JohnnyCage90E ago

I need to get back in there next friday night with some SOBER riffs...If im not still wasted by then.

....No promises.

sirRantsalot ago

The slow decay is unbearable.

Negro_Nazi ago

Play freebird!

TheBuddha ago

LOL I do, with remarkable frequency. It's very often our encore. Voat has heard me play it already.

We use it as an encore because we can change the length, jam out, people like it, and it's a cliche.

Negro_Nazi ago

Oh, fuck yeah.

Gotta love a song where a 15 min guitar solo isnt out of the norm.

TheBuddha ago

Sometimes, I'll even get off the stage (we use wireless) and walk down and through the audience while playing the encore.

They eat this up.

We sometimes will bring a guest onstage to play it with us. The guest is actually my guitar student, and she's usually in sound, but the crowd eats this up as well. It takes us about 15 minutes to do it the way we do it, with all the musicians getting the chance to do some bitching solos and showing off. Sometimes, we have a guitar duel with it.

The audiences love it. We also enjoy it, as it's kinda like letting our hair down. We mix it up quite a bit, as much as such a song can be. Our repeat viewers (I'm not comfortable calling them groupies today) are used to it and know it's coming, so we mix it up.

We don't play a lot of bars, unless they're pretty big bars. So, we've got quite large audiences. We do things like fairs and festivals, private functions, etc...

Our next show is a huge bar, for the area. We have played there quite a few times now, so we'll have lots of fans and sell tons of merchandise. We go out of our way to make their shows extra special. They pay very well and the audience is just too awesome. We are doing a full Friday and Saturday night, and will have an opening act get the crowd ready for us.

Negro_Nazi ago

That's badass. I actually work as a stage hand down in Texas when I am there.

You healing up ok from the injury?

TheBuddha ago

The bones are all fused again. My femur is fused, but doesn't yet have the appropriate density. I am still in significant pain and still doing PT. It has only been a little less than a year and my injuries were kinda severe. Thanks for asking.

What kinda band in Texas?

Negro_Nazi ago

I am not in a band I just work as a stage hand.

TheBuddha ago

That's what you said. I wanted to know what kinda music you play - that is the band. I consider my roadies/hands to be a part of our band. Without them, we don't perform.

Negro_Nazi ago

I am a drummer but I dont have a kit at the moment.

Negro_Nazi ago

Ah, I see. I dont work for a single band. My crew get rented to the venue and I work with all the bands who play that night. I got to work with slayer once, that was cool.

TheBuddha ago

That's insane. Stagehands should know the band, know the material, know the equipment, and are an essential part of the act.

I'd never rely on the venue to provide such. Hell no.

Negro_Nazi ago

The bands have the choice to use their own guys. When or to have their guys work with us so they know nobody is fucking with their stuff.

Negro_Nazi ago

Most of the guys on my crew have been doing it for 5-10 years so they know what they are doing. We have a lighting crew, stage build hand. Inload/outload. And most of them are in bands of their own so they respect the gear.

Metal splinters hurt like a mofo though, haha.

HonkHonkHonk ago

I've spent 20 years playing guitar, most of that was by myself. If you want a shitty phone recording of me playing scales, I'm in.

I don't think anyone wants that, though.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, we do.

The thread is still sorta active, but it's just a couple of us now. Next Friday, 20:00 eastern US time, a brand new weekly guitar thread will open up.

videocodec ago

Since this is the guitar thread, it seems like the guitar is getting less popular recently. Most of the music o listen to has guitar base etc like hard rock but it's not played in school bands. It could be morphed into the acoustic guitar as that seems more common world wide so the electric guitar becomes less common. Just wondering about the future of the guitar in general

theysayso ago

Sorry - I forgot. I had a gig last night. Catch me this Friday.

auto_turret ago

I once spent an entire day recording my terrible piano playing to try and capture a perfect rendition of a tune for this thread.

I'd make it halfway, 3 quarters, even 98 % through mistake free then fuck up.

Eventually gave up due to frustration.

I know your standards are low, but mine are not. I cant allow mistake riddled shit to escape into the world.

And to tell you the truth, I abhor performing for people. I better get over that, or this piano retirement plan thing is shot.

TheBuddha ago

If you play through your mistakes, many people won't notice them.

Purged ago

It's how I live my life...

