qwertyanon ago

(((someone)) indeed

GoodGodKirk ago

that which doesn't take it offline only brings more members and makes it stronger.

Majorfatboy ago

And nothing of value is lost.

Really, have You guys seen 8chan? It's like a parody of an image board, not the real thing. It's like that one guy who just doesn't fucking get it, but pretends they do to look cool, but just ends up looking like a raging clown. Or like when someone who doesn't like something does an impression of said thing, and that impression is all disjointed and exaggerated into a caricature for the intent of making said thing look bad. Imagine if a bunch of hardcore soy-chugging lefties made an image board with the intent of acting like what They think Their opposition is... That's 8chan.

So yeah, fuck'em.

moviefreak ago

Hell, we are at the first layer of the internet. When they finally succeed in censoring us here, we just move down one layer. There are plenty more.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Fun fact: The current owner of 8chan only has the place because he paid for a LizardStresser DDOS attack until the old owner gave over control. Everyone involved with running that place is a scumbag cocksucker.

TeddyJackson ago

I've heard it is a honey pot where every image you look at is stored in plain text with your ip.

SmokeyMeadow ago

You're describing a program called Sunshine, which was put into place by the site's first owner at the behest of law enforcement. It continues to run, as far as I know.

satisfyinghump ago

Anyone know what was most recently posted on 8chan, that they could be trying to hide?


Why do the people replying keep saying "over the target"?

Intrixina ago

The theory is that if someone is uncovering things that the deep state/other hostile actors don't want you to know - the closer you get to it, the more the attacks against you will intensify.

NotHereForPizza ago

Hopefully this helps people understand a little better the veracity of those claiming Q's sincerity.

/pol/ is annoying, sure. But it would pain me to learn so one is so disillusioned to accept that that's the only, or even most significant, culprit.

talmoridor-x ago

8ch was compromised long ago.

XSS1337 ago


Correct the record


Media matters


George Soros

JohnQzCitizen ago

That would be OK with me. That place had zero hospitality skills....

Tallest_Skil ago

Codemonkey already destroyed /pol/, so it doesn’t even fucking matter if the site is taken down. In fact, it would be beneficial to us.

Lundynne ago

Take down, not take off.

Kippering ago

i agree with people who say there needs to be back up, voat can not be the ONLY place where people talk free, it was cool having vid.me for a while but there need to be more social media sites like 4chan, minds, gab.ai etc

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago


Capable_Lock ago

God bless Trump and all the nonwhite legal immigrants that come here! America is the metling pot of the World! Can't wait for when the NGO allow my daughter to adopt 7 future americans from Africa!She says her pitbull while protect them from the stupid racists! I want her to name one child atleast after her brother who is fighting with honour in the Middle East preventing another Holocaust! MAGA!


Troll ago

I bet ((( Someone ))) really hates when you mess with ((( their ))) plans.

x13 ago

Voat is next as we approach midterms and ShareBlue still has unspent millions.

Prior to Q wave, no less than 60 to 80 ShareBlue voat accounts per day were created. For what purpose? Maybe we will sadly find out soon.

Intrixina ago

Its our job to stamp those fuckers out like cockroaches every time they try something.

Liquidity ago

Q will protect you, trust the plan.

Zednix ago

Do you have any proof you can link?

wt1984yb ago

@x13 is a shill. Browse his comments.

x13 ago

Hah! wt1984yb, Your vendetta is getting tiresome!

Hey ! Lets point at the proof of wt1984yb getting BUTT-HURT by my facts last week! :


Bwahhh hahhh hahh hah! Give it up, Mr. Low IQ half-hispanic butt-hurt loser, wt1984yb!

Read a book, or learn some basic math skills!

wt1984yb holds such a grudge when proven wrong, as i did in that link, that he goes around with his multiple accounts downvoting the educated people on voat out of envy or some misplaced jealous rage.

wt1984yb is a CANCER on voat !

TeddyJackson ago

Not a he, but a they. Should start referring to shills as they or them. Shills are groups of people taking orders from others. It is never one person making an opinion or statement. We need to start calling shills "them".

Tallest_Skil ago

Reminder that Q-LARP is a proven paid jewish shill and hoax and has IS THE PAID SHILL, not the thing they’re fighting.

XSS1337 ago

What about WHanon ?

Tallest_Skil ago

Shit, I forget him. I remember the name, but I forget the claims. Do you have a link to a repository?

