Whitemail ago

Good job, kebab.

Santa_38 ago

fake news A 15 cm long cut on the neck Title Here

whatisbestinlife ago

shouldnt it be "Germany no!" ? thats the 4 chan sarcasm slang

shadow332 ago

I tried that here but people don't get the sarcasm.

superspathi ago

Hopefully the start of a trend. Merkel needs some of this.

WisDumb ago

Finally, someone who deserved to be stabbed , is stabbed. Quit picking on innocent people who only have control of when they take a shit.

ExpertShitposter ago

What an incompetent faggot. He will still get 10 years and die in prison, yet the national traitor lives on.

theoldones ago

why is it always a kebab shop where dumb shit happens?!

HeavyBrain ago

The worst part this fucker didnt leran, he just proclamied that he will double down on his shit, also fuck the knife guy, if you do something do it right.

ardvarcus ago

"I shish kebab your head!"

FrogMantra ago

Just see karma at work

123_456 ago

I noticed they didn't say who the person was. I bet it was a refugee.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Good. I hope he gets a nasty infection from the shit head diversity - hire "doctor" that they drug out of the medeteranian last month and put in a hospital to make the numbers look good.

GODFREY1096 ago

good news. the mayor looks like a Jew.

voats4goats ago

This stinks of a false flag story:

  • 'Model' pro migrant mayor (he's a victim doing good!)
  • Stabbed by 'radical' anti migrant (Age of 56 emphasized. He's old and the old way of thinking!)
  • In a kebab shop (see Muslims are productive!)
  • Stopped by Muslim owners (See Muslims want to help us!)
  • Happen when Merkel's support is waning (Pay no attention to the populous changing their views!)
  • Reminds reader of a other attack in 2015 against CDU member (Remember old white people are the agitators!)

shadow332 ago

I thought the same but you know what? Let it be false. Attacks like this made by Germans are unheard of, they are so rare. It's not like in America. Hearing something like this can give all the passive Germans hope to become more active, stuff against politicians is EXTREMELY stifled, this is good because it is not targetting an innocent.

Fake or not, hearing that someone from the media or political sphere is attacked ensures people who aren ot happy with it, that they are vulnerable. This is very very good.

other attack in 2015 against CDU member

If you're talking about Schäuble, no, it doesn't remind one of that. Also in the comments, you see nothing of the sort. The comment shills are just writing over and over "no one should be stabbed, no matter what they believe", which only bolsters the real readers' argument that the shitskins invading Germany should not be here.

voats4goats ago

True it could be an actual event where they embellish what actually transpired. Not unlike the hiring of 'crisis actors' in order to inflate the casualties to rail against gun ownership

SChalice ago

And his 'stab' wound was patched up with a band-aid

Hes fat so he probably spends half his working hours in meat shops.

AssaultMonkey ago

The fuck?

voats4goats ago

Kek false flag confirmed.

If it were a real wound he would have had it stitched up and worn it like a badge. This is clearly the work to drum up sympathy votes

novictim ago

German Justice Minister Heiko Maas tweeted (in German): "We must never accept attacks on people who are just helping others. Our country must not tolerate hatred and violence."

Translation: It's OK to punch a Nazi.

Germans never quite got the fundamental concept of democracy, Free Speech, and the "Will of the People". It would be funny if not for the annihilation that this tragic ignorance is bringing to German Nation.

ScientiaPotentia ago

This brings up the legitimate debate of whether Government bureaucrats, politicians and judges should be killed for treason. I personally think they should be tried in a court of law and then face decades in prison, but if the government and judiciary has become so corrupt and totalitarian what can the people do? It is a very contentious debate.

syntaxaxe ago

To the shills in here that keep saying this will only hurt the cause, violence is never justified, let democracy play out, etc...

When will it be too much? How many robberies and rapes and murders must happen before it's okay to fight back? At what point do you say, "even if my destruction is voted for democratically, I can't stand any more"?

At what level should you fight, or must we always cuck?

PsyOp ago

Hopefully this asshole will be paralyzed from the mouth down!

HeavyBrain ago

11 round magazine with a 30 caliber clip.

insensible ago

you shouldnt glorify violence, we are not savages.

shadow332 ago

You're right we should just shut up and be good goyim. Well said, Shlomo, the others should really listen to you.

insensible ago

You're right we should just shut up and be good goyim. Well said, Shlomo, the others should really listen to you.

this is not what I said, nor am I jewish. If your claim is violence is kool, then your attitude is no different than antifa.

