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MrHarryReems ago

Awesome! This made me smile. The best part is the caption on clyp, that made me laugh.

Merlynn ago

Then I've done my jorb.

crazy_eyes ago

O we O, we O, O

SandHog ago

That was fucking glorious LMAO!

YoHomie ago

I love you for posting that... no homo.

Merlynn ago


YoHomie ago

Well... okay, but just this once.

TheBuddha ago

LOL That song was a song 'fore Lion King, if you're curious.

And, that's horrible. I like it. You know any Janis Joplin - and how do you feel about drinking heavily?

Merlynn ago

No and no.

TheBuddha ago

We need to get you drunk and teach you Janis Joplin songs.

This should be done.

Merlynn ago

Oh dear god,why?

TheBuddha ago

Getting drunk and singing Janis Joplin tunes is a whole lot more fun than it appears from the outside.

Merlynn ago

I don't need to be drunk to sing like shit.

TheBuddha ago

No, it's about the spirit. Drinking and belting out Janis tunes is way more fun than you might imagine.

Merlynn ago

I'll take your word for it.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I've actually done it and recorded it for Voat. Contrary to popular opinion, it was awesome. At least one of us was having fun!

Merlynn ago


TheBuddha ago

I don't have it here to re-upload.

@cynicaloldfart may have a copy.

Merlynn ago

Well,til he speaks up,I'll have to take your word for it.

cynicaloldfart ago

No rest for the weary.


TheBuddha ago

I am getting off the computer soon.

I think crazy is taking the night off.

Meh... At least it's not a busy thread you've gotta babysit. ;-)

Or just say screw it and I'll check in tomorrow. It's not been very busy tonight.

cynicaloldfart ago

Rest well. I have about another hour in me then I'm hitting it too. Tell EH Sweet Dreams for me.

TheBuddha ago

I slept pretty well, thanks. I suspect you did too.

cynicaloldfart ago

Not as much as I'd like. Have any plans for the day?

TheBuddha ago

Not until very late afternoon. Just dinner plans. You?

cynicaloldfart ago

Have some boring chores I need to get to. I do have an alma mater football game to watch. Just a thought, take a couple acoustics over to the park and entertain the masses.

TheBuddha ago

I kinda like my current plan of doing as little as possible today. The entertainment plan is a good idea, but I am pretty sore today. Yesterday was a lot of walking. After dinner, I'll probably keep the baby for the night.

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh yeah, you have the weekend gym rats today. Seems like despite all you have and can do you may have pain from now on, that sucks. I guess it's no consolation that you are a ghost. I showed K the pic of the car the other day and still can't believe you survived. At least you get to see "a" but she needs a lot more years to get to know you.

TheBuddha ago

At this point, it seems pretty likely that I am gonna hurt until I die. But, I'll do my PT regardless - just to know I have done what I can.

I did do some PT this morning. It was horrible. There were like five people in there grunting and making a racket.

cynicaloldfart ago

By all means, keep it up. If you hadn't been doing so you may well have spent the rest of your life immobile to a large extent. And it has more health benefits than just your leg and you can use that 'cause you'll always live a 'rockstar' life. Oh, a lyric you say

Well I fell asleep, then I woke feelin' kinda' queer

Lola looked at me and said ooh you look so weird

She said man, there's really something wrong with you

One day you're gonna' self-destruct

You're up, get down, I'll come work you out

You get a good thing goin' then you blow yourself out

Lol. I actually used a lyric quote from I used To Love Her earlier. What have you done to me? They're running local tv commercials for a GnR concert here in a couple weeks. Now I wish I could do the whole concert thing and bought some. Meh, I'll wait till they do the casinos, those are much easier to deal with.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I won't give up. I don't really do that very well, the giving up bit. I was already pretty fit, but I'm much more fit than I was.

It turns out that a spectacular automobile wreck can't kill me. I'm pretty sure that means I'm immortal!

Holy balls. Immortality would suck. Man, I'd live forever with my smashed femur constantly bothering me. I couldn't even commit suicide to get away from it. That would piss me right the fuck off.

