest and don't know a single Jew. It's hard to defend them when you know them personally in college and the real world and see how shitty and greedy they are. I heard people, especially relatives who lived in NYC talk about how Jews would pick a penny up if they saw it in the streets. Growing up, I now realize exactly what they meant. They want every last dime at your expense. They also love every single fucking worthless degenerate out there.

What happened today was heinous, but I can't say I'd ever defend Jews. They do a lot of shit that results in bad karma for them. There's a reason bad things happen to certain people, just learned this the hard way over the years.

vladtep ago

I lived in a city with a large orthodox community for a year so I had some interactions with them in public places that almost ended in my punching their lights out.

Back then it wouldn't have been a problem.

They really are scum.

bagano1 ago

Like, what would they do?

vladtep ago

They're snotty, passive aggressive, need an ass kicking.

Also, I watched a jew passionately argue for 20 minutes with the phone company over a 25 cent charge on her phone bill.

They are well known for scamming the welfare system even if they live in a min-mansion.

bagano1 ago

Can't disagree, lol.

FattestManOnMars ago

Worked for them for six years, dated one for a year. I was young and very naive. I'm from a small town and had never really visited a city til I moved to one. Took those six years to figure it all out but better than never.

bagano1 ago

Would love to hear more about your observations. Just curious. Any stories?

FattestManOnMars ago

A shitload. Honestly, people have told me I need to write a book or something because the stories from those six years working for a Jewish family run business are pretty unbelievable. I bet you could guess the industry, but I'd rather discuss / answer to any specifics in PM. I feared retaliation big time when I quit. Seems I went through the same motions of anger and paranoia and weird feelings that a bunch of other people who quit in the last few years did. Place really fucks with the people who don't end up being lifers.

When I was finally fully red-pilled and able to "see" how my former boss (and the whole family) zero'd in on and exploited not just MY weaknesses and the types of manipulation he individually selected for ALL of us to keep us coming back and working for them for so long... blegh. I felt physically ill.

bagano1 ago

I don't want to know your name and address, lol, but let it all out wherever you care to do so, I'd love to hear it.

SnapAwake ago

I believe that a soul does notinhabit a body until a few months before birth. That aside most abortions are not late term, and the craziness insisting that it is is a lie.

DawnPendraig ago

And yet babies much younger in gestation have been shown to recognize their mom's voice over others and remember books read to them regularly even by another's voice.

We don't know when a soul attaches at the spark of new life. Seems to me we should thus err on the side of caution.

I remember my son as I carried him inside me. I felt his presence before I realized I was pregnant. I have always been sensitive and empathetic to others so maybe that's why but ever since that day I have realized that it is at conception when that spark of Life is ignited and the new soul has already arrived.

SnapAwake ago

You’re almost there.

A soul hangs out with the mom. Not inside the baby. There’s no need. Not till the end. I’ve felt all my children’s souls and have deep connection with them all well before birth.

And I know as an empath and medium that they don’t hang out IN the womb. Nor do they suffer the abortion. They don’t. There is karmic interest for some of them to attach to incarnations that won’t end in life outside the womb. That’s their choice as they know in advance.

So this discussion is moot.

DawnPendraig ago

It's not moot. You could make the same argument that any person murdered had their soul away before it happens. That "Dead Like Me" show had an interesting premise that we are spared agonies of gruesome deaths that way as reapers pull our soul away just prior.

Even if you could prove your beliefs to me the discussion isn't moot. In fact it should be discussed more.

Now you maybe think disagreement over abortion being murder is moot because you see it as fate because you say the soul knows it won't be born alive. Doesn't make it less murder. Doesn't negate that the unborn child feels pain and flinches and moves away. It doesn't make the scarring on our souls perpetuating this evil less if, as you say, the unborn's soul expected his or her mom to kill them in the womb.

SnapAwake ago

Yes. Just throw it all into the salad.

Discussing this in this way is insane. No wonder it’s this big issue. People can’t tease any one thing apart from another.

You’re totally and completely stuck in the 3D if you think this way.

Early term abortion is not murder. It just isn’t. I do not nor will I ever see things in your perspective. To me, this particular discussion is moot. But you’ve made a nice salad of all kinds of issues - because people suffer and will continue to suffer.

And because everyone is entitled to their own beliefs.

BlackPegasus ago

0954 first call

0955 officers dispatched

2 responding officers injured

2 swat officers injured

Multiple agencies responded

11 fatalities

No children

6 injuries (4 officers) Suspect not included.


SnapAwake ago


sir_andy_of_bad ago

I agree. The same atheists who'd in one breath expound upon their acceptance of others (Christians) religious beliefs, then tell them that they can't hang a crucifix or christ birth scene in public, are the true culprits. Too stupid to see that when you oppress a nation's primary religion, that nation starts to crumble. Religion is every bit as important to us as is our culture or language.

Tzitzimitl ago

i like the cut of the spooks jib

washingtonpanther ago

Will someone please think of all the homeless shekels affected by this?

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Can we get some copycats please?

BreederBasher ago

Can we get some retaliatory bombing of churches and mosques? An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth…

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Jews first, then the rest will fall in line.

BreederBasher ago

The more you attack the Jews, the more you justify Jews attacking back. The next Holocaust will be yours and yours alone, cracker breeder goyim. The Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting was the last straw. It is because of scum like him that your lousy race, religion, and sexual orientation need to be wiped off the face of the Earth once and for all by every means necessary. All who blaspheme against the Jewish God will be punished severely.

Niggerfaggotjewkike ago

Bye bye jews, it wont be long now...

BreederBasher ago

We will kill a thousand goyim for every Jew you kill. And you will be one of the first to go.

critias ago

Well Trump is a whore to Israel

talmoridor-x ago

Too many people were starting to realize that, hence the false flag.

American-Patriot ago

Don't take your eyes off the real story, THE BORDER!

