schwanstucker ago

You're right, but it's a fun read. Besides. "Reasoned economic..." doesn't make a lot of sense right now, with so much uncertainty. We were just discussing this in the office yesterday (real estate office, all of us long-time real estate people); most of us think a tough time is coming, but it's probably not going to be like 2007 (when the recession really started, with zillions of foreclosures, just two years after the 2-year "neg am" loans became a thing. Go figure).

FuckYouReddit- ago

You mean the 4th branch of the DNC.

schwanstucker ago

Needs to find out who the pedophiles are at CNN, and prosecute them. And if executives at CNN were at all complicit, they need to go to jail. AND...since they seem to love pedophila so much, and think it's normal, perhaps anyone whose child was affected should sue...class action...based on the fact that when a news agency justifies or extols crime, it incites it.

schwanstucker ago

I haven't followed them for a while until this election season, but I did when they first started up. They were pretty political then, albeit their politics was mostly related to the bankers...

schwanstucker ago

I surely hope so. Gawker, now CNN...I hope Wikileaks destroys them financially for their lies.

brucethemoose ago

They'd expose Trump in a heartbeat if someone gives them a reason to. And if that's happens, you'll see CNN do a 180 so fast your neck will break.

Helios-Apollo ago

You realize WikiLeaks aren't the ones doing the hacking right? They're merely the people that air the leaks someone else already gave them.

brucethemoose ago

Yeah, by that I mean if anyone submits evidence.

hunter4 ago

wheres cnns report that was defaming?

Hermesthriceborn ago

Be careful, If WL happen to be under CIA control this would be the first domino in the tactic of blaming them for what we are guilty of. CNN just may be the fall guy, especially given the illegitimacy of their news agency post-election.

IDK just my initial thought. If this holds, Alefantis and Company could utilize the precedent to go after any ALT news who defamed CPP or anyone during the pizzagate investigations infancy.

fagnig ago

This is the risk of the "legacy media" deathwish, we need them, but theyre failing to fulfil their purpose, there are many publications i hate for their bias, but which are doing good work in pushing facts out their we all need to know.

rob_white ago

Interesting. Thanks to the Zenger case, although this would be a civil case it can be heard by a jury, the American people hate the lying media, especially CNN, Wikileaks should certainly bring the case as I expect CNN will do nothing in 48 hours. I hope this is not an empty threat by Wikileaks.

The press need a good neck stomping in this country, they are despicable propagandists, if this was criticism of the government I'd be more inclined to give them some slack but instead they work for the government to slander truth tellers and heroes like Assange that actually take on corrupt governments.

Totenglocke ago

I'd love to see Trump sue all of the fake news organizations for slander / libel.

Voatifier ago

I look at CNN front page every day. I enjoy the headlines more than I should. The I go read some reputable sources.

They must have some damn fine legal dept.

0011011000111001 ago

you should stop going to that website period

TheDude2 ago

Time to gawker CNN

frankenmine ago

I hope CNN goes down like Gawker.

Mr_YUP ago

CNN has a good deal of money behind them. If they paid Wikileaks the same amount that Gawker paid Hogan they'd be ok still. Gawker was much smaller than CNN is and we're make an example of

Bill_Murrays_Sandals ago

Holy. Shit.

Julian has taken the gloves off and is making them sweat. Will CNN do what he wants within 48 hours or will they risk defeat?

B3nder ago

They will do nothing, I think.

TAThatBoomerang ago


watitdew ago

I have consulted my attorney and he will be contacting you about this shortly.

Spoiler altert:

BlackLabel ago

It's not liable, it's libel, and you're confusing things, there's a distinction between the two with people often confusing libel and slander - the first is written, the second is spoken/gestures. Defamation, as it's used in the article and by Wikileaks, is a catch-all term general term for both forms.

7483738? ago

"Libel". I only correct it, since it's important to understand your post.

Troll ago


crowd of agents cheering with a track of audience applause

daskapitalist ago

Top kek

DiscontentedMajority ago

May be just the thing to ease back Trumps opinion of libel/defamation suits.

Free_Radical ago

Praise KEK! This year is going to be great.

xobodox ago

I hope Trump sues FrontLine for that hack-job hit-piece that they did on him..

SaneGoatiSwear ago

i am giving @fuzzywords a couple hours to admit it. either way, the truth comes out tonight. i have a1 proof fuzzywords is a shill for sjw culture against voat

prepare your popcorn @free_radical. speech shall be free once again on voat.

and this year just got a whooooole lot better for voat!

SpitsMonsters ago

CNN getting sued for racial discrimination and defamation! Hot damn!