Inquisitioner ago

The only one that was confirmed was FBIanon, because he gave conditions in advance and proved it by having an alphabet agency tweet a specific FOIA release at the precise minute and date he specified in advance. All others -excepting Wikileaks and those datadump style releases, obviously- have been crap. Sure we hoped that maybe they'd turn out legit, but the predictions rang hollow with the passage of time. Qanon will be a guaranteed dead meme as the years continue, as it cannot go on forever with "muh indictments any day now," and has a hard deadline of 6 years (when Trump is out).

TeddyJackson ago

Voat is next as we approach midterms

Why? A very small amount of people regularly come here and nearly all aren't democrats.

ShareBlue still has unspent millions.

You know this how?

Prior to Q wave, no less than 60 to 80 ShareBlue voat accounts per day were created.

You know this how? Also you are a qoomer.

You must be a shill. No one is that stupid.

wt1984yb ago

@x13 is a known shill.

x13 ago

Hah! wt1984yb, Your vendetta is getting tiresome.

Hey ! Lets point at the proof of wt1984yb getting BUTT-HURT by my facts a week back! :


Bwahhh hahhh hahh hah! Give it up, Mr. Low IQ half-hispanic butt-hurt loser, wt1984yb!

Read a book, or learn some basic math skills!

wt1984yb holds such a grudge when proven wrong, as i did in that link, that he goes around with his multiple accounts downvoting the educated people on voat out of envy or some misplaced jealous rage.

wt1984yb is a CANCER on voat!

IsaacJan ago

Whenever I see him post it’s faggy defeatist shit. He’s a shill.

NNdmt ago

notabug.io is smaller than voat and it is getting attacked right now, the attack is by a bot reposting reddit content, vote manipulation en masse. It has DOS'ed the site effectively

x13 ago

I WARNED VOAT about ShareBlue about 100 times using various personas! I tried lots of times, that is voats fate as midterm approaches

I am not surprised at all about notabug.io. I have no doubt it is a test of what ShareBlue will do to voat.co

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

You shouldn't say that. We've got a lot of people here that are that stupid or worse.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/infinitechan/status/1053872676228321280 :

8chan (8ch.net) on Twitter: "Mitigation efforts are in place. Website uptime might be affected sporadically as this attack is coming in waves. Someone’s really ticked off and spending big bucks on this one."

This has been an automated message.

Conspirologist ago

I think we must warn @Puttitout

Tallest_Skil ago

He doesn’t give a fuck about this website. There are no protections in place for vote manipulation and user account fraud. There are no protections to stop censorship of the truth. There are hundreds of sockpuppets running daily and bot scripts that mass-tank voter points when they hit a specific level. This happens over the course of only a few hours and nothing stops it.

Never mind that he actively allows paid shills to post here.

notenoughstuff ago

Do you have any proposals for what he should do? Any alternative approaches, methods, systems? Also financing/user-contributions reg. development? Ways to find a system that is robust and efficient and the like reg. the various threats and vulnerabilities?

Or should a new website and community be developed?

You seem like a demoralizing D&C shill or concern troll, though I am not certain.

Intrixina ago

Both, given that he provides no response to your questions. Funny that he's the first to concernfag about how things are running, but can't offer a solution to said problem.

IsaacJan ago

Please for the love of god don’t humor gayest_shill. Are you kidding me?

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you have any proposals for what he should do?

Yes, I already listed them.

Also financing/user-contributions reg. development?

I don’t know enough about the situation to speak on that matter.

Or should a new website and community be developed?

No, this one is certainly well established and can be improved.

You seem like a demoralizing D&C shill or concern troll

In what fucking capacity? Because I posted truth that hurts your feelings? Let’s start the conversation over:

Why does Voat exist?

albatrosv15 ago

Why does voat exist?

justalittlecancer ago

gotta say it 3 times faggot @Puttitout

lemon11 ago

I noticed the CloudFlare DoS crap on other forums, too. I figure Voat is next.

Conspirologist ago

I think we must warn @Puttitout

fhaqyu ago

i love how all these faggots respond with 'Pray for POTUS'

how retarded do you have to be to not see that Trump is literally pushing the zionist agenda through.

satisfyinghump ago

I actually feel he does what he knows he needs to, to be able to claim publicly that him and Israel have a good relationship. But I'm 100% convinced hes aware of the cancer that Israel is to the world.

fhaqyu ago

so why does he send hundreds of billions of dollars in tax payer money to them? define what 'anti-semitism' means thus making it grounds for a hate crime? why does he send so many weapons to them just like the president's before him.

come on man, the media is playing him to be one of two characters, the bad guy and the martyr. Giving some inflated money back to his people to quell them is nothing when you keep fueling the war. This is exactly what the plan was, put a person in place that causes divide within the country all while they push their zionist war further and further down the world's throats. He is the cancer that is our leadership and they are using this first class promoter to obscure their crimes and to keep the people tearing themselves apart so they can stay in power.


