voathacker ago

If there are certain users that you want to block, it's easy with a Greasemonkey script. For instance, this is what I use:

// ==UserScript==
// @name        Voat Post Filterer
// @namespace   http://vvvvvvooooooaaaaattttt.co
// @description Filter Voat Posts By Username
// @include     https://voat.co/v/*
// @include     https://*.voat.co/v/*
// @include     https://voat.co/new*
// @include     https://*.voat.co/new*
// @include     https://*.voat.co/
// @include     https://voat.co/
// @version     1
// @grant       none
// ==/UserScript==

var blockedUsers = new Array("gabara", "gramman74", "GhostSkin", "BrainStemNemesis", "shadow332", "I_EAT_DIARRHEA", "Aged", "Not_Mattvision", "Zacchaeus", "CwfAww", "mp4box", "Cannibalguy", "Shekelsteinblatt", "jvrdxn", "TwoTonTessy", "NinjaNipples", "John22"); 

var divas, name, aa;
var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (var a=0; a<divs.length; a++) {
  bb = divs[a].getAttribute("class");
  if (bb!=null && bb.indexOf("submission")!=-1) {
  divas = divs[a].getElementsByTagName("a");
  for (var b=0; b<divas.length; b++) {
    name = "";
    aa = divas[b].getAttribute("class");
    if (aa!=null) {
    if (aa!=null && aa.indexOf("author")!=-1) {
     name = divas[b].getAttribute("data-username");
     if (blockedUsers.indexOf(name)!=-1) {
        divs[a].setAttribute("style", "display:none!important; visibility:hidden!important;");

65Creedmoor ago

Good idea

bibleisplagiarized ago

not to mention it would help a lot with the fucking boomers proselytizing constantly.

PuttItOut ago

We will implement this via a package (port of AVE), not in the core of Voat itself.

FuckshitMcDickTits ago

Unless you're using a browser from 1994, the links should have a visited state and thus will be a different color.

voathacker ago

Or a secure browser like TOR Browser that doesn't save history, then all colors will always be the same.

WhiteRonin ago

Most modern browsers since ie was first created have implemented the visited link option. Your link changes color so you know you have been to it.

There is also a factor that this does use cpu cycles up so it isn’t a very friendly code option.

I’d rather have post by X user blocked.

Survival_gluten ago

Hell of a good idea!

NiggerVirus ago

I'm sorry but we're currently not going to be able to implement anything like that. We've got our hands tied with the new format we're going to be laying out soon, it takes a lot of work. Thank you for the suggestion though. We have some exciting new changes right around the corner for you goats.

Survival_gluten ago

wheres my smiley face button

Stormwaters ago


totes_magotes ago

Or have it hidden once you voat on it.

heygeorge ago

Browse by new! It’s a great way to see Voat’s seedy underbelly of under-appreciated posts.

SIayfire122 ago

That doesn't help me at 3am when there's one post an hour.

bosunmoon ago

This is the correct answer. Start at v/new then when you're getting bored visit the front page to see what has sifted through the shit filter

ratsmack ago

It's not "v/new"... it's v/all/new.

WokieDokie ago

The subverse you were looking for has been disabled and is no longer accessible If you are a moderator of this subverse you may contact Voat for information regarding why this subverse is no longer active

Diggernicks ago


Git gud noob

I_lost_my_password ago

Hell, there's even a button for new at the top of the page.

jewish_nigger_faggot ago

I remember reddit had a feature that is you voted on something it would hide the post. If you're really looking for new posts though, why not just brose /v/all/new?