drstrangegov ago

We know what you are @crensch . Youre a homewrecking piece of shit. We all saw your messages to zyklon. You are a deceptive person. Having sex with a married woman, repeatedly, while her kids are in the next room? Theres no excuse for that kind of behavior. You have zero credibility. If your motives were pure you'd go scuttle under a rock. You are damaging your movement with your association with it.

Crensch ago

They were fake.

drstrangegov ago

ugh. so many lies. and I don't know whos lying. you know what the shittiest thing about this is? this is fucking important. that sub and voat as a whole is putting out good information. and this shit just fucks it up and puts it in real jeopardy. of course there are real enemies, scumbags want that information contained. you guys had better get your shit together because EVERYONE in this country has skin in this game and were on a knifes edge. this is bigger than you. I'm associated with sbbh because at first I saw it as a group of people that I didn't understand and seemed to have more knowledge than I do. what ive learned is 80% of them are really worth knowing. intelligent, interesting people. but there is this thread running under the surface of fuckery. it might just be that some of these people have real power and the secrets that go along with it. or it might be evil. I just don't know. but I will. but you've got to get your ship in order so it can continue to be a symbol of hope for all of us hopelessly lost, confused people. which i'm one of, but I'll be damned if i'll be okay with it.

Crensch ago

I don't understand what you're asking of me.

I I've long wanted to and continue to want to think the best of most of the sbbh folks. The fact that many of them still associate with zyklon, or associate with those that associate with zyklon vexes me.

drstrangegov ago

Zyklon has a decision to make in regards to me. I'll keep you posted on what he says. I'm on the side of truth. Of right. Of historical, Christian american values and culture. I'd like to help, but I've learned (especially recently) to trust but verify. You have any evidence to clear your name? I'm nothing special, but im good and I'm loyal and I might just be another brain on your side if you can prove that you are honest and have good intentions.

Crensch ago

I'm no Photoshop expert, but I would imagine the capitalized Z would be a huge tip off.

argosciv ago

the capitalized Z


Even I missed that one. Laughable attempt.

drstrangegov ago

i'm sorry, but I don't follow.

Crensch ago

Look at the zyklon username. Then look at the screenshots.

drstrangegov ago

I haven't seen those pics in a week. but I keep seeing shit like this, crensch. i'm inclined to believe you BOTH are a couple of pig fuckers. you: I wasn't tricked into anything. Everything I've done is my own. Her tits were awesome. They're not my raison d'ĂȘtre, or even close.

Crensch ago

I don't follow.

You aked for evidence they were faked. Is that not enough?

drstrangegov ago

where are the photos?

Crensch ago

What photos?

The screenshots you just based your accusations off of?

Why am i supposed to find them now?

drstrangegov ago

You don't have to do anything, man.

Crensch ago

You're just confusing me.

Find the screenshots that sparked your accusations. Check them against the real username. The Zs are different.

argosciv ago

I've recently thought how nice it would be if pings didn't work when coming from blocked subverses...

Crensch ago

Look who showed up to downvote it!

argosciv ago

Yeah, that's the ironic part, those in opposition are those who like to shit on the carpet. Funny how that works.

Diggernicks ago

Alternatively, just don't be a faggot on voat.

I know this is a foreign concept but this goal is achievable.

Crensch ago

Alternatively, nobody cares about your comments on anything. You're an irrelevant faggot that never makes a well-thought-out point.

Dortex ago

The votes suggest otherwise.

Crensch ago

The votes suggest he called in his brigade from discord.

Dortex ago

Looks more like mental gymnastics from the guy who makes fifteen comments pinging his cohorts to vote up his winging.

Crensch ago

Don't you have a pedophile to protect somewhere?

Dortex ago

Don't you have a child porn solicitor to ping for moral support?

Crensch ago

Where's your spam? I love when you ping me to it so I can tell everyone that the links you provide don't support your claims.

Dortex ago

I'm actually preoccupied trying to remake my PC. All goes well, I can stop spending so much time with passive media and actually play again. As for your telling people the links are BS, if they believe you, they didn't actually click them. Only sheep need to be told what's true. I don't care what sheep think.