I'm not sure GnR is gonna play a casino. Oh, man... I looked and they're gonna play Caesar's Palace. Well, at least it's a large venue.

cynicaloldfart ago

Ain't no way I would want to live past my time. For most of life the good times and bad pretty much even out but the older you get it seems the balance seems to shift to more sorrow than joy. Maybe it's just my perception though.

I doubt they would be playing my feather casinos, but you never can tell. Usually those bands are the 2nd bass player using the name.

I just watched a vid of the Kinks doing their Rock'n'Roll Hall Of Fame performance. Very nice. The Davies bro's still have it and Ray is a great entertainer. They do a nice version of All Day and... and a great version of Lola. Wonder if EH would be interested in that one? not a request. I know your business is replication but I've told you before how much you really shine the few times I've heard you just do your own interpretation of songs, adding your own frills.

Also saw a studio segments of the Hollies doing Carousel. I've always enjoyed Graham Nash a lot, what a great voice. He and Crosby did the On An Island tour with Gilmour and that is pretty sweet. There's clips of "Remember That Night" of the concerts and has the last concerts of Richard Wright playing with him. Also has Bowie doing a couple songs. Worth some time if you're so inclined.

TheBuddha ago

LOL I am pretty sure EH can learn to play Lola in just a short time. 'Snot actually a difficult song to play.

cynicaloldfart ago

I'm sure she could. Complexity has it's place and brillance but simplicity can rely on emotion for it's impact. Sometimes less is more.

TheBuddha ago

If you learn just four chords, you can play a surprising amount of material.

cynicaloldfart ago

Originally written by Bob Dylan, it was made famous by Jimi Hendrix and later covered by everyone from U2 to Elton John and the Grateful Dead.

“All I’ve got is a red guitar, three chords and the truth”.

I remember the Ramones saying they only knew 3 chords when they started and look what they influenced. But then BB said he doesn't even play chords, just notes. It's all part of the RocknRoll stew.

TheBuddha ago

All Along the Watchtower is B A G. Three chords.

cynicaloldfart ago

But all that doesn't deny that complexity and intensive skill having it's place. Where would we be without the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Beach Boys,et al and the studio environment? Different strokes for different folks. Music is the language of emotion and that gets pretty complex to express.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, that was just a statement of fact that I thought you might find interesting. Music needn't be complex to be good. Sometimes, it's seemingly just complex for the purpose of being complex.

cynicaloldfart ago

Oh, I agree. I know I've heard some acoustic covers of some songs that are so much more 'approachable' that the original versions. I suspect the record companies often change the results because it sounds more profitable to the marketing depts.

TheBuddha ago

I'm not so sure it's the studio, so much as it is the artist. They make things needlessly complex, like it's some sort of magnum opus.

Quite a few are guilty of this.

This is, of course, just my interpretation/observation.

Slash? Guilty. Guilty so many times.

Clapton? Also guilty as charged.

Here, I'll give you an example. Clapton's Wonderful Tonight - needlessly complicated. That doesn't make it not an awesome song, but the studio version is not what tends to get faithfully replicated by him. While in the studio, he made it needlessly complicated. Showing off, is my assumption.

The Black Crowes. They're so guilty that they sound like shit live. If they wanted to replicate their studio work, they'd need like four extra band members - and would probably still spend more time tuning than playing.

I play "She Talks to Angels" better than they can. It's needlessly complex.

Don't get me wrong. I love needlessly complex, to a point.

Rush? Their entire library is pretty much needlessly complex - and those crazy bastards replicated it live. That's kinda impressive, but Nirvana had the same number of musicians (three) and distinctly did not task themselves with playing complex music. Nirvana almost certainly has more fans than Rush. I play far more Nirvana than I play Rush, when performing. I sure as shit don't play it with just three musicians. It's needlessly complex.

cynicaloldfart ago

I totally agree. I said that before in my 'assesment' of people like Yngwie, Bonamassa, and somebody else I don't remember. As technicians they are well skilled but I just don't feel as much emotional investment from them as much as trying to impress. They have their place and definitely contribute to the art, but leave me personally cold. But that's just me and my tastes.

