GodsGarbage ago

https://voat.co/v/technology/2665364/13500875 Cowboy Xero Free Speech Overview

Ganonym0us ago

Matthew 7:15-20

True and False Prophets

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.

16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?

17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Ganonym0us ago

Report: News Site The Daily Beast Working on Major NBC News Sexual Harassment and Misconduct Story


One source told Mediaite that executives at NBC News are “panicked” by the reporting.

I hope everyone's been praying for Julian lately.

He warned us about News crawler bots like these.

First, commentary on the sources they are advertising. Truepundit and Dailybeast are tills of Truth in America. With Voat they are protecting our amendments and right to free speech.

Second, commentary on the publisher that brought it to Voat, user Scrooblemeyer.

1227 submissions to news, 1129 submissions to politics, 1053 submissions to TheDonald, 894 submissions to whatever, 560 submissions to IslamUnveiled

Do you remember the 1 in 5 that come to Voat?

Think about how that relates to the passages below.

Suddenly in the wilderness, Netanyahu plotted his path back by cultivating the right-wing in the US — the pundits, the Republican politicians, the big donors, Fox News. In 2007, he held a meeting with a small group of conservative activists emerging as key players in the conservative blogosphere. Among those present was Andrew Breitbart, who became a notorious hatchet man staging wild stunts and whose myriad websites routinely carry conspiratorial. racially chargea attacks on Obama. Other figures at the meeting included conservative bloggers Scott Johnson, Jim Hoft and Jeff Emmanue

...the new Republican majority will I serve as a check on the [Obama] Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington."

Scaling fortresses walls, like a snake in the grass


~ Let their next purge commence, LOL.

Here's what User 1Iron_Curtain has to say

The association with the Nazis is a way to de-legitimize the legitimate far-right wing and those who apply Fascist ideology properly and in a Westernized/minarchist format(like Oswald Mosley).

Ivanka is tied into the globalist and neocon faction and her marriage with Jared Kushner. She represents the other side of Donald Trump, which is Caesaristic, pro-Zionistic, greedy, lavish, and unjustly Imperialistic(there is a difference between Imperialism and colonialism).

The other side of Donald Trump is the part that keeps a good-face and the far-right that accepts him are essentially the "moderates" that can't stand up for their true ideals and/or don't realize Trump is not the long-term solution to the problem and that is bad foreign policy will backfire domestically. Trump is trying to push too hard to be establishment-like. I suppose this is what power, money, and a little too much "socially normative" thinking will do to the best of people.

User 1IronCurtain knows a lot about the topic. If you look through his post history, you can read many great essays. I endorse his work.

We could be witnessing the beginning of an Info Deus Vult

We all love Ivanka, don't we folks? Isn't she beautiful? 6 feet tall.

Scott Adams will teach you about cults and logical fallacies https://hooktube.com/watch?v=hyV7eYyE-ao

Think Big Picture. Senator Joe McCarthy, Animal Farm

Do you remember how Trump is placing his people in Congressional seats in OH, MI, and FL? Well, there it is

Are we the baddies?

This is a known phenomenon

Don't make yourself an easy target

Why does the MSM want war with Russia?

What does this have to do with Alex Jones?

Save Julian! #PrayForAssange!

Read more WikiLeaks sources and presentations, or political commentary from my introduction here

Ganonym0us ago

They are systematically collecting our data for an information purge. They are trying to ban everything you say across all platforms. Permanently.

They are getting ready to completely silence half the nation and we are falling for it hook, line, and sinker.

Our amendments are like dominoes. They go after the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and so on. Don't you see? 1984, 1776, 1492

You want to eat a big fat fucking redpill? Here it is

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, the only Jewish Republican in Congress, and a leader of the right-wing in the House Republican Conference. Cantor promised Netanyahu that "the new Republican majority will I serve as a check on the [Obama] Administration and what has been, up until this point, one party rule in Washington."

I wonder if that's why they want us hating Jews, hmm? Get us to throw the baby out with the bathwater and hand the keys over for Obama's third term?


"His inability to show any difference from Trump, even on things that most Americans disagree with Trump on, will hurt him," Pepper said of Balderson.

Trump is making America great. He sprinkles our nation with power plants and natural gas. Grassroots. We are the silent (but deadly) majority.

User Flour: I’ve wondered what the rightwing is going to do when Trump actually goes after them as ‘muh ebil Nazis’ and ‘anti-semitic’

Look around and see what's happening now. We're cleaning up Voat and turning it into the spearhead that will kill the media.

Save Julian! #PrayForAssange!

What its like when new people come to Voat

Are we the baddies?

This is a known phenomenon

Don't make yourself an easy target

Why does the MSM want war with Russia?

User Mylon: What does that email have to do with anything? It's about an Israel's sour relationship with Obama in his 2012 election.

The first thing to know about it, is that it's quite long and is a very complex subject. I'll be disseminating it here. That's all the further I'm going to look into it. The information has served it's purpose for now.

Here's some information to chew on to give you a broader idea of what's happening on Voat.

Think Big Picture. Background info. My voat.co/v/introduction, Senator Joe McCarthy, Animal Farm

We all love Ivanka. Isn't she beautiful? 6 feet tall.

User 1Iron_Curtain: The association with the Nazis is a way to de-legitimize the legitimate far-right wing and those who apply Fascist ideology properly and in a Westernized/minarchist format(like Oswald Mosley).