Liquidity ago

I am amazed. How in the fuck you can convince that kind of bs to yourself. Please fucking trumptards kill yourselves already or at least dont come out of the awakening. Dont you cunts have some arrests to wait and fisas to release and moabs and shit. Yes and build the fucking wall already, hows that going fucking goyims

Le_Bucheron ago

If he do a 180 on Israel hes gonna be JFKed in less than 30 minutes or your pizza is free.

fhaqyu ago

Sounds like nothing more than an excuse to me.

Liquidity ago

Why would he do 180, his family is best buddies with netanyahu

anomRandom ago

This is a fact. Anyway what @Tallest_Skil says is also true.

somebody112 ago

how retarded do you have to be to not see that Trump is literally pushing the zionist agenda through

You can't get elected to anything anywhere unless you love Jews. The thing with Trump is, he's not anti-white. That's it, that's all. Things have gotten so bad, so toxic, that the absolute best guy to come along in years just doesn't hate us. Some of it also is that he has to play ball to stay alive, and to get any policy through. Even if you were 1488 up in the whitehouse, the president isn't the fucking fuhrer, he has to play ball with all the nosebergs to get any legislation passed. If he doesn't play ball with the nosebergs then mossad will do an Kennedy on him.

Tallest_Skil ago


You can't get elected to anything anywhere unless you love Jews.

Thanks for admitting that VOTING DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and that no one is going to solve their problems by using jew-owned voting machines to “vote” for jew-owned candidates in jew-owned political parties which vote identically on every issue.

The thing with Trump is, he's not anti-white.


Things have gotten so bad, so toxic, that the absolute best guy to come along in years just doesn't hate us.


Some of it also is that he has to play ball to stay alive

Kill yourself, fordeejez spammer.

and to get any policy through.

He controls all of congress and the White House. Zero illegal laws have been repealed. Zero communist policies have been removed. THEY ARE NOT DOING THIS. THEY DO NOT WANT THIS.

If he doesn't play ball with the nosebergs then mossad will do an Kennedy on him.

So… “Doing literally everything jews want, doing nothing jews don’t want, and accelerating white genocide is TOTALLY PLAYING BALL GOYIM HA HA TRUST ME”? No. Fuck off.

captainstrange ago

Don't sperg out too hard.

Thanks for admitting that VOTING DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

I disagree.

Tallest_Skil ago

Truth is not a matter of disagreement.

taIIest_skiI ago

You are a broken bot. You have been deported. You will be decommissioned.

Tallest_Skil ago

You can't get elected to anything anywhere unless you love Jews.

Thanks for admitting that VOTING DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING and that no one is going to solve their problems by using jew-owned voting machines to “vote” for jew-owned candidates in jew-owned political parties which vote identically on every issue.

The thing with Trump is, he's not anti-white.


Things have gotten so bad, so toxic, that the absolute best guy to come along in years just doesn't hate us.


Some of it also is that he has to play ball to stay alive

Kill yourself, fordeejez spammer.

and to get any policy through.

He controls all of congress and the White House. Zero illegal laws have been repealed. Zero communist policies have been removed. THEY ARE NOT DOING THIS. THEY DO NOT WANT THIS.

If he doesn't play ball with the nosebergs then mossad will do an Kennedy on him.

So… “Doing literally everything jews want, doing nothing jews don’t want, and accelerating white genocide is TOTALLY PLAYING BALL GOYIM HA HA TRUST ME”? No. Fuck off.

notenoughstuff ago

You seem like a divide & conquer shill. Some of your arguments have the potential to be valid, but overall...

See for instance https://voat.co/v/videos/2755966/14181602 .

And how would the building of the wall not be extremely counter to what the Jews/kikes want?

Liquidity ago

What fucking wall ?

MrDarkWater ago

Tallest_Skil ago

You seem like a divide & conquer shill.

You should refresh your memory about the definitions of these phrases.

See for instance

Sure, let’s look at that.

his actions against intervention in Syria… ...ruined many plans, especially reg. Greater Israel.

How do you know that?

And his in practice effective actions with ICE, deportations, the wall, etc.

