redlegmike ago

Disgusting. Sweden = Human Rights Abuse.

Pepper-theDoctor ago

The Viking blood is in America now. Think about who moved to America in our early years. The bravest men, pioneers, do-ers, men who wanted to make a new world for themselves.

boekanier ago

Feminists... personification of madness

somefuckingguy14 ago

Lmao, my provincial government pays for transition surgery for the mentally ill. 50% still kill themselves afterwards.

Talk about a bad investment.

boekanier ago

There not a single atom left from that Viking blood...

boekanier ago

'Sweden' should be in the title.

fairytisya ago

come to my child's school and say that see how far it will get you. why are mother putting their child in harm over there.,

Tancred ago

brown skin trumps vagina

prairie ago

I can't help but see the science in this. They're helping to construct a scale of oppression priority, one inequality at a time. Islam > rape

Spasticus_Autisticus ago

Listen and Believe! LOL.

walterhartman ago

Girls were wearing those sexy wooden shoes? Maybe they were asking for it.

NeoGoat ago

People need to remember this points. I would also understand that some level of racism is essentially part of the human psyche; this has been measured in even people who are not consciously racist.

DeplorableMeep ago

They need to fight back and if the government won't do the right thing start killing those assholes. You can't tolerate being treated like that. It is going to come to that. People are going to get fed up. Hopefully before it is too late if its not too late already. :(

Dereliction ago

It's okay when refugees grab pussies though.

SoManyQuestions ago

Careful. This sounds like ganda aimed at voatminded people.

TrueAmerican ago

I live in Sweden and dont mind the few blacks and arabs i come across. This country needed some diversity and curvier women. Tired of all the tall blondes with small tits and no ass...

TauCeti ago

I guess you like black/Arab male ass then? Because between mostly being men, and the few women wearing tents, I doubt you see much else.

PsyOp ago

See? The common man (everywhere) is a spineless coward! You've got to be some special kind of creep to passively allow little girls to be subjected to that kind of abuse and then report them when they complain! This BS could very easily happen right here in America...and it probably will, because Americans are cowardly motherfuckers, too. In fact, the vast majority of white Western men are spineless cowards, and gullible as fuck!

audiastrat ago

Im not going to read this article but that headline better be accurate or else

jabba ago

Um isn't that victim blaming

Salbuchi_2019 ago

Let me help you with that: they can be racist and sexist if the patriarchy exerts an influence on them. In other words, it's men's fault.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

We'll fuck your young pussy one way or the other!

SmokeyMeadow ago

Herein lies the problem of a conquering nation that procreates solely with the women of its vanquished foes. Eventually all that proud Nordic blood cycled out and became diluted. We're left' now with a country populated the descendants of scared villagers who got snatched during Viking raids. And big surprise, it's ripe for the taking of our own century's barbarian horde. I just hope the irony isn't lost on them.

Tancred ago

that procreates solely with the women of its vanquished foes.

solely? citation needed

SocialJusticePanda ago

Think (hope) that proud proud Nordic blood still exists. They are smart enough to know that you don't rise up when a fucking like on a jewbook post can get you arrested. When is too much, when is too late. That is the question of our time.

Goater ago

Yeah, I just wish we lived in a world where we could actually help them.

I mean sure, they're that village now, but we are the much bigger village that could send a small army to quash the barbarian horde in such a way to send a message heard from Sweden to Mecca.

Come here and we will marinade you in your own blood before feeding you to the pigs that won't pass certification for some things, and will be dog food. Perfect fitting. Covered in the 'unclean' and eaten by animals they hate.

A man that hates dogs is no man. Dogs are man's best friend. What does that make Muslims?

Their village still holds many native descendants of value, just have to go through extreme vetting and get out of there, like any high risk nation natives now should.

Instead our hands are tied by the masses of useful idiots who willingly allow their own destruction, and our refugee quota's are taken up by fucking welfare leech Africans or Middle Easterner's.

somefuckingguy14 ago

This won't stop until we all stop paying taxes at once.

voatusernamevoat ago

People need to be going after the staff.

still_ghost ago

Fuck baby boomers

Pepper-theDoctor ago

The problem isn't baby boomers, the problem is socialists. Nearly all boomers are socialists though.

whitehawk ago

Fuck off with your deluded ideology, need an Waabulance? If your think Baby Boomers are responsible for where the World sits, you're right where the people who fucked it up want you.

cynicaloldfart ago

I have no information concerning Swedish boomers, but here in the US I give you my standard response:

"We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning"

Goater ago

You have to admit, whatever demographic was aged 30 - 40 around the late 70's have been principally responsible for the degradation of U.S congress.