Ivanka is tied into the globalist and neocon faction and her marriage with Jared Kushner. She represents the other side of Donald Trump, which is Caesaristic, pro-Zionistic, greedy, lavish, and unjustly Imperialistic(there is a difference between Imperialism and colonialism).

The other side of Donald Trump is the part that keeps a good-face and the far-right that accepts him are essentially the "moderates" that can't stand up for their true ideals and/or don't realize Trump is not the long-term solution to the problem and that is bad foreign policy will backfire domestically. Trump is trying to push too hard to be establishment-like. I suppose this is what power, money, and a little too much "socially normative" thinking will do to the best of people.

Ganonym0us ago

He who stands with me shall be my brother.

GodsGarbage ago

Twitter results are pouring in. Twitter now lets you search through its entire archive of public tweets ...

"How I cleaned up my embarrassing Twitter history - Mashable"

"How to Delete Your Old Tweets So Your Enemies Can't Get to Them"

"Library Of Congress Will No Longer Archive Every Tweet : The Two ..."

"All My Tweets - View all your tweets on one page."

God Emperor Donald J Trump

"The Republicans have now won 8 out of 9 House Seats, yet if you listen to the Fake News Media you would think we are being clobbered. Why can’t they play it straight, so unfair to the Republican Party and in particular, your favorite President!"

"As long as I campaign and/or support Senate and House candidates (within reason), they will win! I LOVE the people, & they certainly seem to like the job I’m doing. If I find the time, in between China, Iran, the Economy and much more, which I must, we will have a giant Red Wave!"

"Congratulations to @LenaEpstein of Michigan on a job well done. Also, thanks for your great support!" We took Ohio and Michigan.

"RED WAVE!" --44k retweets

"“There has been no evidence whatsoever that Donald Trump or the campaign was involved in any kind of collusion to fix the 2016 election. In fact the evidence is the opposite, that Hillary Clinton & the Democrats colluded with the Russians to fix the 2016 election.” @GrahamLedger" -- Fake News anti-narrative orders of the day. Clean 'em up on the Mueller argument. It's the new McCarthyism.

"This is an illegally brought Rigged Witch Hunt run by people who are totally corrupt and/or conflicted. It was started and paid for by Crooked Hillary and the Democrats. Phony Dossier, FISA disgrace and so many lying and dishonest people already fired. 17 Angry Dems? Stay tuned!" So many facts that you can use to swat the argument. 17=Q, ask his research for sources. We are information merchants.

"Space Force all the way!" -- $19.1b in NASA funding. Back in the Obama era, Obama gave Elon Musk $5b in Govt subsidies to fund his 3 companies. Some say putting the funding in private corporations was a bad idea. Some say Musk had something to do with Rocket Man's technologies.

"Congressman Ted Yoho of Florida is doing a fantastic job and has my complete and total Endorsement! Tough on Crime and Borders, Ted was really helpful on Tax Cuts. Vote all the way for Ted in the upcoming Primary - he will never let you down!" -- Republican Primary Aug 28th in Flordia. Go out there and vote for Ted Yoho. Trump is counting on us to close the borders.

"Jenna Ellis “FBI thought they wouldn’t get caught because they thought that Hillary was going to win. There is overt bias and that depends on whether you are Democrat or Republican - a double standard that needs to stop.”" There is no true Scotsman.

Hydrocephalus ago

Fuck off we're full.

GodsGarbage ago

Ooo nice post history. I am going to post in all those subverses now.

Hydrocephalus ago

Make sure to post posts of cetipedes getting eaten in the pedes, we drove those faggots out and now the subverse is a graveyard for mocking their retreat.

GodsGarbage ago

Not so big now, are you? Much has happened in 4 days. The entire front page is mocking your retreat.

Hydrocephalus ago

Strange, you must have a different front page than I have. Are you sure you aren't using reddit still?

GodsGarbage ago

Keep going. You serve to hone my methods.

Hydrocephalus ago

Ok, hone away faggot.

GodsGarbage ago

Nah, I'm good with where you're at. I'll pull you out of the attic when I need you again.

Hydrocephalus ago

Well I certainly recognize you as a fruit so you got me there.

GodsGarbage ago

Be careful who you call a newfag

Hydrocephalus ago

Ok. I will carefully call you a newfag. N E W F A G.

Lordbananafist ago

why doesn't Q talk about 9/11

you fucking devil worshipping kike

GodsGarbage ago

That was fast. Trump doesn't talk about Jews. Q is Trump's way of dog whistling to us. The overton window is so far left, that a centrist president like Trump is far right. Trump's job right now is to shift the overton window. If he can unfuck America, great, but he is blocked at every turn.

Realistically, the only revolution happening is Trump's, and it will stay that way until he leaves office. The entirety of America's white population is behind Trump, and to suggest that we throw it away by not voting or voting left is absurd and short sighted.

I'm going to save you some time and inform you that it's not possible to make an argument that I haven't heard before. Unless you're trying to embarrass yourself... in that case I will smack down your shit arguments all day because I'm doing what I love to do.

VitaloStarbucky ago

don't you have a house and yard to be taking care of?

Lordbananafist ago

Trump talks about jews all the fucking time??

would you like a video of him in israel?

you're so full of shit.

GodsGarbage ago

Go nuts. I told you that I'm well versed in the arguments. Give me a chance to prove it, that is, if you aren't afraid that I'll change your mind.

Lordbananafist ago

ok... why doesn't Q talk about 9/11 in any proportionate amount considering the sequence of events that came about because of 9/11 and considering the amount of generalized "deep-state trickery" involved in the events of 9/11 and the following wars?