mralexson ago

Half My family is Hapa and they are all fucked up. My uncle use to hang out with gangbangers and got arrested for carjacking. My aunt is a recovering meth addict who was violently delusional, she believed my cousin(her daughter) sleeped with her boyfriend and threatened her. My mom suffers from severe depression and anxiety

Keefin ago

Gook fucker here. I figure that I'm already so mixed, from Irish to German and French, to Lithuanian, that it doesn't really matter. I do worry that my children will face a sort of identity crisis, though. I hope that we can get them to take pride in and identify with both of our races and cultures. I think it might help that we both practice traditional Catholicism and generally dislike shitskins and Jews.

monkeytennis ago

Its tolerable if I could somehow guarantee I would only have daughters. Whilst I know some upstanding hapa gents in real life, I think the unfortunate reality is that most of them to some degree become mini Elliot Rodgers. Go and browse /r/hapas for a taste of what racemixing and lack of racial identity can do to someone.

Butelczynski ago

Not a problem.Good people,hard working,religious for the most part.

10366466? ago

Better than mixing with niggers or spics.

How do they feel about it?

L_Etranger ago

In my experience, the women are really eager but their families not so much.

10370144? ago

So, same as here - more of a generational thing.

I'm worried about culture, but genetically it can't hurt.

rightbyroy ago

But can you poo in the loo?

Tzitzimitl ago

you sound like a hapa

onemealperday ago

There is already a large movement called "asianaryanism" in the US where whites and asians are teaming up to form a new society.

RevDrStrangelove ago

Personally? I think Japanese and Korean women tend to look weird. I've seen some amazingly hot Chinese chics but way too many fuglies. Filipina chics are typically amazing. The deal breaker with all of them is their culture and diet. I can get the same smoking hot smallish frame/big titty/sexy straight black hair AND 'traditional wife' from Central America and have much more compatible cultures and diets.

For the record I've got a prime Aryan specimen of a biological daughter that's in her late 20's. I have a vasectomy. I'm not 'race mixing', I'm in it for endorphins and LULZ.

WhiteRonin ago

I agree about the standards. Which is why I stayed away from high school looking birds.

My family history is relatively closet info ... And my job would have my head probably. It would be awesome if I could get some of the property back the Russians took from him to form "public" housing. The East Germans didn't like us poking around back in the 90's.

Thanks for the offer though.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cook the rice, pay the price.

L_Etranger ago


Sosacms ago

I believe the Japanese deserve the right to exist. If I need to knock up a few hundred to get their numbers back up, I will. The world would be a sader place without Japan. They bring something... Unique...

Every other Asian country is interchangeable...

10361825? ago

Creating a mongrel that will never fit in is an immoral act no matter how much better female gooks are as housewives than whites nowadays.

WhiteRonin ago

Don't know if you're gay or not :-p Lol

Inferior stick is debatable. Where I live all the women way more than I do. Talk about Polish smoke houses!

I've got dead relatives who were SS or gastapho ... Not sure ... Granny wouldn't spill the beans because of the (((hunters))).

No-Nazis make me giggle.

Tallest_Skil ago

Inferior stick is debatable.

It’s literally not. It has long been medically proven. Please don’t have kids. They will be walking dead the second they need an organ or bone marrow transplant. Never mind the other genetic problems that come from mongoloid/caucasoid mixing.

WhiteRonin ago

I haven't heard the bone marrow thing yet. But then again, never heard of it among the huge amount of old Japanese I knew either.

I had half friends and friends who had half kids. Most of time they were smarter than their parents.

I have RE- O blood type and according to somebody here, apparently I could be a DNA experiment. ..

Tallest_Skil ago

In the immune system, how important is race? “If Nick Glasgow were white, he would have a nearly 90 percent chance of finding a matching bone marrow donor who could cure his leukemia.” The reason that mixed-heritage patients are so hard to match can be found in the immune system. Different races have developed certain proteins, or markers, that are part of the body’s natural defenses. These markers help the immune system determine which cells are foreign and should be rejected. A match between two people who share more genetically in common significantly reduces the risk of the donor and recipient cells attacking each other. (read: cells from people of two different races will attack each other as though they are a virus) The more people of different backgrounds who produce offspring, the more types that are harder to match. Multiracial patients have uncommon profiles and since there can be many possible racial and ethnic combinations in multiracial societies, finding a match can be extremely difficult. (31)

