TerryB ago

What I can't seem to figure out is that we see the front view in the video with a podium and then the photos don't show a podium. Maybe I'm tired but I can't seem to figure out where the photographer is in relation to the view from the video.

bfriend13 ago

So the famous still shot shows Yamaguchi on the other side of Asanuma going for a second strike. Did his mometum carry him to the other side or is the famous picture reversed?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

i think it's reversed

JonReeeeed ago

Fucking ninja'd that nigger

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

remember this when you hear "violence never solved anything"

JonReeeeed ago

I know violence is the answer sometimes

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

it's an effective solution, sometimes it's not the best or most preferable solution but if you apply enough of it competently enough it'll solve any problem

NonyaBidness ago

The tree of liberty (even relative liberty) must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

freedom ain't free

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Communism still exists in Japan. There is a growing SJW, LGBTHIV, Feminist, multi-cultural movement. Schools are being forced to promote gender neutrality and inclusion. There are LGBT signs all over my daughter's elementary school. Protests and demonstrations are occurring at major universities all over the country. There is a concerted effort by the communist mafia to usurp power by first dividing the Japanese population. It is in its infancy, and the Japanese largely identify as Japanese, however, the wheels are in motion, and the mafia goons are in positions of power.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

well I feel like they can learn from this example then

geese ago

Prevented Japan from being another North Korea.

Moskva ago

Notice the savage twist once it's plunged in!

Its_Just_A_Ride ago

Enter below the ribcage, swoop upwards to scramble the contents. I have a feeling this guy practiced a shit ton.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the second bullet is just to be sure ;)

whatisbestinlife ago

Still have a Jewish emporer though

sept ago

Ahhh japanese and politics !


[Coup attempt and ritual suicide[edit]

On November 25, 1970, Mishima and four members of the Tatenokai, under pretext, visited the commandant of the Ichigaya Camp, the Tokyo headquarters of the Eastern Command of the Japan Self-Defense Forces.[18] Inside, they barricaded the office and tied the commandant to his chair. With a prepared manifesto and a banner listing their demands, Mishima stepped onto the balcony to address the soldiers gathered below. His speech was intended to inspire a coup d'état to restore the power of the emperor. He succeeded only in irritating the soldiers, and was mocked and jeered. He finished his planned speech after a few minutes, returned to the commandant's office and committed seppuku. The assisting kaishakunin duty at the end of this ritual (to decapitate Mishima) had been assigned to Tatenokai member Masakatsu Morita, who was unable to properly perform the task. After several failed attempts at severing Mishima's head, he allowed another Tatenokai member, Hiroyasu Koga, to behead Mishima. Morita then knelt and stabbed himself in the abdomen and Koga again performed the kaishakunin duty. This coup is called "Mishima jiken" (三島事件, "Mishima Incident") in Japan.](https://www.cse.iitk.ac.in/users/amit/books/img/mishima-speech.jpg)

FedupOtaku ago

Fascinating. Any good resource on this? I read the wikipedia entry but I want to know more.

WhiteRonin ago

McArthur freed ALL political prisoners after the war to only later to put most of them back in.

Just like how he had article 9 written into the constitution yet years later told the J government to make the Japanese translation vague so that he could have on the ground back up fornthe Korean War.

Wahaha ago

In the 1930s Asanuma was a member of several pro-military, far-right uyoku dantai [...] He grew dissatisfied with the direction World War II was taking and withdrew his candidacy from the 1942 election and retired from politics until after Japan's defeat. When he returned to politics, it was as a socialist and left-wing activist.

.... what happened?

Saufsoldat ago

The infantile left-right dichotomy stopped working some time in the 19th century.

Schreiber ago

The liberal/left-wing/socialist in Japan and other Asian countries is much closer to right wing in US/EU than left wing in US/EU.

Just FYI, they have no plans to bring in groids and terrorists to rape local females for the sake of diversity and virtue signalling. They also have no plans to promote genital mutilation in men for the sake of political correctness.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

brain damage?

IronFelix ago

Soviet money.

