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jewshekelstein1488 ago

just a friendly reminder that seth rich was a jew (i promise you it's true, look it up if you don't believe me).

IsaacJan ago

If he's the one who leaked Clinton's emails then he's one of the greatest heros in our time, so who the fuck cares.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

the point is there is a huge circlejerk about him being some kind of patriot/hero but we still dont really know much about him or his agenda. however we know all about the jews and their dirty tricks. so im just suggesting we engage those brain cells and do some critical thinking before jumping on the muh seth rich bandwagon like good little goys.

IsaacJan ago

use some brain cells

jump to baseless conclusions

Come on dude try harder

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yes. "baseless". good one moshe.

IsaacJan ago

some guy points out my bullshit


Try harder

jewshekelstein1488 ago

yeah, you got me. 1 month old account named "isaac" shilling a kike meme about (((seth rich))) being an all-american hero/patriot. yup definitely not jews. kys you fucking dirty kike.

@crensch @expertshitposter @gabara

IsaacJan ago


Okay. You have a group on v/soapboxbanhammer

You go onto politics and news and act like degenerate faggots. Whoever calls you out on your faggotry you try to "invite" to your gay little club.

Listen to me, @gabara, the rest of you. FUCK OFF. You feel superior because you've gathered the same autistic retards that regurgitate the same tired bullshit as the rest of you. I can guarantee that none of you function in the real world. You're pathetic, and a plague on free speech forums like voat. You make us look bad. Kill yourselves or mature, just grow out of your pathetic bullshit. You aren't children anymore. Act like it

Crensch ago

It never really occurred to me that (((Seth Rich))) might have actually not been some hero, and was just the only Jew Arkancided, therefore, JIDF and others want to push his death as a tragic loss of a hero to offset the rising hatred of Jews.

It occurs to me only because a 1 month old account that calls business owners that avoid (((college))) graduates for hiring assholes, and doesn't like TNB being pointed out, mocked, or a solution being discussed.

I'm not saying I now believe that 100% or anything, but what a shill wants you to focus on is generally a falsehood, and a distraction.

See what happens when you shill here, JIDF?

@jewshekelstein1488 @gabara @kevdude @eagleshigh

IsaacJan ago

Christ you're all retarded.

jewshekelstein1488 ago

and i'm not even saying for sure i know what happened, but he was a jew, fact. however the level of shilling and autistic screeching at mentioning that mere fact, and pointing out that we don't know for sure who he was or who he was working for or what really happened to him i think says a hell of a lot. it's obvious some people really, really don't want us straying from the narrative. and that is usually a sign (((they))) are up to something.