His Name is Jared Plesec: White Salvation Army Worker - carrying a Bible on his way to ring a Christmas bell for donations - Murdered by Black Man in Cleveland (blogspot.com)
submitted 7.2 years ago by InjusticeLeague
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IsaacJan 7.2 years ago
These comments are so stupid. You people need to get it together.
CrudOMatic 7.2 years ago
Pointing out that niggers are violent animals that kill for almost no reason at all is stupid?
I think you'll do fine at your Bris, Moishe.
Fuck_SRS 7.2 years ago
Your mom should have swallowed you.
Clever and interesting.
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IsaacJan ago
These comments are so stupid. You people need to get it together.
CrudOMatic ago
Pointing out that niggers are violent animals that kill for almost no reason at all is stupid?
I think you'll do fine at your Bris, Moishe.
Fuck_SRS ago
Your mom should have swallowed you.
IsaacJan ago
Clever and interesting.