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desumraw ago

i wonder how many of the ones trying to stop him will be sitting in front of him after he gets confirmed?

Butler_crosley ago

For what?

NoisyCricket ago

Human trafficking, treason (sedition, subversion, helping the enemy), selling secrets to the Chinese, Russia, and Paki, bribery, murder, so on and so on...

I hope people understand that Obama, Hillary, Comey, Lynch, Brennan, Rosenstein, and many others are going to prison and/or the gallows for execution. The are literally traitors. I hope people understand that while they are screaming at Trump, they are literally supporting traitors to this country.

We already know that the FISA Application details an attempted coup against Trump. More than 50,000 new text messages will be released. And the FISA Application has been approved for declassification. Which means many of the traitors who played an active role in the coup will be explicitly named. Which is why they are trying to declare Trump mentally unfit for declassifying it.

Now ask yourselves why MSM is not covering what is a factual part of the federal record? Did you know that the NYT has had an underacted copy of the FISA Application and have knowingly been supporting sedition and subversion; both high crimes in the United States.

"The United States seeks to impose tangible and significant consequences on those who commit serious human rights abuse or engage in corruption, as well as to protect the financial system of the United States from abuse by these same persons."

"I therefore determine that serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat."

"Sec. 12. In accordance with Article 33 of the UCMJ, as amended by section 5204 of the MJA, the Secretary of Defense, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, will issue nonbinding guidance regarding factors that commanders, convening authorities, staff judge advocates, and judge advocates should take into account when exercising their duties with respect to the disposition of charges and specifications in the interest of justice and discipline under Articles 30 and 34 of the UCMJ. That guidance will take into account, with appropriate consideration of military requirements, the principles contained in official guidance of the Attorney General to attorneys for the Federal Government with respect to the disposition of Federal criminal cases in accordance with the principle of fair and evenhanded administration of Federal criminal law." - January 1, 2019

Military tribunal are now on the table

When it Comes to Guantanamo, Trump is Truly the Builder in Chief

US private prison program rebooted by Trump administration

Turley: Sessions’ Appointing Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel - Turley: Sessions’ Using Utah Federal Prosecutor Much Better for Trump than 2nd Special Counsel

Hillary got Haitian government to drop kidnapping and trafficking charges. Email from Huma to Hillary.

Child trafficking and sex slaves in Haiti?

Was Trump joking? Was he dishonest in any way?

We also know that per the official federal record Obama and Hillary were illegally trafficking weapons to the enemies on the United States of America. We also know that they knew about the attack 10 days before it occurred. Meaning they purposely assisted in the murder of Americans.

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Butler_crosley ago

Cornell Law School website with all the US Codes is one of my favorite resources to use when I want to read the actual text of the law. That said the Treason, Sedition, and Subversive Activities law only gives the death penalty as a possible punishment for treason. Given that treason is strictly defined in the Constitution, that makes it more difficult to build a case unless you have an admission in open court or at least two witnesses to it. Given these people are so tightly connected together and protective of each other it will be hard to find corroborating witnesses willing to testify in open court.

The amendment you quoted appear to just be making sure that process for military trials and federal criminal trials operate similarly (probably so a civilian lawyer can be able defend a client in front of a military tribunal). Tribunals haven't occurred in large scale since the 1860's under Lincoln and it would take similar conditions for them to happen on that scale again. Of course for Trump to do that he would have to essentially be using the Constitution as toliet paper like Lincoln did.

If you need a decent website for the UMCJ, try this one:

I may not agree you but gotta give you props for bringing lots of sources to back up your argument. Hope you can survive here.

NoisyCricket ago

Actually tribunals were used during WWII and this discussion was provided in the links I provided above, as part of the confirmation.

If you read the link I provided on treason (which I'm assuming you did since you make reference to Cornell), they clearly lay out punishments other than death.

The trick here is that the EO, come January 1st, allows for consultations for deferment to the UMCJ and corresponding tribunals. Given that we are under a national emergency (per EO, link provided) and an "act of war" (again, see video link of confirmation), this 100% opens the door for tribunals. Which is why they are pushing so hard against a new Justice who will uphold the US Constitution. Having a majority SCOTUS who will uphold rule of law is what they fear most. They don't fear Kavanaugh, but rule of law and the US Constitution. Which has special provisions for these people.

Given these people are so tightly connected together and protective of each other it will be hard to find corroborating witnesses willing to testify in open court.