As an example, a white mother of a mixed-race child would have more genetically in common with a random white person on the street than with her own child. If such a dramatic and fundamental alienation from your own parents is not horrific enough, every member of the family of a mixed-race child diagnosed with leukemia is an incompatible donor for a bone marrow transplant, and finding a compatible donor is unlikely. “One obstacle to finding a matching donor was her mixed ethnic background. Her father is black, with West Indian and Panamanian roots. Her mother is white, with Russian-Jewish roots. In addition, only 5 percent of registered donors are black.” (32) Compared to organ transplants, bone marrow donations need to be even more genetically similar to their recipients. Since all the immune system’s cells come from bone marrow, a transplant essentially introduces an entirely new new immune system to a person. Without genetic similarity between the donor and the patient, the new white blood cells will attack the host body. (33) Race matters when a patient needs a stem cell or marrow transplant. (34)

A seasoned cancer researcher would never set up a study in which all the ill patients were, say, Canadian, and all the healthy controls were Japanese. And yet cancer researchers risk making a similar mistake if they overlook genetic information that fleshes out what many of us like to think of as race or ethnicity, some experts say. Fortunately, awareness of how ancestral genetics might contribute to risk of disease and drug response in people has risen over the last several years. Studies that look directly at the problem are on the rapid rise, and this increased interest has biotechnology companies lowering the cost of tests that determine genetic ancestry, thanks to a little competition. However, experts have yet to decide on how to genetically define ancestry, suggesting examining anywhere from a handful to hundreds of gene variants. Not including information on the race or ethnicity of study volunteers could skew disease risks as stronger or weaker than they really are. “Alzheimer’s is the poster child for this problem,” says pharmacogeneticist Esteban Burchard, MD, of the University of California in San Francisco. A variant of the gene ApoE4 is a strong genetic risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer’s, and the characteristic most likely to raise or lower that risk is race. “It occurs in about 20% of the black American population, and it means nothing. It occurs in about 6% of the Japanese, and it makes their risk six times higher [than that for white people],” Burchard said. “Something about being Japanese unleashes the wrath of the gene, and something about being black American attenuates it.” (35) The FDA have approved a heart failure drug called Bidil, but only for blacks, as blacks do not benefit from conventional heart failure drugs. (36) Sickle cell anaemia is a condition found almost exclusively in blacks–about 1 in 4 West Africans carry the gene for it while almost no whites do. Any whites who carry the gene most likely have a black ancestor. As a result of population growth in African-Caribbean regions of overseas France and immigration from North and sub-Saharan Africa to mainland France, sickle cell disease has become a major health problem in France. SCD has become the most common genetic disease in this country. (37)

WhiteRonin ago

This is close:

My wife has a more Asian looking face.

Guys check her out all the time. It's hilarious!

So I'm a Nazi gook fucked... Lol

regulator1488 ago

Fuck off you street shitting stink monkey.

Mad_Dog91 ago

It's obviously fine OP. You're just baiting those people who are against race mixing to speak up.

Reddiggoat ago

Don't care.

aprole ago

They are the superior race.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Oy Vey shut it down!

JonReeeeed ago

It's only on the table because white women are being fucked up by men who let the lunacy continue. You're still going to lose your genetics with a kid that will look maybe 5% like you (not even enough to tell) and you're invite in further destruction of western civilization.

and that fucking IQ myth everyone parrots.... wow.

Here's an example on the front page of voat right this minute that won't wake you idiots up, but you'll at least have an example.... god I wanna kill each and every one of you fucking idiots.....

Here's ANOTHER post making its way to the front page of voat about why you're even considering asian women you fucking cucky ass faggots.... you just can't man-up and take your women back, can you? just gotta passively ooze your pussy juices else where.... kill yourselves you beta ass faggots....

L_Etranger ago

Half the chicks I've fucked have been White and half Asian. I just like the Asians better.

audiastrat ago

you just can't man-up and take your women back, can you?

L_Etranger ago

Buddy, all the women are my women.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The most traditional American women find it difficult to compete with an Asian wife bot. Mine was made in PI.

baneofretail ago

You're post is really annoying, eat a dick.

wgtt911 ago

chinese wife.. she makes the KKK seem mild..

mralexson ago

What does she say?

