voatusernamevoat ago

Fucking arrest them already.

aria_taint ago

Well, looking at this with a critical eye I would say she's violated her oath of office and has indeed committed a crime. They could arrest her for knowingly aiding and abetting a criminal(s) by using her office that has direct access to law enforcement to give advanced warning to people illegally in the United States that ICE was going to be conducting raids.

This is in every state and local oath for mayor, I added California and Oakland to it. If it was NY and NYC, or New Jersey and Trenton you would just add those instead of California and Oakland.

I solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of California, (and the Charter of the City of Oakland, e.g.), and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (mayor of the city of Oakland, e.g.) to the best of my ability.

voats4goats ago

If thats the case then i sincerely hope they book her for this crap. Action needs to be taken otherwise theyll just be more embolden the next time. Trump needs to send the dogs in and nip this shit in the bud

aria_taint ago

I completely agree. They need to arrest and prosecute her and do it quickly. If the FEDS want to show any shred of credibility in this situation this needs to be done.

voats4goats ago

There may be hope..

The Department of Justice is looking into whether Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf obstructed justice by warning Northern California residents of an impending raid by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The agency’s acting director, Thomas Homan, told “Fox & Friends” Wednesday morning that the DOJ is “reviewing” whether Schaaf broke any laws by telling her constituents ICE would be raiding the area in order to arrest people violating federal immigration laws.

Hopefully the 'review' phase is over and they sic the dogs of justice on this traitor sooner than later

aria_taint ago

Again, her arrest needs to happen quickly. She has (at least looking at this in an objective fashion) violated her oath of office. An example needs to be made that will send a warning to other cities like NYC,Philadelphia,LA, that if you do this shit a jail cell awaits you.

ebinamg ago

helping and abetting and obstruction of justice, just for starters.

daveywavey86 ago

i wish people could see what its like being a white guy in oakland. i really do. i never feel safe. i'm a city employee and people treat us like shit. its fucking bullshit and i'm sick of the gibs. fuck oakland, im only living here because i basically have to. anyone with property in walnut creek, holler at me. i need to get out of this shithole.

voats4goats ago

Sorry to hear. Best of luck in your shit hole relocating

daveywavey86 ago

thanks, im gonna need it.

valk2 ago

Time for Treason charges and the consequences that come with it.

newshoes ago

Those are probably the people they sold into human trafficking, including children.

thomastheglassexpert ago

How utterly sad and treasonous to first consider the politics and then consider the law. That is the shit today. Therefore I hold ZERO hope that this wicked bitch will face any justice at all. None. No city/State or federal. Nothing. Nothing will happen. and in a week and a month no one will be talking about this except folks like us. And then? Nothing will be done.

Asshole_IRL ago

Now THIS is what you call obstruction of justice.

dellcos ago

I see a big parallel between these cities and the cities in open rebellion before the last civil war. Many cities as far north and as large as Baltimore were in open rebellion to Lincoln before shit hit the fan. It's better to have control of the White House before you try this.

ForTheUltimate ago

The left know how to resist authority.

You can learn from them. Especially those of you with a political decentralization, regionalism strategy.

Ozzsanity ago

And Trump does nothing.

JRich ago

I thought we hanged traitors.

ScreaminMime ago

When one of the invaders on the list murder someone Trump will scream it from the Twitter tops!

nigger_plz ago

This is like the Seals trying to find Bin Laden while the country that is harboring him is giving him the heads up about when they're coming for him. Looks like ICE is gonna have to start doing raids in the wee hours while nobody is paying attention.

Libby Shaff's aiding and abetting, harboring criminals and fugitives is what the MSM should be selling, but no man, they have to make it look like Libby is some great hero like Mikey Mouse singing, "here I come to save the day."

voats4goats ago

Indeed. We have met the enemy and he is us. Every lilipad Trump drains from the swamp the Dems add two more

Highonfire ago

Wikipedia search- 'libby schaaf' ..."schaaf is jewish" Every tiem

Vvswiftvv17 ago

I did community development in Oakland 5 years ago. I met with a then little known city-county counsel member named Libby Shaft. I listened to her pitch to our director for about 20 minutes to help fundraise for her race and for our org to back her. I offered to volunteer but time constraints kept me from fulfilling that promise.....gawd have I been super duper dick sized red pilled since then.

