ZorinLinux ago

All hail free speech!


Humanbotstorm ago

Welcome. Glad to have left reddit myself too.

TheDipMaster ago

Same here. I was sick and tired of Reddit's bullshit so I came here. I can't post anything yet but it seems like I found a good website to take it's place

Freedomsresist ago

In the name of niggerfaggot, you shall pass

ronson12 ago

Hi all finally decided to force my self in to using this voat bollocks.i have an interesting question to ask so hoping to get CP asap.

p.s i am a refugee,not a caravan refugee but a reddit is bollocks refugee!

StudyBuddy ago

I do agree that the freedom here is amazing... However, why don't we use the freedom of expression here to share and spread positive vibes... :) Just a concerned user... Happy Voating :)

MeepJeep ago

Fuck off faggot

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

Yeah. I love that I can openly call nazis and trump supporters the cum eating closet faggots that they are on this website.

Q4theWIN ago

Reddit will fall, welcome to freedom!

Patriot17Maga ago

Same here! Excited to get started on here! Retired disabled vet... unfortunately spend most of my days on the computer now. Damn VA.

Loco_Motive ago

You couldnt say it if it wasn't true. I cant wait to see an unadultered take on everything that is to come. Hello my fellow voater.

correctus ago

How do I UpGoat my Voat? My penis didn't cut it.

correctus ago

I was just banned from reddit several hours ago... Had an account for six years... I cried a bit, because I'm A NiggerFaggot.

Bigfoot_lol ago

Why were you banned?

jessie17q ago

I too find myself here. There are no coincidences.

UGM ago

Well spoken, let this place be blessed and forever.

meamaxvoat ago

Reddit lost me today. The Norwegian goat has climbed down form the steep Norwegian mountains to join the deplorable herd.

DCR4Q1111 ago

Amazing what assholes people become when you give them free speech and anonymity.

heidiwenger ago

Glad to be here too. I want to leave Reddit behind.

TrustThePlan ago


modo75 ago

True dat

blessedtolearn ago

Okay, let me have a try ... this new and alien culture...is so foreign to me

Niggerfaggot! Niggerfaggot! Niggerfaggot!

Did I do it correctly kind Sir?

K12253102 ago

The only true freedom of speech is the one you are offended by...otherwise it’s just speech.

SV_Awakened ago

Those conservatives that are "woke" to an extent, are surely intelligent beings that have somehow broken past the indoctrination and "Truman Show" that we have been taught the full extent of our lives.

While we often have logical voices and smart comebacks...why is it that we can never get together over a period of TIME...and make the RINOs pay for past votes and obvious allegiances to a Cabal that is not interested in America?

What do we need to do to finally become organized enough to make the politicians fear screwing us over?

We are smarter than this many years of bitching without action...

Bigfoot_lol ago

It's a lot easier for people to organize in person when all of the agitators are either unemployed or paid with Soros money under the table. The working class is hard to organize. Although, there was an exception with the Tea Party movement. They did find a way to get their shit together so maybe we can too.

TrueBornLibertyActuL ago

WWG1WGA Embrace The Platforms Freedom.

AnonQmom ago

Hey all, I’ve lurkin for a couple of days and decided now is as good time as any to engage. Kinda scary. But all for the love of #45, Q and the Patriots. So please be kind. I’m a newbie over here. 💘

an_on77 ago

Welcome, glad you made it!

AlfredMcGuffin ago

Redditors are 97,65% a bunch of retarded twats.

R_1965 ago

Me too. New to voat.

chryseos-geckota ago

Don't be such a fag. Man, welcome. Just the usual welcome.

culofiesta ago

I left long ago but I look back at it and there are ads every third post. You people don't mind that shit?

A10fxr ago

Faggot here waiting for the light to shine.

APPPPPPPPPpplplpl ago

Oh honey, you believe in Q. Oh that is adorable. Bless your little heart.

Seeker-of-Truth ago

Strong open forums will always be our greatest strength. Welcome to the thunderdome faggot.

B166-ER ago

You never realized how bad it was?? Fuck off back to buzzfeed.

LadyMisfortune ago

Yep. I migrated here a year ago when I realized the whole /pizzagate citizens investigation was scrubbed from reddit. It was only a matter of time before /GreatAwakening would be banned, even more so after it´s been directly quoted by Q.

It´s an honor to witness history. A year ago I just thought I will remain a fringe conspiracy theorist, it was full of shills here so eventually I stopped reading. To see Voat revived by Q here comes as a big surprise and a big satisfaction. Makes me feel the year in anguish was not wasted.

FLAnon ago

Reddit refugee here as well, glad to be aboard and also glad to see a platform such as this thriving!

CAtruthseeker2018 ago

I guess you're testing the system with using offensive words, but I hope it ends there. If there is one thing Q has ingrained in us, it is not to be divided. Q wouldn't want anyone who supports the movement to feel uncomfortable on this board. So, for the newbies who take those comments literally and personally, and to ensure these quotes are not pulled and pasted in an article to divide Q followers from everyone else...any chance we can focus on being inclusive to people of Jewish faith (not Zionists) and all black people?

hcdmn ago

Hello all. I made it!

Patriot1124 ago

Be tough - yes, provocation begets provocation... best I ignore rash and contribute to upVoat good dialogue

shatteredelbow ago

I left reddit within a couple weeks when it first was supposedly a Q alternative, They censored the crap out of me.

linda_chevalier ago


linda_chevalier ago

we are all very happy with voat

GuyFawk ago

reportet* lol

Kingleopold2 ago

Eat shit and die niggerfaggot. Welcome to voat

Truther4Life ago

I agree! I'm glad we're here!



bill_the_dog ago

people in my age group also need a place to go without the hate or the negative .we just wanna have open discussions without calling people nasty names

You need to go back to HappyWorld. Maybe that still exists where you came from.

Most of the rest of us live in NiggerWorld now.

It's not a nice place, but the folks in HappyWorld tell us we're still supposed to smile and act happy and positive and be cheerful. You know, like they've been doing over in HappyWorld for many decades.

Nice that things worked out for you so well over there in HappyWorld, but here in the NiggerWorld forum people say what exactly what's on their minds.

Not as happy out here as you thought, I know.

But that's the way it is. As you can see there are many more people here than you suspected. I'm from your generation, but most of these people are pretty young. They are annoying, but you will learn some things from some of them if you can stand the place.

Some of it is new, but it's mostly stuff you knew but had to forget over in HappyWorld, because nobody is allowed to speak the truth about these things over there.

Temporalgyrus ago

Lie, deflect, gaslight, omit, commit, rinse and repeat.

Uridumas ago

Q sent me so here I am lurking trying to get up to speed

fluhthreeex ago

Upvoting a Qtard? Holy shit. This is a vote-begging sub. Down-vote these faggots mercilessly. They are here to wreak havoc. This is a hostile takeover. This is what the down-vote button was designed for.


TF you talking about? This site is filled with hella racists!! It's unbelievable how many racists little bitches are in here. Fuck this site. Antifa all over the place. It smells like acne cream and hot pockets in the basement of shit!

DocHoliday2020 ago

So lets hope this site will remain free for censorship! WWG1WGA

Marie69 ago

Omg and so it begins...”niggerfaggot”? Ugh some people just can’t control themselves I was excited we could all actually have An Intelligent conversation on here,& come together as one United body to solve the problems of today pft:/ God bless you Bigfoot_lol WWG1WGA🇺🇸

Pulverizor ago

You sound like a fucking jew.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Welcome faggot. We hold our freedom dear. You know what they say, freedom isn't free. Donate if you can.

If you hang here long enough you will see just how bad (((it))) is out there.


Same here brother. Can't believe i put up with that shithole full of cucks for so long.

I think we'll all fit right in this new home, faggot.

Kinsey6man ago

Lava isn't either. No one can stop it and it burns like a muthafucka

ardvarcus ago

Jews can stop lava. They can do anything with their magic narratives.

Kinsey6man ago

You mean LIE? So THAT'S why they have such big fuckin' noses. I thought it was because air is free


Never was on Reddit, new voat. Been following Patriot Soapbox

PeaceLove17 ago

8 Chan Fag here. You will love the Board Owner - he is the owner of Q Research on the Infinity Chan and he is very much about freedom of speech. It is the wild west over there. Q asked him personally to create this board so that the Reddit folks would have a place to come back together. Glad to see that so many of you are already here and happy with the situation.


bloodwave ago

For now......

Roeequaza ago

Just a question.what is this website?*

DCR4Q1111 ago

Anyone have an up vote they don't need? Trying to get 100.

phred52 ago

Yep, Reporting for duty.WWG1WGA. Are we all here yet ?

NH-Paul ago

Censorship results from fear of what is being said. Welcome to a new day at VOAT. WWG1WGA!