LiberationArtFront ago

Two Atomic bombs

nxc1974 ago

Those nukes did nothing to Japan.

1.5+ million Red Army personnel on the other hand...

malloryquinn ago

Funny, China & Korea hasn't recovered from being raped by Japan.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

Something is definitely wrong when a population can't be troubled to reproduce.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you're an idiot

japan doesn't need more people, they're on a tiny island have have ridiculous population density

why does every faggot and his mom think a country is doomed if their population isn't growing?

if every country's population just grew there'd be no fucking space on this planet

weezkitty ago

The problem is that old people can't reproduce. So if the average age gets too old, it forms a negative feedback look and the population with shrink faster and faster.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

you have fucking nigger logic

if the majority of the population is old, they will die. then the non old people will have more space, cheaper homes, more jobs

fucking idiots believing the lies of the jews

i bet you think it's in japan's best interest to import shitskins so they have more young people

weezkitty ago

i bet you think it's in japan's best interest to import shitskins so they have more young people

Fuck no. That's why I think it's important for Japanese to keep their population stable -- they're one of the few cultures that have a strong sense of cultural preservation and they don't import sand niggers

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

japan is going to be fine

they have the highest population density in the world. they can lose a few million and still be crowded

kcamstar ago

It has to grow to support the pyramid scheme that is the fiat money system... which is why the oligarchs insist on immigration.

ShinyVoater ago

You're a goddamn idiot if you think an inverted pyramid is a healthy population distribution. A country that isn't biased towards the twenties and thirties is on its way to disaster.

Anti_Idle ago

It's an weird concept called equilibirum

somefuckingguy25 ago

If you look at the situation purely in economic terms that involves interest accrual sure. If you don't give a fuck about the "Ever growing" economy myth this dumb concept falls on its face. The economy is designed to serve the populace, the problem with modern society is that its been flipped so that the populace supports the economy.

ShinyVoater ago

Let me spell it out for you: older people require more resources to take care of them, but are less productive. If the populace gets too biased towards old age, its productivity:consumption ratio starts turning negative, causing living standards to start taking a nosedive.

somefuckingguy25 ago

let me spell it out for you: older people require more resources to take care of them, but are less productive.

Yet, old people hold most of the money in the financial system as they have been hoarding for retirement along with pensions. Which is how they are supposed to finance themselves in their old age. Which is why they drive completely new industries to take care of them.

Just take advantage of those demographics.

This does not counter my concept of the economy serving the populace instead of how it currently is.

Can you tell i disagree with immigration? Its idiots like you who got us into the situation were in now.

ShinyVoater ago

I never said anything about immigration.

Yet, old people hold most of the money in the financial system as they have been hoarding for retirement along with pensions. Which is how they are supposed to finance themselves in their old age.

It's the younger crowd that manufactures the goods and provides the services. Money's worthless if there's nothing to buy.

This does not counter my concept of the economy serving the populace instead of how it currently is.

We ended up where we are because purchasing power is constantly being stolen by central banks and given to the well-connected. It's rather hard to fill a pool that's having the water constantly pumped out of it.

somefuckingguy25 ago

It's the younger crowd that manufactures the goods and provides the services. Money's worthless if there's nothing to buy.

http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2011/05/speedup-americans-working-harder-charts/ Yes, its motherfucking jones don't lynch me. Productivity is up and has been steadily increasing since the 70's. Thanks to computers.

It's rather hard to fill a pool that's having the water constantly pumped out of it.

Which is what they are trying to fix with immigration. Adding "demand" to the chain allegedly. While in reality they are just a burden on the tax system.

P8rtsUnkn0wn ago

I didn't say they needed more.

UdavidT ago

neither did america from the looks of it.

Xax ago

Which means Wall St. money.

Greenzero86 ago

Wall Street has ties to the bankers. Which means banker money.

lexsird ago

"Bankers are Jews or at least the ones in charge of the money are. Seriously, check out the jew control over banking in the world. If that doesn't red pill the fuck out of you, then you are a fucking retard and your people deserve to be ruled by them because you are puppetcucks." -Bob the Andorian.

