Spiteful_Mutant ago

Thanks for not writing a long diatribe about how you used to love the taste of nigger cock and have now seen the light, blah, blah, blah. Oh, and fuck off you dick-sucking faggot.

swinston79 ago

Fuck off Niggerfaggot.

wisek ago

Same here!

DrMr142857 ago

New here too, and as my first comment, I'd like to introduce my favorite word: "polterfaggot" (it means a sneaky faggot)

randomfuckingidiot ago

Sup newfag, glad to have ya

generate ago

interesting. Still voat is not public

remember - there was never any DDoS

SacredGoat ago

Thank you!

VoatIsLife ago

I can finally have my own account to browse on. This makes me so happy. THANK YOU!

21127471? ago

You chose a really shit username.

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

I’ve been itching for MONTHS to get back on this site I hope Voat can handle it

sirRantsalot ago

Welcome, you silly prick!

drhitler ago

Fuck you and have a nice day


Pepe_LeKek2017 ago

Welcome aboard faggot.

Voatanon14 ago

Holy hell I can't believe I'm back on voat! This place was my home page since back in the fat people hate/ chairman pao days but I was just a lurker and never bothered registering an account, been locked out for months! What did I miss? Wtf happened?

7andheaven ago


videocodec ago

Wow a new niggerfaggot.

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Mohammed was a pedo

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Your penny saved is a kike's worst dream

A11ahuSnackbar ago

Around blacks never relax

CoCayne469 ago

I was in the same boat, Thank you for letting others know the registration was open. This community is great and I am glad to be in finally.

SisterFister69 ago

Shalom Shabbat nigger

NPC-57981209 ago

So... the registrations re-opened after we finally understood that Voat has been compromised. A sign of confirmation by Putt?

DillHoleBagHands ago

Welcome ya newfag

feclark ago

Fuck I have missed Voat so much! I was just a lurker watching all you Faggots!

475677 ago

welcome to voat you niggerfaggot

madeoutwithabutt ago

Fuck off. We're full.

Attac ago

Welcome niggerfaggot. Glad you made it into our ethnostate. Now get rekt.

burnthegoyimhaters ago

Sounds like a complete faggot.

HelpAcct123 ago

Congrats mate!

Synxsynxsynx ago

fuck off we're full

WereBack ago

Were back

Buff_Awesome ago

To all you Qfags who were whining about the maintenance issue the other day, now you know why. Next time think before you talk shit.

FreakingFatFupa ago

You get em

uvulectomy ago

Welcome to Voat.

  • Kikes did 9/11
  • Hitler did nothing wrong (other than invading Russia in the winter)
  • Obama is a faggot and Michelle is a tranny
  • There are only two sexes
  • The holohoax was a lie
  • Epstein didn't kill himself, he retired to Tel Aviv
  • You're a niggerfaggot

GrizzlyDark ago

Michelle? Literally the first time I've seen that name on Voat. It's "Big Mike" every time.

uvulectomy ago

You guys ease people into these truths. Not like what Manchelle does to Barry.

HeebyKneegrow ago

Tough but fair

SumeJirke ago

Hitler had no choice. Its a little known fact that the commies were stockpiling supplies and troops on the border to invade western europe. By attacking first he set them back years, in that view it was an unbelievable success.

sirRantsalot ago


mediaisfooked ago

You about nailed it! Just add:

Kikes did the Titantic

Silly faggot...dicks are for chicks ;-)

Splooge ago

Michelle Michael

lanre ago

Hitler did nothing wrong (other than not gassing the Jews and invading Russia in the winter)

Spiteful_Mutant ago

And opening the gates of hell so that demon spawn can destroy the heart of the Germanic peoples. But hey, I'm just being pedantic.

sirRantsalot ago

Hitler should have stuck with defending Germany. Why's everybody got to spread peace by blowing everybody up?

lion4liberty ago

It should be noted that germany would have been fine with the russian front if not for some (((bureaucrats))) that kept winter coats from getting to the troops. Otherwise carry on.

YoHomie ago

He's not a niggerfaggot yet... those stripes are earned motherfucker.

generic_voat_name ago

*(((Trump))) is just another puppet in the show.

TheKalergiFan ago

Hitler did nothing wrong

Dude hitler executed his top generals because hitler doesn't know how to fucking win a war.

MrDarkWater ago

prove it

MrDarkWater ago

Did you just try to "get me" with the " official story"?

Psh. Fucking idiot

uvulectomy ago

What, you didn't immediately cede the argument after being called a retard for asking for proof? How absolutely dare you, sir!