KikesDidJFK ago

Oy Gevalt. It's another Shoah. We're going to need about 100 billion Euros for this one, goys.

ledgeduck ago

WoW!. Go figure another shooting and right on schedule.

Carlosone ago

Next show before election will be the lynching of a trans gender unicorn

J308_V ago

As if they know we would tear the MAGA bomber story apart. Bang they had another. I would say we have a cornered animal.

Carlosone ago

Perfect timing liberals

Jesusthug ago

Oh the timing. So fucking what. You think we are going to win a war politically when the deaths of whites are bringing us to the point of extinction. This guy is a hero. Walking and not talking. Any dead Kike is a win. Or is everyone waiting for them to completely disarm? You think we will maintain the political power positions from here on out? NO. The liberals will find a way. Prepare for what’s already happening. Live by the enemies rules and die by the Enemies sword. Salute Robert.

BearDolphin1488 ago

Lol oh yeah, prove it. Instead of just making a claim, prove where you 'remember' me being an atheist.

Oh no? Let me guess, this conversation is over. What a faggot

IndigoElectric ago

Ugh Ben Shapiro is gonna orgasm over this.

Guess we'll have to sit through another lecture about how identity politics is bad except for a certain group of people.

jpjourno ago

Can you please vote this comment? I need to have CCP to post an important link!

Tastemyrainbow ago

Post something interesting, funny or informative and I will up vote.

jpjourno ago

They don't let me do that. That's what I pretend to do when I have enough CCP to post... :(

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Nobody died nobody got hurt

24601_JeanValJean ago

I hate to be so morbid but I will not believe any of this until I actually see bloody shot up people at room temperature. I don't put anything past the psychotic globalist "one world government" Maoist left.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

It's just another staged event. Amazes me that people understand sandy hoax and 9/11 were staged events but they still lap us these events as real. We are truly fucked

BearDolphin1488 ago

I'm not atheist at all... I'm a protestant

wt1984yb ago

October Revolution

BlackPegasus ago


Tastemyrainbow ago

He looks dead in the eyes just like the other FF shooters we're seeing.

HenryCabotLodge ago

Yep. CIA

Maximus83 ago

Everyone go help troll the young turks channel. All videos. Right now patriots have 50% control of their comments section. Lets troll them into the dirt.

BlackPegasus ago

I've got a Robert K. Bowers that died in Pearl Harbor in 1941 that looks EXACTLY like the alleged synagogue shooter. It's startling. If it ain't his father, Maury Povich ain't the king of paternity tests. Go through the slideshow to see the headshot. Or click my Twitter link for something quicker.

1. Twitter link

2. Dailyrecordsnews.com: "The Search for Robert Bowers"

NeedleStack ago

I saw Lookner thank you. ;-)

Behuvius ago


It was a white Trump Supporter with a white van and a shit load of stickers on it?

Honey_Pot ago

Maybe he was making citizen arrest to stop pedophilia rabbi's dick suck?

LampshadeMaker ago

His name was Robert Bowers.

BearDolphin1488 ago

As someone who fought muslims for years, Jews are our real threats. Once Jews are addressed, muslims are easy to deal with

genesis3033 ago

lets also make sure this happens on the SAME day of the WALKWAY rally and the Turning Point USA rally, the morning AFTER Trumps rally with young BLACK africans---so the news can be absorbed in the demonic murder ritual instead of all the POSITIVE news pointing toward a RED wave.

novictim ago

Interesting. An Anti-Trump Anti-Globalist. Contrast that with the Pro-Trump (at least for past year or two) anti-Globalist Cesar Sayoc.

Common ingredient = Crazy.

haveyoursafespace1 ago

Fucking christ. I had no idea how bad it was. Sickening.

Acerphoon ago

This is actually sad to hear. Over 60.000 potential white voters killed off preemptively this month alone.

MaximilianAldorfer ago


Acerphoon ago

There might actually be right-wingers out there who believe this will help.

I hate jewish nepotism and hatred for white people as much as anyone else. But killing guys who go to a synagogue 1-2 weeks before an election? Who benefits from this?

Not conservatives, that's for sure, and it wouldn't even hit any of the influential, powerful jews. Like those in the white house, in the media or Soros. So WHY do something like this?

vladtep ago

Think about it though, conservatives really aren't on the side of white gentiles so why would an election help?

SnapAwake ago

This is basic. To infuriate common jews and cement their anti gun angle. Jews are very protective of hate crimes involving jews. Theyll be kvetching about this for years.

vladtep ago

Yeah so those "good jews" can't harm us at all. lol

Flyondawall ago

This should be at the top. When we talk about Jews we aren’t referring to those who go to synagogue. We’re taking about TIP. Those In Power.

LampshadeMaker ago

All talmudists must leave or perish.

Soyboy69 ago

Those jews would be just as bad if given the chance. But as is the worse they would be doing is cutting up baby dicks, getting criminals off the hook for their crimes and drugging up the goyim.

Flyondawall ago


Acerphoon ago

Well some are talking about all jews. I myself only always talk about the powerful, nepotist jews who want to cause white genocide.

But it's easier to just say "jews" most of the time. There aren't that many good jews out there, but some don't want white people to go extinct.
Certainly, it won't help to shoot at random jews in a synagogue though. It only helps them.

vladtep ago

All jews want white genocide, it's the only way they feel safe.

Jews are not white, it's important to understand this, genetically they are turks.

Very similary to moslems, only the European admixture is higher.

watts2db ago

exactly just everyday religious jews that go to synagogue are hardly the problem

vladtep ago

Nah, they don't belong in European nations, they're not European.

