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PeaceSeeker ago

This and hiding submissions from blocked users are both highly desired features and Voat agrees they would be great, but there are technical issues with actually implementing it which has prevented these such features from being introduced.

Dortex ago

I would personally love to not have to see u/theoldones begging for child porn,Repeatedly, And again for good measure.

bibleisplagiarized ago

post self incriminating evidence! i dare you! what? you mean you won't do it?? PUSSY

u/theoldones in a nutshell

theoldones ago

complaint acknowledged.

Dortex ago

I bet you still don't know why everyone hates you after days of us telling you why you're garbage.

theoldones ago

there was a reason? it was buried under your spam

Dortex ago

I bet you still don't know why everyone hates you

And I was right.

CameraCode0 ago

Yeah, that dude's pretty weird. Don't like having to converse with pedophiles.