Naught405 ago

Race War takes a decisive lead over Oil War and Hierarchy War as the probable cause of WWIII

The_Prophets_Profit ago

My money's on Holy war.

Naught405 ago

Could be

Out of the Middle East? I've been characterizing this as the shrinking pains of OPEC, but religion is obviously a major factor in the region.

Out of Europe? I've been improperly lumping that in with race war but Holy war would be more accurate in Europe anyway, its the muhammadans vs christendom (i'm american, everything social looks like racial tension to me)

Deku_Knight ago

You see Hans!? When 4th Reich, do not fear about kebab!

TheStapler ago

Es ist zeit, die Gaskammern zu befeuern!

Cheesebooger ago

Now they must ban knives hue hue hue

Sw0rdofDamocles ago

Next time, plunge deep between the neck and shoulder, puncture the heart.

googlehangoutsnow ago

Should be Germany fuck NO!

He was stabbed by a anti-immigration German. It would be yes if he had been stabbed by a kebab

shadow332 ago

I tried the 4chan-type NO! titles. People don't understand the sarcasm.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

How absolutely wonderfull.

sept ago



HeavyBrain ago

More like an 20 lane express way to memory hole from MSM.

Pointyball ago

Actually, they would circle the media wagons to cover it up.

giggelingpanda ago

I wonder why a hater was at a kebabplace?

Saufsoldat ago

Döner Kebab is German.

Thin_White_Duke ago

It's Turkish.

Quit appropriating culture, you ass.

grendelbiter ago

The kebab that exists in Germany only exists in Germany. A Kebab in the middle east is pieces of meat on a stick served with rice and vegetables. The kebab in Germany is a loaf of bread filled with meat and vegetables. It really is a German thing. It might have been "invented" by a Turk here, that I don't know but it was invented in Germany.

Thin_White_Duke ago

The only German spin is the cabbage.

The kebab part is the fact that all the meat cooks on a vertical spit (stick). Germany wasn't even the first European country to have the döner kebab.

Either way, it's Turkish.

grendelbiter ago

It really isn't. Go visit Turkey and try to find a kebab like in Germany.

Saufsoldat ago

It's German.

Thin_White_Duke ago

It's Turkish. Care to provide your proof? Mine's ready.

shadow332 ago

Forget it, the guy's trying to derail the thread along with 2 other accounts. Just keep fighting the good fight and ignore these fuckers.

mightnotbearobot ago

Erm... It isn't German.

Saufsoldat ago

It was developed into its modern form in Germany. Turkroaches can't even get their own national dish right and we had to fix it for them.

mightnotbearobot ago

Okay mate.

Saufsoldat ago

Great, now he'll get more support for his pro-migrant stance. And all you retards are cheering.

shadow332 ago

You're right, we need to quiet down and let the Muzzies stab us in silence.

Saufsoldat ago

It was most likely a German, moron.

shadow332 ago

It was a German, what is your point? People who will support the left were always supporting the left and will always support them no matter what. You think sitting around letting everyone get raped and murdered is the better way? Go fuck yourself.

Saufsoldat ago

You think sitting around letting everyone get raped and murdered is the better way? Go fuck yourself.

How the fuck do the actions of this degenerate commie faggot help anyone? Explain that to me, I'll wait.

Not a single rape or murder was prevented by stabbing this mayor, but plenty of rapes and murders will be enabled as a result.

shadow332 ago

If a pro-refugee mayor gets stabbed, it's always a good thing. It will motivate others not to sit back, like you, and take this shit. Your shilling is not going to work here. Any traitor that gets stabbed is a good thing.

Saufsoldat ago

No, it will motivate others to be more pro-migrant, thus importing more muslims into the country and leading to more people getting raped and murdered.

shadow332 ago

Go back to Plebbit.

Saufsoldat ago

That's where communists like you belong, who hate freedom and advocate political violence.

shadow332 ago

communists like you


Saufsoldat ago

He has now given fodder to the pro-migrant idiots.

Political violence is not the answer. You're not allowed to kill people just because you don't like democracy.

altident ago

I have to disagree with you.

Zero people are going to think that someone native to Germany stabbing a mayor is somehow an argument in favor of immigration. How would immigration stop citizens from stabbing people?