RoBatten ago

Yep. No tolerance for lazy niggers. No gibs in China either. So hardly any niggers there.


I wil as soon a shit cuts loose. There his a huge new street shitter compound down the road. We are going to take it and burn it to get the curry smell out. Rope day, soon.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

Google, founded by people who wanted to make a search engine - whites

Microsoft, people who wanted to make money - whites

Adobe, people who once had a nice .pdf system - whites

Mastercard, people who wanted to create money out of thin air - jews.

Y'all be a bunch of parasites.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

I work with too many Indians. Just no. They suck at programming. I haven't dealt with that many half breeds, but right now I'm too jaded from working with unimaginative fucks.

olinneserpona ago

My ancestor have made me what I am over the course of 50.000 years. I would never want to become the ancestor who switched races or bloodline. it would be a disgrace to my heritage(my personal opinion).

I do admire much of their culture and they are good people. It's not about them, it's about me and what's mine.

Mad_Dog91 ago

Chances are your bloodline is already mixed from past generations. That's how it is for most people already

olinneserpona ago

Absolutely, yet I don't want to deliberately mix it any further. It's not about keeping a pure blood line, it's about preventing the demise of Europeans and that which is European. We are birthing fever and fewer children while being exposed to an alarming rate of non-European bioculture in our homelands, and if we don't put our foot down when it comes to race mixing we will have changed so much in the course of 100-1000 years there will no longer exist anything that is European(except for an insignificant minority)

Mad_Dog91 ago

Preventing the demise of Europeans? Funny since THEY are victims of THIER OWN policy.

olinneserpona ago

Preventing the demise of Europeans?


Funny since THEY are victims of THIER OWN policy.

We are not a collective with a 100% consensus. Is your point that I should accept racemixing because of policy? You don't make much sense here.


Indians stink, shit in the street, and refuse to assimilate. You jews are really pushing them as our new replacements. We'll kill them also.


How do you feel about me cutting your kike head off

Rusty_Shekelford ago

As soon as I read "race mixing is fine", I knew this fag was a kike.

JonReeeeed ago

It's only on the table because white women are being fucked up by men who let the lunacy continue. You're still going to lose your genetics with a kid that will look maybe 5% like you (not even enough to tell) and you're invite in further destruction of western civilization.

and that fucking IQ myth everyone parrots.... wow.

Here's an example on the front page of voat right this minute that won't wake you idiots up, but you'll at least have an example.... god I wanna kill each and every one of you fucking idiots.....

Here's ANOTHER post making its way to the front page of voat about why you're even considering asian women you fucking cucky ass faggots.... you just can't man-up and take your women back, can you? just gotta passively ooze your pussy juices else where.... kill yourselves you beta ass faggots....

10359995? ago

I prefer my own race but there is a reason the japs are honorary Arians.

JonReeeeed ago

You're still not welcomed in Japan

10360247? ago

As it should be. People should defend their own nations and be with their own. It is natural.

NassTee ago

They keep telling me no.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

You have to ask 3 times before they take you seriously.

onemealperday ago

Not all, you have the occasional Keanu Reeves, Dean Cain types. I read that even that Zack Morris character from saved by the bell is half asian.

Rusty_Shekelford ago

It's still degeneracy. Race mixing is always degenerate. No matter who it is with.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Race mixing is fine, what worries me more is people on different ends of an IQ bell curve breeding.

olinneserpona ago

What if it's a high IQ nigg?

ArcherMcTaco ago

Race mixing is okay, bestiality is not.

Joking aside, would you rather have AIDS skrillex or young Thomas Sowell dating your daughter?

Some people rather keep their races separated, and frankly I don't care if they do. Not everyone is gonna agree with that and not everyone that disagrees is some cuck faggot.

I live my life by two contradictory but equally valid creeds:

  • To judge someone by collectivist assumption is to deny the abilities of the individual. You will leave perfectly good tallent on the table.
  • Sterotypes exist for a reason, to save time.

olinneserpona ago

I totally see your point however, I am not thinking in terms of separation, rather preserving ones heritage. "It's not about them, it's about us"- sort of thinking. I gave another response here, I'll copypaste it:

It's not about keeping a pure blood line, it's about preventing the demise of Europeans and that which is European. We are birthing fever and fewer children while being exposed to an alarming rate of non-European bioculture in our homelands, and if we don't put our foot down when it comes to race mixing we will have changed so much in the course of 100-1000 years there will no longer exist anything that is European(except for an insignificant minority)

I don't wish to be one of the snowflakes in the avalanche.

