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HardRichard ago

Denmark here. used to have a summer house out in the forest in sweden. Sold it this year.

When you drive through this quite rural land, the few town are littered with africans and arabs. Young men just hanging about. Its surreal. Its not Sweden anymore. Its so sad.

PhilaFerret ago

Check out the Poconos.

ReinhardsLegacy ago

Sweden made its bed, now they must sleep in it.

boekanier ago

How can a people be so stupid? Or are they the first in a long serie?

Dereliction ago

Can't sleep in a bed when you've been rape-murdered in it.

Grunge ago

Let the ones who at least tried and spoke out against this come to the US as refugees. The cucks that demanded everybody to accept their demise, they must stay put.

welcome_to_voat ago

Sadly we're at least half of the way there ourselves, Trump or not.
We could use some more based whites, which is why we won't be getting any.

Pwning4Ever ago

I use to get angry at this stuff but now I just dont care about the Swedes anymore. I want their country to fail already so we can use them as an example

goat2017 ago

Accelerationism isnt going to work.

People arent going to suddenly wake up to reality because Sweden is a part of the caliphate. If theyre too brainwashed to see reality by now they never will.

boekanier ago

They are now an example, a very bad one, that is.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Thats what liberals are doing.

Don't be a hypocrite.

Pwning4Ever ago

If sweden fails, the other countries will wake up.

Sweden will be lebanon 2.0

squarcle ago

RIP Sweden. :( I was learning the language and planning on moving there about 10 years ago but changed my mind. Guess I dodged that bullet.