WhiteRonin ago

Interesting. That group have trucks with huge speakers always supporting the emperor. PITA these days.

LiberationArtFront ago

noisy cosplayers? https://youtu.be/vaq5qun8ZII?t=93 noise pollution?

WhiteRonin ago

Yep, that's them.

Interesting note: the communist party in Japan is the only party that doesn't want to change the constitution to remove the peace article in it.

All the great want to bow down to US pressure.

Xax ago

That's one way. I've never seen that one. What's the back story?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

people explain it more in the comments but basically the guy getting physically removed is the head of the japanese socialist party which never recovered from this assassination

Cat-hax ago

That's the way to do it.

webrustler ago

New desktop image..

Phil_Salamander ago

Brutal. Is there a story behind this? Was that asshole trying to bring communism to Japan?

Vengeant ago

That's Otoya Yamaguchi assassinating Inejiro Asanuma, the head of the Japanese Socialist Party, in 1960.


Phil_Salamander ago

Yamaguchi is a hero.

spookybm ago

I was just looking at the kanji for his name:
Yama-Guchi, which literally means Mountain Mouth. 山口
Was this a sign?

LiberationArtFront ago

let me help https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yamaguchi-gumi 六代目山口組 Rokudaime Yamaguchi-gumi is Japan's largest yakuza organization. The Yamaguchi-gumi are among the world's wealthiest gangsters, bringing in billions of dollars a year from extortion, gambling, the sex industry, arms trafficking, drug trafficking, real estate and construction kickback schemes. They are also involved in stock market manipulation and Internet pornography.The Yamaguchi-gumi has its headquarters in Kobe, but it operates all across Japan and has overseas operations in the rest of Asia and the United States.... and I will let you in on another secret, the samuari and ninja culture is dead....it only exists in anime or Japanophile imagination...ocasiaonlly you might see a 'spark' of old Japan when someone does a cool kendo show or paints a picture or KO's someone with a roundhouse kick in MMA but old Japan is mostly dead, in the grave with those who died from the atom bombs, the (((bankers))) bought out the Japanese mob a long time ago.

LiberationArtFront ago

A fool went down the path of violence and murder only to be played by globalists and world elites. I've met uyoku over the years and many of them are fucking retarded....don't take this as any kind of support for communism but the uyoku are equally as stupid and mostly dinosaurs, bone headed idiots and even fools who think the Emperor and Japanese have some kind of special ethnic divinity. These guys are the reason Japan's economy entered endless stagnation, why China kicks their ass on world trade and why they Japanese have a poor relationship with the Philippines, Taiwan, S.Korea etc A Soviet conspiracy was a way to keep the population united and incheck, like others afraid of Iran....afraid of Iraq....afraid of N.Korea...afraid of invading islamics or the danger posed by the “International Jewish Conspiracy”....I agree Japan should be proud of itself, it should be happy and have pride in its own people and a military able to defend itself instead of the USA footing the bills and expenditures of defense.

I could write a few books on how the Uyoku or the Japanese conformist mindset has fucked up Japan and held them back generations, on the outside Japan looks technologically advanced but its a nation in decay. As William Blum wrote on Cuba, Japan, Vietnam and the CIA shitfest, the Japanese became useful tools, first castrated, Japan no longer had any samurai, no real airforce, a miliary without balls....but they had plenty of rightwing fools, the old kamikaze political dinosaurs and slippery slope began with siding with ~ French, the former Asian colonizers and collaborators with the Japanese, against Ho Chi Minh and his followers who had worked closely with the Allied war effort and admired all things American. Ho Chi Minh was, after all, some kind of Communist they the globalist (((bankers))) couldn't have that could they, a free and independent Nam so instead countless lives would be lost for a military industrial complex? @Rainy-Day-Dream Another interesting character was the bone headed reptile Ishihara Mayor of Tokyo wrote a book 'Japan That Can Say No' was bitter after WW2, held a grudge and talked about dumping the US Dollar and going it alone.