What it will do is make people think twice about becoming pro-immigrant politicians.

This guy definitely did a service to the western world.

Edit: For clarification, I'm not in favor of violence toward people just because we disagree with them. I'm just pointing out that this guy did do more benefit than harm to what we believe in.

Saufsoldat ago

Zero people are going to think that someone native to Germany stabbing a mayor is somehow an argument in favor of immigration.

It will perpetuate the image of anti-immigration people as fringe lunatics, thus pushing more people towards a pro-immigration stance.

What it will do is make people think twice about becoming pro-immigrant politicians.

Nope, not in the least. Not even a little, teensy weensy bit. You are insane if you think that.

This guy definitely did a service to the western world.

By helping more muslims into Germany? Fuck off, Ahmed.

altident ago

Nope, not in the least. Not even a little, teensy weensy bit. You are insane if you think that.

Say someone starts putting up "it's okay to be white" fliers in your neighborhood.

Now, say that person gets violently murdered, and the person who murdered them admits that they did it because they were putting up the fliers.

How inclined are you going to be to put up the same fliers in the same neighborhood?

"Oh, that person is just a fringe lunatic. No way am I endangering myself if I do the same things that the person who got stabbed was doing."

If that's how you think, then you are the insane one. People definitely become afraid to do things when people start getting killed for doing those things.

Saufsoldat ago

That's some next level shitty comparison. The "It's okay to be white" fliers are already controversial to the establishment.

Let's say some black guy puts up "Black Lives Matter" fliers up around town and gets murdered. Do you think other black people would now be discouraged from putting up fliers? Same situation, you have something that is deemed acceptable or even positive by the establishment and then hurt someone who advocates for it. No, this will not lead to people no longer espousing establishment ideas, that's retarded. It will lead to them viewing your position as even more fringe and not acceptable.

altident ago

Do you think other black people would now be discouraged from putting up fliers?

Yes, lol. How many BLM events have there been since that 4chan kid went to a BLM protest and ended up shooting someone? They used to be a weekly thing, now they happen pretty much never.

Saufsoldat ago

Horse shit, they stopped because there aren't any high profile shootings of black people and because they never had a point to begin with.

Not to mention we're not talking about a neighborhood, we're talking about a national political stance. If such incidents became more widespread (which they probably won't because most Germans are not degenerate commie trash like OP) it would still lead to broader public support for the victims, not the perpetrators and would likely result in further loss of freedom which would then be welcomed by the broad, non-degenerate public.

altident ago

You're living in a dream world.

There haven't been any high profile shootings of black victims by police?

Lmao. There was one like three weeks ago in front of a convenience store caught on multiple cell phone cameras. They never had a legitimate reason to protest, they stopped because they realized they're starting to get killed.

And it doesn't matter if it's local or national. Say you were seriously considering becoming a white nationalist political candidate in your state. Then, suddenly, another white nationalist politician in your state gets violently murdered because of their white nationalist views. Are you seriously telling me that you wouldn't even think twice about becoming a politician after that?

There's really no need to answer, if you say no, you wouldn't think twice, nobody believes you.

Saufsoldat ago

they stopped because they realized they're starting to get killed.

Source, please.

And it doesn't matter if it's local or national. Say you were seriously considering becoming a white nationalist political candidate in your state. Then, suddenly, another white nationalist politician in your state gets violently murdered because of their white nationalist views. Are you seriously telling me that you wouldn't even think twice about becoming a politician after that?

It would drastically increase the number of people who would vote for and become polticians for white supremacy. For every one person who would be dissuaded, two more would be persuaded.

altident ago

It would drastically increase the number of people who would vote for and become polticians for white supremacy.

Except my argument was never that people would be less inclined to vote, I said they would be less inclined to run for office. 90% of the country could be willing to vote for a white supremacist candidate. That makes zero difference if nobody is willing to run for office because they keep getting killed.

shadow332 ago


Seriously, kill yourself, you fucking traitorous asshole.

Saufsoldat ago


What the fuck does that have to do with anything? Stabbing pro-migrant people will only make the general public of Germany (who are for the most part not degenerate communists like you) sympathize with pro-migrant people.

newoldwave ago

Why did he stab him? Because he didn't have a gun.

Shekelstein6M ago

Because the jew fears the Samurai

vastrightwing ago

Hope it wasn't a knife with a bump stock.