I'm glad you mentioned Rush. Peart is obviously mesmerizing, as well as Geddy and Lief, but I don't listen to much outside their popular hits. I'm sure being a drummer influences that.

TheBuddha ago

Rush produced a lot of music that was a lot worse than a band like that should have made. For that much skill, they sure made some shitty music.

They have not, so far as I know, produced an album that I can listen to entirely.

That is just opinion, of course. I don't deny they are masters of their craft, they just usually kinda suck - except for their hits. They do have a lot of hits, but far fewer than a band like that could have had.

As I recall, they're all fairly mentally stable and never even trashed a hotel room or went to rehab.


If they had, they'd have made better music. They didn't sell their souls for rock, though they did go pretty damned commercial, which is kinda like selling your soul.

Also, I have been thinking...

If you sold your house, you could probably use that money to live in a hotel room. Maids and room service are pretty awesome.

cynicaloldfart ago

Thanks for that laugh. Pussies, indeed. They aren't true rock stars. I'm sure you know the story of Peart losing his daughter and then his wife. How someone can bounce back from that and continue to be functional and contributing is inspiring.

I could never sell this house. Way too much sentimental attachment and filled with the stories and items of my entire life. I'm at the point of being a ship sailing in smooth water slowly into the sunset. I want for nothing and have finally silenced most of the voices that plague me as I try to sleep. My expectations, and hence joys, are easily met now and I'm enjoying that.

TheBuddha ago

You seem to have missed the maid and room service bit.

They even bring me wine. I just tell 'em what type of wine I'm in the mood for, and they bring me the perfect wine. So far, they've not done a single thing I don't like.

The weekend people kinda suck, but the staff manages it well. I have no idea how they afford it, but there's some sort of student sport event in town - and at least one team is entirely holed up here. They're down on a lower floor, but they were in and out of the gym this morning. They're also all over the pool area. It's not that I was going to swim, but they're in there making noise.

Other than that, it's not bad.

Room service and maids. They make up for quite a bit.

I could almost get used to this, except I can't really go piss off the porch here. I mean, I can. I'll just get in a lot of trouble.

cynicaloldfart ago

I would kinda like a cook to prepare a weeks worth of food at a time I could heat when desired. My sister would do a little of that but I don't like to ask much. Still, I do some so she has something to do and keep connected and feel useful. She is even more of an introvert than me and spends the vast majority at home with little social contact as possible. But it's not up to me to judge her happiness.

So how old are these students? Is EH suddenly wanting to go swimming, or maybe just a stroll through the pool area in her suit? What a wicked game they play.

Do a Randy Quad and wander down to the pool in your bathrobe with a beer in your hand and pee in the pool while they're in there. Well, you could but probably shouldn't.

Hmmm, beer and a whole day of chores I don't want to do. Is the battle already lost?

TheBuddha ago

I am seemingly on a bad movie kick and I'm watching one with Assassins in the title. So far, it's like five minutes in and particularly horrible. Good.

Anyhow, there's a GTO in it - and it's red with flames on the front fenders.

It is the single-most horrible thing I have so far noticed. It's like a GTO owned by a Hispanic gang that painted it like a low rider. Well, no... It's not that, it's what it looks like. It is painted more like a low-rider than anything else. In the movie, it belongs to a cop.

Movies should have car casting, like actor casting. This is just horrible. Not even a tasteless NYC cop would do that to a GTO. It wasn't done by Hispanics, 'cause the paint is actually pretty shitty. Say what you want, but those folks can paint some cars.

cynicaloldfart ago

I watch a lot of TCM. I'm not as interested in them as I am with music but I do like that they do a similar thing of prefacing the movies with a small history of the movie and/or he stars. Random interest snippets. I didn't grow up going to the movies all the time and didn't have hero worship of the matinee idols, but I frequently would go for the old monster pictures. The standard Godzilla franchise stuff, the classic Mummy, Wolfman, Dracula stuff but also the oddball ones like The Indestructable Man, The Beast With Five Fingers, The Brain That Wouldn't Die, etc. Tried, unsuccessfully, to be frightened but never really was.