Schreiber ago

Regardless of how shit Japan is, most white nations are even more fucked right now.

At the very least there is no Japanese genocide.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I mean this one act of violence did basically destroy the japanese socialist party, he was willing to die for that and he accomplished it, regardless of other aspects of his character and life why can't I respect Yamaguchi as a fellow anti-socialist? besides the japs were right to be bitter we fucking nuked them twice, even if pearl harbor wasn't entirely preventable and allowed to happen for an excuse to drag the US into the war that was an attack on a military installation we attacked 2 populated civilian areas

LiberationArtFront ago

He didn't destroy the socialist.... he murdered one socialist to help another mob socialist, the LDP, which are basically a mix of commie social conformist and a mix of nationalists....and they also have some rightwing or Emperor worshipers among their ranks...but they are corrupt and chameleon, Liberal Democratic Party, a (((Japanese))) party that has ruled Japan more or less un-interrupted since WW2.... like I said to you, talk with others learn the other angles of attack, you think physical violence was the right way, it was wrong. As they say 井の中 の蛙大海を知 らず .... the mindset in Japan allowed a single party to rule straight from WW2, could you imagine if the Clinton or Nixon party was still in power today, never defeated?? One thing I do agree with Japan on however is their FUCK THE REFUGEES attitude, they must first think of the Japanese people and preserve and defend their own language and culture, Japan would need islamo ragheads like it needs a hole in the fucking head.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sounds like there wasn't enough violence, if anything

Wahaha ago

Don't be so sure about the motives of that kid. Could've been brainwashed, for all we know. The little I learned about him today makes him look more like a tool, than an independent actor.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I'm not particularly interested in the context or the nuance, he fought socialism, he died for this fight, and he won. For that he has my respect

LiberationArtFront ago

LMFAO he didn't win anything you fucking idiot, also it seems you know jack shit about Japan. Why don't you reply to my questions in Japanese language as I wrote you???

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

he beat this one party someone else should've murdered these other socialists but otoya was in jail by then what did you expect him to do?

lexsird ago

like others afraid of Iran....afraid of Iraq....afraid of N.Korea...afraid of invading islamics or the danger posed by the “International Jewish Conspiracy”

There it is, that libcucktard shining through.

LiberationArtFront ago

LMFAO not 'liberal' not the Neo-Liberal not American, not a fan of that Bitch Hillary, maybe a little Libertarian...but tell me why the USA or any others should waste so many lives, spend billions of dollars or Cruise Missile, Satellites and Carrier...just to kill a bunch of ragheaded camel fucker retard on some side of a hill in Asscrackistan..... you want my quick opinion on world politics...FUCK THE MIDDLE EAST and every fucking stupid religious ragheaded asshole in it

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

ah and Yamaguchi the one with the sword was thrown in prison where he killed himself after writing I did it for the Emperor on the wall. A true hero that saved his countries future

LiberationArtFront ago

The kid, does a mob hit and rips out his guts for some fucking inbred monarch...tell me why a Europe that suffered under Fascism and the Tsars, why an America that found and died to defeat another Monarchy the British Empire should worship this retarded stupidity...the retard is dead is he not? that name...maybe they were more afraid of the Mob not just Socialists taking power? sounds like an Osaka mob hit? were they rightwing or yakuza retards?....the footage captures it all perfectly, violent, retarded and juvenile

Schreiber ago

As if your culture of weed addiction, faggot/tranny worship, and black/sand niggers on white violence is better than pachinko and otaku culture.

LiberationArtFront ago

you're talking about the USA? America? not my culture

antiliberalsociety ago

Kind of like Antifa, BLM, etc.?

sept ago

It's as dumb as dying for a piece of paper ...

