siriusisness ago

lol, I think this might be my fault. Or at least im probably the straw that broke the camels back. I commented in the new york islanders sub about anna kendricks being ugly, was railed on by whiteknight faggots, who of course judge your comment not on it's content, but after looking up your post history like fucking LOSERS, and then I was banned from r/mgtow within about an hour...

So i assume a bunch of faggots complained all at once, and this gave them the final reason they needed to quarantine the sub. Looks like the mods at mgtow banned me to try and temper the storm, but it clearly didn't work hahaha. god reddit's gay.

DavidMGTOW ago

Oh, you are referring to the Star of David. I should have shortened to Dave, so everybody can tell me that a certain computer wants to murder me.

RodentLord ago

Yes, directly to an image hosted on their servers, meaning that you are leeching their bandwidth while providing them zero advertising revenue.

Now, fieldnigger, explain to me one reason you thought of with your own brain matter that such a direct link would be a problem. Do you have a reason? Or were you simply parroting something you imatgined to be a popular view around here, without having done the critical thinking necessary to understand why the things you read were written in the first place?


Cade_Connelly_13 ago

LOL wrecked! XD

lnsip9reg ago

There's overlap so I'm sure some r/mgtow already came over during r/greatawakening or some other ban. Welcome to Voat, the superior and only free speech platform left besides 8Kun, 4Chan, BitChute and Gab.

I believe MGTOW isn't the sole way of viewing the world, it is another lens, another toolset. Ultimately this we men are all looking for TRUTH, to understand this world and how to best navigate it. We want to be challenged, to debate, to put our ideas against each other and see what is real and what is trash. I look forward to more activity on v/mgtow!

RowdyBusch ago

Only a truly niggerfaggot would still use plebbit for anything other than porn.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

But pissing off the normies is so much fun!

CivNatisFullRetard ago


captainstrange ago

The reason jews love NPC culture.

  1. Build company with investment bank funnymoney laundered through VCs.

  2. IPO

  3. Buy put options

  4. Put women in charge

  5. Rinse and repeat

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Is this the he-man woman-haters club?

captainstrange ago

And the most accurate comment of the week goes to PuttitoutIsGone.

ruleofmen ago

Women are inferior to men in almost every single way. The only power they have is their rotten vaginas.

AE86-Sempai ago

Niggas at reddit got mad at us because we have 20 inch dick and fat stacks of jewish silver

Hoes mad

Hoes mad

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

Not deleted yet, but Quarantined.

Looks like voat is about to get much more traffic.

anonymaccount777 ago

I think that it would be a good idea to advertise v/mgtow on the quarantined r/mgtow sub so that the 100k users can come together here.

22338305? ago

You'd be surprised how a couple of dozen native Goats can chase off thousands of interlopers.

alalzia ago

Next time you decide to go on your own way don't settle in the valley of cunts .

trancedj ago


RodentLord ago

Looks like this is why.

trancedj ago

Holy shit!

BitterBiped ago

Fellow mgtow's seeking refuge here. Welcome, fuck reddit.

SearchVoatBot ago

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22333538? ago

Fuck off back where you came from. Voat is full.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Go charge a cop with your BB gun, Aryan wannabe.

Worroth ago

You're just a reddit shill, who is trying to block Voat's rise.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

Nah bitch. Go praise your based niggers somewhere else. Or better yet, kill your self.

DavidMGTOW ago

Why? If artificial wombs were invented, we would be allies instead of enemies. You are worried about your tribe going extinct, yet the women of your tribe have no problem if the men of another tribe kills all of the men of your tribe, including you. "Bros before hoes" should be part of your "Identification, Friend or Foe" (IFF).

I am so happy that the Voat registration blackout period is over. This is like Christmas Day. I am going to browse Voat and ignore your gatekeeping.

HbMcNutt ago

Because voaters find good woman who were raised by good men. And we marry them shortly after courting them. Artificial wombs are for faggots, literally

DavidMGTOW ago

May your spouse stay loyal to you and all of her children be of your genetic material, because the Traditional Conservative tools you could use to correct any bad behavior from her have been dismantled by government in her favor.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Stole my post.

It's even worse if you have a rebellious teenage daughter.

folgeyharry ago

The gatekeeping is more of a hazing ritual, anyways. Welcome to voat, niggerfaggot!

53withtrollhair ago

Subbed here. Going back to get more MGTOWs

oaf ago

i_hate_sodomites ago

Whites only, kike faggot.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

No niggers or chinks or spics allowed

oaf ago

SearchVoatBot ago

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BareBackOpSec ago

Pretty sure we already have some here before the quarantine. Welcome, brothers!

22333562? ago

Don't waste your time. We're just going to toy with you until most of you leave. It'll be fun. But it's getting redundant. Go back to fagland.

mistersol ago

That's why I am here, deleted reddit.

22333495? ago

Go back to Reddit you incel faggot. You're not welcome here. Go hump your Realdoll and cry onto your Nintendo Switch.

300lbCreeper ago

Name checksout.