MaxAncap ago

could be a bipod

DeusExSapientia ago

The damned racist deserved it because he wasn't multicultural enough.

kiWreft ago

That's a good defense in the court. At least an interesting one.

crashing_this_thread ago

Traitor had it coming.

issueninja ago

Altena - with about 17,000 residents - won a national award in May for integrating migrants.

Goodbye, Germany. I'd like to say that it was nice to know you, but it wasn't.

qj27 ago

I've met a dozen or so German people.

They sucked. Sorry to say it, but it's true. I've met Africans who were more genuine, nicer people who had interests outside of whining and virtue signaling and cutting themselves. Can't say I've ever met a German who wasn't a self-flagellating fake fag.

tendiesonfloor ago

Traitors die first.

gosso920 ago

He only had himself to blame.

Free_Radical ago

Witnesses quoted by German media said the assailant - now in custody - shouted criticism of the mayor's asylum policy during the attack.

Shit, I was hoping it was a shitskin.

OT: BBC articles should be archived, faggot.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Dammit. White people hold!!!! They are doing a soft genocide on us now, don't give them an excuse to make it worse.

AssaultMonkey ago

And who are you?

turtlesareNotevil ago

A self taught student of history that knows almost nothing but still more than the average asshole.

ardvarcus ago

Mmmm, yeah, maybe it's time to stop allowing them to punch us in the face? That moment has to come sooner or later, right?

turtlesareNotevil ago

Yes it does, but in an organized way and with numbers. One guy by himself making an attack just causes further crackdowns, restrictions and bullshit. None of these lone attackers will ever accomplish anything good. It may push us toward a civil war but it won't start one.

z-e-m ago


MrKequc ago

If that guy ever snaps nobody is going to believe it.

AssaultMonkey ago

"They kept saying I killed all those people, so one day I decided to juat do it."


"I'm serious... I killed all those people..."

Laughter gains in nervousness

Spectral ago

No mention of race in the entire article? Definitely not white. That line is probably propaganda, its a common thing for german newspapers.

Free_Radical ago

We'll see but he was pro-refugee and, allegedly, stabbed over his refugee policy.

Gargilius ago

allegedly, stabbed over his refugee policy

Could still be a ‘refugee’ - you know, complaining about not getting enough gibs or something...

Free_Radical ago


Spectral ago

Lets see if they ever release a photo of the attacker...

Saufsoldat ago

That's not legal in Germany, but perhaps the international press will release a photo.

ScreaminMime ago

B-b-but... he wuz down wit da cause!

Muzzies are our best weapon against Muzzies.

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

I think the guy was non-Muslim considering he was drunk, angry and stabbing a pro-migrant politician in the neck.

shadow332 ago

What's interesting, when you go to the German newspaper sites that allow comments, almost all of the coomment sections are redacted and removed. Just the few leftists' comments that say "see, a German! no stabbing should be allowed!" etc., etc.

vahelper ago

This is the only recourse when your politicians and system of justice have been blackmailed and it does wake them up.

mightnotbearobot ago

What do you think about antifa?

canbot ago

Yup, there will always be someone who is unhappy with the government. Especially on the left where everyone is a professional victim. Even now there are people who think the government isn't left enough.

mightnotbearobot ago

Oh, as if the right doesn't constantly bitch and moan about something.

And imagine being a libertarian. They will never be happy.

canbot ago

Yea, people bitch and moan in both sides. Especially on the left, where everyone is a professional victim.

DamoclesofBenghazi ago

Stab them too

vahelper ago

To be honest if nothing comes of this "storm" and no wall is built, Obama care keeps rolling along etc, etc, than I don't care if Antifa tries to take Trump out. They won't because they are nothing but paid douche bags.

novictim ago

21 day shill

Saufsoldat ago

Or you could not be a degenerate terrorist and vote for your interests instead.

freedomite ago


Democracy is degenerate, it is the axe in the hand of the jew that swings at the collective neck of our people.

Saufsoldat ago

Always amazing how many people on voat hate freedom.

freedomite ago

Democracy has absolutely nothing to do with freedom. Look at our government, it is more democratic today then under the founders, and we are far less free.

ExpertShitposter ago

I see you're still jewing around jew :D


Saufsoldat ago

"ur a jew because you disagree with me, therefore terrorism is justified"

Kill yourself.