They can go back to Israel that they stole and "not be a problem".

ironnickel ago

I cohabitated with a religious jew, renting a room from him. 0 problems with him. Took $100 of my deposit for cleaning, which was fair. Invited me to dinners. Decent guy.

watts2db ago

yeah I think everday jewish people are victims of NWO BS of the globalists as much as anyone I know one and he is very anti Soros and Federal Reserve as anyone else

ironnickel ago

The only problem I have with everyday jews is the overuse of "antisemitism" and the innate desire to protect everyone who claims to be a jew. Expel the bad actors from the tribe.

watts2db ago

Oh the guy I talk to is critical of family members even including his mom. He tells me how She's in a nursing home and they have her drugged up watching CNN and how she believes everything coming out of the TV he sees tha same problems as the rest of us do. He may be a rare one though but I think all of us non NPCs are rare really

dontmindthemess ago


bdmthrfkr ago

Faggot should have popped gas canisters.

gayqueer ago

Of course this happened. Probably another Alt-Right baby, who can't accept diversity and progress.

Get over it, Republidumbs: You lost.

Drumpf will meet it's end and with him, you will go down aswell.


NeedleStack ago


freshmeat ago

this last 24 hours has been wild with the shilling man. I'm kinda just sitting back and observing

HoubovyTomas ago

_______________ did nothing wrong.

Wwg1wga1972 ago

Whats the over/under on when the npc media drags out unit 78654[hogg]?

24601_JeanValJean ago

looks strangely like the country music shooter...

LampshadeMaker ago

In their imagination he is real, goy.

Baconmon ago

I'm so glad they had an other false flag ready for when the fake bomb false flag failed miserably.. (((They))) want every one to see "look at this totally real white cisgendered male trump supporter and how EVIL he is! He said he hates jews! Ov vey look what anti-semitism causes goy! Stop hating the jews and also go out and vote democrat!"

I wonder how many details and evidence we will get this time, or if it will be an other las vegas thing where nothing is ever released and they just tell us what to officially think..

2fast4u92 ago

Lol kikes blatantly giving away the fact they are behind everything

24601_JeanValJean ago

BBC America reporter called the "bomber" guy a "major Trump supporter" and said Trump refused to "take responsibility".

This shite is beyond obvious: we are observing a "soft" coup-d'-etat...MS-13 lackies being used to perpetrate crimes in exchange for soft or no prison time...

NeedleStack ago

The guy was not a Trump supporter at all:

Trump is a globalist, not a nationalist. There is no #MAGA as long as there is a kike infestation.

Qanon is here to get patriots that were against martial law in the 90's to be the ones begging for it now to drain muh swamp.

But go ahead and keep saying you are #Winning

Humanicide ago

Another mass shorting under the Trump presidency. I am starting to like this guy.

aLegoInYourShoe ago

Who benefits?

Tastemyrainbow ago


BreederBasher ago

You mean the black master race. Say it, cracker. Say "the black master race."


Tastemyrainbow ago

Ignorance must be bliss

BreederBasher ago

Worthless Christian scum wrote the book on ignorance. It's called "The New Testament." Equally worthless Muslim scum wrote the sequel, "The Koran," which took everything wrong with its predecessor and made it worse. Christianity enabled Islam. You are both terrorist death cults. You both have enough gay and Jewish blood on your hands to warrant retaliatory genocide just so the rest of the world can live in peace and harmony without you.

Tastemyrainbow ago

The delusion is strong with this one. Now everyone here can see just how fucking crazy you are. But I'm a little hurt though because you forgot to mention the rest of LGBT communities blood on my hands.

BreederBasher ago

You would know, goy boy.

Tastemyrainbow ago

All you come back with is projection and an insult? Your inability to make argument is less than pedestrian, it's, lacking substance and thought just like an NPC.

BreederBasher ago

Your accusing me of projection is an act of projection. Being a goy puts you on a par with NPCs morally and intellectually. Freedom includes freedom from goyism. Goyism is brainwashing to accept lies as truth and to reject the truth as lies. Judaism speaks truth to gentile lies.

24601_JeanValJean ago

just another reddit NPC with multiple "look at me I'm gay" user name accounts. Ignore it and downvoat into fag oblivion.

BreederBasher ago

Shut up, breeder. Heterosexuality is a choice, a sin, and a form of institutionalized violence against women. Consent is a myth under the patriarchy, and the patriarchy exists because of the straightriarchy that gives PIV-rape fetishists special rights at the expense of their gay and lesbian superiors.

onedingo ago

Oy vey

Johnnymemeonic ago

Good Christ, WTF is wrong with you people? If he shot up MSNBC or Monsanto or Gilead, that I can see but a synagogue?

watts2db ago

I don't see much praise for it on here just many folks analyzing the specifics and the potential fallout

BaldMiscreant ago

My wife admitted I was right, thanks Derp State!

KosherHiveKicker ago

Good Goy Trump and ((( The Media ))) are already setting this up to slide more Federal Welfare Shekels to provide security in Synagogues across America.

MrDarkWater ago

Well what are you going to do about it?

KosherHiveKicker ago

The media is pushing the aspect of yet even more federal funding being used to provide security for Jewish Synagogues, and Community Centers.

This exact same thing happened after the "Israeli Teen" false flagged over 2,000 bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers in the United States. They received even more taxpayer money over Jewish lies.

watts2db ago

don't they have the sheckels to pay for their own security

KosherHiveKicker ago

Jewish Group-Centers receive well over 97% of Domestic DHS Assistance.

watts2db ago

fuck thats insane guess we know who runs things

MrDarkWater ago

Yeah, Jews are scum. And us goyim are dumb cattle. What are you going to do about it?

KosherHiveKicker ago

  • Cut off their taxpayer funded welfare.
  • Expose the Kikes for what they truly are.
  • Remove the problem from our Federal Government.
  • Remove the problem from our borders.

BlackPegasus ago

Did anybody else catch POTUS dropping that umbrella at Andrews AFB after the press conference? He left it open at the top of the steps with the handle pointed towards the sky. Could that have been some sort of signal? A stretch, yes...but the thing DID resemble a satellite. One staffer walked STRAIGHT PAST IT afterwards, then another picked it up. Odd to say the least.

Wwg1wga1972 ago

More coming.

MrShekelstein ago

The guy was an anti-trump, anti-Q, nutjob.

This one looks even more of a false flag than the previous one.