Le_Squish ago

Ooooooo, someone needs a safer space.

Crensch ago

Hey, squishslit, remember when you said:

I don't think it's the harassment that bothers you guys honestly. I think you guys have a problem with a lowly degenerate junky making valid criticism about the Q communities and trump.


How is that working out for you?

Maybe you should take your halfbreed "traditional" self back to your subverse where you pretend to act like a traditional woman and keep your hormones in the kitchen where they belong?

Le_Squish ago

I think the number of post and subverses you have made to prove you aren't butthurt isn't quite making the impression you imagine.

Crensch ago

I think the fact that you and your white-knights can't make a cogent argument against Q shows just how empty every ounce of your rhetoric really is.

I think the fact that you can't seem to keep your hormone slit out of the affairs of men shows that you really have no dedication to being traditional; not that your being a halfbreed basically makes that a foregone conclusion. Being traditional means being with your own kind, and other halfbreeds are closer related to you than your own parents.

Le_Squish ago

So you got nothing, huh?

Look, your little world got shattered I get it.

But learn some life skills and don't make the same mistakes as srayzie. A lot of people hanging around you pretending to be your allies and they aren't, meanwhile you are making enemies of those that are willing to support you through a much needed recovery.

Crensch ago

So you got nothing, huh?

I linked to you to proof that I have more than you and your entire crew.

Look, your little world got shattered I get it.

Yours is about to.

But learn some life skills and don't make the same mistakes as srayzie.

Back at you.

A lot of people hanging around you pretending to be your allies and they aren't, meanwhile you are making enemies of those that are willing to support you through a much needed recovery.


Nobody wants or needs shitposters like you.

Crensch ago

Oooooo, someone needs to feel relevant.

argosciv ago


I love how "safe(er) space(s)" has become nothing more than an automated NPC response from a select group of people.

Not wanting to be bothered with pings != advocating safe spaces nor censorship of criticism.

It's like putting your phone on silent when you don't want to be bothered by incoming texts, or, closing a window when you hear some loud obnoxious music out in the street that you'd rather not have to.

But no, according to some, it's advocating or a need for safety... xD

Crensch ago

And @Le_Squish probably won't even try to argue with that logic. I didn't really expect a halfbreed fronthole to have a real argument - especially after her first comment was ad hominem, *then she has the hormones to tell me "Once again with the ad hominems."

Absolutely no self-awareness, just like what she accuses @srayzie and @shizy of. Just an overemotional fronthole that pretends to be as much of a guy as she can be on the internet.

argosciv ago

her first comment was ad hominem, then she has the hormones to tell me "Once again with the ad hominems."

Yeah I saw that one. Made me chuckle.

Le_Squish ago

If I did, I would make multiple 1000 word post followed by 5 comments of pinging people trying to gather allies increasingly weary of my faggotry.

Crensch ago

Some "traditional" wife you'd make some race-traitor. Speaking back to a man? Tsk, tsk.

Le_Squish ago

You aren't a man worthy of respect. Your behavior has been nothing but effiminate tantrums. You are at best a beta and at worse, an adulter.

Crensch ago

You aren't a man worthy of respect.

You aren't even human.

Your behavior has been nothing but effiminate tantrums.

Projecting your, and your shitposting buddies' behaviour onto me isn't doing you any favors.

You are at best a beta and at worse, an adulter.

At least anyone I get with won't be into bestiality.

Le_Squish ago

Once again with ad hominems.

Look, why don't you take some time in the great outsides and reflect on your actions, your intended outcomes and your actual outcomes?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#46900) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Le_Squish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

Once again with ad hominems.

Are you really this stupid? What is this:

You aren't a man worthy of respect.


Do you even understand the words you're typing?

Look, why don't you take some time in the great outsides and reflect on your actions, your intended outcomes and your actual outcomes?

Why don't you look up the definition of thought-terminating cliches? It seems you have a bit of dissonance you're wanting to shrug off.

Le_Squish ago

Yes, telling you to take a break so you can restore logos is terrible. I am meanest troll. How dare I try to terminate dialog. SBBH is evil.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#46901) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Le_Squish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

Yes, telling you to take a break so you can restore logos is terrible.