DestroyerOfSaturn ago

I think it's treason, but there is that pesky 10th amendment. The federal government will just cut funding or amend criteria to funds that will stop such actions from the state. It's an old tactic, like how they got schools desegregated.

Funny thing, did you know the orders for desegregating public schools has ended? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Board_of_Education_of_Oklahoma_City_v._Dowell I barely found out like two weeks ago. You'd think that would've been all over the media in 1991. Then again it's the (((media))).

voats4goats ago

The federal government will just cut funding or amend criteria to funds that will stop such actions from the state. It's an old tactic, like how they got schools desegregated.

Didn't California in turn refuse to go give tax receipts in retaliation?

speedisavirus ago

I imagine they have some lawyers looking at what charges they can bring against her as we speak.

voats4goats ago

God one could only hope.

If all else fails, declare California a penal state, build the wall around it and seal the door shut. Let them wallow in the filth they caused

newoldwave ago

Trump should start locking up these traitors.

voats4goats ago

I'd prefer them being 'Hillaried' with two in the back of the head

plowboys ago

Quick,you illegals need to hide out until election time ..I have bankrupt and corrupted this district to the point where I may even lose the insane liberal vote...You are my only hope for re-election and my glorious pursuit of criminal activity under the auspices of big brother government and our paid off law enforcement and judicial system.

voats4goats ago

to the point where I may even lose the insane liberal vote.

Not to worry, the next generation of voters is in the bag..

lissencarak ago

Dunno if treason. I mean, Cali is no longer American because Americans let Cali be occupied and defacto annexed by a foreign people.

Mind_Games ago

This will go down as the nation that had no accountability in it's leadership positions , that lead to its inevitable demise.

aria_taint ago

She abused her office's power and obstructed justice. I do think they can get her on that.

Fambida ago


Hmmm, http://www.alllaw.com/articles/nolo/us-immigration/crime-enter-illegally.html

But is it actually a crime for illegals to REMAIN in the US after having committed the crime of entering illegally?

That seems like a determining factor in whether we can slap this cunt with hundreds of charges for aiding and abetting.

torhent ago

Not seeing much that can be done about that. It would require a federal law being passed about people being negligent in their job and preventing criminals from being arrested. It is possible she could be charged under some tangential law, but it will be harder to stick.

I'm more for creating border control around cities that pull this shit. Want to be a Soros Sanctuary City, no fucking problem. We will enact a wall around your city and set up border control for entry to and from, we will check our ports for immigration as well as your flights. You will need a passport to leave your city to enter the actual US. Enjoy the inconvenience and the business loss fucktards. But you will be able to keep your pet illegals, they aren't going anywhere, just your tax base who will flee to go to a city that is actually part of the US. Do you think Amazon would move to Austin if the city had border control and a wall built around it? No they would not, would the sanctuary status be dropped, it would be dropped over night once the wall went up. I'd also pay for the wall with Federal funds directed towards the city as well.

Kregan ago

I agree with most of your post and would support not physical walls being built around cities as that is not pragmatic, however swamping their perimeters with border patrol and ICE would def do the trick of haulting business and we know the power of the all mighty dollar. The sanctuary cities would change their tunes over night. As for your comments on needing a federal law passed about negligence of doing ones job. I disagree, it is already an egregious violation of their oath of office that all elected officials take and are subject to as well as a violation of obstruction of justice on several levels. Other than that I am on board with what you posted and thank you. Take care and be easy.

torhent ago

I'm not a lawyer, but I'm not sure if that lady can be persecuted (I'd say prosecuted but I want her persecuted frankly) under current federal law. I believe if she could be, Trump would've slammed the living F out of her already but he hasn't.

speedisavirus ago

There are already laws for willfully interfering with law enforcement operations. She violated them.

voats4goats ago

But is it actually a crime for illegals to REMAIN in the US after having committed the crime of entering illegally?

I'd argue yes. Just because they violated an imaginary line once doesn't mean they are not illegally occupying the country afterwards.

JerkSock ago

Moreover, living here illegally for many years implies a host of other crimes that are required to maintain residency and work.

voatusernamevoat ago

Really should.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

This stupid bitch is using her emotions to impede the law.