TheKalergiFan ago

oh yeah dude, it is such a conspiracy theory that hitler didn't listen to his generals. Normandy landings, Kursk, Buldge, Stalingrad, Barbarosa, the entire North Africa campaign, etc but yeah dude, Hitler knew what he was doing. You clearly know everything.

Infearmal ago

Hitler definitely did everything wrong.

lion4liberty ago

The only thing he did wrong was NOT having a bullet put in every jews head the second they were found...its almost like he was trying to keep them alive...

StarbuckAndCasey ago

You've been here long enough to know that's not true.

Infearmal ago

Then why is gay marriage legal in my country ?

GnosticPizza ago

Invading russia in winter makes sense, the spring and fall are too muddy for trucks. His mistake was trusting the Bavarian mountain Corp to supply winter equipment and not getting Finns to help.

Rotteux ago

You forgot that SBBH is Voat's team SRS for Israel.

sirRantsalot ago

I don't think that's true

Nosfewratsjews ago

You don't think, so everyone else must be convinced now.

MarauderShields ago

More true than you could know.

Rotteuxx ago

Nice alt, faggot

Tallest_Skil ago

That’s in direct violation of Voat’s rules. You can’t create an account to impersonate someone else. Report it.

Rotteuxx ago

You know what buddy, fucking right.

Even if it's just for their butthurt. Hopefully @cynabuns or Putt still have time to look at those.

PuttltOuf ago

Yeah, copycat accounts are fake and gay

HuginnOgMuninn ago

lol, member for 2 hours!

Rotteuxx ago

You know you're doing something right when @Nosfewratsjews makes an alt account in your honor :)

Rotteuxx ago

Funny how those rapid upvoats/downvoats are typical of any interaction with you.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I don't need alts to deal with you. I've already exited this platform. Please insert ego into shredder.

Rotteuxx ago

Funny how those rapid upvoats/downvoats are typical of any interaction with you.

Nosfewratsjews ago

You have a lot of people who dislike you. I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.

Have you considered killing yourself? Or are you just going to work for Israel forever?

sirRantsalot ago

I like him.

Karbuster ago

I think that about covers the bases besides the hard to swallow one

DefenderOfTheThrone ago

Flat earth?

sirRantsalot ago


DefenderOfTheThrone ago

Why? People will think you’re just as crazy when you say Hillary trafficks children as when you say the Earth is flat. I agree that it’s not an easy thing to accept, but just look into it with an open mind ready to learn. If you come away still believing it’s a sphere, that’s fine. We all have the right to believe what we want.

sirRantsalot ago

I understand gravity and centerfugal force. Any other shape than spheroid would require unique physics that occur nowhere else. The math just doesn't work.

DefenderOfTheThrone ago

Nobody understands gravity. It’s all nonsense. “Gravity” that we experience can be explained in many other ways.

sirRantsalot ago

are you insane? gravity pulls "in" toward the center of mass. that's how people can stand anywhere on the surface of the earth and be pulled "down". so with this flat earth business, what counteracts the centerfugal force? 1 earth gravity is not a universal constant. its earths gravitational constant. we evolved/were created to function under one g. the whole flat earth nonsense is impossible. ive heard you guy's arguments and they are all flawed. every one of them. which leads me to believe its disinformation. if you don't even believe the earth is round, EVERYTHING is in question. and there are evil mutherfuckers that want you be be confused. don't be so open minded your brain falls out.

DefenderOfTheThrone ago

We’re not moving. You don’t know that we evolved. You’re spewing dogma.

sirRantsalot ago

I said evolved/created I didn't realize there was a third possibility but I'm sure you know best.

DFW ago

That's only for those who are free thinkers and don't go along to get along.

MrDarkWater ago

dont be stupid

DefenderOfTheThrone ago

I’m won’t be. Have fun worshiping NASA.

sirRantsalot ago

I think we went to the moon.

MrDarkWater ago

Do an experiment, you mong

DefenderOfTheThrone ago

We can see too far. The debate is over. More government agencies lying to us, big whoop.

MrDarkWater ago


TheBuddha ago

Son of a bitch. No, no... This is not okay.

First, wherever you came from, you have to go back.

Two, seriously? Open registrations? Shutting the registrations down was the best thing Voat ever did. It stopped the giant migration of stupid people.

PRSanon ago

Oy vey, it's racist to be against open borders, goyim!

Itsdone63 ago

You are a nigger and a faggot. Hello.

TheAmerican ago

Surround sound all over town Brown

Mumbleberry ago

Eat shit, ghostskin

TheAmerican ago

Make love to me?

weredawg ago

Greetings, niggerfed.

stealthygeek ago


Here's my intro: Hitler did nothing wrong, Qsters are boomer fags, fuck you.

Mumbleberry ago

Glowing brightly there newfag.