Rusty_Shekelford ago

Still wouldn't do it.

olinneserpona ago

I'd rather be childless than racemix with anything.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The Bell Curve isn't the only substantive issue when it comes to race-mixing. You should see C. G. Jung's theories on the 'Ancestral Unconsciousness', and that in a sense someone would have two psychic worlds intersecting, not just biological ones. So not just the cultural struggle to find an identity, but the psychic one as well.

ArcherMcTaco ago

I'm familiar. To say the least if you have to go through 'psychic unconsciousness' to explain why it's a bad thing, you're reaching into magical thinking. As for the culture the race mixed child will default to, it'll be the national one, and what ever sub culture they assimalate into in the said nation.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I'm familiar. To say the least if you have to go through 'psychic unconsciousness' to explain why it's a bad thing, you're reaching into magical thinking.

Is it really reaching into magical thinking? Jung was one of the most respected psychologists of the 20th Century, but his work with the Ancestral Unconsciousness is denounced as pseudoscience or esoterism. But is it really bogus?

As for the culture the race mixed child will default to, it'll be the national one, and what ever sub culture they assimalate into in the said nation.

This is a oversimplification and not really true. These people straddle between two worlds (at least biologically and culturally), they are going to be partial to their Asian half and multiculturalism, depending on the circumstance. It's also hard to default to a 'national culture' when that nation is multinational and multicultural.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Is it really reaching into magical thinking? Jung was one of the most respected psychologists of the 20th Century, but his work with the Ancestral Unconsciousness is denounced as pseudoscience or esoterism. But is it really bogus?

it is observable, measurable, & repeatable? If not that is the reason why it gets lumped in with pseudoscience. Psychology is already a pretty shakey science as it.

This is a oversimplification and not really true. These people straddle between two worlds (at least biologically and culturally), they are going to be partial to their Asian half and multiculturalism, depending on the circumstance. It's also hard to default to a 'national culture' when that nation is multinational and multicultural.

The multicultural hell you refer to is a recent invention of the 90's and the idea the no one coming into a country should have to assimilate. Think to the 80's when refugees fleed commie hell holes. Think of the lebanon was when the christian families fled to other countries. Those refugees wanted nothing more than to be part of the new land that saved their lives. As for strandling a line between two worlds, I feel this is more of a nurture than nature issue. If you take a black person from the US and dump them in Africa, how well do you think they will do?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

The multicultural hell you refer to is a recent invention of the 90's and the idea the no one coming into a country should have to assimilate. Think to the 80's when refugees fleed commie hell holes. Think of the lebanon was when the christian families fled to other countries. Those refugees wanted nothing more than to be part of the new land that saved their lives

Yes, but my point is that America doesn't exist anymore. Most American cities are multicultural, and most immigrants arrive in large urban centers were there is only a multicultural plurality to assimilate into.

As for strandling a line between two worlds, I feel this is more of a nurture than nature issue

Without a White American culture even being projected into those areas, those people aren't going to be nurtured into American culture anyway.

ArcherMcTaco ago

Yes, but my point is that America doesn't exist anymore. Most American cities are multicultural, and most immigrants arrive in large urban centers were there is only a multicultural plurality to assimilate into.

But it could. We see people who want to bring it back. The question is why are we allowing immigrants that want to come here but not become part of the country.

Without a White American culture even being projected into those areas, those people aren't going to be nurtured into American culture anyway.

I'd ask who wants to get rid of white America, but I'm not blind. It's shitty to see whats happening, but people are fighting back. However what does that have to do with a line between two worlds? Also I think you may have a slight misconception of exactly how those genes end up. Take a look at Mexico. Plenty of pale skin there from Spanish bloodlines, plenty of dark skin from native American bloodlines. Is the skin color the only thing that determines "whiteness"? Are we going back to the fays of octaroons and quadroons? Do Irish people count as white?

If you want to keep to your heritage because you have a preference, that's fine. I'm not saying you don't have a right to it.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

But it could. We see people who want to bring it back. The question is why are we allowing immigrants that want to come here but not become part of the country.