You like your social order and traditions, you can keep them, even die defending them


What he did isn't different, it's values and a culture you happen to not share

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Yamaguchi ultimately saved his country, regrdless of his motives. Honestly the japanese royalty haven't even had much power since he shogunate took power and they didn't regain power when the shogun lost it, "for the emperor" probably meant for his country or it's traditions if I had to guess

Wahaha ago

Emperor only lost power again after WWII, but lots of people still supported him long after that. Sure, the Emperor may have been kind of a puppet after the Shogunate, but a needed one, since the people where behind him. To the point where even pictures of him where treated special. Since this Yamaguchi guy was a kid, "for the emperor" probably means just that. For the iconic figure he worships.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yeah that's how I took it, I doubt Otoya actually knew the emperor or took orders from him he probably did this for the idea of him and what he represents which to yamaguchi was japan

LiberationArtFront ago

The reason I mentioned the 'yamaguchi' name is it represents mob just like Gambino Gotti represent names of Italian mob families or bind Laden or Khomeni represent names of islamo terrorists.... 'yamaguchi' is a name that sets off red flags and alarms...not sure if the mob were involved to get the LDP an un-interupted run, but it would not surprise if his family were yakuza connected.

LiberationArtFront ago

Then it seems you know little of Japan afterall. Talk with others there are many Japanese who lived through this period, otherwise you are a train stuck on the one railway track going around in circles. As they say 井の中 の蛙大海を知 らず

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

the emperor was no more than a figurehead during the Tokugawa shogunate, the title had some backing again in imperial japan, but lost it when japan tried to set up a more westernized representative government

jewshekelstein1488 ago

we need more heroes like this!

NoRagrets ago

WOW! Otoya Yamaguchi was only 17 when he killed Inejiro Asanuma, killed himself 3 weeks later.

Less than three weeks after the assassination, while being held in a juvenile detention facility, Yamaguchi mixed a small amount of toothpaste with water and wrote on his cell wall, "Seven lives for my country. Long live His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor!"


Rainy-Day-Dream ago

yup, the guy being physically removed was the then chairman of the communist party of japan, the party never recovered from his assassination

LiberationArtFront ago

They simply changed their names, he didn't save Japan from shit like I said the LDP are already socialsist and the other goons move party or changed their name Shakai Minshuto Murakami, Tomiichi Murayama, New Socialist party, Naoto Kan might actually have a real party Democratic Party of Japan....but I'm not sure after the whole Tsunami Fukushima thing...if this kid did see this man as his enemy, all this kid did was cut the head of a single hydra serpent to have dozens of other serpent heads pop up and take its place

Phil_Salamander ago

the party never recovered from his assassination

Thank God!

lissencarak ago

And that's the moral of the story: violence always works, especially when in appropriate quantities.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

There is no true righteousness to be had through violence, only defeat of one's opposition. Perpetrators of violence always vindicate itself through triumphant conquest, yet its victims mourn the tyranny of failure.
Solving ones problem solely through the use of tactical violence tends to give rise to yet more use of violence to solve yet more problems. This path has a tendency to promote further opposition, as this path is viewed by those receiving no benefit from said violence as tyranny. Violence then rises to defeat violence, and the cycle continues. Japan isn't rid of communism, there is a growing LGBTHIV SJW Feminist movement, and schools are promoting gender neutrality. (I live in Japan)

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

violence has been the solution for the overwhelming majority of problems mankind has faced, the society you live so comfortably in now probably has a foundation in violence

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Common sense

lissencarak ago

Tell it to the gun.

Japan will be fine. They are a homogeneous ethno-state that will be around long after the US collapses into much more serious violence and balkanization.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Yes, the gun is a very effective "I win, you lose". However, you lack wisdom to see beyond your habitual shortsightedness to see that your justifiable victory will eventually be seen as tyranny. The cycle will repeat.

Japan is safe for now, however, the cancer is already spreading, and it will suffer the same fate of the west, in time. Reasons:

1) Children are being educated to be tolerant of foreigners and embrace multi-culturalism

2) For decades, it has been encouraged to travel abroad and learn new languages / cultures

3) The women love foreign men, and eagerly betray their own race. Many of which happily pay the toll, they are called Koko-jyo, (cocoa's girlfriend)

4) The men are taught to be submissive, many of which submit to women

5) Children are being educated by gays, and LGBT has a large presence in Japanese education

6) Japan has a large poor populace that is encouraged to vote for leftists in efforts to promote subsidized housing, food stamps, child care, and assisted wages

7) Japan has a very large single mother population, almost all of which live on government assistance

8) Japan has a large sexually depraved population

9) Japan is an occupied nation, the USA dictates Japanese policy

10) Women are encouraged to work and renounce motherhood

11) The Japanese politicians routinely renege on campaign promises and betray voter base on hot button issues. The government serves special interests explicitly, it is known.