There are no deportations. The wall is not being built. He’s importing more nonwhites than ever.

he still seems by far much more hostile and opposed to Israel's and the Jews' actions and plans overall than the last 3 decades of presidents before him


His entire family is jewish. He gave the jews the city that they caused every war in the last 150 years to obtain. He publicly disavows white nationalism as a concept. He is importing millions of nonwhites. He refuses to stop immigration. He refuses to deport anyone. He refuses to arrest people in the government and elsewhere who we have publicly, forensically proven have committed treason against this country. His first pardon was a rabbi who raped children.

some here say that Obama was more hostile towards Israel

Oh, they’re lying.

Maybe Trump just wants Israel to stop sacrificing the world while still letting Israel mind its own business.

Why would anyone think that, based on his actions?

But the problem with that is that the kikes are not trustworthy in any way whatsoever and that they are evil and wretched to an insane degree

How can you know this and yet still support Trump?!

And how would the building of the wall not be extremely counter to what the Jews/kikes want?

Because the wall is 100% meaningless in every single way. Nonwhites ALREADY IN THE COUNTRY have to be deported. We will be outbred IN UNDER 20 YEARS, at which point the wall (which is not being built, was never going to be built, and will certainly not exist in any form at that point) would simply be TORN DOWN ANYWAY, along with the rest of the US constitution. NOT THAT IT HASN’T BEEN ALREADY. What don’t you get about this? THE RULE OF LAW HASN’T EXISTED SINCE 1913. Beyond that, NOTHING MATTERS EXCEPT DEMOGRAPHY.

taIIest_skiI ago

Too much font change, only a bot would take its time to change the fonts and write in all caps. Nobody on this website puts in the effort as much as you are. Too bad you have been deported.

Tallest_Skil ago

“ፕዐዐ ጠሁርዘ ቻዐክፕ ርዘልክኗቿ” Make up your mind, fagioli.

taIIest_skiI ago

I don't speak Spanish. I see you have been deported and operating out of Albania.

username-way-too-lon ago

Do you have any proof for these statements? Particularly the ones about him legalizing/importing nonwhites (Is he doing this on a larger or smaller scale than past presidents?) and any further proof that he actually hates whites besides his comments on white nationalism?

Liquidity ago

Read some other news than q posts once in a while outside of trumptard land

Tallest_Skil ago

Do you have any proof for these statements?

Please note that I do have proof of everything I say here. If I don’t link it for any specific point, just ask and I’ll go find it. It’s just a pain to have to format every time.

Particularly the ones about him legalizing/importing nonwhites (Is he doing this on a larger or smaller scale than past presidents?)

Absolutely. And absolutely. Reminder that these are just the ones that were made “legal” residents. They are newly here and are protected against deportation. This doesn’t even take into account all the OTHER nonwhite invaders who came on “temporary” permits. And it doesn’t show the illegals (who aren’t being deported at all). Trump has not stopped immigration from anywhere, least of all nonwhite immigration. He’s not deporting illegals (of which there are 60,000,000 in the US). Any “raid” you see that ICE does, notice that it has never been more than 2,000 at a time. THEY POP OUT THAT MANY NEW SPIC KIDS PER WEEK. Even if a wall existed (he’s not building that either, despite having full legal authority and full funding allocated), it wouldn’t matter. BECAUSE THE NONWHITES THAT ARE ALREADY HERE ARE OUTBREEDING WHITES. And no, not even the illegals. If all 60,000,000 illegals dropped dead instantly, THE LEGAL NONWHITES WOULD STILL OUTBREED US. We have 20 years left, MAXIMUM, before the country turns minority white. At that point there will be no reason to keep pretending that the Republicans are right-wing (they haven’t been since the 1960s). Congress will unanimously vote to repeal the Constitution and install a direct democracy. Oops! Looks like whites can’t win any vote, even if they DID vote as a group (they don’t; only nonwhites will), so enjoy the fully legal White Land Confiscation Act of 2032!

and any further proof that he actually hates whites besides his comments on white nationalism?

Uh… you need more? Donald Trump has no conception of genetics. He has no understanding of what nationalism is. He does not know the distinctions between the races, nor the medical and social benefits of ethnic homogeny in a country. He doesn’t defend whites. He doesn’t defend the right of whites to exist, as their own people, in their own nation, with their own laws. He is a civic nationalist, which is not nationalism; it’s code for “only white nations are invaded by other races.” Shit, I forgot something. His entire family is jewish. He married off all his kids to jews. Their congenital defects and genetic illnesses are now part of Trump’s bloodline, forever.