This is why the Deep State is being taken down. This is why the AG, FBI, and DOJ is being cleaned. There are plenty who are turning state's witness. You'll see. ;)

Butler_crosley ago

I apologise for reopening this thread but I discovered something pertinent to our discussion while I was reading about something from the Civil War. There actually was a case heard by the SCOTUS concerning tribunals and US citizens called "ex parte Milligan" that you might want to read. The ruling stated that if civilian courts are functioning then civilians are to be tried there and not by military tribunals. Milligan was a resident of Indiana who was arrested for conspiring to commit sabotage to aid the Confederacy so I think the case would probably be used as a defense from any tribunals.

NoisyCricket ago

It's been superceeded by WWII precedent. So long as they acted against the country as an enemy combatant (non-uniformed and/or undeclared) during a time of war, the courts have the option of deferring people to military tribunals. This requires the military to ask and SCOTUS to approve. The EO is the asking. Bret is part of the approving.

Butler_crosley ago

Are you referring to ex parte Quirin? If so that ruling was based on the fact the men had received training from the German military to carry out their act and were acting as spys. They were also subject to the Alien Enemies Act of 1798 because all 8 were born in Germany before immigrating to the US. Also I believe the SCOTUS has also already ruled 2 or 3 times against tribunals under the AUMF, MCA, and state of emergency for terrorism. Milligan is still has precedence because he was born in the US.

Gorsuch and Roberts will be the main two wild cards with Gorsuch being the bigger wild card of the two.

NoisyCricket ago

This article is correct. It is consistent with the law and President Trump's executive orders which become active on January 1st, 2019. As I stated, origin of birth does not matter. The US is currently a, "designated military zone", and all that is needed are, "offenses against the laws of war." All of which apply to many high ranking Democrats; including Hillary and Obama.

NoisyCricket ago

Watch the video link provided above. Origin of birth is irrelevent.

Butler_crosley ago

I meant on the scale you were talking about. Tribunals occur during most wars and conflicts but large scale the Civil War probably had the highest amount. Any newspaper in the North that spoke ill of the war faced being shut down and having employees face tribunals, I believe any Southern sympathizers in the border states went before tribunals, and a good part of the Maryland General Assembly faced tribunals. I don't know the exact numbers or even if there are exact numbers for how many but I'm pretty sure it was a bigger percentage of the population than WW1 or WW2 had. If the Deep State is as large as some claim it is then it would be possible that it would be similar to WW2 numbers, but again I don't see it happening anytime soon.

As for the penalties, yes I know that execution isn't the sole punishment for treason under that act. I was pointing out the treason is the only charge in that act that carries the death penalty as a possible sentence.

Yes we are under an AUMF that is being used as justification for military involvement in other countries. It should've been repealed by now but Congress is too busy being partisan to do their jobs as defined in the Constitution. They're abdicating their powers and letting the other two branches of government pick up the slack, which is killing the checks and balances that were written into the Constitution for a reason. Instead of checking the executive branch they are giving the President permission to rule by executive decision. And instead of fixing the laws that the Supreme Court overturns they would rather complain the Supreme Court has too much power. I think they need to have class on the Constitution required before any Congressman or Congresswoman takes office and require a refresher course periodically.

Anyways, thanks for the civil debate. It's rare here these days.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

Hi there. Hope you're doing okay.

Anyway, my friend has it even worse, I want to send you some documents that she and her closest allies have written up. I'm starting to see that maybe this accuser of that guy Brett K, and this Ford person, the only picture surfacing of her seems to be someone who looks like a friend of a VERY corrupt judge in Fort Smith, Arkansas who is definitely on the Clinton payroll. You'll see in the juice, is it called?

I wanted to give you this info too. There's a lot more too. do I get wordpad attachments here?

NoisyCricket ago

Share them to /v/QRV or /v/GreatAwakening.

AlphabeticalAnon ago

I don't know how this place works it's very confusing and I used to post some at the 8chan board but cannot find my posts there! I'm under the same username there too. But I can find nothing and I know I submitted a post there.

AlphaOmega ago

Woh, tiger. Who the fuck are you and how do I find more information compiled by you?

NoisyCricket ago

I'm just an anon doing my part.

If you see value take it and use it. No attribution required. This isn't about me. It's about us.

AlphaOmega ago

I just really like reading the long, detailed posts like that. It would be even better if it was sourced. That's not a cut at you, I know it takes significantly longer to write a post like that if you're going to source everything. However, the payoff in the end is magnificent. If you got it all into a PDF that's something that could spread like wildfire.

Come to think of it, that's something I could help you lay out if we could do so while both maintaining our anonymity (if you're interested of course).

Honey_Pot ago

Thanks, cricket. Never fail to deliver.

The people I have to red pill will need more than 7 or 8 thousand coincidences to convince them because "if any of that was true, the Press would have a field day....."