10366052? ago

I'm sure the boycotting didn't help, but for a business to close not even a month after the triggering event means they weren't doing well to begin with.

greenfascist ago

Or he saw how commie California was and closed preemptively rather than trying to ride it out.

10367337? ago

That is more or less what I was meaning. That $15/hr minimum wage is putting a lot of restaurants under.

smackdownfletch ago

Move the crew to Texas and open up shop. Problem solved.

Doug9 ago

Conservatives are at an inherent disadvage here. You can find out who gave money to left wing candidates too, but will conservatives start a boycott from it? No. Liberals are essentially collectivist and conseratives are essentially individualist. The conservative's attitude is: everyone is an individual - if they want to support leftist candidates that's up to them.


We'll take him here in ETN

Runaway-White-Slave ago

Just imagine if we could successfully boycott Israel like this....

wgtt911 ago

location location location..

JonReeeeed ago

Funny to juxtapose this next to the Im-Not-Racists currently talking ITT about having half asian kids https://voat.co/v/AskVoat/2101411

BentAxel ago

Bad business. Business is not personal, unless you suck dick for money, keep personal shit out of business and business out of your personal life.

PeacefulAssassin ago

They doxxed him, he was not going on about it, or even made his donation public.
It was some asshole that doxxed him and released the personal information of supporters.

BentAxel ago

Oh sorry, yeah that's fucked up. What was the reason to dig into his background.

PeacefulAssassin ago

He supported a horrible wrong-thinker

McFluffy ago

not dig into him, but dig into all who donated to David duke's 2016 run. all donors are made public, so they looked up each person to see what they could destroy and they found this guy and his business.

honestly why the fuck are donations made public? its not going to hurt the giant donors that it is aimed at, its only hurting the small people.

BentAxel ago

One part of me wants that transparency, the other part agrees for this safety.

equineluvr ago

SANTA CRUZ, CA - "O’mei Szechuan Chinese Restaurant has been a favorite spot for many Santa Cruz residents and tourists, but now its doors have been shuttered after 38 years of serving excellent food. This had nothing to do with any health code violations, a drop in the quality of food, or any of the usual reasons a restaurant goes out of business. No, in this instance, it was discovered that the owner, Roger Grigsby, is a sinner against political correctness. He doesn’t support the state-sponsored agenda of White genocide, so therefore he is not able to do business.

This all unfolded after the events in Charlottesville. Some “social justice warriors” got a hold of everyone who had donated to David Duke’s 2016 Senate run and set about trying to ruin people on that list. Roger had donated $500 to the campaign, and so he came under heavy fire. The Yelp page for O’mei was flooded with 1 star reviews railing against the evil KKK/Nazi owner by people who never ate at the restaurant, local news stories amplified the “scandal” even more, and the liberal legions of Santa Cruz initiated a boycott of the establishment. A few employees quit amidst the concocted crisis, customers stopped coming in, and Roger was forced to put a note on the door announcing the closure of the business due to ‘slanderous and malicious internet rumors’.

While I do not support (or trust) David Duke, most of what he says about jewish power and the persecution of White people is correct, and I think is horrendous that someone would be targeted for financially supporting a political candidate."