Lurker_from_reddit ago

That I got from my wife's boyfriend right? :D

22341930? ago

Why did you fuck your wife's boyfriend?

mistersol ago

Well that real doll (two words) was great practice, your mom had no complains. Your Cuck of a Father took that Nintendo Switch as payment. Happy Birthday, it's from all 3 of us.

22334815? ago

That's racist.

mistersol ago


citerunner ago

Well It seems to be definitely gone now. prepare for incoming....

fightknightHERO ago

if you are using reddit in 2020

you are a faggot and a kike

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Or you are a part of some small communities that exist on Reddit and literally nowhere else on the Internet.

22333587? ago

Do yourself a favor and stay there.

Cade_Connelly_13 ago

Oh how cute, the little boy thinks he has authority. Or brains.

siriusisness ago

Authority? You're a fucking dumb cunt. Maybe you should try reading what I said again.

vonclausewitz ago

It may have been temporarily deleted, but currently it's just quarantined.

Keep in mind, there's also /r/mgtow2 which is like /r/mgtow but they limit memes and try to keep things more positive. /r/whereAreAllTheGoodMen is a good subreddit too to remind yourself why going your own way is a rational choice.

In general, anything that doesn't push the blue pill message (men are bad, women are oppressed, all problems are the result of patriarchy, criticizing men is acceptable but criticizing women is misogyny) is not welcome on Reddit. You should start looking for new sites now.

Voat works for me. I don't agree with everything that everyone says here, but it doesn't bother me that they say it. The performance of the site is not great though. - a good forum. Registrations are opened up periodically so you'll have to lurk a while - just found this site. It has some videos. Might be worth checking out.

What other websites can you suggest?

NukeRedditFromOrbit ago

mgtowhq is locked down. There is not registration and the boards are not publicly viewable. Kinda sucks on that one. I remember reading them a few years back, and then they locked/clammed up.

Ikarusrus ago ?

ExpertShitposter ago

performance was great till the qtard boomerniggerfaggotkikes came here.

trancedj ago


blumen4alles ago

Did not know about all of those, thanks mod.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/SoapboxBanhammer submission by @heygeorge.

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Iheartcatfood ago

What was the sub even about?

22333575? ago

Grown men who think girls are gross. They won't last a week on Voat. This is gonna be fun.

trancedj ago

For me, it was a place to encourage other men to not only gtow but to self-actualize and embrace their masculinity. Ya know, all the shit our gynocentric society hates.

Doggy_Style ago

Men who choose not to be enslaved by women who are enslaved by modern Jew culture.

siriusisness ago

That's such a perfect turn of phrase. Definitely gonna steal it.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

They have their office on a street corner in San Francisco, where you could just go and have a talk with them. They're all in those offices.

trancedj ago

East coast here. I visited San Fran last year to check off some bucket list shit. I don’t know why I would ever visit again.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I live an hour away and haven't been there in years. But I'm also familiar with the city and what would be interesting to see or do. Coit tower would be on my list. The bridges. The Marin side of the bridge and the gun emplacements. Certain historical parts, oh, and Chinatown. Also those streets so steep they make you say WTF? But the city itself was already scroungy back then, and crawling with faggots.

pshawman ago

It's quarantined.

trancedj ago

It’s been quarantined for awhile. It now appears to be gone. The sub isn’t even listed under my subscriptions. I didn’t try to see if any search results for MGTOW show old posts but I imagine it’s gone.

ThisIsMyRealName ago

It exists. I just visited it to check. As usual, OP is a fag.

trancedj ago

Lol. Seriously?

I still cannot access. I’ll check back on my laptop later.

blumen4alles ago

Went through fine for me just now, no quarantine warning either.

BitterBiped ago

Nope, the entire /r/mgtow subreddit is gone. Utterly gone, perhaps your browser or internet provider has a cache.

BitterBiped ago

Well if I cannot access the subreddit as usual, it's dead to me. I been hoping for this for a long time. It was the only reason I ever kept my reddit account..... that and for the pixel art subreddit. It's deleted now, good riddance.

blumen4alles ago

I did get the quarantine page when I got on there with my iPad 2 yesterday. Just checked it now, sub is still there. They may be blocking is through whatever app you are using. Works fine with an internet browser.

BitterBiped ago

Am using brave browser, still blocked for me.

blumen4alles ago

You can access reddit just fine otherwise? I am having DNS issues today myself.

BitterBiped ago

Yeah, rest of reddit is fine. Weird. Maybe it's my vpn or something. Will try again on work computer on Monday.

anonanon ago

Very interesting. I would like to see a huge discussion on this. For me it just confirms the importance of going your own way.

SearchVoatBot ago

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trancedj ago

Yeah, I agree. It just sucks that men cannot have their own space to discuss whatever that want. Not to mention, I’m fairly certain that sub saved more than one mans life by exposing them to female nature.

HbMcNutt ago

Know your enemy. Jews use woman in position of power becauase they are easily manipulated. They are only doing what they are told. Woman cant speak out against the jews either. They will imprison old ladys for denial of holocaust. Your frustration lies with jewish handlers who are controling your social spaces.

Far2Long2 ago

Wimmin run reddit. All and every non-pc wrongthink is banned.

trancedj ago

Wimmin and soy boy faggots.