It’s also not even a matter of “he totally is on our side, he just can’t say it because he’d be impeached!” because he’s the goddamn president of the United States. The Constitution confers to him the power of execution of the law. And what does the law say? TRAITORS HANG. Say he was actually a white nationalist. Hell, say he wasn’t, but did actually care about whites and stopping white genocide (which he doesn’t believe exists). Say he said it out loud, “I’m not going to allow the demographic makeup of this country to continue its decrease of the white percentage.” Oops! It’s impeachment time! So Congress gets together and gets ready to vote for impeachment. Oh, but what’s this? The National Guard is marching down the aisles of the wings of the Capitol, arresting everyone in sight! Because WE HAVE PUBLICLY RELEASED PROOF–ALREADY–THAT THREE QUARTERS OF THE FUCKING PLACE HAS COMMITTED TREASON AGAINST THE UNITED STATES. There is ONE thing in this country that is treason, and they’ve committed it. The rest have committed sedition and/or at least one felony. All of them. We KNOW this for a fact. Why is Trump not arresting them? Why, if Trump is actually a white nationalist–actually cares about whites in ANY form, or any of the other jewish propaganda claims–is he not, at least, arresting the people in the government who ARE ON CAMERA, TAPE, OR PRINT OPENLY ADMITTING THAT THEY WANT WHITE GENOCIDE? Or the ones openly admitting that they want TREASON–NON-CITIZENS TO VOTE?

BECAUSE HE ISN’T ONE OF US. HE’S A ZIONIST NEOCONSERVATIVE CIVIC NATIONALIST, JUST LIKE EVERY PRESIDENT SINCE 1964. And before 1964, presidents still had to be neoconservative and civic nationalist, back to 1932. Only then, before FDR, could a president even run on 1. being further right than a neocon 2. not being a civic nationalist. And that’s “run”, not “win” or “be guaranteed to win”. Hell, even Wilson was a zionist. He was one of the biggest in modern history.

Your comments are really unsettling to me because I've always believed that Trump is on our side

That’s the psy-op. They’ve been running it since the beginning of 2016. Once Trump was assured to be the frontrunner (hell, and even before that), they painted him as “totally a far right literal nazi, goyim!” Don’t you remember the news articles about Trump keeping a book of Hitler’s speeches next to his bed? Don’t you remember the interview with “his old butler” who “called him ‘the Führer’” and “shot off Roman salutes when he left the room”? Hell, even before the Q-LARP operation was even a glob of sperm in the mouth of the kike who invented it, all of the right-wing websites that AREN’T just controlled opposition (meaning: jew-owned websites) were flooded with “Trump is secretly against the jews!” spam. Maybe you’re familiar with the “punished trump” meme. Trump said in a debate “I lost hundreds of friends on 9/11” and he said it angrily. SO THAT TOTALLY MEANS THAT TRUMP KNOWS THE JEWS DID IT, GOYIM! IGNORE THAT THERE’S NO CONNECTION TO JEWS! IGNORE THAT HE HINTED TO NOTHING! IGNORE THAT IT IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE HUMAN MIND TO FORM MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIPS WITH MORE THAN 100 PEOPLE AT A TIME!

Oh! And now I get to go off on a little tangent. That last “ignore” up there: that’s ingrained in people now. Look at ✡Facebook✡. Look at your “friends” list. To this newest generation growing up, what is a “friend”? I’m not going to break the topic further, but I wrote a blurb on this subject. Have a look. Short version: They’re able to get away with the claim that Trump actually lost hundreds of friends, and that he feels genuine emotion for them, and therefore tie that to “he knows about the jews” because people today don’t comprehend what a friend actually is and what a meaningful relationship actually is because people’s conception of “friendship” is “that 4 or 5 digit number on my facebook page.”

what hope do we have?

Grabbing our guns, marching on our government buildings, and killing everyone. I wrote out a longer, better (actually viable, that is) version of what we need to be doing somewhere, but fuck if I wasn’t retarded enough to forget save it. I’ll see if I can find it.

username-way-too-lon ago

I really appreciate the time you took to write all of this. I'll read over it a few times and look at all of the evidence and re-assess my beliefs after meditating on these things for a while. You seem to be quite a bit more knowledgeable than myself on these topics so I'll just leave it at that, as I don't think I can contribute anything meaningful to what you've laid out here.

Also, I would be interested to see the better version of your answer to my "what hope do we have?" question. I'm genuinely interested in a solution that doesn't involve killing everyone.

Conspirologist ago

These are weak minded people. They need religious and political leaders tell them what to do.