to_go_to_bed_forever ago

"I blurred her face so throwing a child to the wolves is ok"

MrBoneCrusher ago

God damn, just heard about Soph. I sound like a pedophile, but I'm in love.

thebearfromstartrack ago

That is one ugly fucking Jew.

Doc_Shotgun ago

I fucking love soph. She's a hoot.

MrShekelstein ago

I almost feel bad for the jews...almost.

They just can't stop LOSING.

Rothbard_Block_Hoppe ago

holy shit this is actually making me mad as fuck, why would any journalist go for a 14 year old girl????

I like Uncle Hyde's advice on our current situations:

ephesians5_11 ago

The (((youtube))) video got Shoah'd, but I found a bitchute link & posted it here

TheRuralJuror ago

"Foul mouthed" as if "journalists" haven't spent their energies on highlighting and applauding millenials licking shit holes for the last few years.

TheTrigger ago

They're shifty. They put on different masks for different tasks; they don't have the balls to be honest. Any honest journalist who ever lived is pressure-cooking in a cement block somewhere, as we speak. News media is dead.

pepe16 ago

They removed the video.

It makes me really sad that Jews would censor a cute little girl. If there really is a day of the rope, then I won't feel bad about having to deal with the Jewish kids.

ephesians5_11 ago

Found the original hosted on bitchute. Made a post with the link here:

gustodog ago

I like how the Buzzfeed piece blurs Soph's face, as if they're something trying to protect her.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Adminstrater ago

Oh dear. I didn't realize but this is the same Talia Lavin that resigned because she mistook a tattoo for a symbol that she thought was related to a cause that she could make money off of.

gustodog ago

Talia works for Media Matters currently IIRC, a Democrat propaganda org.

Adminstrater ago

So there is proof that she is a politically biased journalist. What a hack.

antistatist ago

Talia (((Lavin)))

Too easy.

DietCokehead1 ago

She's committing face crime.

Octoclops ago

Can you imagine if they met?

BadBoyBubby ago

Soph would make him join the 40% with a few harsh words

jackthelion ago

i wonder if soph is controlled op

im sure shes popular with wehraboo pederasts

CowWithBeef ago

She called California a crypto-calliphate. I don't want to go down a rabbit hole deep enough for her to be controlled opposition.

condensedpun ago

rabbi hole*

lordv1ldemort ago


I wonder who's behind this post!?

CameraCode0 ago


projecting pedophilia

Sounds like some butthurt redditor trying to infiltrate voat.

jackthelion ago

wow i sure did generate a lot of asspain for merely suggesting that soph might not be exactly what she seems to be

i dont even want to be right, i like soph's content a lot, i just wonder, you know

because the meme is drawing the comparison between her and desmond to illustrate whats okay for kids to do on the internet or not

but just as we know desmond is amazing is a drugged up pawn/sex toy for degenrate freaks, how could it be leddit faggotry to consider that maybe something insidious is going on in soph's life

is it because she says all the right things and finding out that it was all a lie would shatter your delicate little heart

I'm likely wrong anyway, i cant find any evidence to support my theory

fuck me for being concerned about the welfare of a child though i guess lol

CameraCode0 ago

Is this just some

Both sides are equally as bad!

cuckery? I don't see how a girl making edgy videos on the internet and a boy being encouraged by the media to dance and sexualize himself, as well as hang out with nude homosexual males who also sexualize him are in any way similar.

You are likely wrong, I wouldn't criticize you so harshly if you had any evidence to back it up, goats are pretty reasonable and rational and can call out when things are bad even if it hurts their position, but I just don't see how this is one.

jackthelion ago

im just a little concerned aboit the welfare of a young gorl whos famous on youtube

the right wing cant have its sick fucks? i dont have any evidence i was just posing the question, takong the opposite position


Also literally no one but /leftypol/ and Reddit communists use the term "wehraboo" so you exposed yourself just from that.

i did not know that, i thought it was just like a derogatory term for lolipedo nazi autists

trevmon ago

she's based and smart, be more concerned for sjw's kids

HeavyBrain ago

Oy vey, brainwashing kids for goals is our thing, you are not uspposed to have kids who do their own thing when said thing is anti semitic.

Art1cBear ago

Good thing we have an anit-semitism czar

IAmMightGuy ago

i would argue that that 14 yo is brainwashed as well. theyre to young and impressionable to have actual opinions. not saying what the 14 yo is saying is wrong just that they are being used as a prop to gain sympathy and sell a narrative

naturalethic ago

Nope she’s legit

High_Sierra_Trail ago

FYI, the girl and her brother do this themselves. Perhaps we're used to idiotic teens, so when we see intellect, we think it odd.

Cockboy ago

Brainwashed=/=red pilled. I was red pulled on my own and saying the same type of shit whe I was 14. Not everyone is retarded when they're young.

HeavyBrain ago

Of course, but the RWDS loli can later choose to keep it down or quit it, you cant quit the cut dick and fucked up hormon system.

Moikd ago

Perfect hypocrisy, great moves keep it up!

ForTheUltimate ago

it's a girl?

OrdinaryFaggot ago

male presenting transgender lesbian master race true that. all the benefits of being a white male, plus extra victim gibs

ForTheUltimate ago

look at all the cuckservatives who want to stay on their high horse of standards and lose instead of grabbing power with a honk.