Gas the jews race war now.

Whitemail ago

"Jewish-American" (scroll to the bottom of the desktop page)


voats4goats ago


Jesus Christ it really fucking is!

Drunkenmoba ago

It stopped being surprising to me now. I treat these treasonous acts like when I hear about someone raping their sister or beating an old women to death. I think "I wonder if THIS time it isn't a nigger"... for the treason ones, I now go "I wonder if it ISN'T a jew".

Sadly, I have yet to be surprised.

draaaak ago

"It is Oakland's legal right to be a sanctuary city and we have not broken any laws."

Nope, none of that is true.

daveywavey86 ago

as an oakland resident, fuck libby schaaf and her jew agenda. this bitch doesnt speak for me. round em up and send em home.

BlackGrapeDrank ago

conservative Oakland resident? where do all 7 of you hang out?

daveywavey86 ago

ive still yet to meet another one in person..

Grunge ago

The rule of law is dead in this country anyways.

Hayashimo ago

The sovereign citizen defense. A bold move. Let's see if it pays off for them.

FuckYouReddit- ago

Good, cut off all federal funding. ALL OF IT.

Broc_Lia ago

It's not even a sovreign citizen defence. You can't both be a coercive government and claim that all legal monopolies are illegitimate.

Solstiare ago

You underestimate the cognitive dissonance a Blue Loon is capable of.

voats4goats ago

Well the didn't break any local laws. That must count for something eh? /s

cdglow ago

Most people here would agree that it's despicable for the mayor to prioritize the comfort of non-citizens over the safety of citizens, so addressing that further is pointless. I'd like to go over the legality though.

I think the mayor made an argument that she found out about the raids not through work or official channels, so her warning was her exercising free speech rights as a citizen. Any lawyer bros here who can tell us how that kind of argument holds up legally? I honestly have no idea.

voats4goats ago

If it's anything like the one Federal employees go by then she's in for a bad time

NoisyCricket ago

Aiding and abetting and obstruction of justice, just for starters.

Dudicles ago

300+ million people in the USA and so far the only ones who unify and take action do so to destroy the nation and the race who built it.

I'm almost beginning to think Trump winning was a way to pacify nationalists and whites for a spell while the globalists continue to take over.


No. The movement only had 1/3 The strength it has now, in pre 2016. We were not on their radar.

Kannibal ago

NOW you're thinking

Syndicalism ago

Lots of people concered about this including me. So far im leaning away from it, but its definitely in my head.

voats4goats ago

You may be onto something. That's why we need to stay vigilant citizen

lettersofmarque ago

Somebody needs to be made an example of, charged either with aiding and abetting or actively frustrating lawful enforcement actions, or both.

voats4goats ago

Until they do these criminal Mayors will become more and more emboldened.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Throw in false-positives. Two can play at this game.

voats4goats ago

I like it. Make it like a world rock tour but just announce the year but no dates. Keep them guessing

ShinyVoater ago

Or announce false operations and keep an eye on who runs.

Tallest_Skil ago


Yeah, I sure want my taxes going to pay for his continued life. PUT A BULLET IN HIS HEAD.

GlassSmith ago

Why does everyone want to waste money on ammunition when their are better alternatives? Rope is cheap, environmentally friendly, and reusable; there is a lot of scum that needs to die, we have to start being more Eco friendly about genocide.


You try to lasso a guy at 250 yards

GlassSmith ago

I meant when we already have them in custody, if we are talking about skipping the whole judicial process and doing it the old fashioned way then, yes, rifles all the way.



Whitemail ago

I want public hangings for traitors like this. You've got to make it public so the other libtards learn what happens to traitors.

daveywavey86 ago

will never happen, schaaf is amongst friends here in oakland. she's virtue signalling like a motherfucker cuz she knows shes amongst friends. i mean ffs our neighbors are SF and berkeley, shes basically a self-proclaimed martyr for these people.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Hanging? I think it's time to fire up the ovens.

Whitemail ago

Get the soundtrack right:

Get This Oven Started

NiggadermCQ ago

Haven't heard it Roughly what I expected. And saved for later.

Whitemail ago

I never heard the song it's based on before.