You mean virtue-signaling that you give a shit while backhandedly telling me that I'm not currently equipped to do what am doing?

Sure, you're SUCH a saint. Wait... does that make you a hypocritical self proclaimed saint?

I am meanest troll.

You're a stupid, overemotional, halfbreed fronthole that is going to slip up just like everyone else does.

How dare I try to terminate dialog.

Thought. Learn to read.

SBBH is evil.


Le_Squish ago

Unlike others, I actually do give a shit which is why I'm not encouraging you to continue down a self-destructive path. I think you should seek healing and reconciliation with yourself because the drama you have been involved in has obviously been emotionally traumatizing for you. You need to create distance and establish boundaries till you are able to see objectively again.

I deeply apologize for thinking that you aren't a bad person and might deserve a bit of help and genuine sympathy. I will not trouble you again. Good day, sir.

Crensch ago

@srayzie was a better woman than you could ever hope to be. Smarter, more genuine, and built something you could never hope to match.

"But muh Qmanbad" -- yeah, you and your buddies did a great job of showing that's the case, didn't you? Where's your logos that you think I've lost? None of you have any. You're all empty sheep, full of thought-terminating cliches, platitudes, and fallacies, and I'm finding out that very few really deserve to be called goats around here.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/SBBHTantrums submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#46899) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Le_Squish: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

argosciv ago


Oh god lol.

Every time. It always becomes a snarky passive-aggressive attempt at dismissal, laden with poison and attempts to shift blame/paint the male as being the only one in the wrong or capable of being wrong.

I'm sorry, I'm not at all a misogynist, but you just went textbook butthurt female on @Crensch then.

virge ago

@Le_Squish has a very transparent history of playing all sides of every argument. With that said she acts more masculine than most of the soy so I don't see any particular reason to knock her for being a woman. Nothing wrong with being a woman, everything wrong with being a lying hypocrite.

argosciv ago

Yeah don't get me wrong, I not knocking her for being a woman, just pointing out how typical her comment was.

Crensch ago

Unlike others, I actually do give a shit which is why I'm not encouraging you to continue down a self-destructive path.

Is this kind of hypocrisy how traditional wives show they give a shit?

I think you should seek healing and reconciliation with yourself because the drama you have been involved in has obviously been emotionally traumatizing for you.

Finding out I was living in clown world? NAHHHH Couldn't be. What I see now, however, is that you hypocritical, whiny, smarmy, previously unchecked fucks don't really like it when others call you out on your bullshit.

You need to create distance and establish boundaries till you are able to see objectively again.

Coming from such a hypocritical woman, I'll take this as an indication that I am seeing perfectly objectively, and that my boundaries are good where they are.

I deeply apologize for thinking that you aren't a bad person and might deserve a bit of help and genuine sympathy. I will not trouble you again. Good day, sir.

WHOAH I never thought you'd be THIS stupid.

This right here, that YOU wrote:

  • act like weak asshat
  • get called out
  • blame other for being weak asshat
  • get called out
  • makes excuses for being weak asshat
  • garner small amounts of sympathy

Kek. Holy shit, you stupid bitch. Time to tuck your chain and get back to TW before you damage the reputation of the place. If you ever step out of there again I'll make Empress wish she hadn't ever modded you.

You're a hypocritcal, overemotional woman that will attack anyone attacking the guy threatening children. There's nothing traditional about you - in fact, your entire persona is fake. You want to act like a man. You DO act like a man. But somehow you want to deflect and project from your own hypocrisy or you are a VICTIM. You're asking for a pussy pass here.

You're as fake as they come, and yet you have the gall to accept a position like [O] on TW.

Feel free to continue as long as you like. I'll just keep gathering evidence that you don't belong on TW, then you can explain to Empress why she left such a feminist/gurlpwr/womensrights cunt in charge.

virge ago

You aren't a man worthy of respect. Your behavior has been nothing but effiminate tantrums. You are at best a beta and at worse, an adulter.

Coming from a drama queen who lies intentionally, constantly, just to shitpost.

Completely useless at all of the above.

Le_Squish ago

I look forward to your future deletion of your comment.

virge ago

You'll be waiting a very long time.