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x13 ago

Voat is next as we approach midterms and ShareBlue still has unspent millions.

Prior to Q wave, no less than 60 to 80 ShareBlue voat accounts per day were created. For what purpose? Maybe we will sadly find out soon.

Intrixina ago

Its our job to stamp those fuckers out like cockroaches every time they try something.

Liquidity ago

Q will protect you, trust the plan.

Zednix ago

Do you have any proof you can link?

wt1984yb ago

@x13 is a shill. Browse his comments.

x13 ago

Hah! wt1984yb, Your vendetta is getting tiresome!

Hey ! Lets point at the proof of wt1984yb getting BUTT-HURT by my facts last week! :

Bwahhh hahhh hahh hah! Give it up, Mr. Low IQ half-hispanic butt-hurt loser, wt1984yb!

Read a book, or learn some basic math skills!

wt1984yb holds such a grudge when proven wrong, as i did in that link, that he goes around with his multiple accounts downvoting the educated people on voat out of envy or some misplaced jealous rage.

wt1984yb is a CANCER on voat !

TeddyJackson ago

Not a he, but a they. Should start referring to shills as they or them. Shills are groups of people taking orders from others. It is never one person making an opinion or statement. We need to start calling shills "them".

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that Q-LARP is a proven paid jewish shill and hoax and has IS THE PAID SHILL, not the thing they’re fighting.

XSS1337 ago

What about WHanon ?

Tallest_Skil ago

Shit, I forget him. I remember the name, but I forget the claims. Do you have a link to a repository?

Inquisitioner ago

The only one that was confirmed was FBIanon, because he gave conditions in advance and proved it by having an alphabet agency tweet a specific FOIA release at the precise minute and date he specified in advance. All others -excepting Wikileaks and those datadump style releases, obviously- have been crap. Sure we hoped that maybe they'd turn out legit, but the predictions rang hollow with the passage of time. Qanon will be a guaranteed dead meme as the years continue, as it cannot go on forever with "muh indictments any day now," and has a hard deadline of 6 years (when Trump is out).

TeddyJackson ago

Voat is next as we approach midterms

Why? A very small amount of people regularly come here and nearly all aren't democrats.

ShareBlue still has unspent millions.

You know this how?

Prior to Q wave, no less than 60 to 80 ShareBlue voat accounts per day were created.

You know this how? Also you are a qoomer.

You must be a shill. No one is that stupid.

wt1984yb ago

@x13 is a known shill.

x13 ago

Hah! wt1984yb, Your vendetta is getting tiresome.

Hey ! Lets point at the proof of wt1984yb getting BUTT-HURT by my facts a week back! :

Bwahhh hahhh hahh hah! Give it up, Mr. Low IQ half-hispanic butt-hurt loser, wt1984yb!

Read a book, or learn some basic math skills!

wt1984yb holds such a grudge when proven wrong, as i did in that link, that he goes around with his multiple accounts downvoting the educated people on voat out of envy or some misplaced jealous rage.

wt1984yb is a CANCER on voat!

IsaacJan ago

Whenever I see him post it’s faggy defeatist shit. He’s a shill.

NNdmt ago is smaller than voat and it is getting attacked right now, the attack is by a bot reposting reddit content, vote manipulation en masse. It has DOS'ed the site effectively

x13 ago

I WARNED VOAT about ShareBlue about 100 times using various personas! I tried lots of times, that is voats fate as midterm approaches

I am not surprised at all about I have no doubt it is a test of what ShareBlue will do to

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

You shouldn't say that. We've got a lot of people here that are that stupid or worse.