TyroneLannister ago

People who hate Jews would never actually attack Jews! Must be a false flag!

Mr_Woodblock ago

Lol the mindset that reasoning takes...

ErrorHasNoRights ago

Looks like the Alt-Retard strikes again. The media are going to make more hay out of this than Charlottesville.

CowWithBeef ago

Gopherurself ago


mralexson ago

Basically anyone who’s mystery meat enough to be vaguely white

sunshine702 ago

Which reminds me - FL van tard. He looks kinda Cuban to me. Any word on family members?

watts2db ago

if its a crime or violent act of course

Gopherurself ago

Hell yeah i say we need more gus like this. Hes a hero in my book.

watts2db ago

they need to pick different timing then at least it plays to the enemies favor

Hitlers_Politoed ago

This could have been one of us.

Being shot at ofc.

XSS1337 ago

Well when your people weaponize 3rd world goat fuckers to destroy nations in the name of creating new customers for USURY 2.0 based on currency 1.0 aka zombie currency. . . People are going to try and kill your entire religion and rightfully so...

Doglegwarrior ago

He must have watched eric cloppers video! He busted in on the fuckers mutilating a defensless baby! This man was literaly trying to save the humanity of that defensless baby... true american hero... he knows how evil circumcision is and he was going to put a stop to at least one! I doubt this was a real american conservatige 8 desd out of 120 jews? No fucking way a real right leaning conservative only kills 8 out of 120 defensless people, unless he just wanted to get the rabbi and call it a day. In all honesty im surprised there is not more of this going on

JeffreyMcMillinface ago

And of those eight some of the wounded were cops. Something doesn't add up here. Walking into a synagogue like that with an AR-15 would be like shooting fish in a barrel, something doesn't seem right here.

Soyboy69 ago

Walking into a synagogue like that with an AR-15

An AR-15 and multiple handguns I could see 8 out of ten with a 15 round mag or something but even with just a pistol it should have been more than that. I've never had formal training to shoot and even I could do better than that without even fucking aiming while high. It's also worth noting that the police arrived when he had so low of a body count. So did they get a call before the shooting or did the shooter simply not even try to bring "death to all jews" like he allegedly said and only targeted a couple? What was the response time? With all the details released on those bombings this will probably be similar right?

Doglegwarrior ago

Drunknwith one are tied around my back i could get a higher kill count.. need a 30 round clip.. but something doesnt add up unless he just went for the satanic priest then just didnt give a fuck

kalgon ago

He's going to be a regular at voat you watch

lordvain2 ago

Now no matter what any conservative says, it will be antisemetic

Doglegwarrior ago

Still joke threads to start the comments.. how the fuck do the joke thread shit always start at the top... there needs to be a way to have a seperate button if you want to see reddit style joke thread faggotry there should be a side button you press it then go to the idiotic jokes any of us who see a fucking low iq joke comment can click on it determin it is a reddit style joke thr it will go to the bottom of the thread.. somehow the fucking voting system is not working.. i saw a comment section with 56 comments and 55 where fucking one line jokes with one line jokes trying to out joke the originsl joke comment... shit is part of thd reason reddit is a giant shit hole of npc low iq morons that can only fucking make jokes.

MrPim ago

I believe the problem there is that when a thread is new, it is easiest to make a joke post. You have very little information, so a joke is the easiest thing. Getting in early in a thread greatly increases your likelihood of upvoats. Which drives it to the top early. Which compounds more upvoats.

To sort them you'd need a way to mark them as jokes. Something thats going to be very hard to automate. Maybe filter on one line length would be a crude way.

Doglegwarrior ago

Different point.. who the fuck are the morons upvoting a fucking stupid one liner joke? Then the person after that shit joke get up voted for adding to the first retarded joke? Thought we had better people on here.

Doglegwarrior ago

I think it would be similar to reporting spam button.. instead of report them for being low iq upvoat farming reddit faggots we all vote on the joke either positive or negative.. when it gets voted a as a joke 5 times it getd removed and goes to the vote section.. we eliminate low iq morons trying to farm joke up votes but if u still want to check out votes you press the joke button and it takes you to the joke section.. i have some fucking faggots calling me a jew but no one is explaining how this is a bad feature it is a fucking win win feature and we eliminate the reddit style joke threqds that get extremly long and idiotic

MrPim ago

That's a nice solution. I'd thought of users marking it, but only as a single user thing. Which was useless really. I didn't think of a multi user count. I think it's a fine idea. Expanding Sort options is I think a good thing. It gives users more control if their experience and it is just a display option so is lightweight.

Doglegwarrior ago

I dont know what number would work right.. im even willing to concede if a joke got enough votes move it up somewhere so these joke trolls had a goal to be the greatest joke troll with out me having to scroll through 56 fucking stupid jokes.. thanks for responding like a reasonable human being the other responses where literaly sophmore lever name calling with no logic ryme or reason..

mrgreenjeans9 ago

if only this were true

collin6173 ago

All this violence, I'm going to have no choice but to vote democrat. Just kidding, but that's what they are counting on people thinking.


6gorrilian dead, 109 jews escaped. e also had gas canisters, and made a lampshade and soap right in front of them while he forced other jews to burn on the alter..... so im told. oyvey goyim its true.

Oh_Well_ian ago


You gotta be some kind of stupid to think I'm not wrong about 9/11.

Ever sat in an F1 race car? Could you drive it to max performance? NO

Flying a jumbo jet like they were flown on 9/11 is 1000x more difficult.

Sure... low IQ shitskins pulled off 9/11, according to dipshits like you.

Gopherurself ago

You are right, mslims arjt the true enemy its the jew kike that funds and creates the monster muslim to use them as their secret armies aganst traditional white western power. Jewd must all be killed.

BlackPegasus ago

Steve Lookner provides EXCELLENT live, analytical coverage (YouTube stream link)

BlackPegasus ago

Shooter ID'd as Robert Bowers (link). His Twitter page has already been scrubbed (Twitter link)

NeedleStack ago

Thanks. His gab account has been archived: https://archive.fo/k63LE

NeedleStack ago

Thanks for linking him!