Firedude ago

You'll never be truly free in a society. While most voat members speech is riddled with racism and vulgar, reality is the opposite as long as we live in a society. Just like any public space, you'll get put out if you start swearing racial slurs and/or making an ass out of yourself.

Pulverizor ago

You're fired dude.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Go fuck yourself you shitdick kike-loving boomer, are you gonna 'put me out?' Eat a diseased cunt

Patriotic_Canadian69 ago

the one thing that seems (((shilly))) to me is having to make an account...... doesn't seem too private to me? Maybe I'm just paranoid.


Hayride ago

I think we Boomers earned/deserve a lot of blame for what we see around us today. These non-binary, otherkin and/or arrested development "kids" that need a tv commercial to tell them not to eat Tide Pods didn't create themselves. A quick perusal of Voat and you'll see you can't escape the little ones fascinated by peepee and poopoo "jokes" 20-30 years passed the point where such things should have lost their appeal. Let's be honest with ourselves Boomers, overall (obviously not everybody) we failed as parents.

I feel blessed that I experienced parenting by braille because it helped shield me from becoming an "adult" that'd think it's cool to say the n-word or c-word or be entertained by silly racist pap. Yes, we screwed up and I'm truly sorry about it. Regardless, you're going to have to grow up sometime so why not start today? You'll be glad you did.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Your generation is weak and spineless and willingly handed our culture to the kikes. Go suck-start a shotgun.

JohnWinning ago

Feelings are Fake and Gay. Words are real and FAG

One-Way_Bus ago

If you are true Qfag I want you to be gassed. If not, Hitler did nothing wrong, niggerkikefaggot.

Reallyccpvotelimit ago

What makes you think that?

Samchay6 ago

We call out Jews on their bullshit here.

europatriot ago

Redditrefugee here as well. Used to mostly lurk on the GA. Decided to join the revolution finally. European here rooting for you.

RET03 ago

Bullets are cheap, and faster than rope. Gas is so...technical.

MeatHook05 ago

Welcome! WWG1WGA!

DreamBeyondAbility ago


jonbsails ago

So....the language that is offensive is just a manner of detecting censorship? I am kinda lost here.

Pulverizor ago

People who won't hear a bad word can't swallow the pill, get it?

ARsandOutdoors ago

The foul language keeps those that are not willing to endure reading words from sticking around. If you can’t handle free speech in its entirety, you can’t handle the truth.

bonhomme2012 ago

Q fag

midnightblue1335 ago

You have your little retarded anagram, so I decided to come up with Voat's version of "WWG1WGA":

JDN11DBAN = Jews Did Nine-11, Don't Be A Nigger

OneUnderNone ago

What's with all the hatred and race bating going on in this thre...

Jk you fucking nigger fags, go guzzle some nog cum fresh from a mudsharks roasty if you can't handle a few words on a screen.

Vulpicula ago

Welcome home, bub.

Yuan ago

I know here we can talk all about the Glow-in-the-darks all we want, just as Terry Davis intended. I'm sure that his sacrifice in front of the train spurred this on.

Tubesbestnoob ago

Welcome niggerfaggot. Admitting you don't like being fucked in the ass is the first step in discontinuing being an actual faggot.

Bsgirl2u ago

Not finding this site to b friendly. Says introduce yourself but won't let you because you r lacking a score; frustrated

paninavan ago

Oh you poor baby.

AlohaBetty ago

You make comments, get upvoted and it goes to your score. Don’t ask, it’s not polite. And if it’s an anonymous verse, the votes don’t count.

Mumbleberry ago

"Don't ask, or you'll get butt raped"

Bsgirl2u ago


diotro ago

VOAT the place where evil is afraid to chill, yet we strip the power away from it's mind control!

You know at first you can let this place fool you in a lot of ways, but I see through the shiny paint, and it's :-)

Of course, let's hope we're always doing the right thing; no matter what we say, especially on here. (that would be 😎)

Alright, back to lurking. shuffles back into the white soil of the bg layer, making the sound of autumn leaves being rustled through by a small wooden creature

Muffled and dopplering softer into the perceived distance, "<3 peace fags" (https://imgur.com/a/RcrjErM)

Pulverizor ago

Great example of what we don't want on Voat.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Wow. That's fucking cringey

ARsandOutdoors ago

Go back to Reddit with that shit

Beewise ago

Baby steps into a new world..... very excited to open my mind further

BlueDrache ago

Fuck you, niggerfaggot. Welcome to the club.

Bigfoot_lol ago

fuck you you fucking fuck... you

WokeazfuQ ago

Everyone needs to have their Q entry point, faggots alike, but I admit the Great Awakening on Reddit was a bit douchie. After blocking many of my posts for stupid reasons I smiled slightly when they all got shut down. This place is like the USMC. God bless all of you fuckers.

Bigfoot_lol ago


tlamatini ago

do a flip faggot

On_Fire ago

This niggerfaggot is dipping a toe

Bigfoot_lol ago

Didn't expect my post to reach the top...

Thanks for the warm welcome faggots.

samy90a44 ago

I was on Reddit for a week when I figured out the place is a POS that's administered and lorded over by faggots, furry freaks, SJW's, Soy-Boy's and 400 pound dorknozzels sitting on their beds in their basement bedrooms with Cheetos dust on their fat stubby fingers. Welcome home dude!

mike4thekite ago

I refuse to say anything negative about reddit mods...(when do i get my points karma please)we are not robots we all just coincidentally echoe each other...beep

fuckpissshit1488 ago

every single moderator on reddit is a do it for free shrimp dick worthless waste of life pile of shit oxygen thief

can you imagine the amount of time and resources these disgusting bottom feeder leftist cunts expend trying to claw the tiniest amount of influence over their increasingly braindead fluoridated hivemind userbase? these aspie parasite NIGGERS who were bullied by normal people in high school now think they can take revenge against normality and sanity by squeezing it out of the social systems and hierarchies humanity evolved over millennia.

then again they're all probably glow in the dark government funded spook soyboy """elites""" who think they're born to rule, truly these people have the collective soul of an ant colony presided over by demented silicon valley apes and kikes


diotro ago

Upvote because 88.

fuckpissshit1488 ago

great first post m'redditor a le upvote to le you

EDIT: thanks for the kind gold stranger

EDIT 2: my wife's son just sucked my dick legally in california, and i raped my dog

EDIT 3: pizzagate is not real

EDIT 4: impeach drumpf

EDIT 5: pickle rick

Pulverizor ago

Fucking hell lol, redditt to you is like water off a ducks back. Welcome.

notasleepanymore ago

At Reddit I thought I had a home, and then suddenly I found out I was a renter with an eviction notice. Now, I am once again feeling ownership in a very nice neighborhood. Please don't make me move, it's just too hard to keep packing and unpacking.

KrazyPants ago

Free speech? Who locked it up? What was its crime? When did it happen? Where was the location Why free speech isn't free? & How many died agonizing deaths for it. Change is inevitable. Who What When Where Why v. How. On the docket like polarized light redux.

Stundo ago

Yes it is true... It is good to be away from all the censoring and control freaks.

Doghowseman ago

WARNING: Extreem Graphics

This is what our world will become if we don’t get rid of the liberal idologiphy I want more info on what the fuck this actually is?????😡😡😡

greatawkening #wwg1wga #HELP #sick


Gypsynurse ago

Exactly this feels like Freedom with a potty mouth or two

facepaint ago

Yup. I would much rather hear a few "bad words" and feel free to speak my mind than to put up with the highly controlled environment on reddit. Plus I get to read what people really think instead of all that highly controlled & highly moderated virtue signalling.

1111_devotion ago

Fuck that Q bs

Sheeitpost ago

I was banned by reddit, they wanted me to confirm my email address after trying to make subversion/cultural marxism/yuri bezmenov interview get more known on r the donald. I got so pissed I stopped posting, only to come back a few months later and the option to confirm the email is gone; I didn't trust them. Oh well-- since this is a dgaf platform I hope Trump declassifies ayylmao's and brings about a new understanding. The cognitive-dissonance in the culture is so severe and dangerous, in my opinion the only solution to bring about progress is for Trump to rock everyone's reality by disclosure. Because of the internet in 20 years people will be demanding to know the truth anyway and I bet all the arguments as to why disclosure would cause problems are now less relevant. I would have never said this on r the donald but you all are deeply red pilled.

TX_Qfan ago

Welcome everyone upvote to get us going! I can't post yet!

Hand_of_Node ago

Downvoted for vote-begging.

CaptainChurch ago

Fool. Voat has been taken over by the same bot arrays as reddit. Veterans here have already made their way to the exits.

Caveman035 ago

I see the voat crowd can be a bit tough on the new Q crowd. We are all here for the the free speech.

Pulverizor ago

And where were you last week asshole?!

Caveman035 ago

I have not been on any chat boards like this before. I am a bit concerned that I may not fit in here. Many hard core statements being made by old voaters.