If we actually establish an ethnostate, there wouldn't be "anyone who can come as they assimilate", it wouldn't be an alt-lite project, all immigration would Eurocentric. If this is done country-wide, the alt-lite doesn't have tangible solutions to the demographic problems, they are only preferable over the neoliberal line.

Also I think you may have a slight misconception of exactly how those genes end up. Take a look at Mexico. Plenty of pale skin there from Spanish bloodlines, plenty of dark skin from native American bloodlines. Is the skin color the only thing that determines "whiteness"? Are we going back to the fays of octaroons and quadroons? Do Irish people count as white?

The conceptualization of race relations in the Latin World simply isn't the same as in America, it isn't now and it has never been historically. We are talking about America, and this is changing the subject.

ArcherMcTaco ago

If we actually establish an ethnostate, there wouldn't be "anyone who can come as they assimilate", it wouldn't be an alt-lite project, all immigration would Eurocentric. If this is done country-wide, the alt-lite doesn't have tangible solutions to the demographic problems, they are only preferable over the neoliberal line.

You could always start one. Tonga barley has a population and tons of infrastructure.

The conceptualization of race relations in the Latin World simply isn't the same as in America

Wait, I thought the point of your argument was race is what is needed to create a perfect democracy, why is that argument changing based on geography?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

Wait, I thought the point of your argument was race is what is needed to create a perfect democracy, why is that argument changing based on geography?

It's not changing based on mere geography, it's changing because the Latin World historically and currently conceptualizes race relations and race itself different than historically White countries. Nationalism in Mexico or Colombia is going to be different from that in America. I simply understand that the worldview in the Latin World is naturally different from that in historically White countries.

RoBatten ago

'Bout as well as they do here?

ArcherMcTaco ago


RoundWheel ago

From an IQ perspective, on average, it won't matter. If anything, it might actually push the distribution upwards if it became wide spread. Which is the opposite of what happens with many other races.

JonReeeeed ago

You and every other dumbass with the IQ thing... it's just not true...

onemealperday ago

East Asians have a higher IQ 105 vs 100 but whites have a wider bell curve distribution. This means whites have more retards but also more geniuses which is why most of the top thinkers and inventors are white. If all the east asians and whites mixed the average IQ of whites would go up and asians down and there would be less retards and less geniuses.

Btw, the most based "white" county (Russia) is 1/4 Eurasian and everyone in central Asia is Eurasian.

40,000 years ago whites/asians were the same people then split off through migration to different climates. Whites are classified as caucAsians also.

RoundWheel ago

Thank you for expanding. Been a while since I last review the material so I couldn't provide depth. You did.

Good job.

L_Etranger ago

That's actually a good point I hadn't thought of. This is the most attractive mix for women, but half Asian son's would be smaller and weaker most likely.

tendiesonfloor ago

I got no problem with the gooks.

baneofretail ago

The only good thing about gooks is that they absolutely despise black people. You think the south is racist, you should check out Irvine, Ca. The rams players couldn't find housing because the chinks wouldn't rent to them.

Keefin ago

My Asian girlfriend was so pissed when some blacks moved into our neighborhood. She won't even wave or say hi to them, its hilarious. To be fair though, they did start displaying nigger behavior from day 1 like playing loud jungle music from the garage late at night and always leaving their trash can out.

JonReeeeed ago

naive. that's why.

you probably don't know a single thing about them except "i know an asian at work and he talks to me sometimes"

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

It's still a bad thing, it still creates people who are going to have trouble with fitting in, and finding identities.

DeusExSapientia ago

It really is a huge problem. The grandparents will have grandkids that want nothing to do with old-world traditions. I find that the half-breeds in my family grow up raised by corporations with no roots to their heritage. Asians and whites can make some good looking people, at the cost of their parents culture. Half-breeds will be raised on consumer culture and narcissism.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Some mixes look damn good. But the cost... the cost.

Infowarrior420 ago

I'm a quarter Chinese yet people think I'm 100% European. Eurasian people look just fine, it's the half-groids and other mixed people that get the short straw.

mralexson ago

I'm a quarter Korean and I look like a fillipino illegal immigrant

RoundWheel ago

I don't know why your comment was down voted. There are very real social issues which mixing forces upon the resulting children - who never made a choice. I know a mixed couple who have had several children. They have all complained about abuses they've suffered. The oldest child lost their hair because of the stress and discrimination they faced. Which fueled even more abuse. One of the other children ate their sorrows. Creating weight problems. In turn creating yet more problems for social acceptance. None are accepted by either culture. They are people without a culture which does create a bit of an identity crisis on top of all the other issues.