EggbertBootwhistle ago

I like where you are going with this.

obvious-throwaway- ago

It's not my idea, I got the idea from this Jewish fantasy movie about this made up event that happened after the Holodomor called the Holocaust. Apparently during this "Holocaust" the proud and brave men of the German armies rounded up more Jews than existed in Europe and figured out a way to exterminate them at a rate approximately 10,000 times faster than the technology of the day would have allowed. The Germans, while fighting a war on two seperate fronts, apparently built roller coasters and other insane methods to mass exterminate the filthy Jews. The whole concept is obviously retarded, but I think it would be hilariously ironic if we brought their strange fiction to life.

EggbertBootwhistle ago

My favorite is the pedal powered head smashing machines!

Whitemail ago

Goyim are worthless and not human, so nobody was killed in the Holodomor. Every Jew is worth 2, 3, 4, 5, or even more goyim, so that's how they got the 6 million number. It's more of a reflection of the value of a Jew.

13378ck ago

Public hangings sounds boring.

EggbertBootwhistle ago


13378ck ago


GlassSmith ago

Not if we let people throw rotten food at the traitors as they are choking to death.

Whitemail ago

My preferred punishment for this act in a fascist state would be putting these traitors and idiots in a cage with the wonderful diversity they welcomed in. This Jewess should be in a prison cell with male MS-13 gang members getting "enriched by diversity" every single day. When she complains about her treatment, we'll just blow her off and call her a racist.

syntaxaxe ago

Wow. I'm generally against torture as a principle, preferring to quickly rid ourselves of the shit that degenerates our people... but this makes perfect sense. It doesn't even have to be for sadistic pleasure - we simply teach the rest of the traitors by forcing the world they want on their leaders. I'm 100% behind this.

voats4goats ago

Well the mayor that narced is a woman so we have to treat them properly and put them up in the finest government facility ;)

awhiteguyuno ago

Dont click this on mobile. It starts a download of a fucking book

voltronsdicks ago

It's a free PDF for the uneducated.

awhiteguyuno ago

Man i clicked that not knowing it was going to automatically start a download on my phone. Could have been a virus for all I knew. A little warning or something would've been nice.

voltronsdicks ago

it's a PDF. there ya go.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, female traitors get the bullet, too. Remember the Rosenbergs.

Bumblecherry ago

Weren’t they the Russian spies?

Tallest_Skil ago

They were jews, and they stole US nuclear secrets for the jewish Soviet Union. Russia had nothing to do with it. The use of “Russian” as interchangeable with “soviet” or “USSR” is a jewish media fabrication designed to give the impression that ethnic Russians actually controlled the USSR when 60,000,000 of them were slaughtered by its jewish bolshevik leadership.

EggbertBootwhistle ago

Something should be done about these jewish people. They seem like a nasty bunch.


The man with the ideas

fuckingmockies ago

They were Jews.

voats4goats ago

I'm not disagreeing with you. Just being sarcastic on how the consequences play out for a woman traitor

Tallest_Skil ago

Oh, you’re absolutely right. In the 1850s or some such, out west, there was a woman who walked into a saloon and shot two men dead. She was captured, given a trial, and pardoned after something like six months? I forget the exact details. If you were a man and did that, you’d just be shot immediately.

THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH TREATING WOMEN DIFFERENTLY. There’s nothing wrong with lesser sentences for women. There really isn’t. There SHOULD be a “double standard” for females, just as we hold a “double standard” for child offenders. BUT TO ACCEPT THIS, WOMEN MUST RETURN TO THEIR PLACE IN SOCIETY instead of play-acting as men. Women are more mature than children and thus receive more responsibility than children. Men are more mature than women and thus receive more responsibility than women. This is the way of every society that doesn’t collapse within 100 years.

NiggadermCQ ago

In they days of low population, and women frequently dieing from giving birth, ladies were more valuable.

Now that we've figured out how to grow the population exponentially, and doctors wash their hands before delivering babies, females are roughly equal, and stopped being ladies.

Tallest_Skil ago

No, even in the 1950s, women were still women. It is kikes–and ONLY kikes–who are to blame for the destruction of the feminine.

EggbertBootwhistle ago

Its like a lesser version of what would play out if a child shot two men then?

Kregan ago

voats4goats ago

A voice of reason still exists! I thought we ran out of those