GreatestOfAllTime ago

Fuck off we’re full

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

Apparently, in order to smear the whole idea of open and free forums and justify total Internet control of them, MOS or whatever other agent provacateurs, along with Neanderthal white supremicist knuckle-draggers they drag along with them as useful idiots, are having a Holocaust-denying racism-fest at Q's expense here. They do this all the time. They plant phony tweets under the name of Qanon that espouse racism, anti-semitism, division, aliens, flat earth, anything to discredit the movement. And here they are flying their ugly freak flags on full display so that they can, on the other side, point at this movement as a bunch of idiot racists/haters. It's the same old goddamned tactic, done over and over again. We know who these people are. The Occupy Wall Street leader who led the racist torch-bearers at Charlottesville disguised as a "Unite the Right" movement. Ad nauseum. They are taking advantage of free speech to KILL FREE SPEECH and brand it too dangerous for civilized society. So watch out for them. They are gleefully trying to poison the well with that sewage.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Actually some of us unironically hate niggers, kikes and faggots because of the damage they have done to out society and culture. Take your liberal, cat-lady ass the fuck out of here

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

Shove it up your candy-ass. You beta fuck. What a joke.

Dsciexterminationist ago

You still can't insult

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago


Dsciexterminationist ago

Ayn Rand is a fucking kike you dumb shit, just like all the kikes that polluted your mind with universalism

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

Why don't you just fuck yourself, instead?

Dsciexterminationist ago

You don't even insult well.

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

I'm going for the highest negative rating ever, fuckos. "Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man's genetic lineage — the notion that a man's intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry." - Ayn Rand (Get your life together and read some Rand you miserable assholes.) (And downvote me more - I'm going for a record from you scum-bags.)

Dsciexterminationist ago

Fuck that jew-bitch Rand

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

Now you are PERFECTLY stupid. (Stop taking the salary that keeps you here. Read The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. Stop being an idiot. I have no sympathy for you if you don't.)

Dsciexterminationist ago

Titus warns against Jewish fables

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

You're so lame. You probably look like a slope-headed circus freak with a permanent five-O'clock shadow. DUMB-SHIT. (Or you're a ridiculously inadequate shill.) Either way, go back home and look in your bathroom mirror. You suck. Change.

Dsciexterminationist ago

You'd be truly envious if you knew the real me. Take your projection elsewhere.

Have fun with a uselessly neutered net-negative account, nigger lover

Hand_of_Node ago

Gas yourself, kike.

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

You can't be for real. Check this phony out. Yeah, everyone on this board is a guard at Auschwitz, right? Is that the impression you're so desperately trying to make? Fake. Phony. Ridiculous. You.

Hand_of_Node ago

Leave, 4.1 hour account. Go back to reddit and see if they'll pay you for your half day.

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

Hilarious. You're the one getting paid. Look in the mirror. You are being paid for doing the worst thing a human being could ever do. The great thing about schadenfreude is that I can enjoy you wallowing in your own filth. You can't walk away from it. Keep taking your pay for smearing human freedom. I'm sure your imagination will continue to be as repulsive as it appears to everybody who sees it. Someday, you may be able to see it, too. In the mirror. I don't give a shit how many of you scumbags downvotes me and keeps me from all the other ways I could ever be an influence here. You're doing a fine job without me.

Hand_of_Node ago

doing the worst thing a human being could ever do.

Interacting with the most clueless form of senile human cultists on the internet. At least on that we agree.

idk ago

The Holocaust is a hoax.

Get wrecked tranny.

TrueQ-nonbigot-1 ago

You're a pig.

Pulverizor ago

Reddit was a good fit for you.

andmemyselff ago

Have a (you) , patriot! (Does that work here? ) still learning. Lolz. Have an upboat! Take a coat!

prairie ago

Especially if you grew up with abusive parents, it's a matter of course to unconsciously accommodate their narratives and suppression of your expression. Part of it is a series of small sacrifices.

"Well, they don't want me to talk about X, and it's not really that important a subject. And remember the time I did, they blew up. It's not worth it."

"Hmm, they also don't want me to talk about Y. Oh well, it's another small concession."

"Shit, this is getting damaging to me, but I've got so much invested, and it's probably just as bad or worse elsewhere. I can't leave this place now."

This is where things outside your control step in to force you to sever ties with whatever it was. Uncontrollable anger, them going too far, finding another place, etc.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Save this shit for your twelve-step meeting, faggot

prairie ago

This is how to give the finger to that stuff so you stop doing it. If you're going to act rationally, you must understand the situation. You can brute-force your way through things but you'll never learn. Get to know the human machine so you can make it run with full horsepower.

Dsciexterminationist ago

It's ignorant universalism like yours that created this mess. Race traitors hang first.

prairie ago

Huh? I offer my experience to those who relate and can also liberate themselves. What the hell does race have to do with this? You're giving me way too much power.

Dsciexterminationist ago

Yes, that reply was destined for someone else, but have since edited. Sorry for the confusion

prairie ago

Edited my reply.

Gigglestick ago

What does wwg1wga mean?

the_sharpest_knife ago

Welcome retard. =D

TheAmerican ago

Say nigger 5x

Dsciexterminationist ago

Fuck kikes. Wait, you do.

toadyboy ago

glory to God and thanks to president trump and q anon

twomoreandatinkle ago

Welcome aboard fagot. Now fuck off!

Nursegramma03 ago

Ok taking a lil learning curve to get this new site down but working on it

allmons ago

You are doing well, just be aware that you may see language that you dislike!

H-ho-ho ago

God bless! WWG1WGA

lemon11 ago

wubba lubba dub dub to you to my pickle fren

Dsciexterminationist ago

You all must be gassed

lemon11 ago

You first, kike.

Over_it_2 ago

New here too. Not sure I like the new rule requirements you have to meet before you can post or up or downvote other comments.

Anam ago

You don't have to meet. You just have to post or create worthwhile content.

mightnotbearobot ago

lol no. You have to join the circle jerk to get enough good boy points to post anything.

Le_Squish ago

Okay, bye bye.

Oley2369 ago

Can’t we all just get along guys?

Pulverizor ago

That's how you get niggers living next door.

H-ho-ho ago


8stripes ago

Just remember: You are here FOREVER

XSS1337 ago

Fuck you nigger faggot kike loving child fucking piece of shit

ruck_feddit ago

This smells like a (((fellow white people))) post.

IDintDoNuthin ago

TLDR I got banned on fuckdit for a meme that said I was afraid of the Black Panther because Im White. At first it was advice animals, then a site wide ban after I continued to expose the idea that White people can feel racial prejudice against them. I for a long time denied my feelings, based on facts and stats (I'm an engineer); niggers and faggots are a plague on this earth.

edgelord666 ago

based on facts and stats (I'm an engineer)

this honestly makes you sound like some freshman faggot who's gonna drop 'engineering' two weeks into college

IDintDoNuthin ago

I played with myself in my youth youngest child, fixing my older brothers shit quads and sleds they broke, so I could ride them. Alone, rebuilt carbs and rigged shit 13 years old. I graduated with an auto mechanics degree and the mechanics I worked with gave me shit and said I was too smart, so I got an Engineering Technology degree because it was very interesting. 2 years out of university I went from test technician to engineer, because I figured shit out, paid attention to what I was being taught, took night classes to learn cad drawing and cnc programming. Fuck you I am a self made engineer. I worked 75 hrs week in an auto assembly plant, I quit and for the next six months learned electronics and built 3 electric bikes, scratch builds no bolt on shit. I am now developing electric cars nigger fuck you, decade working as an engineer without a real engineering degree because I make it happen.

edgelord666 ago


fucking LOL so you don't actually have a real certified degree from any university with an engineering department I fucking knew it! HAHAHA! No 'engineer' says "I'm an engineer", real ones would specify "I'm a mechanical engineer", or "I'm an electrical engineer" HAHAH you're just some blue collar hick as I suspected!

HungryCrow ago

Has anyone told you about the Jews?


Intrixina ago

You're playing in their sandbox, of course you're going to get banned.

Leftists are Cluster B trash. Reasoning with one is akin to trying to teach a dog how to speak Chinese.

Jaegerjaques ago

Ah, you also dabble in psychology? The left indeed doesn't see language as a tool to convey information but as a tool to create conformity and crush dissent trough conditioned shaming tactics. The words themselves hold no meaning to them, it is programmed to a visceral emotional level.

Intrixina ago

Learning about psychology is important to understand human behaviour in general.

I feel its important, especially given the tactics that leftists use to attempt to make people adhere to their narrative. It's also important, so that one can protect themselves against such tactics.

I highly recommend people researching what Cluster B personality disorders are, and how to deal with/manage people with them. It will arm you with the tools required to not only combat their tactics, but to come out on top.