Is the GTO in the movie around the age of your car? I can see where you would take it personally. I would have thought you would have gone for French Connection, Clint Eastwoods Gran Torino, or at the very least a Dukes Of Hazzard episode with bonus Ringo wifey in daisy dukes.

The only good NYC cop I'm aware of was Eddie Mahoney.

TheBuddha ago

Similar years, yes. It's abysmal. It's a horrible movie - which is exactly what I was after.

The best movie ever made was sorta about a NYC cop and he was kinda good. "Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins."

I'm telling you, that's the best movie ever made. Ever.

TheBuddha ago

She hasn't left the hotel room since they arrived last night. At least not as far as I know. They appear to be in high school. I told her they were here and she scowled and hasn't left.

Indeed, what wicked games they play.

I don't dislike them enough to go pee in the pool. I'm also sure the hotel would kick me out. Do you have any idea how long it'll take me to find another hotel that brings me delicious wine with such consistency? I have seen their wine cellar, and it is surprisingly full. I don't actually know what's what, but it's a lot of wine.

They got enough wine to pretty much ensure a long list of bad decisions and indiscriminate behavior. I'm kinda impressed.

It kinda makes me want to learn more about wine.

Well, and it makes me want to make bad decisions. So far, I'm resisting the temptation. I'm kinda impressed with myself!

If it's any consolation, I am having a delicious glass of wine as I type this. People can't even complain, either. Why can't they complain? 'Cause I'm drinking it out of a glass.

Sadly, I can only have a couple of glasses through the day. I've got dinner plans and then may take the baby.

Hmm... What I should do is put on the suit I brought with me and then take EH down to the pool while wearing my sunglasses and looking particularly serious. I bet I can keep a straight face and tying my hair back should help with the persona.

Also, my dinner and baby plans are only tentative. I might just have 'em bring dinner to the room. I might just not bother. My daughter was saying silly things like they might like a quiet night at home and she would just drop the baby off. I consider that an acceptable substitute, so long as I get the baby. That whole quiet evening thing is nonsense. I'm her father. I know damned well it's a code for sex and a movie.

Yup. I say that sort of stuff to my daughter - and keep a straight face.

Merlynn ago

Or the tone deaf.

cynicaloldfart ago


TheBuddha ago

See? I told ya!

TheBuddha ago

Oh, it was quite... Well, what's the word. Memorable. It was memorable. I'm sure other copies exist. I just know he has the most complete archive of my work.

(I'm not home.)

Merlynn ago

No one's home to Mr. Cockup.

TheBuddha ago

Oh, he has uploaded and linked it for you. You'll see why I enjoyed your song so much.

Merlynn ago

Yup. You're probably almost deaf. I'm sorry for you.

TheBuddha ago

Amazingly, no... No, I have really good hearing. I've been pretty keen on protecting my hearing as much as a performing musician can.

Merlynn ago

So you sing with hearing mufflers on then.

TheBuddha ago

Yeah, I wear fancy earplugs. I always get 'em custom fitted. I like my hearing too much to risk it. I'm really, really old - and can still hear. So, there's that.

Merlynn ago

Unfortunately,the rest of us can still hear it. :p

TheBuddha ago

Yup. Drunk singing Joplin. At least one of us is having a good time.

Merlynn ago

To be fair,it's about as well as she ever did it.

cynicaloldfart ago

HEY! Buddha can take care of himself but leave my Janis alone. She was awesome.

Merlynn ago

It does take a lot of talent to be that high and still able to carry a basic tune.

cynicaloldfart ago

At least he gave it a Token effort.

nigger_plz ago

Good one.

TheBuddha ago

2/3rds of PUN is P-U.

Still, I enjoyed it. I did, too. I listened to all of it.

TheAmerican ago

Ha ha ha ha ha ha (that's my alt)

Merlynn ago

What's your alt?

TheAmerican ago

Many many many many of them ghost, sold, gish, . . . On and on