MadBro ago

You really can't save the idiots from themselves. I'm not altruistic. If they don't care enough about their futures to do a little research past the misinformation, it's on them.

Luckily, in America we have the 1st amendment and humor on our side. Memes are easily digested by the masses with short attention span.

carlip ago

How well has that worked out over the last 241 years?

Saufsoldat ago

Why not take the past 50? It worked out pretty well during those.

MaxAncap ago

or you could be outnumbered and choose to flex your male political power over flaccid female and cuck votes

Saufsoldat ago

Go fuck yourself, you keyboard warrior niggerfaggot. You take it up the ass every day and think talking tough on the internet will make you feel like less of a little bitch.

MaxAncap ago

Ah another keyboard warrior niggerfaggot! Quite the roundtable.

Saufsoldat ago

I don't try to be some edgy, nihilistic 13-year-old.

MaxAncap ago


Elemental_Lightning ago

So what should they be?

Saufsoldat ago

You want me to tell you what your interests are? How am I supposed to know? Probably getting fucked by horses or sucking off people behind KFC.

Feldorai ago

It doesn't work that way, this is why we in America have the Second Amendment, it isn't just for hunting or protecting from would-be burglers/ rapists/ murderers/ etc. We have guns so we can shoot our Politicians in the face if they ever sought to either impede on our amended rights or to bring tyranny.

Our Govt. should have nothing to fear about the citizens being armed unless they give citizens a reason to shoot them.

Saufsoldat ago

It doesn't work that way,

Maybe not in America, with your glorified two-party olligarchy. It certainly does work in Germany.

And I don't give a fuck about your constitution, it does not apply to Germany. Nobody should murder people for their political opinions and if you disagree with that, you are no better than the antifa terrorists. This is basically you, good job.

Feldorai ago

Spoken like a true blind brainwashed sheep.

Democracy: Majority Mob Rule, the Majority gets to oppress the Minority.

Note: "Minority" does not mean black, hispanic, latino, etc., it has absolutely nothing to do with anybodies race, ethnicity, or religion. "Minority" simply means the minority of those who voted and lost.

Do you have any idea what the truth behind Democracy is? The truth is rather scary. Either you and your own kind (such as race, ethnicity, religious Altruistic Identity) breed like fucking parasites and continue to vote in favor to be the oppressors or you breed yourselves into the minority to be the oppressed.

Fact: Unless your kind resort to some barbaric methods to either drive out the Muslim invaders or slaughter them all to control their population, you are going to be out-bred within the next 50 years, they don't even need to resort to fucking terrorist attacks to kill you and make your numbers dwindle, the fertility rate is already dangerously low and at risk of a cultural collapse.

You're better off limiting your irrational sense of Saint-like morality in favor of the basic instinct to survive. Because killing an enemy, YOUR enemy, is a small price to pay to saving millions. You might think since you're just a normal average every-day citizen that you have no place in such fights and think your stupid petty little "vote" to "voice" your "power" is enough to stop the evil and bring justice, but all you're doing is voting in the most "Politically Correct" candidates which is nothing more than the very same glorified two-party oligarchy that you think you oh-so cleverly mocked, you're simply voting for the "Lesser of Two Evils", it really is no different. Nothing more than a popularity contest.

They've said that the pen is mightier than the sword but I beg to differ. All you've done was willfully blinded yourself to an illusion that you've mistaken for a more pleasant reality because you can't cope with the fact that evil exists and think that the evil that exists in your illusion is easily stopped or contained simply by Democracy. You're a fucking nutjob.

Saufsoldat ago

Democracy: Majority Mob Rule, the Majority gets to oppress the Minority.

No, that's ochlocracy.

Do you have any idea what the truth behind Democracy is? The truth is rather scary. Either you and your own kind (such as race, ethnicity, religious Altruistic Identity) breed like fucking parasites and continue to vote in favor to be the oppressors or you breed yourselves into the minority to be the oppressed.

This assumed that your children will vote the same as you. Anyone who has every had any kind of contanct with adolescents will laugh in your face at the notion.


You don't know the meaning of that word, you ideologues never do.

irrational sense of Saint-like morality

Not murdering people who disagree with you is not an "irrational sense of Saint-like morality"?

Get fucked, you psychopathic nigger.