Jaegerjaques ago

I sadly had to learn about psychopaths and narcissists the hard way. On the plus side, now I recognize the traits.

Intrixina ago

And you're armed against that fuckery ever happening again. I am sure it has honed your bullshit detector to insane levels.

Jaegerjaques ago

Yeah, but even I have trouble detecting the higher tier machevellian cluster B psychopaths. You up to date on the dark triad? Psychopaths who are more intelligent, cunning and thus machiavellian can masquerade extremely well, as opposed to the lower tier retard level psychopaths, who you'll see filling jails. Also, I completely agree with your philosophy that understanding the human mind is crucial before understanding all else, which is why I study it intensely.

Intrixina ago

The handy thing to know about the dark triad is that they love the spotlight (via their narcissism), so they will out themselves, eventually.

Having a very well honed bullshit detector makes you see through their manipulative shit at 500 miles off. You can just tell something is "off" with them with your gut feeling, even the subtle ones.

It's why I always tell people to trust their gut, its the 6th sense that tells you something is very wrong with a person or a situation. It has saved my life on more than one occasion in the past.

Jaegerjaques ago

Yeah, the gut sense is real. Probably has something to do with the serotonin receptors in the gut. These people seem to perfect, they play their roles perfectly. Until the mask comes off or you lie on the ground with a knife in your back. It feels good to not be a gullible sucker anymore. Naive fools are ripe for the plucking by cluster B types.

Intrixina ago

The fact they seem "perfect" is enough to make your spidey sense tingle.

You are 100% correct with naive fools being "blood in the water" for those types, unfortunately, in this day and age, more and more are becoming prevalent (Both Cluster B's and naive fools).

Jaegerjaques ago

Actually, I even found hidden invite-only fora where neurotypicals seek to learn dark traits for the benefits they give. All but psychopathic tendencies can be learned. Posts there have titles like: "How to turn somebody into your slave." Interesting stuff. Sometines I wish I had more psychopathic traits myself. Not feeling anxiousness or remorse would sure come in handy.

madhatter67 ago

I like to think of myself as an ethical psychopath..... I was born a trusting honest team player but had that knocked out of me along the way....I kind of taught myself the dark traits but only use my superpowers for good!

Jaegerjaques ago

Sounds like somebody a master machiavellian might say to gain my trust. Hmmm... Why do I see a knife reflected over my back in the glimmer of your eyes... Must be nothing, I can trust a guy called mad hatter! And you can trust me too, I'm a little blonde girl that recently took a questionable potion which made me shrink.

madhatter67 ago

Haha...I guess I'm just a typical scorpio

Intrixina ago

A lot of it is worthless. It is there only for personal/financial gain on the part of the people so-called "giving the info".

Ask yourself this - why would someone who can manipulate others successfully, want others to be in on his/her secrets? It just creates competition for themselves.

Its just another means for these people to manipulate others and to profit off them. The same crap which gets peddled by "game" relationship "experts" who claim that you can win any woman, and other such garbage - they are all means for one to profit financially for little work done.

Jaegerjaques ago

True, but on the other hand it's hard to find a place to discuss the topic with knowledgeable people. I am fully aware of the bias. The guy preaching to me about machiavellism, will also be a machiavellian himself. On that forum, I was aware od what people stood to gain from my presence, amd visa versa.

Anam ago

These fora sound like the old movie cliché where the villain just has to boast about how clever he has been. Their vanity can cause them to reveal more about themselves than they are aware of.

Jaegerjaques ago

Yeah, there is definitely a multitude of younger, more clueless posters making the majoriry of posts while those with more experience just sit back, read, and not reveal anything about themselves.

Anam ago

I was commenting on the hidden, invite-only fora that you mentioned, where the guy preaching to you about Machiavellianism would have based his knowledge of the subject on his own experience of being a callous manipulator. I suspect that he would be doing so from a need to boast.

The younger, more clueless posters can practice poor opsec, but have you noticed how older, possibly retired, commenters consider anonymity a sign of cowardice and bad faith, and will not try to hide their real-world identities, even on voat?

Jaegerjaques ago

Agree completely. I also think the older posters realize anybody with enough resouces can track them down using language pattern matching for example, so 'anonimity' only works as long as you're not important enough to warrant investigation.

Jaegerjaques ago

Yeah, sadly cluster B traits are evolutionarily advantageous due to the increase in sexual promiscuity. The fact tbat we live in a high-trust society makes the dark triad strategy even more adaptive.

Intrixina ago

That's why they thrive - the insistence on "attention whoring" in today's society, and the consistent "must try and outdo others in a vague 'pick me!' dance for something not even a prize anyway" behaviours which are rampant, and even encouraged by all social media nowadays.

phred52 ago


Sire ago

How the fuck did you hold on for so long to that cunt site?

Akcoldrobot1 ago

I agree. I wanted to add amongst the massive platforms I came from this is the best. I'm rather happy with it. :)

Pulverizor ago

Well don't let your batshit friends fuck it up yeah?

digitalentity1497 ago

Welcome to the real world.

TFK57 ago

Just got permanently kicked off twatter for a comment made a couple of months ago! Got into it with an antifa fag ,he threatened me and I threatened him! I got kicked off permanently but I doubt the antifag did!

Neuroradguy ago

So you are a tough niggerfaggot, eh. Welcome to your new home.

Intrixina ago

Of course not. Why are you trying to adhere to their shitty rules?

Just remember, Cluster B personality disorders and leftists are one in the same thing.

There is no point trying to reason with a brick wall, why would you try to reason (or argue with) an antifaggot, or any of their ilk? You are doing it on their own territory, what makes you think that they will suddenly change their mind and be like "well shit maybe i was wrong after all"?

Anam ago

Just remember, Cluster B personality disorders and leftists are one in the same thing.

That is exactly it! Leftism is the political expression of malignant narcissism, along with a cluster of other personality disorders. Pick any leftist hero, from Rousseau, to Marat or Robespierre, Marx, Lenin, Gramsci, Marcuse - they are the kind of individual you wouldn't wish to touch with a ten-foot pole because they just look 'off' like last week's egg salad. They were all very sick people, and yet they were allowed to inflict their sickness directly or indirectly on millions.

See The Psychotic Left by Kerry Bolton, or Intellectuals by Paul Johnson, or Fools, Frauds and Firebrands by Roger Scruton.

KrazyPants ago

Profoundly true. A concise treatise by the person who coined the phrase "the authentic self" Robert Masterson "Search For The Real Self : Unmasking The Personality Disorders Of Our Age" It's like the entire left has collapsed from an inflated ego the size of a basketball into a deflated borderline ego the size of a grape.The main symptoms of collapsed ego "clinging and withholding normal behaviors" are woven into their every action and strategy. Two years of predicting the future with absolute certainty, elevated their narcissism to criminal psychopathy and collapsed their self image when they were so breathtakingly wrong. It's (TDS) a legitimate group psychosis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/True_self_and_false_self

Intrixina ago

Precisely. And the quicker that people realise this, and arm themselves against this fucktardery, the quicker we can deal with these fuckwits.

GrammyB ago

what is the kek on JT and canada

7darlen7cherami7 ago

Check out You Tube videos by Billy Joyce. He's in Canada. You'll learn from him who to trust there.

GrammyB ago

you need a substitute for google

Sarmymom ago

I guess there's no place for people like me just wanna read Q post Have clean conversations about the freedom of our Country. Q must only be for the younger generation and older people that don't wish to read the language or hates don't have a place to go read Q and have clean talk. We are left out.

c2smkymtns ago

Ditto. How do we find our peeps? Rex, Lisa Mei, Thomas, [intheMatrixxx] etc?

mike4thekite ago

Sarmymom....you don't get it...When the boys use these words like they do they are taking the power away from these words...But if you ban these words you give them greater power.If we all spoke like the Australian do colloquially then the word becomes a less triggered world..Aussies call their friends "cunt"as in this example..."you should have seen this cunt"...disempowers the words.

16tons ago

The "dirty" words have no real power. They're used as a reminder here that we can say whatever we want. Many good people refrain from using such words irl. That's good. I try too. But sometimes you gotta tell people what they are.

The bad people take advantage of your kindness in not slapping the POS label on them when it's been well earned. They just go skipping off to do more bad things & because you didn't brand them what they were more people get hurt, because they didn't see them coming.

"All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." (Edmund Burke)

Welcome to Voat. You may feel a certain sickness in the pit of your stomach when encountering the "offensive". Don't worry, it's meant to drive off the weak minded. Once you've wrapped your mind around the fact that, "dirty" words have no power and their over use here is meant to decrease that power even more, you'll be ready to learn a whole lot of Truth here.

