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Le_Squish ago

Ooooooo, someone needs a safer space.

Crensch ago

Hey, squishslit, remember when you said:

I don't think it's the harassment that bothers you guys honestly. I think you guys have a problem with a lowly degenerate junky making valid criticism about the Q communities and trump.


How is that working out for you?

Maybe you should take your halfbreed "traditional" self back to your subverse where you pretend to act like a traditional woman and keep your hormones in the kitchen where they belong?

Le_Squish ago

I think the number of post and subverses you have made to prove you aren't butthurt isn't quite making the impression you imagine.

Crensch ago

I think the fact that you and your white-knights can't make a cogent argument against Q shows just how empty every ounce of your rhetoric really is.

I think the fact that you can't seem to keep your hormone slit out of the affairs of men shows that you really have no dedication to being traditional; not that your being a halfbreed basically makes that a foregone conclusion. Being traditional means being with your own kind, and other halfbreeds are closer related to you than your own parents.

Le_Squish ago

So you got nothing, huh?

Look, your little world got shattered I get it.

But learn some life skills and don't make the same mistakes as srayzie. A lot of people hanging around you pretending to be your allies and they aren't, meanwhile you are making enemies of those that are willing to support you through a much needed recovery.

Crensch ago

So you got nothing, huh?

I linked to you to proof that I have more than you and your entire crew.

Look, your little world got shattered I get it.

Yours is about to.

But learn some life skills and don't make the same mistakes as srayzie.

Back at you.

A lot of people hanging around you pretending to be your allies and they aren't, meanwhile you are making enemies of those that are willing to support you through a much needed recovery.


Nobody wants or needs shitposters like you.