12) Communists still operate openly in Japan, and the popular consensus in Japan identifies with socialism.

13) Japan repeats American left wing rhetoric on the news cycle

14) Japan censors freedom of speech. Identifying with undesirable politics in government or work will lose you a job, just like in America.

15) Japan is contemplating further hate speech laws. There are already some anti-hate speech laws on the books, primarily monitoring online speech for those critical of Japanese government.

16) The Japanese University system has been infiltrated and is largely controlled by cultural Marxists.

17) Japanese film industry is leftist, just like Hollywood.

18) Most marriages end in divorce.

19) Abortion is being promoted by the left.

20) Birth rate is one of the lowest on the planet. The Japanese central bank is encouraging migrants via the socialists.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

sounds like they can learn from yamaguchi's example and solve some of these problems the good old fashioned way

Cooking_with_Alf ago

I hate commies more than anyone, but using violence against the commies is a double edged sword. The Japanese I know are very reasonable, most of which accept socialism because it is popular. However, they understand logic and reason, and if solid arguments against socialism and communism are made, I find, from experience, it is much easier to turn the Japanese away from the left than it is whites. If violence is used against the socialist / communist agenda, it is very easy to fabricate compelling arguments against the "right", and turn the Japanese against those that argue against communism / socialism. In fact, the leftists in Japan want very badly for right-wing extremists to resort to violence. Legislation has already been passed by the Japanese government to spy on its citizens for just this very phenomena. By falling into the trap, the left believes itself victor in the exchange of ideas. Being that the left owns the media, violence is very dangerous, assuming you are freedom minded.

Should the playing field become more leveled, violence would rid us of the cock roaches, for a time. However, the cock roaches would regroup and use said violence as a recruiting tool. It would muster strength and support the world over, and infiltrate once again, stronger than before. I feel it is impossible to launch a precision strike the world over and be rid of communism. Doing so, would be seen as blatant tyranny, and any survivors or sympathizers would immediately pick up the red flag once again. The only way to kill an idea, is invent better ideas.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you underestimate the level of violence I'm talking about

Cooking_with_Alf ago

Put all ideals, policies, religion, and politics, aside for a minute. Communists are dangerous for one reason, and one reason only, they commit genocide every time power is usurped in a new territory. They use a divide and conquer tactic to build hatred to genocidal levels, or brainwash zealots to carry out absurd orders, promoting instability and starving out millions. To whatever effect history illustrates the take over, millions die for no good reason. Now let's talk about going to absurd lengths to rid us of this threat. The amount of violence, civil rights violations, spying, brutality, tyranny, that must be used, just this one time I promise, to eradicate this ideal, in my mind is impossible to accomplish. Any effort to do so, in my opinion, is communism just disguised as something else. Authoritarianism is authoritarianism.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

spare me your horseshoe theory bullshit even if they're all technically authoritarian; fascism, and national socialism, aren't communism

Cooking_with_Alf ago

A cartel of merchants, bankers, and investors, mostly Jewish, conspire to overthrow a government using Marx, a jew, to swindle morons into doing the heavy lifting. Then they seize control of the military and the economy and reap the rewards. The party is boss, owns everything, and everyone is a pawn.

A cartel of corporations, bankers, investors, some Jewish, conspire to overthrow a government using nationalist ideals to swindle morons into doing the heavy lifting. Then they seize control of the military and economy and reap the rewards. The party is boss, owns everything, and everyone is a pawn.

You can worship Hitler all you want. German steel and chemical ruled Germany, and the poor white man did all the dying.