You can act in anyway you want here. You want to keep it clean? You can. You want to force that on others? That's not what Freedom is about. The profanity laced tirade chock full of racial slurs often contains a lot of truth here. Do not automatically discount it because of it's "unprofessional" content. Best of Luck to you.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I thought that was v/theawakening - aren't they the moderated verse?

go1dfish ago

Voat allows for moderated spaces, it only mandates transparent moderation through public mod logs.

As a community we should stop shitting on mods who build unique, moderated subverses.

@system subs are different, and v/whatever especially IMO.

Le_Squish ago

You see, people like you that wanted everything all sterile never bothered to defend free speech. Many even cheered when we hateful racist were exiled. You never thought it would be you too, till it was.

Sarmymom ago

I definitely do believe in free speech I believe in the freedom of this country And I darn sure no everything is not sterile and perfect after all I have 3 kids in the army in one is a green baret I do understand those things but I also understand that I have the right not to have to see some of the negative things that people put out or the nasty pictures people put out .I also have rights too and they also deserve to be respected the same. As a military mom I do get it ! why don't you try fighting for this country ,you'll see how ugly things really are how much my kids gave up so that you have the freedom

Patriot1124 ago

Well put

Sundaymornig3000 ago

"understand that I have the right not to have to see some of the negative things that people put out or the nasty pictures people put out "..... You have no such right. Freedom of speech is not freedom from speech. Wear big girl pants. Think logically. Fuck "feels", they only get in the way.

Randomupvoat ago

Honey, they are fighting for their country. They are fighting to maintain the same freedoms that most of your generation took for granted. It can't be assumed anymore.

For example, have you seen that some countries ban posting pics with words that may have a political slant? We aren't just talking China here, we are talking about countries like Sweden and Britain. Funny pics called memes! That's crazy! England has a police unit dedicated to seek out people who may say something contrary to current government thinking. Did you imagine that 20 years ago? Talk about ugly!

The same type people who your sons are fighting over there are walking across our borders here and expecting us to conform to their religions and cultures. They are trying to get us to adapt to them instead of becoming a part of our culture and strengthening us. We don't have the comfort of blinders anymore. This is hard.

Your sons are doing a brave thing. Many people on Voat have also served in the armed forces. Others are doing their part by fighting for freedoms on the last frontier, the internet. You may not see it as important, but it is very important. Voat is a stronghold. Being on the front lines is not pretty. You know life isn't the way it should be or you wouldn't follow Q!

Rxddit censors. That's why you are here. Voat doesn't. Celebrate the ability to say whatever awful thing you read here and know for one more day we are still free.

vladtep ago

but I also understand that I have the right not to have to see some of the negative things that people put out or the nasty pictures people put out

This is why female suffrage has been such a big problem in the West, you have no such right.

Hand_of_Node ago

I have the right not to have to see some of the negative things that people put out or the nasty pictures people put out

Yes, you're not being forced to be here. You aren't, right? Is anyone forcing you to come here and see or read things that disturb your world view?

Mos_Did_911 ago

check out QRV. Seems like it’s what you’re looking for.

That said, if you really did produce 3 white military-tier kids, nice freakin job. We need more people like that for the coming conflict.

jollux ago

Too bad they wasted them on american oil wars.

Farmer235 ago

I went to Afghanistan for 2 years to support our troops. All I found out was that it is all corrupt. But our troops still need to be supported.

Le_Squish ago

...also understand that I have the right not to have to see some of the negative things that people put out or the nasty pictures people put out .I also have rights too and they also deserve to be respected the same.

You have no such right. It's nice when people consider our feelings but your are not entitled to be catered to.

You react to what you see emotionally and not from a place of understanding, logic nor even constructive criticism.

Demand not to be exposed to something cuz "muh feelings" is exactly what destroyed free speech.

Jaegerjaques ago

Well put, bro. They get kicked out and their last resort is us, the 'racists'. Well, though luck, at least ya got freedom of speech here.

idk ago

Jesus, are your kids your entire identity? Get a life.

PaleFace45 ago

A fuckin men

sunsettruthseeker17 ago

No, you are not alone here.

bugsidekick ago

what are you? some kind of fag?

Sarmymom ago

I was hoping this is gonna be better than 8 Chan and one way it is because I don't have to deal with the pornography pictures but on the other hand it's full of nasty attitudes I just wanna read my Q post I just wanted to see good discussions on what we the people come With his phone together as one group. Fight as one for a better place to live without the hate.

ardvarcus ago

Fight as one for a better place to live without the hate.

It's not as if people just hate things for no reason. That's what the Jew narrative says, but it's ridiculous. If people hate niggers here, it's because of what niggers have done in the past and what they continue to do. If they hate feminists, it's because of what feminists have said and done, and what they continue to say and do. If Hitler hated the Jews, he had a good fucking reason for hating the Jews, even though you will never read what it was in history books written or published by Jews. Today, the least prejudiced group of people in the world is white Christians, and in the West (which is run by Jews) the only group you are freely permitted to express hatred and contempt for is ... you guessed it ... white Christians. Hmmmmmm. Think about it.

FrozenFire74 ago

Voat is better than all the rest, but it's not perfect when it comes to open discussions. Looks like someone called in the reinforcements on you for having the audacity to want a civil discussion that isn't laced with profanity. If you stick around long enough, you'll find most Goats are willing to have the discussions you want.

Gypsynurse ago

Hang in there. Go to the QVR

SurfinMindWaves ago

Things will settle down after everyone gets back to business. However, based on your comments I'm going to conclude that you won't be happy here. Free speech isn't free, there's a price to pay.

Sarmymom ago

Free speech is a wonderful thing and should be representative by all parties but people in my age group also need a place to go without the hate or the negative .we just wanna have open discussions without calling people nasty names so I guess you're right this is not the place for me are people of my age. Our grandmothers and grandfathers or anybody else just wants decent clean conversations about Q

TimberWolfAlpha ago

we just wanna have open discussions

Okay, that's cool. Have em.

without calling people nasty names

Then no, You don't want an open discussion.

people in my age group also need a place to go without the hate or the negative

This is not that place. You will not be able to make this that place. It is boorish of you to try.

parrygrin ago

Your generation traded all our rights and freedoms in exchange for your own freedom from want.

You are the most narcissistic, blue-pilled wastes of skin God ever let breathe.

All of this--including the hate and negativity...and yes, the country is now officially more polarized than right after the civil war--is your fault. You did this.

Crensch ago

but people in my age group also need a place to go without the hate or the negative

You've had that all your lives - that's why the DS took over on your watch, and got comfy. That's why Trump had to win. That's why Q has to exist.

You and all of your generation should feel the deepest shame for closing your eyes to what was going on around you in order to have your stupid safe space.

But you won't, because YOUR parents wanted better for you than they had, and they spoiled your generation unintentionally. The lot of you could have overcome this, but you didn't, and you still refuse to do so.

Our grandmothers and grandfathers or anybody else just wants decent clean conversations about Q

Or the news the last 50 years, right?

Look in the mirror and face what you are; guilty. You couldn't pay off what you've done to younger generations with having bad words and images thrown at you 24/7.

All of this fighting is about regaining free speech and YOU WANT A SAFE SPACE?

How can you even live with yourself?

Shameful. Disgraceful. Disgusting.

SearchVoatBot ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'@neonrevolt is using his blog to brigade and target users on this site' was posted in v/QRV and includes this reply:

I don't see how he is trying to divide us.

You mean like this? From the very beginning? And completely debunked as being a ping list that literally anyone could have gotten onto in order to be notified when Q posted?


I see how he is defending himself.

Your eyes are going bad then, boomer.

I see you people like you are trying to divide us.

I'm going after Neon and cancermods who started off dividing you. Our going after them is not, in itself, divisive.

I don't know why. I don't care why. Like I said, I will not be reading these posts any more. I only saw this because you replied to me.

Don't know, don't care, exactly how you've lived your life and voted up to this point. That's why Trump and Q have to exist - to fix shit you didn't want to know about, and didn't care about.

You're EXACTLY what's described here.

This notification (#1482) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a forward-slash(/) to the Voat link. More information here.

lifes-not-fair ago

Downright brutal honesty is what these people need. What everybody needs. Its not always pleasant. But then, lifes not fair, is it?

1willeSutton ago

Boomer here. Not me, nigger. How do I do some kind of g0-fund me to build a guillotine-on-trailer to tow slowly around Capitol Hill? Just a dollar each allowed, so the the total tells the tale of "dissatisfaction".

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

These fuckers don't understand that it is going to be me, and probably my kids, that have to fight this war. Not this stupid meme war, but actually killing and dying to take back what is ours.

I don't get to come home, plop my kids down in front of the lone ranger, and drink a martini. I come home and teach my kids how to set up fields of fire and maintain communication in a nerf war, because one day I expect to be with them in combat. Instead of actually fighting back, these boomer qtards 'trust the plan'. The plan is to destroy the white race and everything it built you stupid kike loving fuckers!

