Rainy-Day-Dream ago

gas yourself, taco nigger

Asshat69 ago

You're just another Reddit fag doing the same thing they did to you.

Coors_Nationalist ago


Mumbleberry ago



fuck reddit, "ban evasion" my ass the sub was nothing like that

CameraCode ago

Shitting on Reddit is low hanging fruit, but really is there anything still there that is interesting? The comments are so boring and all the fun subs have been banned. What's been keeping people there? (besides normies, obviously) Anyway sounds cool, maybe I'll hop on sometime.

17725880? ago

I waited for a long time for MDE to com here! There are surely other subs that could migrate... Of course, nothing will ever be so perfect a fit. But for example, metacanada, I also would like to see get delete so they come here...

turbola ago

We could always organize raids

To_the_popular_song ago

This. Really I think we should be trolling constantly. Make subreddits, link them here to get some people and try to piss of ahs.

17720737? ago

We don't even need to make subreddits. We can just gang up on existing ones. There are probably enough of us here that we can manipulate the front pages of small to medium sized subs

17720348? ago


ThisIsMyRealName ago

I browse r/cringeanarchy and a couple of gaming subs that are relevant to me, r/7daystodie and r/playrust. Those aside, no. Reddit is just mostly shit now.

jpged ago

/r/opieandanthony is pretty gud but I have a feeling they are gonna catch the banhammer pretty soon

Linkmyboy ago

Id be surprised a smallish reddit dedicated to fucking with washed up radio personalities and their families would get banned.

raspmilktea ago

r/forwardsfromhitler is hilarious.

TheTrigger ago

Niche subs, really. That's it. Like, if you're searching for answers to a very specific question on a subject that only seems to have an active community on a reddit sub, for some reason. At least that's the only reason I begrudgingly load any of their threads anymore. If I have to ask any questions, it gets done elsewhere— some other forum or whatever.

It looks like that's where they're going to retire; their endgame. Community organizing software for companies to offer customer support, etc. And niche subs on specific topics. Lawnmower repair, horticulture, product reviews, etc. Reddit will become a slightly more functional Quora.

Coors_Nationalist ago

Ya i use it for specific games I play like warthunder and I use it for observing and interacting with the shit when i feel like it. Even general hobbies its no good for because they get their political shit all over.

Apparently voat gas a huge hostile gatekeeping problem when you try and start a new verse tho, so thats anoying but still better

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

Apparently voat gas a huge hostile gatekeeping problem when you try and start a new verse tho

"Oy Vey, anti-semitism. How dare you goyim treat me this way!"

stay mad, moshe

PistonRingFinger ago

ehh my man. Thats pretty gay. I think yall freaking out over nuthin.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

$0.02 has been added to your account, thank you for defending the people of Israel.

PistonRingFinger ago

okay , ill let ya know when anybody starts givin a fuck

17719322? ago

nah, i don't need to be kept apprised of JIDF opinions

17719373? ago

what isn't JIDF? I need a list so I know I'm safe, since obviously my own reasonable judgement is insufficient

17719750? ago

anyone who isn't one of your co-workers, you kike

Mumbleberry ago

Yeah, when you act like a reddit mod, we do.