Even if one isn't ideologically opposed to race mixing and without one ounce of racism or discrimination, it is very likely to create societal and social issues for the children. Creating lasting mental health scares. Which means an undo amount of pain and suffering throughout their life. It's not racist in any way to want to prevent that type of pain for your children. Or to provide cultural continuity and identity.

One can pretend that this world doesn't exist. But that delusional. The fact is humans are inherently tribal. While society can place polite constraints, it will never charge the visceral and tribal reaction many will have. Even when their head tells them to fight those reactions.

quakerbaker ago

^thought process of an organism with far too much shared genetic material between maternal and paternal lineages

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I've read that White-Asian offspring is also inordinately prone to autism. So in addition to the outside social pressures, that person may have even more trouble processing social pressures and adjusting to them.

Belisarius505 ago

I've read that White-Asian offspring is also inordinately prone to autism.

Have a source for this?

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

I've read it in passing a couple times, I don't have the links.

Rusty_Shekelford ago


JonReeeeed ago

but what about all the cucks in ITT that "have no problem with the gooks"? They are well read on the topic, I'm sure. I'm sure they understand the cultures they come from and their behaviors when there're so many in one place...

RoBatten ago

They are the best class of immigrants. That doesn't mean you should pollute your bloodline.

JonReeeeed ago

Doesn't mean you have to showcase them either #ImNotRacist


WhiteRonin ago

My Wife is Japanese.

And I'm basically native level for Japanese and she's real close to being native in English. She has only lived about 2 years outside of Japan.

Its good to be married to a WWII allie. :-)

BigFatDaddy ago

Omai no okusan oppai oki?

WhiteRonin ago

Omai is rather harsh ...

If you say it some older they might go into fight mode.

BigFatDaddy ago

Eh, my Japanese isn't very good. Its been my experience that even the older japs are just happy I've learned to speak any at all.

WhiteRonin ago

That they are!

WhiteRonin ago

Zannen desu ga, sonnna ni okikunai ... Futsu desu.

BigFatDaddy ago

Shoganai. Nihonjin desu. Futsu no oppai choto chisai desu ne? Demo kao kawaii to meshi scuru jozu jinai no? Daijobu desu. Ero ero wa? Jozu?

WhiteRonin ago

So da ne. Sore wa jinsei desu. Aru wa aru kedo. .. Sonzaikan WA Aru.

So desu ne. Kao to meishi ha ii yo!

Ero. . Mae no hou Ga yokkata! Lol

weeds-in-the-garden ago

My wife is from S. Korea, so I'm obviously ok with it.

aristotle07 ago

I don't know if its just the ones I met but korean and japanese women and white men make the best looking children I've ever seen. Eurasian kids are very attractive even when the parents aren't that handsome or pretty.

mralexson ago

Half my family is Korean Hapa. It's a mixed bag

JonReeeeed ago

It's only on the table because white women are being fucked up by men who let the lunacy continue. You're still going to lose your genetics with a kid that will look maybe 5% like you (not even enough to tell) and you're invite in further destruction of western civilization.

and that fucking IQ myth everyone parrots.... wow.

Here's an example on the front page of voat right this minute that won't wake you idiots up, but you'll at least have an example.... god I wanna kill each and every one of you fucking idiots.....

Here's ANOTHER post making its way to the front page of voat about why you're even considering asian women you fucking cucky ass faggots.... you just can't man-up and take your women back, can you? just gotta passively ooze your pussy juices else where.... kill yourselves you beta ass faggots....


weeds-in-the-garden ago

It's only on the table because white women are being fucked up by men who let the lunacy continue.

Actually, I'm under the impression that white women need quite a bit of lunacy in their lives, but white men have been too fucking pussified in the last decade (I know several here who have never once been in a fight) to appear attractive. When women are young they want adventure, and our boys are acting like useless twats.

You're still going to lose your genetics with a kid that will look maybe 5% like you (not even enough to tell)

That's quite the assumption. My uncle has had many kids with his Taiwanese wife and I can still see the family resemblance on my family's side.

you're invite in further destruction of western civilization

Sadly love does stupid shit. Luckily my wife is far more hardcore libertarian than I am.

and that fucking IQ myth everyone parrots.... wow.