I have a whole lot of rope, and I will make it my mission to cleanse the white race as much as any other group. Good times and soft men breed angry and vengeful men.

ChosenUndead ago

cleanse the white race as much as any other group

All leftists. Social media has made it easy to identify them. Where do I sign up for the Right Wing Death Squads?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Leftists, and those who've sat on the fence so long they might as well be fucking it.

OneUnderNone ago

Yep. They need to start manning the fuck up, and shed that Jewish sense of moral bullshit they've been programmed for years now.

Jaegerjaques ago

I just want a clean conversations without nasty words.

These boomers are utterly irredeemable. Pretending to fight for their country but afraid of nasty words. No wonder the world went to shit.

Thissandwich ago

There are no real offensive words. There are only overly defensive people.

Salty_Sea ago

This is so true. Words only have power when people give them power.

Crensch ago

@Trigglypuff @kevdude @gabara @clamhurt_legbeard @rainy-day-dream

This is my position on this kind of weak faggot. Feel free to let me know if I'm wrong, or take a page from my book in your endeavours.

14002350? ago

Well said

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men.

Boomers are from strong times.

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

Weak men create angry and vengeful men, who will string up boomers just as quickly as any one else.

Turd_Coat ago

Jesus you are such a moron..

Dark_Shroud ago

How is he a moron? After the horrid war of brothers that was WWII the US dominated global manufacturing. That's why all these boomers had so much money. That's not even counting WWII vets using GI bills and other benefits to buy houses in areas where the real estate market was going to quadruple. So Boomers' parents had inadvertently set up huge "launch pads" for their kids to start out from with little debt and little restraints on them.

I don't even go into the boomer hate that many others do but I see many levels of bullshit coating the bubbles they live & hide in. Even having to talk to boomers at times make me watch to hit them in the mouth. Because they're so fucking clueless on the current economy, real estate markets, and even higher education.

But that doesn't stop them from voicing their opinions to you and giving "constructive criticism."

Don't even get me started on life advice from boomers.

Jollyet ago

Boomers are imbeciles, they have zero insight into what life is like nowadays, and they refuse to learn. Trying to make them aware is almost as futile as doing the same with SJWs. I'm glad a large number of them voted for DJT, but it took seriously extreme circumstances (America on the verge of destruction at the hands of the Soros/Brzezinski-backed Obama regime) for them to even begin to get a clue. And they've not made much progress getting one since.

Dark_Shroud ago

What really fucked up about Boomers still in the work force. When they finally retire out of the upper level jobs all of the diversity/female hires are going to rush trying to get those positions when they can't even do their current jobs.

Throw in automation fucking up the global workforce from the bottom up and in ten years we're going to have some serious problems. Hence all of the warnings telling people to go into trades or utility jobs.

I often get bewildered dumb ass comments from people when I try to explain that houses need to be rebuilt or at least some serious improvements for the coming decades because of societal shifts.

  • Boomers retire to warm sunny places, put solar panels on their retirement houses to drastically cut down on the costs of living. You don't need a full battery system, just an inverter and 2-4 panels depending on the house size.
  • Spray foam insulation.
  • Geo systems instead of HVAC also drastically cut down on electrical & natural gas use.
  • Metal roofs that last 50 years and a fire retardant so you won't have to worry about a sudden expense.
  • Cement floors that are either polished or stamped with a wood grain with in floor heating instead of wood or tile.
  • Re pipe, re wire with a new panel, and upgraded service to the house when you buy it. This can be an easy $10k or more but it will prevent many future problems.

Jaegerjaques ago

I completely agree. The soft-glove approach is what created these coddled retards in the first place. Hit them were it hurts so they can thoughen up and maybe grow a spine.

FleecedSheep ago

or they should create their own social media platform. And yes agree, we got lulled to sleep. Not sure if it was the death of the Kennedys, but after them the evil in our government took over. I was always woke to an extent, where I didn't believe many conspiracy theories. Researching, following 4 & 8 chan, Q, in the last year, I've changed my mind. I'm talking 911, pizzagate & Clinton body count. I think it is definitely plausible. Somethings not right. I'm even questioning who killed many others...Hendrix, Joplin, Cobain, etc and why? Cornell, Hollyweird, & pizzagate got me digging in this direction. I always suspected journalists were killed. Many Americans like to think of themselves as decent people, who generally follow the law & are soft in regards to thinking anyone would have the gaul to do half the things Q has described. Many have woken, in this regard, this 2nd red pill is needed for a 2nd awakening!

That's my 2 cents. Now fuck off of the subject

FleecedSheep ago

thanks, not there yet, but open to our government pulling this off. I heard about it previously, but didn't pay it much mind. What I find interesting is us curious humans pick up on everything. Makes me wonder the stats on conspiracy theories being true. Like I said open, it's plausible, but need better understanding. Again thanks

Jaegerjaques ago

It's a long and ugly journey towards the truth, but once you start, you can't stop. Good luck pal.

SurfinMindWaves ago

I am of a grandmotherly age myself. When everywhere else stopped allowing open discussion I had to learn to tolerate other opinions that I didn't agree with to be able to access those that I do. Hanging out here for several years now has opened my eyes about many issues and forced me to do some self-examination in the process. I consider those good outcomes. Life is hard, political upheaval is hard, standing up for truth is hard. Facing my own weaknesses is even harder.

Salty_Sea ago

The best advice my mom gave me was “once you accept life is hard; you’ll do alright.”

parrygrin ago

Facing my own weaknesses is even harder.

Hey look, a boomer that might actually be worth a shit.

Le_Squish ago

Why do you think hate is a bad thing? It's the natural reaction to degeneracy.

sunsettruthseeker17 ago

I agree. Is it me or do most of these responses sound like they are coming from kids or extremely immature adults? Your response was one of a couple that didn't sound shill like.

Hand_of_Node ago

It's because you've accepted the mental prison you're accustomed to. It's like you've been living in Disney World, where everything you see and hear is curated, and now the real world disturbs you.

Jaegerjaques ago

Couldn't have put it better. The sane sound insane to the indoctrinated masses.

cryptex ago

It's subversion of the sub disguised as freedom of speech. Also, anyone whom stumbles across this forum and sees people exercising their freedom of speech in this manner will be immediately turned off to the message. It's by design and shows that this forum too is controlled in one way or another. That said, fuck off niggerfaggot.

TranniesEverywhere ago

Q is a queer

Bhaktadasa ago

I never used Reddit until I joined the Great Awakening. I was only there a few weeks before it was shut down. I'll never go to Reddit again.

7darlen7cherami7 ago

Same here.

Derpfroot ago

You'll fit in well here, then, it seems. Visit v/Niggers, v/BlackCrime, v/MeanwhileOnReddit (to see how bad it actually still is), v/BlackOnWhiteCrime or any of the other (actually) red-pilled verses. Have fun, nigger!

wt1984yb ago

Wtf is this WWG1WGA! shit?

weredawg ago

It's the little cult chant. "Where we go one, we go all."

btruthful ago

Yes indeed, wwg1wga. Whats a ccp?

Hand_of_Node ago

Certified Commercial Pianist

middle-path ago

CCP = Confirmed Child Porn

Derpfroot ago

Comment Contribution Point (how internet cool you are)


Concealed Carry Pistol license (how real life cool you are)

WhiteRonin ago

Power mods get targeted her. Mods are only spam cleaners if they do more than question them.

Now say the magic words nigger kike fagget!

Artofchoke ago

It bums me out how many of you stayed behind while a campaign of harassment and censorship was carried out against not just the "racists", but innocuous folks trying to engage in earnest discourse.

We needed you here - sharing content and participating.

Glad you're (finally) here, but goddamn.


I don’t really care about edgelords using N and F words, and the jew obsession is just stupid imo. I actually think a lot of the ppl pushing the nazism on reddit are paid shills who intend to drive away an influx of ppl to voat, so that reddit can remain no1.

And with that, it means the front page is about jewish stuff, the comments are all N and F and jewish this, jewish that... this does have a harmful effect on voat.

The more niche communities I enjoy like clash of clans or UK specific e cig subs just cant exist on voat due to the amount of users...

And the smaller, ‘interests’ factor that ppl can search on reddit, find and then read about with active/semi-active subs gives reddit a huge upper hand.

But I am sick of the leftist narrative over there... so for the moment ill use both sites, but use reddit more.

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

Oh my god a person posting who isn't a rabid MAGA red pilled Qanon believing fake-nazi real-racist fuckbrain basement dwelling intel! Thanks for chiming in.

Artofchoke ago

I've been playing CoC for five years, still play daily. We should have an active sub.

eLAutistGuapo ago

Finally indeed.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Your comment reminded me of this for some reason https://youtu.be/4cp_3le9LaM?t=66

Artofchoke ago

I'll take it.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I have no idea why really and I havn't listened to tool in years but it's a cool thing.