Feldorai ago

You are the very reason why Germans are a cucked species that deserves to be bred to a minority since you're unwilling to even defend your own daughters and the future of your own children. Bet you'd sit there, watch and allow a Muslim invader rape and murder your own children, and you'd probably jerk off to it too.

nigger faggot Jew kike.

Saufsoldat ago

I'll make sure to follow the advice of the edgy nihilistic kid. When did 12-year-old internet tough guys start flooding voat?

Feldorai ago

About 18 years ago. Figure out my age from that, it's retarded that you even think the age of a person being below 18 is some how an insult even if I was that young. Furthermore, you're the douchebag that misunderstood me.

"Hey, my neighbor disagreed with me over who had the best breakfast! I must shoot & kill him!" -- Seems to be your mental image you got from the argument I presented, by God you're a fucking nutjob.

You kill your fucking oppressors who happen to be your fucking enemies who happen to be the fucking Muslim invaders and the Politicians you elected in to positions of power that put them there in the first place (the Globalists & the Zionist/ Neocons -- you fucking insufferable dumbass). If you don't see how you're responsible for royally anal raping your own ass ass that's your own damn fault.

maltespier ago

Don't really care tbh - this is the sentence these mayors and politicians inflicted upon the people that elected them - it was ok for the mayors to ignore the violence being committed

Pwning4Ever ago

Anti-refugee talks stopped in the UK after some guy killed some Muslims.

Not saying this guy didn't deserve it but we need to be more patient for public support then remove kebab

shadow332 ago

Be careful of the above poster. You can see by his comments he's trying to derail this thread.

VuckFoat ago

Yeah listen to unbiased shadow 332. He surely is not an alt. No sir. 331 mistakes.

shadow332 ago

Ok "Member for one month, SCP: -24"

VuckFoat ago

Okay nigger who is pushing a fucking agenda. Be careful @shadow332 people are tryi g to derail your horse shit.

shadow332 ago

Why do you shills show up in the most predictable places? Fuck off, it's not working. What horse shit? It's a news article, you fucking idiotic asshole. This post is still getting all the visibility so your little plan isn't working. Will post a shit load more news tomorrow just to keep you kike fuckers busy.

VuckFoat ago

He who screams shill loudest and all that. You fucking retard.

shadow332 ago

KYS kike

barraccuda ago

Democracy is a failure

syntaxaxe ago


There is a certain level of freedom that is only useful to a wise and virtuous people, who are willing and capable of defending themselves.

Anyone else will sell off their freedom or have it stolen from them, given enough time.

AnarchicAlpaca ago

Ours is a republic.

barraccuda ago

Hi burger!

huhu11 ago

If there was a democracy in the first place then I could agree. We all know who are pulling the strings now and influencing the political forces since a couple of hundred years now. So why do you even call it a democracy. If you seriously don't know what I talk about. Then I hope you do your research.

barraccuda ago

I cant disagree with you im certain you can see why i say, why bother pretending its not already a royal family thats in charge.

Saufsoldat ago

You are a failure, fucking commie nigger.

barraccuda ago

I prefer royalty over communism. Functionally similar but at least a royal family are honest and have some dignity. Look at the results we have turned out from democracy, its a joke. The sooner the west turns back to imperialism the better.

MadBro ago

Lol. You watch a lot of Disney?

Saudi Arabia has royal families. We'll await a post card.

barraccuda ago

Arabs aren't even human

Saufsoldat ago

Functionally similar but at least a royal family are honest and have some dignity.

AHAHAHAHA, those inbred freaks were some of the most degenerate scum imaginable. You'd literally be rolling the dice hoping for a halfway competent sovereign.

Look at the results we have turned out from democracy, its a joke.

The most highly-developed societies to ever exist on this planet and for all we know, the universe. Yes, horrible.

barraccuda ago

You think democracy is responsible for this?

Saufsoldat ago

No, lack of democracy is responsible. Merkel decided to open the flood gates without asking anyone. To be fair, the parliament probably would have agreed, but at least then there might have been some kind of public debate prior to it.

Democracy did vote Merkel back into power, though.

Octoclops ago

Democracy did vote Merkel back into power, though.

Did she get elected in a second country? There's no free speech and thus no democracy in Germany.

Saufsoldat ago

I'm sorry that you don't know what democracy is.

Octoclops ago

I'm sorry that you don't know. Please explain how a democracy is supposed to function when criticism of the incumbents policies is illegal.