StarbuckAndCasey ago

Wrong. He's one of my OpieAndAnthony friends who couldn't come over earlier because registrations were locked.

Voatanon14 ago

Is there an O&A spot here? Haven't seen any brother Joe or Fatrick Tomlinson posts anywhere in the wild in months!

StarbuckAndCasey ago

Yes! Go to v/OpieAndAnthony and v/PatrickSTomlinson. Welcome!

fritz_maurentod ago

Jew did 9/11.

bdmthrfkr ago

OP is a fag.

Native ago

Jews did 9/11

Welcome to Voat niggerfaggot

BushChuck ago

Fuck. Why?

Larp ago

Bam indeed.

Brace yourself,

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Holy fuck.

MOGA ago

I wonder what the "V" badge stands for

VicariousJambi ago

Here's a SS https://i.imgtc.ws/ViVXHc3.png

Says he "joined during voats release phase"

MOGA ago

Thanks. For some reason I got one too, changed from a Q, even though this account is 3 months old

21127466? ago

That's probably good, unless you want to be associated with Qtards. I got upgraded from a B[eta] to an A[lpha] a bit before some Qs went to V.

a1 ago

wonder why misspelled voat

BB-3 ago

Because it's a reference to the new Votes feature, where subverses can have users vote on rule changes and take polls and stuff.

YoHomie ago

Pretty sure it's "Vagiginasaurus".

MassiveManMammaries ago


generic_voat_name ago

Welcome aboard faggot. Unless you're a q tard, then please hang yourself.

Rotteux ago

Judging by your post history you were partially hung by your umbilical cord int he womb - nothing else could explain your level of mental handicap.

generic_voat_name ago

You q tards are so easily offended.

FaggotFinder ago

Q predicted this

AssumingControl ago

Tor-Browser engaged. Registration successful. Assuming Control. This hurts you.

fundie ago

Welcome aboard faggot

Holonomic ago

Welcome. Hopefully you enjoy the site. We don't do niggers, faggots, libturds, SJWs, crybabies from [d]eddit or faggot-imgur.

Use appropriate links to images and vids, which is not you_tube, or links to the above sites. It's not rocket science, and no one is unnecessarily mean here, unless you have the mentality from [d]eddit.

YoHomie ago

I'm unnecessarily mean, and I'm not from reddit... I'm just a standalone asshole.

Holonomic ago

And I care, because?

SpreeFeech ago

Nice to hear registrations are open. Are you a jew?

Dave_ph ago

They'll be along shortly

Mycathas9lives ago

We know he's a faggot

Rotteux ago

Aren't we all faggots?

hillbilly_guy ago

That's niggerfaggot to you.

MoteMoteKek11 ago

A proper voat greeting.

Bigdickedelf ago

Welcome nigger faggot

fuie8483djejx73 ago

oh shit finally maybe something interesting will happen

Penguinpecker ago

Just more kikery.

SIayfire122 ago

Finally, I could use some fresh meat. I was getting tired of all this spam and tuna.

Niggardly_Jew ago

That's gay. Get ready for an influx of JIDF, FBI, Qews, shills, and faggots like OP.

bosunmoon ago

Like op? Who just happened to register the moment it was opened up?

Rotteux ago

So.. just more SRS SBBH?

MrDarkWater ago


hillaryisanigger ago

i just made a new account!

Mosley ago

Greetings, my fellow white person.

Mumbleberry ago

STFU, glownigger

Rotteux ago

You forgot "fellow"

Boris ago

You beat me by five minutes to that alt!

fuie8483djejx73 ago

time to make more alts


Mumbleberry ago


CheeseboogerHimself ago

Hello, officer. All jews and nigras must be expelled. Have a nice day.

tokui ago

and cathlicks


RustyEquipment ago

And so it begins

Landrictree ago

v/protectvoat will see some action again.

RustyEquipment ago

hopefully Anonall gets a facelift of mods or a new one created


Nosfewratsjews ago

Joint Task Force Tel Aviv and Langley must have gotten bored with running off everyone that contributes and needed an influx of useless idiots.

RustyEquipment ago

And how! I just wanna see offensive shit and no one is providing. Or maybe. There just isn’t anything left to see! Time to become a farmer off grid? Hmmm

Nosfewratsjews ago

Ironically, the easiest way to test any existing theory or course of action appears to be to just pack up and go Galt, since more and more are doing it every single day.

The quiet, friendly, peaceful, productive, and of course well armed rural areas are doing.. quite well.

RustyEquipment ago

just working on convincing the wife!


Ur gay

Mosley ago

Why are you gay?


U lie!

YoHomie ago

Ur mom's gay?

70times7 ago