It's amazing, it's almost like people think that IQ is everything. Behavior, belief, education, experience, etiquette, many many things go into being a valuable member of society, not just IQ.

you just can't man-up and take your women back, can you?

That wouldn't have been that hard, I just never felt that way towards the white women. Never really set off my chemistry like my wife does. Get over it.

kill yourselves you beta ass faggots

Keyboard warriors of the web.

JonReeeeed ago

Actually, I'm under the impression that white women need quite a bit of lunacy in their lives, but white men have been too fucking pussified in the last decade (I know several here who have never once been in a fight) to appear attractive. When women are young they want adventure, and our boys are acting like useless twats.

Think more about your response to me here. It's lacking in several ways.

That's quite the assumption. My uncle has had many kids with his Taiwanese wife and I can still see the family resemblance on my family's side.

Those island and peninsula countries have been receiving the white man's seed for hundreds of years and the children disappear back into the population browning them back up. However they've since long ago favored white skin and kept up on it. I strongly suspect all those aforementioned countries have sizeable portions of Caucasoid genes - and coincidentally they both, via trade with westerners, are the only asian countries to have mildly advanced. Now their countries are full of western tech. ANyways, the point is I'm pretty sure they're already partially white.

It's amazing, it's almost like people think that IQ is everything. Behavior, belief, education, experience, etiquette, many many things go into being a valuable member of society, not just IQ.

I fully understand what you're saying here, but even still. The IQ thing is not true by all observations on my end. Someone was telling a story on voat here about a PhD in linguists doing IQ tests in asia - they clocked in at a solid mid 80s IQ.... that's a google level IQ. If you care to know more or contest that I can go into more detail. I've heard it all from people.

That wouldn't have been that hard, I just never felt that way towards the white women. Never really set off my chemistry like my wife does. Get over it.

As I told some cuck in the comments here, chain her up in your basement - it's not a requirement that you talk to her. The coming patriarchy will have your back.

Keyboard warriors of the web.

Retardation generates comments like this.

weeds-in-the-garden ago

Think more about your response to me here. It's lacking in several ways.

I'm aware, I just don't care. From my experience of being around many beta's (there are many in my field) they need to get a hobby, one that's displays masculine traits. Maybe get in a fight of two so they have some back story.

Those island and peninsula countries have been receiving the white man's seed for hundreds of years and the children disappear back into the population browning them back up.

That really depends on the genetic pull of the region. If you have primarily Mexicans in the region you have to dump a whole lot of white people in there to change the genetic makeup. Same goes for blacks in America. If they had all bred with whites at the beginning we wouldn't have Blacks in our population. Instead they bread with each other at a faster rate than whites, holding a genetic base in our populations. ... and now I'm bored, I know I'm preaching to the quire. Whatever, you get the idea of where I'm headed with this.

If you care to know more or contest that I can go into more detail. I've heard it all from people.

I would like to know more as I find the subject fascinating. Also, I know if they were bouncing around China that region is far less intelligent then they like to make out. Bastards took scores from Hong Kong and thought it'd be great if they pretended the rest of the country was that intelligent.

As I told some cuck in the comments here, chain her up in your basement - it's not a requirement that you talk to her. The coming patriarchy will have your back.

HAHAHAHAHAHHHAAA! that's one way to do it.

Retardation generates comments like this.

Usually, I find dropping a couple of IQ points and letting out with retarded statements gets under people's skin far better. The high road is for people who are recruiting and have something to prove.

10361375? ago

Yeah man! Who doesn't want a stupid white feminist woman who has had more sexual partners than she can even remember? You sure changed my mind. Surely a whore with no values like modern white western women will make terrific mothers and wives. Might need to get a brown surrogate since multiple abortions tend to have long term effects but hey she is white!

JonReeeeed ago

Chain her up in your basement. Return of the patriarchy will have your back. You don't HAVE to talk to her.

Why would you want to sit and talk to a woman anyways? There's nothing to be had from that.

Reddiggoat ago

I have an urge to go bang a black chick now.

everef ago

Enjoy your STDs.

JonReeeeed ago

Good luck, you won't get one because the statistics say you're a cuck loser who isn't touching a girl anytime in the near future

Reddiggoat ago

Oh cool there's statistics on me!