That demographic has certainly caused the most pain as far as their political policies, you look through U.S congress of the 30's and 50's, that was real shit*. *sorry nz for that was how it should be done.

These days it's a fucking joke, but we all know that here.

They didn't start the fire, but they saw one burning and many acted in a way to add fuel or use the fire for their own greed.

cynicaloldfart ago

You have to admit, whatever demographic was aged 30 - 40 around the late 70's have been principally responsible for the degradation of U.S congress.

No I don't have to admit that. If you think Congress is appreciably more corrupt now, well, that's just crazy talk. It's just more widely known by more of the population. Earlier, we had to rely on newspapers (paid distributors) for "truth". The internet has taken that away from them.

They didn't start the fire, but they saw one burning and many acted in a way to add fuel or use the fire for their own greed.

I agree, and it is still that way today. They just have be 'sneaky-er' with their gas cans. In 30-50 years, we can look back and validate, or not, your position.

Goater ago

You don't have to admit, of course you are entitled to your own opinion, sorry I should have worded that better, one more coffee still needed.

I was talking about this change congress at that time period leading to so many of the negative outcomes we see today, does that make more sense as to the point I was trying to make?

From an outsiders perspective, I saw many of the action of congress in the 60's to hold a lot more merit than those of the 2010's, but it is your country so you would know it better than I do.

In 30-50 years, we can look back and validate, or not, your position.

Aren't we 30-50 years from the 70's now? We can validate their actions against outcomes now can't we, or did you mean as in the actions of current congress?

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks for the link. Interesting. Being an 'outsider' has advantages of not being influenced by the environment and parents growing up. Note that back then we had no internet, so "news" was what was told in the newspapers and tv news. Hard to get info that wasn't "approved for the masses". So I will accept my views may be tainted. Lastly, I meant 30-50 years from now. Even then history will still be, to some degree, written or edited by the winners. Thanks for your comment.

NeoGoat ago

Newsmen practiced some level of ethics, weren't as controlled corporately, and weren't sucking up to politicians, so MSM was orders of magnitude better than it was not. They brought the horrors of the Vietnam war into your living room.

cynicaloldfart ago

It was nowhere as prevalent and corrupted as it is today. But they were virtually the only source for the average citizen to hear about anything outside their local community. The reported facts may have been more verified and integrity certainly had an effect, but omissions of incidents and occurrences did happen. Also, politicians and their party have always used the media, always have. It has only been 15 - 20 years that the media has had any real competition. They get worse, the public responds.

Goater ago

No worries, thought it might be an interesting thing to take into consideration about U.S congress, and completely agree with you about the lack of information, but some info did still make it out e.g watergate, but that was back when journalism existed I guess.

Yep completely agree, it will always be so, history will be written by the victors, facts are whatever the conquering party says they are until proven otherwise by irrefutable evidence.

HardRichard ago

Denmark here. used to have a summer house out in the forest in sweden. Sold it this year.

When you drive through this quite rural land, the few town are littered with africans and arabs. Young men just hanging about. Its surreal. Its not Sweden anymore. Its so sad.

PhilaFerret ago

Check out the Poconos.

ReinhardsLegacy ago

Sweden made its bed, now they must sleep in it.

boekanier ago

How can a people be so stupid? Or are they the first in a long serie?

Dereliction ago

Can't sleep in a bed when you've been rape-murdered in it.

Grunge ago

Let the ones who at least tried and spoke out against this come to the US as refugees. The cucks that demanded everybody to accept their demise, they must stay put.

welcome_to_voat ago

Sadly we're at least half of the way there ourselves, Trump or not.
We could use some more based whites, which is why we won't be getting any.

Pwning4Ever ago

I use to get angry at this stuff but now I just dont care about the Swedes anymore. I want their country to fail already so we can use them as an example

goat2017 ago

Accelerationism isnt going to work.

People arent going to suddenly wake up to reality because Sweden is a part of the caliphate. If theyre too brainwashed to see reality by now they never will.

boekanier ago

They are now an example, a very bad one, that is.

Poot_McGarvey ago

Thats what liberals are doing.

Don't be a hypocrite.

Pwning4Ever ago

If sweden fails, the other countries will wake up.

Sweden will be lebanon 2.0

squarcle ago

RIP Sweden. :( I was learning the language and planning on moving there about 10 years ago but changed my mind. Guess I dodged that bullet.

Gorillion ago

Burn Sweden, burn.

dogfck ago

Vive la Somalia.