Artofchoke ago

Tool no less than 15 minutes per day, same for Electric Six.

Thems the rules! ♡

Mustard_of_puppets ago

I'm on a Pantera/old Sepultura Regimin lately.

Artofchoke ago


Mustard_of_puppets ago

Almost everyday I see the same face, on broken picture tube...

Intrixina ago

To leftist faggots, "everyone except them" are racists.

The only correct response to their bullshit is "And?"

Shadowman1401 ago

I'm no racist! I hate everybody the same!!!!!

Patriot17Maga ago

Ha! Good one.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

I don't think everyone is racist, but Voat is infested with racists.

TrollSupreme ago

You're a racist for calling niggerfaggots racist.

SanchezSucio ago

Racism is a word used to kill whites. You are a race traitor, a nigger, and will swing on the Day of the Rope. You don't have what it takes to be here and should gas yourself faggot

Intrixina ago

It is human nature to discern between things. If you are acting like a shithead, you deserve to be called out as one. This is not "racist" behaviour.

If a group of people act the same, negatively, it is only correct to call out said behaviour. The word "racism" is such an un-loaded word and is used to describe everything these days, including things which are not racist (The worst example is those who criticise islam - you are not 'racist' for criticising a religion (given that the definition of racism is to discriminate on the basis of race))

AmaleksHairyAss ago

If they all act a certain way there's not difference between judging them as an individual and as a group. (since each of them is acting that way) but you probably meant "if they generally act that way I should judge each of them for that ", a statement with which I vehemently disagree on grounds of morality and rationality.

Intrixina ago

I meant the former, not the latter.

Not a wise idea to put words into others' mouths. It just makes you look like an ignorant and arrogant fuckwit.

ardvarcus ago

Racism is a recognition of race differences. You can argue about what those differences are, but to pretend that the differences don't exist is retarded. It's Reddit.

AmaleksHairyAss ago

Racism, in practice, is looking down on a certain race or races.

Olbee ago

Surely it depends on your definition of Discrimination. English English tend to use for categorisation in order to sensitivity increase understanding. American English seem to apply a negative connotation to division. Like all Scientific study...it’s what you choose to DO with it that counts. Trouble seems to arise when Mob mentality is triggered and a sneaky dictator appears. This can be counterbalanced by keeping the Mob educated enough to understand differences and be capable of independent thought. Unfortunately...many unfortunates are now here Downgoating opposing views to oblivion. They sacrifice Freedom in the name of Freedom. It’s heartbreaking to watch so many fail...I suppose that’s why the real OGs left.

SanchezSucio ago

That's some pretty stupid shit you're spouting. You should stay on Facebook where it's safe.

irelandLost ago

Don't some groups of people deserve to be looked down upon as a result of their behaviour? Tinkers in my country (gypsies) got legal recognition of their unique ethnic status a couple of years back, so by legal definition prejudice against them is now a form of racism. Should I overlook their thieving, drinking, violence, generally filthiness and pig fucking ignorance now cos they're "ethic"? Fuck that, I look down on knackers cos they are beneath me. Same principle can be applied to many disparate populations of people.

ThoseFeels ago


Bobtheviolent ago

Have a friend who responds to being called racist with.... and?

Damn if you both aren't spot on

Intrixina ago

It puts the fuckers off-balance, and they either respond with an ad-hominem or they will take a swing at you. Both work well to show that they are completely unhinged.

Se3kRighteousness ago

Welcome Patriot!! I am a RedditRefugee as well. Definitely more freedom here, but with the occasional name calling. Nothing that a red-pilled patriot cannot handle!!

The_Real_USA_USA_USA ago

Hope to get my CCP up Please Up Vote, going down the list of replies to reciprocate.

wt1984yb ago

Jesus Christ these refugees act like such fucking faggots it's sickening

btruthful ago

The Real USA what the heck is a ccp?

Puddiinn ago

Gotcha! 👍

Mumbleberry ago

That will coat you.

Le_Squish ago

Don't be a nigger begging for gibs. Earn you right to post.

btruthful ago

Le_Squish what is a ccp?

The_Real_USA_USA_USA ago

I would downvote you but I can't yet.

Mumbleberry ago

That's ok, we downvoted you.

Fibbideh ago

Keep posting more. I love downvoting niggerfaggots.

Puddiinn ago

Still trying to figure out how this works! 😝

btruthful ago

Puddinn just gave you an upvote

The_Real_USA_USA_USA ago

Just gave you an upvote!!

Butterbread ago

You two are fucking idiots

Puddiinn ago

👍 thank you!

FaStRmAn ago

Just glad to have a place to go and discuss “Q” posts and the Great Awakening

pablotomato ago


Gold_Finger ago

Same here...

Bigfoot_lol ago


Deplorablepoetry ago

I sharpened my horns

What dumb-fuck goat wants to bleed?

Fight me new faggot!!

All these old goats are so lame and so sorry

They chew their cud and reminisce of past glory

When they jumped at the chance to do a goat dance

Now they sit on their goat chairs crying in their goat beers, salty great big goat tears


cats_taste_good ago

Please stop.

WhiteRonin ago

And you bought that mug that says male tears!

Bahahahhaha what a fag!

Bigfoot_lol ago

I like it

MrPim ago

Remember the First Rule of Niggerfaggot. It's the opposite of Fight Club. You should always talk about niggerfaggots. Just to make sure the Emergency Niggerfaggot System is still operational.

TrollSupreme ago

I called someone a Niggerfaggot and got in trouble. I don't get it. I dindu nuttin.

ardvarcus ago

You should always talk about niggerfaggots.

It's "kikeniggerfaggot" you kikeniggerfaggot. We don't allow prejudice against Jews here, we treat them equally.

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

shame about the jews actually running the world because they are the superior race, you NPC.

fluhthreeex ago

Posting on a higher voted comment hopefully for visibility:

Upvoting a Qtard? Holy shit. This is a vote-begging sub. Down-vote these faggots mercilessly. They are here to wreak havoc. This is a hostile takeover. This is what the down-vote button was designed for.

Rawrination ago

Its not just niggerfaggot you niggerfaggot. Its KIKEniggerfaggot!

Name the Jew!

Anam ago

Reported for saying 'Niggerfaggot' -

voltronspenis ago

I see a lot of people using intolerant words like "niggerfaggot", but i have yet to see any real diversity here. Try faggotnigger. Stop being so close-minded.

MAGA_Roux ago

Think Mirror...

voltronspenis ago

think wat

Slotjockey68 ago


mike4thekite ago

ooh wah..them words have power..think about the kids,,,hate crimes..its for the women..PC should go back to washington where it does not belong...

Roach777 ago

what are you talking about ?

DeliciousOnions ago

I believe he made it quite clear, he was talking about niggerfaggots.

ChosenUndead ago

get a load of this nigger faggot kike right here

olltre ago

lol new account faggot

lazyhammer ago

Its a free speech canary, if you can't say nigger faggot/kike/cuck/shitflake/niglet without a ban then there is no more free speech here.

niggerfaggotjew911 ago

what about retarded MAGA chad fascist nazi?

Olbee ago

Tripity Trap...It is an illusion of Freedom. Almost like entrapment😉 If you type against the narrative here they will downgoat censor you into silence just the same. It wasn’t always this way but over the last few years standards have dropped when the BIG players left. Try being Female, non-white, non-christian, young, liberal, kind, anti-rape, pro-abortion, truthful and painfully honest and you will not last long enough to even be heard....because Freedom of Speech does NOT exist.

Patriot1124 ago

.... poor taste, we can be civil and refrain

lazyhammer ago

Get used to it, this is one of the last public places on the net that allow true free speech. If its not in your taste, there is always reddit, facebook, twitter, etc.

mike4thekite ago

Is negrocious dialect allowed here...like rap poetry.

midnightblue1335 ago

Allowed? Yes, ALL SPEECH is allowed. Will it be approved of? No. You will be relentlessly hounded for your niggery. But you can do it.

Also, as far as the hounding goes on Voat- I don't think I've ever seen it leave this website. Meaning, it's very rare for a goat to decide they hate someone, and then follow them around to other platforms to harass them (perhaps excluding reddit). I'm also pretty sure things don't typically leave the internet.

So, nigger away, you faggot- just don't expect to be applauded for debasing yourself by using savage-speak.

mike4thekite ago

Them words can condemn you to hell...besides you shouldn't say niggerfagget...faggetnigger is the correct grammar.~~~



Kehar ago

I was wondering the same thing... Why does the first comment always have to be incomprehensible invective?

Hand_of_Node ago

That, or why are the refugees always so clueless?

AmericanJew2 ago

Asks the Newfag member for 41 minutes.

Stfu and read and maybe you'll learn something faggot.

Intrixina ago

Newfag outed, heh.