Saufsoldat ago

It's not.

Octoclops ago

Isn't it?


Go ahead and play dumb all you want but you're not likely to convince anyone here without a real argument.

Saufsoldat ago

It isn't. While I strongly disagree with the hate speech laws, none of those people were investigated for criticizing policies, which is what you claimed.

barraccuda ago

Its a circular problem, democracy made a non-democratic system thats slowly stripping it of influence. Why are we pretending that the eu havent usurped all european governments completely at this point. Or should i say, at what point do we declare the euro fight lost?

Saufsoldat ago

The EU isn't undemocratic, just too far removed from the local level in its ivory tower and doesn't follow its own principles. Just like Merkel broke the law by allowed the migrants in, the EU is breaking the law with its frequent overreaches. In the EU the principle is supposed to be that all decisions are made at the lowest reasonable level of government. If they would just stick to this simple principle, 99% of the EU problems would be solved.

vahelper ago

Really you don't understand how blackmail works?

shadow332 ago

Fuck this guy. In the comments below he's saying "don't speak up otherwise you will anger them, you ust don't like democracy." This is a fucking shilling cunt.

Saufsoldat ago

How many of the 60 million voters in Germany have been blackmailed?

vahelper ago

Dumb ass they are unaware their politicians are blackmailed. Do you remember Dennis Hastert?

Saufsoldat ago

What does that have to do with anything? The politicians are mostly doing what they said they'd do, you simply vote for the ones who agree with you. You're mad because people don't vote the way you want them to, politicians have nothing to do with it.

vahelper ago

Wrong. Obama "I will close Guantanamo day 1". Trump "If I were president you'd be locked up". Politicians DO NOT do what they say they will. You must live within the matrix.

Saufsoldat ago

This is Germany, not the US. We have more than two parties and we are not an olligarchy. 6 different parties were elected into parliament, dozens more were available. The parties that were pro-immigration before the election are still pro-immigration and the parties that were against immigration before the election are still against immigration. Not every country is as big of a political shit stain as the US.

vahelper ago

The EU is far worse off than the shit stain that is U.S. politics. Your elections are absolute frauds. You believe your countrymen are voting for their annihilation... ok. Also comparing a targeted political assassination attempt to terrorism is such deep state shilling.

Saufsoldat ago

Your elections are absolute frauds.

Elaborate, please. Dead people rarely vote here and we have actual voter ID laws like any civilized country.

You believe your countrymen are voting...

I don't have to believe, I know that they voted the way they did. All the evidence says so.

Also comparing a targeted political assassination attempt to terrorism is such deep state shilling.

I'm not "comparing" them, I'm saying that political murder is literally terrorism as any sane person will agree.

vahelper ago

All the evidence says so.

You mean polls? You are a humorous shill.

Saufsoldat ago

What evidence do you have that election fraud occurred? None, as expected.

vahelper ago

The AfD would disagree but then you think they are neo-nazi skinheads so what is the point of arguing.

Saufsoldat ago

I voted AfD and no, they did not challenge the election outcome, you conspiratard shit stain.

vahelper ago

kek you don't even have the right to question authority so forget about your vote meaning anything. https://i.imgtc.com/yjYJWw5.jpg

Saufsoldat ago

Dropping all pretense of logic now, good job.

ExplosiveDonkey ago

Fucking unbelievably beautiful, what is this beautiful knife called?

odinist ago

That's a dagger. They do 1d4.

dias17se ago

Its a japanese tanto, if youte looking for a cheap version. Check the cold steel kobun

TheWorstImaginable ago

Pretty sure he means the Deutchland dagger.

Plant_Boy ago

That is one sexy beast, kind of partial to this bad boy myself!

FuckYouReddit- ago


s4mhide ago

Jpaul199 ago

AssaultMonkey ago

What is the white on blue text?

voats4goats ago

I do believe that looks like a Windows blue screen of death

altident ago

What is this photo?

s4mhide ago


Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

1960, 17 year old right wing student stabs and kills Inejiro Asanuma, a Socialist politician in Japan.

AssaultMonkey ago

He saved Japan


Fuck yes! Is there a video?


Thats how you deal with commies

GrandNagus ago

Stabbed is putting it mildly, he fucking impaled him.

Jpaul199 ago

Socialist is also putting it mildly, he was in support of the PRC.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Gutting all commies in the world would never get old.