We watch him every day and are watching him now. That's how I learned of the scanner info for this comment.

Landrictree ago

Guys gab account. Media are going to have a field day with this one.


sunshine702 ago

Expecially with Infowars piling on. Traitor Controlled opp.

EIMR ago

Oldest post in the archive is 2 days old. We're there more on the page?

Jdub75 ago

Considering the rhetoric spewing from our highest office, is this a surprise to anyone?

Mr_Woodblock ago

Considering the rhetoric spewing from our highest office

I've seen a lot of this in media. You've fallen for it too. Trump and mass shootings or hate attacks aren't correlated. There is more reporting being done of the attacks now because Trump is a reminder that we still have a long way to go, but in no way has hateful attacks or hate speech increased. It existed prior to Trump, and in some ways, it helped get Trump into office.

Acerphoon ago

The ones with the "Fuck you white people!" rhetoric is usually not the republican side. If it was a reaction to that.

crazy_eyes ago

considering the rhetoric spewing from every mainsteam media outlet, is the white house responses a surprise to anyone?

bmansc ago

FTFY: Considering the rhetoric spewing from our highest office top Democrats, is this a surprise to anyone?

NeedleStack ago

Neck yourself, faggot.

Fetalpig ago

Wolf! said the boy.

Communism4Israel ago

"a forty-eight year-old, heavyset white male"

Oy vey, the goys are committing annudah shoah!

idk ago

That's fatshaming!

nigger_plz ago

Oh shit you might be right. It's getting where you can't describe a fat person with words that describe them as fat.

Guy_Justsome ago

"Well nourished."

idk ago

"a forty-eight year-old, curvy and beautiful white male"

Drakgan ago

Why the hell wasn't that archived?

kalgon ago

No, no snackbar on this one it seems

AffirmativeApartheid ago

right on time - brothers Johnson


Themooninthesky ago

I too remember the post about mass shootings if the bomber fails. Good call.

hungry_mungry ago

Andy Sheehan is a KDKA reporter

kalgon ago

lol shit

bagano1 ago

I'm not going to lie, this is fucking odd timing.

The Feds need to investigate if this shooter was a leftist.

No right-wing nut would do this right before the elections. It makes no sense.

jewsbadnews ago

Fuck the feds, nothing came of the Vegas shooting. They are all corrupt down to local officials.

Abillionelectrons ago

He is anti-Trump and anti-QANON because they are not antisemitic.

ThoseFeels ago

The FBI is borg.

No one will fix this.

All angles are owned by the Jew.

CowWithBeef ago

https://archive.fo/k63LE His gab posts seem anti jew to a degree that made him anti Trump. Not a leftist.

kalgon ago

Breaking News: The Shooter Was A regular User On A Racist Right Wing Supremacist Pro Trump Antisemitic Forum Known As Voat.co, FBI is investigating, Administrator Is In Custory

24601_JeanValJean ago

the guy posted on his twit account he hated Trump.

Guy_Justsome ago

And just when early ballot results show a Red tsunami in the works, too.
It does have the fishy smell of an "Assad gas attack."

talmoridor-x ago

No, a red wave is what they want. They need more people in the "God-Emperor Trump / Qanon" crowd.

Pwning4Ever ago

the guy appears to be a voat user or something, he is an anti-trumper because Trump recognized Israel or some shit. But the moron just had to go our a shooting spree right before mid terms???

Whitemail ago

Actually, this might help the Trumptards and normies if Trump takes the position of opposed to the alt-right and far right and all that. Trump will save the normies from the far right and far left, meanwhile letting the Jewish predators continue to roam free and reign over us.


Trump's a civic nationalist... which is just another flavor of globalism, that's a fact.

Waffle_ninja ago

You just never hear a shooting where the shooter yells “Jesus loves you” right before firing.

Neurite ago

Love how they identified a "white male" so quickly.....

ShineShooter ago

Police scanner, NeedleStack posted it just above.

Joe_McCarthy ago

False flag!


There are obviously no people on the right that hate Jews and will shoot up a synagogue.

Drakgan ago

That cat looks so done.

kalgon ago

Shut up you

DeadFox ago

It's about time.


If ww2 proved anything is that the Wealthy jews will kill poor jews for more $$$. Cha ching baby!

redpilldessert ago

No need for conspiracy. The simplest explanation is that he was white, but his hatred of Jews plus his insane violent streak caused him to do this.

Whitemail ago

Judaism is really just the highest level of Satanic worship. It's so mixed up that they pretend to be serving God while actually serving Satan. The Rothschilds and others at the highest level know who the master is. With that said, nothing is out of bounds except repenting and submitting to the real God and his son Jesus.

jewsbadnews ago

Do they really worship Satan? Or the olds gods Moloch and Baal?

Whitemail ago

Moloch and Baal are just labels Satan hides behind or devils that work for Satan. Satan can only be in one place at a time.

talmoridor-x ago

God is Satan, though.

uvulectomy ago

Don't forget that they'll also describe it as "the best time in their lives."

HeavyBrain ago

The poor understand, even poor jews are not as stupid as goys.


This needs to be the top comment.

PeacefulAssassin ago

saw that, right on time, and how convenient that now they can push anti-semetic hate crimes too!

NeedleStack ago

Whitemail ago

"You killed Jesus. Now I kill you."

dayofthehope ago

I wonder what they're going to use this for. Outlaw counter-semitism?

TheStapler ago

They’ll use it to sway people to vote for anti-gun Democrats... exactly the reason they employed someone to do this

Pluviou5 ago

Anti-gun jewish or judeophile Democrats. All for the sympathy votes.

NeedleStack ago

From a police scanner: 46 year old male captured. White male with a beard. Suspect apparently said, "death to all the Jews" before firing on the police.

thelma ago

News reports do not claim AR and "multiple handguns" ... they'd be screaming this from the rooftops by now I think.