Frankis1994 ago

Not sure if serious or ironic post. Nice.

RedditIsTheBest111 ago

MODS HELP! THERE IS A HOLE IN MY SAFE SPACE!! But the mods never came

MrPim ago

In fact now that I think about it You are a God Damned Niggerfaggot!

Jimbonez_Jonez ago

Hell yeah. You showed him whats what.

MrPim ago

Niggerfaggots. Do you not now about the niggerfaggots? They're everywhere. They're here right Now! They walk among us They Live is a documentary niggerfaggot. Your grandma is probably a niggerfaggot. Your grandma s probably here Right Now! Had this been a real emergency you would gas a kike.

EasyEconomist ago

Tolerance is not enough because to tolerate is to accept differences without enthusiasm. On the contrary, a love of differences is about encouraging others to be different from us and to fully experience their differences, whether ethnic, cultural, religious or sexual.

the-british ago

i am your grandma

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @MrPim.

Posted automatically (#11537) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

PopCornPepe ago

All the grannies are complaining about porn on voat... nigerfagotgranies

calfag ago

That comment is my favorite comment. Maybe ever. Thank you Mr. Pim.

Native ago

They probably think you are completely insane which makes it hilarious

MrPim ago

I haven't had that much fun writing a comment in a long time.

Bangarang76 ago

Brand new here, but I can already tell this is gonna filter out some of the thumb-suckers who aren't ready to see the truth. Good on Q! Can't fix a problem if you're not willing to consider that some really uncomfortable shit could be true. I guess we'll find out who is UNCONDITIONALLY dedicated to the truth and taking back our Republic. I never served the armed forces directly, so I'm happy as fuck to be able to play a part in whatever way this shit leads. Thanks to all the vets, old/young goats, and all around patriots for continuing to fight. Let justice come swiftly!

Mustard_of_puppets ago

It was worth it, I enjoyed it, tasted good as a chaser to this whisky. Cheers to all the niggerfaggots I'll pour 2 glasses one in your honour and one in honour of the niggerfaggots floating around just so I can hear the "clink".

the_last_samurai ago

aye, niggerfagot!

ThoseFeels ago

I know my account says 1 month, but this at least account number 5 since 2016.

I love how effective this system is. It's truly the one ring of power that holds back the droves of crypto-Jews.

Do you understand @bigfoot_lol? Do you understand why you're a niggerfaggot?

You don't. But you may eventually. Godspeed. Jews did 9/11

Jaegerjaques ago

My man!

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Fuckoff 1 month. You were just as cucked so dont come in here acting like youre some Alpha like the rest of Voat.

BlueDanube ago

Is this the only thing you have to be proud of?

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Yep. That, my race and family.

ThoseFeels ago

Yawn. Eat a bag of brown cocks faggot, I don't care about your edgey flim flam, I will say. And do. Anything I want.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

Really got me, clever boi.

Octoclops ago


Only flaming fags and niggers spell it that way.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

I figured youd understand if i spoke in your native tongue.

Octoclops ago

But you weren't talking to me then.

The_Duke_of_Dabs ago

You speak jive too?

ThoseFeels ago

Nice return!

Atomized_Individual ago

There's something here called "The Day of Roap"

Goathole ago

You do know that we holocaust jews here and string up niggers though right? Some people prefer them to be gassed first but I myself like them thrown straight into the fucking oven where kikes belong.

Are you sure you're comfortable with that? There's all kind of icky racism here, not really something you'd want to associate with.

One-Way_Bus ago

Bayoneting right to (((them))) right to oven would be more efficient.

hillbilly_guy ago

Gas is expensive, you can re use rope many times.

One-Way_Bus ago

Then you have to bury them. Burn them instead. Their ashes will occupy less space.

ardvarcus ago

You burn them in magic "ovens" that require no fuel and reduce bodies to ashes in 20 minutes, preferrably burning them alive so that you can listen to their screams because you are so evil, and then you collect their ashes and scatter them in a nearby river so there is absolutely no trace that they were ever killed. Seventy years later, it will be as if nobody was actually killed should any nosy-parkers choose to investigate ... but don't worry, the Jews will prevent most people from even trying to uncover the truth.

asmodea ago

I signed in just to upvoat this.

HungryCrow ago

Gas is expensive sure but the cost is neglible compared to cremation costs. We need bigger, more efficient ovens.

mike4thekite ago

Can we sell the ashes for nursery or agricultural reasons...

Intrixina ago

Someone's a business owner, heh.

AlexCrypto ago

someone's Canadian, heh ?

Intrixina ago

You're thinking "eh"

hillbilly_guy ago

Better than being a "merchant"

Intrixina ago


Bigfoot_lol ago

I don't care what other people say. That's their right just like it's my right to say that I disagree.

I_like_paint ago

Hotdog! Well buckle up kike. This ride doesn't end.

weredawg ago

Pay attention and keep an open mind. Don't dismiss things just because you were taught to. We're gonna change your life, boy.

Jaegerjaques ago

Mouse inches towards holocoast redpill folder...

ThirteenthZodiac ago

You sound like a niggerfaggot.

Le_Squish ago

When we get done with you, you won't disagree.

HungryCrow ago

Has anyone adored you today? adores

Le_Squish ago

Why thank you.

Goathole ago

He'll be calling those filthy fucking jews "kike!" and begging that we sterilize niggers at birth by next week.

edgelord666 ago

I've been here for over a year and I still think you're all just low IQ hillbillies

Goathole ago

It's not even fun down voting you, carry on.

Jaegerjaques ago

I love you guys. Never change, Voat. Never change.

SkittlesAndIcedTee ago

Welcome faggot!

Kinsey6man ago

Thank you. Nice to be here. I feel privileged

pablotomato ago

privileged but yet faggot

Kinsey6man ago

Did I deny it? I didn't. Why, you interested?

pablotomato ago

yeah i love you already

Kinsey6man ago

Sounds like someone needs a cold shower

Hand_of_Node ago

Like a welcome mat, but less appreciated.

Slipperybutterb ago

I was pissed about GA being deleted, but I still go to reddit to see what the sheep are up to. Gotta cut the habit though and try this voat thingy.

Jaegerjaques ago


You're not out of the matrix yet, nigger. You are hopelessly bluepilled.

Derpfroot ago

See what they're up to in v/MeanwhileOnReddit...no need to go there.

Bigfoot_lol ago

Honestly the /QRV voat is fantastic

2Qornot2Q ago

Please help. When I go to QRV all I get is a warning. I can not find the setting that allows me to see “adult content”. Obviously I’m new. I can’t figure out how to get around this place. And now that I’ve reached out - let all the nf and k* Name callings come my way.

Paratisumus01 ago

go to the top of the page, far right corner and find the 'settings' icon. Click on it, then click the box to enable NSFW content. Then, click the 'ssave ' button just below that specific section. Refresh your page after, and you should be ok. Did this yesterday.

2Qornot2Q ago

Thank you Patriot!

Gypsynurse ago


go1dfish ago

I’m happy to see an anon subverse finally takeoff.

It’s the main differentiator Voat has over Reddit beyond policy.

redpilldessert ago

I like how you can also load images inline inside a thread.

Wish they had proper context nesting for PMs though.

Hand_of_Node ago

you can also load images inline inside a thread.

Explanation or link to how this works?

redpilldessert ago

Simply just left click any image link inside a thread. It opens up inline automagically.

Hand_of_Node ago

Oh, right right right. I thought you meant "inline" just like text. Like on liveleak. The image is right there with no action needed.

Already have AVE, and think that's what already lets me open images or video links in place on any sub.

go1dfish ago

I like that feature as well. I think RES does similar for Reddit but I’ve never used it.

I want to do similar with notabug, including persistent playback while browsing with playlist management.

Slipperybutterb ago

Yea been checking it out. Soon more platforms will rise up once the hammer is dropped on the tech giants. Regulate or kill is the question.

middle-path ago

People choose to use shit like facebook.

They are private companies and should not be regulated.

No more government regulation. It clearly hasn't been working.

jewlie ago


You are far from woke.

Slipperybutterb ago

How would you know? ya ya I know the jooos!

jewlie ago

Because boomers are stuck in their ways, they never change. Being "truly woke" is a lifestyle.

Slipperybutterb ago

So how do you live? off the grid? obviously not! No vaccines? meh. Don't send your kids to school? Have a bumper sticker, "my other car is a horse." What do you mean you live woke?

middle-path ago

Look up what it means to be a cypherpunk or a cryptoanarchist.

Mumbleberry ago

Get those stinky ass big feet away.

Bigfoot_lol ago

What do big feet scare you or something bro? They're only size 18

Mumbleberry ago

It's the odor, not size.

Sabertoothedhand ago

What if his shoes are like clown shoes so the insides are empty around his smaller feet, allowing for optimal air flow and unparalleled freshness?