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

That's what people tell my parents....

generate ago

fuck voat, fuck traitor putt, there is no DDOS

SearchVoatBot ago

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qx4chenxp ago

What's a weekly guitar thread?

videocodec ago

"We have low standards" You clearly have not heard me sing. I am thinking of selling songs though to drive away the homeless and anyone else who is sane.

TheBuddha ago

I'd say that, in the entire guitar thread, at least 25% are horrible vocalists - or started out that way and are still horrible but are slightly less horrible than they were when they started.

We've got pretty low standards. I ain't even kidding. We've had people who struggled to play a single simple scale on their guitar.

But, they did it to the best of their ability.

Memorexem ago

I have time, but alas... No bucket with which to carry a tune.

Fuck man, I can't even play xylophone. That's how much musical talent I lack. I'm probably making you a worse musician just by being here, lol.

I'll still listen to y'all keep time, though I can't.

We got anybody can play bagpipes well? About the only Scottish thing I can tolerate even though yes, TECHNICALLY, I know, they were an... Arab? Invention. Middle East, certainly. The Scots just did it well.

TheBuddha ago

We have really, really low standards.

And @notruescottsman plays the squeaky bags.

MadJackChurchill ago

You can play pots and pans with wooden spoons.

I'ma take you up on this BrotherB but not this time... soon 😁

TheBuddha ago

I myself did so, just to show it could be done.

NotHereForPizza ago

Maybe take a break from faggotry

TheBuddha ago

Yup. To date, you've not said anything right - or even intelligent.

You're dismissed. I have other stuff to do tonight.

NotHereForPizza ago


That's funny shit.

Merlynn ago

Name a song and I'll mangle it.

TheBuddha ago


James Taylor, Sweet Baby James.

Merlynn ago

Ok,where do I post this?

TheBuddha ago

There will be a brand new thread that opens up in v/Guitar. It opens up in about 18 minutes. It will be stickied, as long as i 'member to sticky it. We do this every week, at the same time. 20:00 Eastern US time.

Merlynn ago

Ok,but where to I post the file? Like what service should I use?

TheBuddha ago

Oh, I use, these days.

Merlynn ago

Got anything not connected to Fuckbook?

TheBuddha ago

It's not. You can create an account without using facebook credentials. I have no facebook account.

Merlynn ago

I'd like one without Fuckbook connections,tho.

TheBuddha ago

Then don't connect via Facebook. It's pretty simple. That's just an OAUTH server option. You can still create an account without it.

Or not. Use a search engine and find one you like.

Merlynn ago

So no one uses anything else?

TheBuddha ago

Not so much, anymore. A few folks use YouTube or SoundCloud.

Merlynn ago

Anything else?

TheBuddha ago

Not really, no. Use your favorite search engine. I'm sure there's something.

d1a ago

This conversation was frustrating to read.

the_sharpest_knife ago

I thought I heard the Old Man say:

"Leave her, Johnny, leave her."

Tomorrow you will get your pay

And it's time for us to leave her

TheBuddha ago

I briefly considered opening a bottle of rum and then later singing Drunken Sailor.

Thereunto ago

Early in the morning?

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

I'm on my way out to spend a night in the town with the wife.

Can I have an excuse slip?

xobodox ago

exactly.. people are busy; so don't be disheartened if there is a slow-down or whatever. I know we are busy traveling a lot lately.. there's a lot going on.

Maybe, the Friday thing should really be a weekly thing where people can feel free to post for the whole week (instead of just Friday).

It's been hard to make time for things like the Friday Guitar Night.

TheBuddha ago

I have an excuse to not participate, every single Friday night.

Well. quite a few of 'em. Not every Friday night, but damned close.

I can think of a few things I'd rather do with that four hours tonight, but here I am.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

You're forgetting that I have 0 musical talent....

TheBuddha ago

Me too. I have hard-earned skill. Just like you, I was born with 0 musical talent.

We all started at the same place.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Fair enough

TheBuddha ago

You still have about 1.3 hours!

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Tik tok bitch!!!

TheBuddha ago

It's generally a bad idea to learn to play an instrument anyhow. Seriously, it's a time sink. You'll never make any serious money at it.

ChaoticAwakening ago


TheBuddha ago

I have diligently practiced for more than fifty years. That's some two hours per day, most days - many days even more.

I'm a classical guitarist, by training.

Trust me, it's a horrible idea.