Monkstar1 ago

Pole. Poland. Poll. Pollen?

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Beautiful. Let us in or we shoot our way in.... and your government tells you this isn't an invasion. Well i guess we are opening the gate for them so yay us it's not technically an invasion. Honey get the lube

HarveyHarveyJones ago

Fighting fire with fire eh?

AfricanZionSafari ago

If there is one country that knows something about polls its Polland.

geosprintforever ago

Just proves that Poles are not stupid.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

You check a pole in hockey they will definitely check you back you Czech.

BloatedVoatGoat ago

your pullin my leg.

TAThatBoomerang ago

Water is wet.

lord_nougat ago

Or is it just really happy to see you?

Spaceballs-1 ago

The greatest tragedy of being a Pole is in being between Germany and Russia.

For the first time in generations Poles are the masters of their own destiny and Berlin and Brussels want to dictate what the Polish do in their own land.

I'm a little surprised that the Polish government didn't attack with their elite horse mounted troups.

tippyc ago

The Polish pollsters politely polled the Poles, pooling a polyphony of polarized perspectives.

SaneGoatiSwear ago

goat pollsters have found most goats want free speech on voat.

i am giving @fuzzywords a couple hours to admit it. either way, the truth comes out tonight. i have a1 proof fuzzywords is a shill for sjw culture against voat

prepare your popcorn @tippyc @harveyharveyjones @sirdigbychikencaesar. speech shall be free once again on voat.

tonight fuzzywords is unveiled as a clear sjw shill on voat.

tippyc ago

how many places did you post this?

HarveyHarveyJones ago


SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I bet you really liked that V for Vendetta movie.

tippyc ago

one of my all-time favorites

KingMortales ago

I'm so glad I just watched it. Yesterday morning I wouldn't have got the reference. Great movie too.

SirDigbyChikenCaesar ago

I guess they're right when they say "in comedy, timing is everything."

KingofKong ago

A poll done on poles has shown that poles prefer the company of poles.

HarveyHarveyJones ago


pinkmagnet ago

The Polish have fought hard keep their culture for over a thousand years. Why would they want to start taking in "refugees" now?

This is a great movie. Polish fighting off the bolsheviks in 1920.

Anon3256320 ago

There is nothing wrong with taking in refugees as per the asylum complex. Letting in a large group of unvetted people for permanent settlement is... Something different.

rob_white ago

I don't think the majority of regular people in any country want these refugees. The problem is the regular people don't get a say in it, the elites are pushing it on everyone else, regular people don't want terrorist attacks or being raped. Lets also be clear that refugees is a lie, these are migrants mostly from Africa, fighting age males that are coming for welfare, which is why they try to get in to the countries with the best welfare systems.

Poland and Hungary are acting rationally with leaders that act in the best interest of their populations, the other European leaders are committing treason.