Cooking_with_Alf ago

it's the same

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

you're an ignorant child

Cooking_with_Alf ago

slander. I will claim victory then. I personally don't care if you are a neo-nazi or believe nationalism is good. I personally believe an ethno-state is the most stable type of state. The moment you promote a police state and violence as the solution is the moment you just created an authoritarian / Orwellian society. Hitler usurped power by gaining the support of the major industries in Germany, thus, gaining control over many of the police forces through his rich German proxies. This is how he got away with burning the Reichstag and suspended the constitution. People didn't like it, but what could they have done? Besides, most folks were so enamored with propaganda and false promises to care. Germany once again was becoming an ethno-state and blaming its problems on others. They were given a common enemy and rallied against it, even though secret police, citizen spying, and draconian laws were being constructed all around them. The young generation was being indoctrinated to worship the German state, and the old generation, the parents and elderly, were being silenced if they were not useful. Hitler was a dictator, and he was building a government that was protecting HIS power, and HIS special interests that got him there. Everyone else was expendable, hence secret arrests, murders, persecutions, total war, etc etc. Blame the Jews if you want, I kinda do, but guys like Hitler and Stalin are all the same. Power begets power. This isn't ignorance, it is the fact of the world we live in. In my opinion, it is the Hitler worshipers and neo-nazis that need to grow up and realize that authoritarianism only breeds chaos, corruption, and war. The love of country is a convenient illusion. Once everyone is enslaved or brainwashed, the state no longer cares for your needs. The poor are ALWAYS used as an expendable tool. Never will the poor be elevated above its station.

Cooking_with_Alf ago


greenfascist ago

nope. thats the wrong and dumb moral.

the right moral is that violence always works when you are sure you have picked the right target.

for instance, when considering muslim immigration, violence towards muslims doesn't solve the problem.

targeting the people who bought the politicians that are pushing unlimited muslim immigration is.

then deport the muslims.

ginx2666 ago

So... gas traitors first, then kikes, then shitskins.

greenfascist ago

that works, but I prefer to use the term globalists instead of kikes, although the jews have a very large over representation in the globalist group based on their proportion of the population.

ginx2666 ago

Kikes are the main force behind globalism. Once you remove the cyst that is seeping pus to bloodstream, the organism will naturally heal itself. Besides, white and east Asian globalists are already included in "traitors" group.

greenfascist ago

Kikes are the main force behind globalism

I agree, but the holohoax hollywood reinforcement has been so strong worldwide that the extermination of the kikes just has to be incidental in exterminating globalists or the normies will never buy in.

As far as I can tell.

which is why I'd rather lump traitors into the globalists group.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

so we start gassing and the rest will reveal themselves

greenfascist ago

i never said it would be easy

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

kill them all

barraccuda ago

I cannot find the source for the standards of virtuous anger so take this as paraphrase.

You must be angry for the correct reasons, in the correct manner, to the appropriate degree, in the correct location, at the correct time and at the correct person. If you fail any of these standards then you fail to be justified.

Virtue in violence comes directly from virtue in anger.

A_Real_Cause ago

I had to click "Show more comments" to read this........

jewshekelstein1488 ago

greenfascist ago

you have it all out of order. if you try it that way white get exterminated.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

this tbh if violence isn't solving your problems you're either not using it right or not using enough of it

IrbyTremors ago

Well said.

BlueDrache ago

So ... gas the Jews then feed the Muzzdogs to the pigs. Gotcha.

greenfascist ago

it isn't just jews, but they are over represented in proportion to their population. just like blacks and violent crime.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

we can just keep killing bad people it doesn't matter whether it's "just" any one group once we wipe the kikes and mudslimes out we'll keep going

greenfascist ago

I have a feeling if you wiped out jews and muslims, blacks would start behaving more civilized.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

no it's genetic they'd still behave like blacks

BlueDrache ago

Sooner or later, the inner chimp must be let out.

MrKequc ago

I was lied to again.

Crensch ago

I never knew about this. Good shit, RDD - thanks!

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

learn something new everyday ; )

jewshekelstein1488 ago


WhiteRonin ago

Didn't know either.