You should only be able to own one single shot .177 cal. air powered gun !!!!!!!!!!

Kill-Commies ago

as a circumcision was taking place.


ShineShooter ago

Give 'em hell for their bloody BRIS organ removal, bunch of savages.

blackzetsu ago

i wanna throw up reading what bris is

Waffle_ninja ago

AR-15 and multiple handguns? Only 8 dead?

Give it 24 hours before this one gets more holes in it than the victims.

Yogus ago

How come mass shootings lately seem to involve automatic weapons and a very small number of deaths?

slickleg64 ago

How do these "gun nuts" . Who probably shoot at ranges, suck so much at killing?

Fuck_SRS ago

What automatic weapon are you referring to? AR's aren't automatic.

DawnPendraig ago

Except to Worst Journalist of the year Don Lemon, worst journalist of the year

sn00tyfr00T ago

I think you mean fully semi-automatic weapons

notYOURfriend ago

White? As in Mexican white? Or arab white?

HeavyBrain ago

Asian don't you forget asian

  • UK

NeedleStack ago

Trump white obviously.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

The beard suggests he may be a moslem convert.

Guy_Justsome ago

Or another jew from a rival sect. If real, the reported remark could be deflection upon realizing he wasn't getting away.

Whitemail ago

A Jew goes to kill Jews to benefit Jews as a whole. Sounds very Jewish to me.

NoMoreScreenNames ago

True, I didn't think of that. FWIW,R/T_D is reporting that he's known to be anti Trump, not that it's likely to matter as if true, the lamestream media will bury it.

TBH, I hope it's a moslem, convert or imported. Imported would be best.

LampshadeMaker ago

Spare some shekels for the 8000 victims.

flaxom ago

I can't believe you guys would make light of 80,000 innocent lives lost in tragedy

Feces_the_clown ago

It's never funny when 8,000,000 precious jewish lives are lost!

Communism4Israel ago

No, it's 80,000,000! Those goys are committing annudah shoah! Oy vey!

uvulectomy ago

How dare you minimize the suffering of the 8,000,000,000!

HillBoulder ago

800,000 dead long noses is nothing to sneeze at.

draaaak ago

My thoughts and prayers for these poor 8,000,000 Jewish women and children.


Oy gefilte fish, 80,000,000 lives were lost, this is anoda shoah!

Whitemail ago

I can't believe an anti-semite like you would diminish the horrible tragedy that 800,000,000 Jews suffered at the hands of a racist, bigoted Nazi.

HenryCabotLodge ago

False Flag False Flag boys. Gather every scrap of info on the shooter and archive it immediatly. We are going to need it to show this is yet another MKUltra Actived Asset prior to the elections.

Grunge ago

If this is true, which is probably is. I find is to be appalling that these tyrannical political criminals orchestrating shit like this are still free to do this crap.

Landrictree ago

nikorette ago

He sounds like /ourguy/

LampshadeMaker ago

What a cohencidence.

due ago

Where the Evidence that it's him?

1Sorry_SOB ago

False Flag False Flag boys.

I am not going for that. Not everything is a conspiracy.

Gopherurself ago

Yo im so happy this guy did that hes ahero for killing those kikes

ShineShooter ago

No? Then just a cohencidence.

1Sorry_SOB ago

The timing is perfect, but I can't believe they would sacrifice their own.

RiskyDick ago

can’t believe they would sacrifice their own.

What do you think the holocoaster was?

W0d2n ago

They never expected Hitler would show up.
But when they didn't leave the country once he did. Those were idiots

mightnotbearobot ago

Classic NPC response. Everything is a false flag, nothing ever happens.

Bigglesworth45 ago

You need to upgrade to Orange_man_bad_v2.038

mightnotbearobot ago

Didn't even mention Trump but okay friend.

Octoclops ago

"Listen and believe. The tv is always right" -you, an NPC.

xberb ago

"Listen and believe. My made up reality is always right" -you, an NPC.

mightnotbearobot ago

Never said that, but you do you.

If you believe people on voat nothing ever happens, everything is a false flag, CIAFBI did it, MKULTRA yada yada yada. Same things said every time like clockwork. But sure, I'm the NPC lmao.

Octoclops ago

It's not that I believe "people on voat" whoever the hell that is. I just don't believe people with an obvious agenda and a track record of deception.

RiskyDick ago

You’re not supposed to believe it, you’re supposed to consider the possibility - consult the evidence given in the thread and make your own informed decision. But you’re a fly-in from reddit or /leftypol/, so I’m not surprised that independent decision-making isn’t in your programming.

green_man ago

Project Veritas uncovered that the dems seek out and employ the mentally ill for shit like this, the logical conclusion is these types of things are false flags. Now run back to soros and ask for your shekel for being a good goy you kike enabling shill faggot.

mightnotbearobot ago

And you go collect your roubles from daddy Putin like a good boy.

green_man ago

Dude, you need a software update, the russia shit isn't going to pan out so it was removed from your script. That became apparent when the MSM dropped it like the flaming turd it was and muller decided to release his "findings" after the midterms. I'll help you out, the new software update includes it's racist to oppose the "migrant caravan" that is "seeking opportunity" in the US. Shouldn't you be on the border waiting to register the new arrivals to vote?

mightnotbearobot ago

You are a walking Alt-right bingo.

green_man ago

Is that the "if all else fails" option on your script or is there more? You should publish the script you're using, I'd love to read it.


meh, most of the times thats true... or if it does happen its a paid agent, or cia, or mk ultra.

flaxom ago

Invader horde? What invader horde goy?

blackzetsu ago

Human garbage is the fertilizer that enriches the soil of American progress.

Whitemail ago

Mexicans and Muslims and all of the world's garbage are a wonderful, beneficial enrichment.

