Wonder_Boy ago

His name is Seth Rich.

Cat-hax ago

It's more basic then what you are thinking, this nigger thought he had money on him.

aria_taint ago

Fucking niggers are feral animals. My local bell ringer is a cool guy, always says hello and MERRY CHRISTMAS to me and I always put a buck or two in the pot. These people volunteer to do this because they feel it's a good cause, they don't get paid a dime. I hate niggers more and more every fucking day. We don't have a crime problem we absolutly have a nigger problem that we need to fix.

con77 ago

just take that nigger out back and shoot it

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Unfortunate, but not surprising in the least. The Salvation Army use peoples donations to partly help population control methods like abortion.

issueninja ago

Interesting link. It says there are "connections" between Planned Parenthood and Salvation Army. But it doesn't say what they are or that PP gets any of the money you might give to a bell ringer.

Anyway, I don't trust Catholics since they elected a Communist Pope to undo all the good John Paul II did.

Schreiber ago

The problem is that the progressive left is both enabling and worshipping nigger culture of violence and sloth.

IsaacJan ago

These comments are so stupid. You people need to get it together.

CrudOMatic ago

Pointing out that niggers are violent animals that kill for almost no reason at all is stupid?

I think you'll do fine at your Bris, Moishe.

Fuck_SRS ago

Your mom should have swallowed you.

IsaacJan ago

Clever and interesting.

Us3rN4m3 ago

Where's your ''god'' now bitch !

porkings ago

Imagination Land

SmokeCigarettes ago

Black people don't like it when you try to explain things to them. I got tasked with training a new hire at work once - a black person. Within 10 minutes of explaining how something works he pulled a knife on me and threatened to kill me because I started talking about the technical specifications of a laptop.

Turned into a huge fiasco with armed security and police on the scene. Black people will escalate the most minor of altercations into a life-threatening ordeal.

Butelczynski ago

At the same time they get visibility irritated when job passes by them to someone willing to learn.

porkings ago

Bullshit lol

SmokeCigarettes ago

It sounds crazy because it was crazy. Guy was unhinged. This was at a university, too. He was the reason I started carrying a pocket pistol in the cargo pocket of pants on campus.

1337ch ago

Why? It sounds a bit far-fetched but with niggers anything is possible .

captainstrange ago

It only sounds far-fetched to someone who isn't around niggers all day.

Enjoy your suburbs dude, they'll be pozzed like the rest of the world soon.

CrudOMatic ago

Niggers hate whitey, but they can't stand to be without his money & women - so wherever whitey goes, niggers are soon to follow and cause the exact same trouble that made whitey leave to begin with.

Fucking parasites - just like kikes - they can't live on their own, and they agitate & plot against those who host them.

captainstrange ago

Niggers are too self-obsessed to genuinely hate anything. Hating requires being able to look forward into the future. Blacks generally don't. Their violence because of 'get whitey, we hate him' is more of a thinly veiled excuse given to them by jews, used for taking or doing whatever it is that pops into their mind at the moment.

You ever see ghettos? There is a reason they always have 'hoods', where they grew up, instead of cities. Niggers stay in one spot. Look at africa, same tribes, in the same places, for thousands of years. No, niggers move because jews provide the means for them to move.

Who do you think advocates for section 8 housing in white neighborhoods? Jews.

Who do you think advocates for bus routes between ghettos and nice white areas? Jews.

Niggers are the problem, yeah sure, but they are only the effect. You want to solve the issue, theres no point in treating the symptoms, treat the cause--deport the fucking jews back to israel. They have their own country now, theres no reason for them to be here except to cause trouble. Us gentiles and the fucking jews are not compatible, we haven't been for a long time, and it's because the jews violate all standards of social behavior towards us--they're literally classless in that respect. They should leave or be made to leave, theres no point in them being here when they aren't welcome any more.

1337ch ago

I've done my fair share of living with niggers man.

CrudOMatic ago

I got lucky early on and had some cool ones - they were at least in their 50's so there is that.

The rest were awful. Too many redpills.

captainstrange ago

I'll drink to that.

CrudOMatic ago

Around Blacks Never Relax.

WhiteRonin ago

Sad. Where do those donations most go? The very place where that trash came from.

IQ has nothing to with being a retard. Letting manners go gets people shot or stabbed.

PraiseIPU ago

Good riddance

ScreaminMime ago

Yeah, I hate those bell ringing panhandlers too! /s

Slayfire122 ago

They mean well but are annoying as fuck. Quite effective though.

Artofchoke ago

Shouldn't his god have rescued him?

Oh, wait.

Slayfire122 ago

No. Life is God's to take or give. It's completely up to him wether or not to save this person.

Btw, if God choose to let him live, he most likely would have made something seemingly insignificant happen, like the nigger being a terrible shot, mindlessly wander down a different street, shitty gun jams because he doesn't take care of it, etc.

Artofchoke ago

What a flippant cunt your god sounds like. Fuck him.

P.S I did not downvoat you.

CrudOMatic ago

Shit ain't supposed to be easy. Only the epic get heaven.

This is coming from an atheist.

Artofchoke ago

Ain't epic. Bathed in the blood of the lamb, eat and drink the flesh and blood of the man Jesus, take the blood oaths. You're in. Heaven sounds boring as shit they've all got to sing praises day and night. Never worshipped anything, and never will. Growing beyond fear and dependency is epic.

Slayfire122 ago

I didn't downvote you either.

ScreaminMime ago

And if your god of coincidence didn't exist how would things be any different?

unclejimbo ago

Well all of creation would've never been created for one.

Slayfire122 ago

Why would God let him be shot multiple times and survive a 1 in a million odds instead of avoiding that scenario partially or entirely.

I'm not saying it's proof for or against the existence of God. The scenario happened and it's impossible to tell whether or not God (or any entity) affected the outcome or not.

uvulectomy ago

The last one is the most likely. Niggers don't even take care of their kids, so you know they won't take care of a firearm.

Slayfire122 ago

I was thinking the second one personally. I'm sure God could just say "hey, let's go right," and they would never even cross paths.