Dru_Zya ago

If it's a white guy, the media will be dancing in circles shouting about it for weeks.

phoenix883 ago

That's the beauty of the false flags, they know who's done it before he fired the first shot. That way, the 4am talking points are already disseminated, every editor is primed and ready to hit send as soon as the police message went live.

HeavyBrain ago

Like the bomber the guy always can be whiten up.

OhRutherfordBehave ago


BB-3 ago

He was carrying multiple weapons and has been described as a 46-year-old white man 'with a beard,' according to authorities.

VapidGopher ago

He was carrying multiple weapons and has been described as a 46-year-old man white man 'with a beard,' according to authorities.

It's a double man, surprised they didn't include the word "white" in there at least 2 or 3 times. Meanwhile in Chicago where more than 8 people died last weekend... oh wait that doesn't fit our agenda.

MrDarkWater ago

Shit, I'm dancing in circles. But for different reasons

1Sorry_SOB ago

If it's a white guy, the media will be dancing in circles shouting about it for weeks.

Never again, will we hear the end of this.

I can just imagine the narratives that will be coming out in the next few days.

cantaloupe6 ago

This was essentially predicted as another suffering spectacle after the last few didn't pan out. It'll likely continue.

PresidentSkroob ago

It actually was predicted. I don't have the post but it was literally predicted due to the "bomber" being so fake.


ThisNameAlreadyTaken ago

The goal of this one will be to justify hard crackdowns on free speech on social media platforms such as Twitter. Just you watch. Within 24 hours, there will be an outcry for censorship of anti-semitism. The definitions will quickly grow to encompass any alt viewpoint.

The censorship was already there, but it was somewhat behind the scenes. Now it will be right out there in your face.

PresidentSkroob ago

I actually did a quick search to figure it out. There were multiple people that predicted this shit, and this was one of them.

I didn't see this one, but I'm still looking for the other.

Highonfire ago

Just goes to show how obvious this false flag is. My current theory is it was perpetrated by globalist secular jews to scare orthodox jews into voting democrat.

PresidentSkroob ago

Naw. I know a 90 year old jew that openly admits he ONLY votes democrat. "I'm a fucking jew, of course I'm voting Democrat." is a direct quote from him.

Highonfire ago

Most secular jews vote democrat. Most orthodox jews vote republican.

crazy_eyes ago

i saw that

CowWithBeef ago

It's going to ve a race mixed person who will be characterized as one race.

Oh_Well_ian ago

IF ? lol

Absolutely no chance in Hell it's not a White guy.


Nah sand niggers could have done this. They hate jews more than white people do and sand niggers have a sense of entitlement and probably think they'll get just a slap on the wrist if they even get caught.

selpai ago

I guess they're going for the shotgun approach.

NakatomiBaby ago

With swastikas tattooed on his white forehead.

Landrictree ago

Close enough.


Oh_Well_ian ago

and a copy of Mein Kampf in his back pocket

fuckingmockies ago

One in each back pocket.

dontmindthemess ago

And has a Trump shirt on

My_2018_account ago

So rule muslims out?

DeadBeatNigger ago

Muslims, and Jews are allies now.

Arrvee ago

The Muslims are under orders to stand down from violence for now because they are winning, so it probably is a white guy. The next most likely perp is a family member involved a domestic dispute. They say they have the shooter in custody so we'll learn in a few hours when they put out a press release.

weezkitty ago

It is probably a false flag and they'll obviously make him white. On the small chance that it is real, it would probably be a muzzie. But the media would cover that up

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Muslims?

Like the 19 Muslims on 9/11?

Yeah, I ruled that story out by 9/12 when (((THEY))) tried to convince us that total amateurs could fly jumbo jets at max performance, without ever flying a jumbo jet prior.

kalgon ago

Ok, let's play guess the race

Gut feeling tells me that's not going to be a muslim on this one

KikesDidJFK ago

It was clearly one of those racist, right-wing goys.

MrDarkWater ago

Muslims hate patrons of synagogues more than white dudes.

LampshadeMaker ago

I hope he is as white as the driven snow. Time to get this shit started.

Landrictree ago

Wish granted.


LampshadeMaker ago

Good. If they know the white goyim are finally turning on them then hopefully they'll pack up and fuck off somewhere else.

somebody112 ago

If he is white it will just push their gun control narrative + orange man bad + all white people are racist. So they will then move closer to disarming the populace, and enacting laws that allow more monitoring of "white supremecists" (which will mean just spying on white people) and they will throw this in Trumps face to say that he's "dividing the country" and blame him for all of this.

LampshadeMaker ago

Tell me. At what point do white people start believing that fighting back with fire is preferable to continue maintaining good optics? At some point it must happen or the Jew wins.

somebody112 ago

At what point do white people start believing that fighting back with fire is preferable to maintaining good optics?

This will happen only when it become obvious to the average apolitical normie that we're up shit creek, that all the people who come into our countries hate our guts and are just here to take our shit and fuck our women.

Jew wins when:

  • all white nations are minority white (no where to run) or contain a substantial minorities (40% - 50% nonwhites) Israel remains 100% jewish, china for the Chinese etc. (ex. UK at 15-20%)
  • Free speech suppressed (ex. UK)
  • populace disarmed (ex. UK)
  • anti-Semitism == hard jail time (ex. UK)
  • surveillance state (ex. UK)

I think UK is the best example of all of these aims coming to fruition. It's gonna be bad times for white british in the UK in the next 50 years.

MrDarkWater ago

It'll be the rabbi, though

kalgon ago

Hm, I would much rather prefer a diversity nigger tbh

"Eh, don't blame us, you literally invited those types! That's what you asked for!"

SharpSliceOfMango ago

Were there 6 million in that synagogue?

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

False Flag for midterms

Gottmituns ago

Nah, the fake bomber was plastered all over plebbit and the news the instant it "happened", because they already had a narrative ready. This happened in the morning and we're barely hearing about it. Which means they are either getting their narrative straight, or they don't want to embolden copy cats.

talmoridor-x ago

Yes, but for the republicans, and not as obvious (as the magabomber).

Jesusthug ago

Fighting back is always a false flag huh. When will it be organically Simone who’s sick of shit? Not saying it isn’t but Godamn. What do you expect from a nation over 350 million. No blowback from understanding they’re geniciding us?

vladtep ago

There's always an election to consider, that will end up going nowhere.

So any kind of push back will always be a "false flag".

stillhavemyforeskin ago

Was it a false flag? Were the mail bombs a hoax? It's pretty hard to decisively come up with an answer. I lean towards false flag, but who then again who the fuck really knows the truth.

Although, I don't see why it'd be crazy to think that some joe schmo Voat user was sick and tired of talking about it and decided to go do something about (((it))). Keep in mind, this place is like a concentrated dose of kikery, it's hard to not want to strangle one of these kikes after spending an hour scrolling through a collection of their filth. That's what leads me to believe that maybe this story is true.

Anyway, we could discuss this forever, but what we do know is true is what we're about to witness a serious backlash from this shooting. Whatever happens next is incredibly important. We have antisemitism on the main stage, and we have idiots comparing Trump to Hitler again because he called himself a Nationalist. This is when we need to get people questioning about WHY the shooter was antisemitic in the first place. A simple "Why".

Jesusthug ago

Well said brother!

Schlomo-KikesDid9-11 ago

You probably think the mail bombs were real, huh

Jesusthug ago

I can get down with that. But not all of us are created equal. People react differently when acting alone.

Jesusthug ago

Lmao. No. I can articulate a fucking movie from a documentary.

Jesusthug ago

You motherfuckers need to understand what war is. It’s obvious you’re decades behind.

thelma ago

And furnaces?




Banking elites are a way better target and it should look like an accident.

Jk all violence is bad haha funny joke.

LettItBurn ago

Oh, shit!

Has anyone seen Tallest_Skil?

GizaDog ago

Yeah that guy has poofed from here

taIIest_skiI ago

/u/Tallest_Skil is a dumb bot who spams Voat. But his views is the same as the guy.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that the above account is a sockpuppet and is masquerading as me for the purpose of libel. Report it.

First__Post_King ago

Report yourself to me because I am your god. You think people care about you. You only message constantly because you have nothing in your life. You are empty. Now copy and paste some garbage and reply to me with it. Or say "Thanks for admitting you admitted ..." or "Reported for ..." or "Go kill yourself" or "Q-LARPER" or do your ((()) shit.

Acerphoon ago

It's not him. He's still posting.

JunOS ago

Fake mail bomber was posting after being arrested. Doesnt mean shit.

altident ago

Literally my first thought lol. Either this is a false flag or it's Tallest_Skil

Jesusthug ago

My first thought of you is a bitch that wouldn’t die for anything. Makes you scared to think possibly someone had convictions that retaliated during an actual WAR that’s being waged against whites huh? Lmao. Pussy.

altident ago

How many synagogues have you shot up again?

Jesusthug ago

Lol. Good strawman.

altident ago

Ok, Tallest_Skil's alt.

Jesusthug ago

You’re so intelligent with the responses.

Hand_of_Node ago

I do have friends who are both liberal and very intelligent. - altident

Jesusthug ago


Hand_of_Node ago

Tagging is handy, but even that friend of liberals has elicited [ +8 ] from me. However, his "intelligent" comment is looking pretty ironic in this particular comment thread.

elitch2 ago

Dude. We can all tell. Just use your main account, I've actually been agreeing with you enough to unblock.

Hand_of_Node ago

I saw that reply the other day where you said something about the Qcumbers being so annoying in some thread you were almost upvoting Tallest! Got a good laugh out of that one.

elitch2 ago

I think the boomers have driven tallest sane.

The last couple times I've read his comments, I agreed with him.

Jesusthug ago

Ok queen homeschool. Stick to your bitch mom role. Teach your faggot children to how be a beta male like you.

altident ago

And you're a hypocritical keyboard warrior pussy. What's your point?

Jesusthug ago

You don’t know what the fuck I am. You don’t have a sack big enough to find out either.

altident ago

Same to you.

Jesusthug ago

Do you have anything to offer other than vagina talk and weak replies? Just STFU you menstrual cramp.

JohnQzCitizen ago

yes. He was trolling QRV last week. If you ignore him, and award him a downvoat, he goes away.

taIIest_skiI ago

I wish I had enough upvotes to constantly downvote him.

Jesusthug ago

Fuck you pussy.

Doglegwarrior ago

How the fuck do you get 25 upvotes for a stupid onliner reddit style faggot joke! This shit shoulf not be at the top of thr comments on a subject like this

SharpSliceOfMango ago

I would get instantaneously banned on reddit for this. This was just another way of saying: This is probably a false flag and the Jews are going to use this for their purpose like they used the fake 6 million from the holocaust.

LampshadeMaker ago

Precisely. And even if it's not a false flag it's still funny because it's happening to Jews. Talmudists must die.

Proud2H8 ago

u mad kike?

Doglegwarrior ago

Not a kike.. kinda mad because i hate the jew bullshit one line jokes that ard ruining voat.. my solutiom waz reasoanble.. make a joke button... we all vote on the jokes, but jokes get sent to the bottom if you want to hear retards try to be funny cool press the joke button let the rest of the adults discuss jews and how they are trying to destroy america and white culture... fuck off big nose

CognitiveDissident5 ago

Of course there were, goy.

HillaryClintonsShoe ago

You spelled Gorillion wrong.

haveyoursafespace1 ago

something...something...vote for life....bla...bla..

How many babies have been decapitated and torn limb from limb in their mothers wombs this month?

LampshadeMaker ago

How many male genitals irreversibly mutilated? How many injected with mercury causing permanent, crippling brain damage? We're just getting started, kike subhumans.

Gopherurself ago

Hell yeah im gonna kill some too when i get olser and my dick aint as good.

LampshadeMaker ago

Only 8 dead? Oy Vey!